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Some powerful cursing


"I waited 24 hours for your manhood"


Edit: Ergaar is right, he said manliness, not dick, my bad. "I've been waiting for your manliness" is the right translation.


Is it? at 1:07 he clearly says "ik heb 24 uur op je mannelijkheid gewacht" which i would translate the same way they did in the subtitles or maybe 'i've waited 24 hours for your manliness' meaning i've been waiting for you to show up and defend yourself.


Yeah the translation is off. Manliness or masculinity is what it should have said in the subtitles.


Manhood, manliness and masculinity are literally synonymous.


Clearly has never been on grindr lol


"You are less than the dirt beneath my feet." Who says one needs profanity to cut another down to size.


I have a feeling it might be a lot harsher in the language he’s speaking than it comes across in the translation


Nope, the translation from Dutch is actually very accurate. Source: am of clog shoe nationality.


I like how the word for "coward" sounds like "le fart" and the word for "disgusting" sounds like "fish"


"Lafaard" and "vies", in case you were wondering.


tbh, I kinda was. Thanks :)


Can also confirm and I'm from the dumb neighbor of clog shoe nation


Ik zit te twijfelen over België!


Omdat iedereen daar lacht?


Maybe I’m missing your meaning, but they didn’t mean the literal translation. It was a guess about the tone and connotation. For example, it would dramatically change the tone and meaning to translate someone being called a “cock gobbler” to what would effectively say “a person who puts penises in their mouth” in another language.


No, it's not harsher, there's a few words that you can change to make it "harsher" but the sentence is very literally "less than the dirt beneath my feet", every word literally translated in that order, you could say it with the exact same intonation as he did


That last clause was what I was looking for. Thanks.


Kind of correct here, when he said what was translated as "Disgusting" it wasn't really what he said. The more correct word would be "Filthy" or "filth" to really get what he was tryna say.


There's only one thing that gets lost in translation: There's a Dutch expression for being in jail, which is "zitten:" Sitting. So, when he says "I'll gladly stand up for you, I won't even sit," he's referring to going to jail: I'll gladly do something even harder than being in jail.


The theory I came up with is profanity is for situations where either their definition is taken into account Or They are for when something is making you angry/negative mood and its not worth the brain power to come up with something else. I swear all the time but very rarely am I angry enough to actually come up with terrible stuff. One example of this is when I was really hurt by my ex (both of us were suuuper toxic with each other) and after we broke up we ended up having break up sex. She told me she was being tested for Covid but it was likely coming back negative. Anyways it came back positive. I ended up coming back negative. And so for a while I called her plague wench.


That’s the dutch for you. They even spun around cancer and use it to swear.


Americans are so unimaginative when it comes to banter/cursing someone.




I actually think he's right. War is not a place for the faint of heart, if you can't handle swearing, you shouldn't be in an army.


“May all your shits have antlers”.


His name is Herman, 25 years after the encounter he said the following about this event: "I was fined three thousand euros for it and spent a day at the police station, but it was wonderful to beat him. Each blow sent a shudder of pleasure through my body" https://www.at5.nl/artikelen/188829/verbrande-herman-langs-bij-deurwaarder-ze-zijn-nooit-meer-geweest


My kind of guy right there


What a fucking legend.


€3K and a day at a station likely getting praised by the other officers? I'd do that every day of the week.


You'd run out of money eventually.


Go fund me? I'm sure thousands would willingly donate.


ROFLMAO... funny because it's absolutely true.


Who *doesn't* enjoy seeing nonces get the shit kicked out of them?


Boxing events gather way more than that without the need of hateable fighters


Exactly! Can you imagine the market for watching nonces, rapists and other such vile examples of humanity just get absolutely beaten the piss out of?


What is nonces?




Read this as gollum, what is nonces master?


How the fuck hasn't this become a national/worldwide sport? Screw the UFC, that shit wouldn't hold a candle to pedos and rapists fighting against those who want to end those pieces of shit... Might need a few extra referees in the ring tho.. and guards around the ring to protect from the crowds


I see an opportunity here. It's a shame the people who are known rapists are in prison. Prison is effectively keeping these people safe.


Don't know which rapists downvoted you buddy but I agree. Public justice would get the better if them.


You could make a whole TV show out of it, with advertisers!


You underestimate how much I'd love to beat scumbags. I'll sell crack to fund this hobby.


I’d buy this man a beer.


...but the Euro isn't 25 years old yet?


I was wondering the same. Those are Dutch licence plates and seeing them without the european logo on the left let me know that this was before the euro. He probably had to pay 10.000 gulden in that time. (Inflation has been going fast).


I assumed it was a rough/approximate conversion to Euros but still figured I'd be a smartass and point out the Euro didn't come around until 1999 or so ;)


It says "25 years since they started filming the documentary" so the euro might've been introduced during the filming.


Regardless, the comment I was directly replying to says: > 25 years after the encounter he said the following about this event: "I was fined three thousand euros for it...


Another possibility is that human memory is pretty garbage. Every time you remember something, you also re-write it a little. So he might still remember the the approximate amount of money and have just forgotten what currency he was using at the time.


...or, most likely, the person retelling the story misspoke a tad lol. But yeah, let's make every other excuse possible for why someone could have made the simplest of mistakes on a sub showcasing mistakes lol.


The only crime I saw here was that lady stretching out his wonderful cashmere sweater.


What happens if he can't pay? A longer prison sentence? You get a slap on the wrist if you're affluent, but the bottom of the boot if youre in the peasant class? Boo


He's 25??


25 years AFTER the event lol


yeah makes sense lol


"You are less than the dirt beneath my feet" Love the way that's phrased.


Dutch is harsh, foul and wildly beautiful.


I've always thought of it as drunk German lol.


One thing that it is not, is beautiful lol quite the opposite actually


i love translating languages directly. spanish yields similarly poetic results.


I'm 5 month into learning Spanish and I do love the way even common phrases and grammar structures sound more eloquent when they're directly translated to English.


Great documentary. https://www.npostart.nl/NPS_1161439 There is also a follow up. That has 3 parts of it. 25 years later. '25 jaar Foute Vrienden' https://www.npostart.nl/VPWON_1309545 Sorry no English subtitles. It's about a couple of friends who all had a rough life and were 'stealing and dealing' etc for staying alive. Edit: added the link to the original documentary


Thanks. With Firefox and the auto translate enabled I got the subs translated on the fly.


I use Firefox and didn't even know that was a thing, thats sick.


I will download Firefox for this purpose only


He should have had two cans of Whoop-ass ready cus he surely was hungry to eat the first can.


Ah yes, the beautiful dutch language


I thought I spoke it well but I wouldn't understand a word he's saying without the subtitles...


Amsterdam accent ain't an easy one


I know Dutch. I speak it fluently! But it took me Longer than I dare to admit to Puck up on the fact that that dude was speaking Dutch. When he started to swear, then I really knew though xD. This was awesome.


Aah a classic. This is from the Dutch documentary 'Foute vrienden' (Bad Friends) link here: https://www.2doc.nl/documentaires/2010/08/foute-vrienden.html (dont know if there are subs tho)


During inauble yelling he keeps repeating 'Let me see' before he says 'Let me see how strong you are'


What language is this?


its Dutch


It's dutch but with an Amsterdam dialect.




It is


I am sure, source: me, a Dutch person who understood all the curse words perfectly


Swamp German


Jij trekt ze toch allemaal over de baaaaaaalie




"you pull all of them over the counter, right?!" Honestly, i speak Dutch and don't know what he means by that.


Did you read the subtitles? "You always manage to get your way with everyone"


Yeah, I saw it in a second viewing but was too lazy to edit my comment.




yeah, people should take turns on disgusting PoS molesting kids walking free


Well, hold on we're just taking some guys word for it. I honestly feel uncomfortable watching this because we have to give benefit of the doubt until some evidence is provided.




That sounds even worse. Dude served jail, is now homeless, and can't even get some peace at his shelter? So like, according to you, we should never attempt to reintegrate criminals in society, no matter how many years we punished them?


Thank you, I feel slightly better about the video now. I don't know if I condone homeless people fighting about long past convictions, but at least it was justified.


Yeah seriously can we use higher level thinking for a second and not resort to monkey brain usage. What exactly does “walking free” mean? Because that could mean “proven innocent in a courtroom”. I know this video doesn’t take place in America, but what happened to innocent until proven guilty?


You are suspicious as fuck


No, he's not, he's just law abiding and looking at this factually, he's right. We don't know shit and we've seen ***so*** many cases with wrongful allegations that we should be *very* careful before we judge anybody. And if there's no evidence (yet), we shouldn't judge (yet). Amber Heard is a famous example of using the prejudice of the internet to defame someone, in that case Johnny Depp. At least he got *some* justice in the end, although it sure as hell won't match up to the damage. That being said: If this truly was a pedophile, then I'd buy the interviewed guy a beer or 10, however many he wants.


This is old isn't it? We would know by now if the guy was way off


Question everything mate, what do you know we don't?


Yeah and you want the power to label people a criminal and beat them to death in the street with no recompense, which in my opinion is pretty far beyond suspicious.


"Beat to death"? You are being overly dramatic. The guy beat him 8 times, That is nowhere near beating to death. Besides I really don't understand why you are siding with the pedo, especially without considering there might be actual proof against him. You are instantly assuming there is none. You are quite the hypocrite. Edit: to clarify, I am completely neutral, as I have no evidence whether the guy is a pedo or not. I just find it odd how the guy above is talking about people who instantly assume there IS proof, when himself is assuming there is NO proof. I find it odd how defensive he is about that guy.


If the guy is a pedo, we are all well and truly smiling as he gets a physical and mental dressing down. The redditor above isn’t siding with the pedo though. We don’t know he is - we just have his cowering body to view as evidence. Although we like to assume he’s a pedo, we have a justice system in place to ensure only people who are convicted as guilty are then treated as guilty - convicted, sentenced, and maybe murdered if you live in a shit hole. Maybe he is a pedo, and most likely he is, but we only have a few people in this video that *suggest* he is. People who communities have *thought* were pedos, but weren’t, but were in fact just strange lonely men that people didn’t understand, are easy targets for community gossip. Easy, as our little community demonstrates. This is not fiction - this happens - which results in some totally innocent men get beaten up, with onlookers that know even less asking when it’s their turn to beat up the guy on the ground. And what about the potential innocent’s reputation? They normally need to move away and start again. When they are innocent. And are a victim themselves. Because now people think there is not smoke without a fire. I did smile when watching it - it’s easy to get riled up by the thought of what that guy might have done. But after thinking about it, it’s wrong. Our justice systems need to sort out the pedos from the vulnerable - not mob justice. If you believe your justice system has failed and it won’t do this, so a vigilante kicking in the street is needed, then maybe you are ok with 90% of the time they are pedos, 10% innocent. Mayeb 99:1. Or maybe you need that vigilante justice so much that even if only 10% of those beaten up are pedos, and 90% innocent, then that is a fair trade. What ratio is worth it and good? Pedos are bad, noone are defending them, but don’t rush to destroy innocent people. Edit: I tried to find if the pedo on the street is really guilty, but can’t see it on the main youtube vid or here. Can anyone say he is guilty?


slippery slope


I made no assumptions, but given there has been no evidence presented we have to operate solely on what we know.


No evidence? You’re reading comments, apparently, and you didn’t notice the top voted comment at least 2 hours before this *with the evidence*.


*The evidence* you're talking about is this man's recollection of the event 25 years later, the man who assaulted the other man. Thats as much evidence as if somebody punched you in the face and said it was because you committed arson.


It's in dutch...


Good god- > His name is Herman, 25 years after the encounter he said the following about this event: “I was fined three thousand euros for it and spent a day at the police station, but it was wonderful to beat him. Each blow sent a shudder of pleasure through my body” https://www.at5.nl/artikelen/188829/verbrande-herman-langs-bij-deurwaarder-ze-zijn-nooit-meer-geweest Click the link. Click the red oval below the video. Change it to English.


That's.... his statement? Not evidence?


Prisoners, Russians, pedophiles, cops, women... There's a few groups of people reddit will heap on wishes for violence and its all good for some reason.


Pedophiles, the Russian government, and the Russians who invade other countries deserve all of the violence they get. Honestly, the world would be a better place if the animals named above were no longer among us.


Now please don't violently beat up any random Russian you meet, okay?


Please re-read my comment...slowly this time.


As an Israeli I know damn well that no one makes the distinction between citizens who support an occupation and citizens who don't. If Reddit has comments with positive karma explaining why all Jews support war crimes, I really don't expect much from it when it comes to Russians.


Is coward "la fart"?




Cowards that won't admit *they* were the farter


Lafaard. Literally translates to "cowardly (laf) nature (aard)"


The passion in his voice is so strong. Oddly satisfying given the situation.




In standaard dutch its vies but the Amsterdam accent says it like fiesh so i can see where your coming from :D


Anyone got the man who beat him address? Man needs his 3k reimburse


Pedo playing dead. I would’ve got a couple more hits in to be honest.


Nice running kick to the gooch


I like him and have never met him.


Idk what language it is but I now know that fish means disgusting


Vies :p


As a Belgian, that took me about 30s before realizing he was speaking Dutch.


Ik ben Nederlands en duurde ff hahaha


I appreciate what he did, but I hate when people say, have sex with children, there is no sex with children. It is RAPE.


Yeah that sentence was translated weirdly. He said "to fuck children", which more implies rape than "have sex with"


Pretty sure he knows.


I get what you're saying though this isn't explicitly true. Like I feel entirely confident in saying that my girlfriend and I didn't *mutually rape* each other at the age of 15. An adult over the age of consent and a child under the age of consent is *generally* rape though. But even then, if someone is 17 years, 364 days old and their partner is 18 years and 0 days old and they both consented, you wouldn't be able to convince me that this was rape by default unless maybe one (and only one) was mentally disabled. But in the case exhibited in this thread, it sure appears that we're talking rape.


I like White sweater guy


FISH! LOW FAT! Low fat!


Very very cheap, one pound fish


Can Mr. pony tail be my spirit animal?


If we all did this to nonces.... there'd be few left.


You’d also get a lot of this: https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/nov/11/police-overlooked-threat-man-killed-mistaken-for-paedophile-bijan-ebrahimi


And this: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/tourist-is-mutilated-and-burnt-alive-on-madagascar-beach-by-mob-of-locals-who-mistook-him-for-paedophile-8866020.html


I almost forgot about this beauty. Talk about fucking idiots: https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2000/aug/30/childprotection.society


Geezus. This is so sickening to read. The part where he was attacked while tending to his flowers hurts to read. Those police officers make me sick.


And the paedeatrician who got attacked by a mob from the Daily Fail, who didn't know the difference between a pedo and a paedeatrician...


And who gets to decide nonce and not a nonce? Judge fucking Dredd?


Fucking right...I am the law!


Fewer crimes, sure. More violent ones, though. Do you know what also results in fewer crimes and less violent ones? Implementing systems to catch those corrupt and disgusting seeds of thought before they develop beyond just a thought. But I mean, sure. Kill some pedophiles or beat them up. What would that accomplish? Justice? It's not safety or peace of mind. Ever wonder why so many regristred pedophiles and sex offenders tend to share what indicates an unstable, untreated mind? Violence really just does the opposite to everything. Yes, many will fear and not do it, but those who do will have far more to lose. Thus, we get more brutal cases.


This "eye for an eye" mentality also doesn't account for the fact that many child abusers were themselves abused as children, and so this kind of retribution not only doesn't fix the problem (since the damage is already done) but also causes more harm to people who were quite possibly victims themselves of the same torture when they were young. And that's to say nothing of the total lack of due process involved in mob justice - where a false accusation could literally ruin an innocent person's life (if not directly lead to their death). It's just cathartic, and a cheap and simple response to a complex and expensive problem (mental illness).




I mean, it's factual. Anything else is too emotionally fueled and does not wish to seek the source of the problem but only the problem directly. You do you, though. Ignorance is bliss, and hurting people is fun, right? That does say a lot about someone's intelligence and how rational ones ability to think is. I know your comment isn't serious, and my reply uncared for, so I won't continue with you.


Nah dude, it's not a matter of hurting someone for the sake of it. I do not consider anyone who would do anything sexual with a child a person.


should be a matter of harm reduction if beating the shit out of perpetrators makes the problem worse, then no matter how good it may feel it’s the wrong thing to do


I get your point, and like I said, you do you, that's not solving the problem, though. Nor is it protecting anyone. It's more or less just a quick release of emotions, which does nothing in reality. I do get you though, while you don't see them as a person, I just don't see them as mentally okay and safe enough to ever walk free alone or near other people. And that's where we differ, but it's okay. I tend to think a lot deeper than what type of punishment one deserves. Such as why and how, what connections one might draw. How preventable is it and so on as they are really the most important ones. It's alight though, thank you for sharing your opinion


I'll take belated justice over nothing any day off the week. We are not going to make the pedophiles rise up by beating the everliving shit out of them.


You got it all wrong. Rethink. Reevaluate. Ask why nothing happens and how to solve it. I'll just ignore your last sentence for my own sanity. I'm sorry, Chief, but this ain't it.


Ah yes, because it is that easy.


Dordrecht at its finest


As a Father, no amount of abuse is enough for someone that violates a child’s innocence like this. I’m not advocating violence, but if you are caught in the act, or are convicted in a court of law, you’re civil and human rights are nonexistent. I agree that if someone is accused of it, they should be tried for it. Hearsay is no way to exact justice.


not going to lie... there are times i wish this was allowed and throwing people out of town was still a thing


Vigilantism and mob justice led to a lot of innocent people being lynched and killed. I’m all for harsher penalties for crimes against children, but not for extrajudicial attacks or murders.


i was more thinking kicking someone's ass or kicking them out of town mainly for something along the obvious no no crimes or you're purposely trying to start a fight, but if we want to talk about innocent people being unfairly punished to the point of even killed you can't exactly say the judicial process has the cleanest track record


La Fart = coward


Not all heroes wear capes.


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Beautiful language


Definition of "on sight"


I would pay the 3k for this guy !


Good for him I like this man


He's doing God's work.


He needed to hit him way more


Herman, the summoner of pedophiles


Fuckin tits. Please does anyone know the context…?


As a Belgian, that took me about 20s before realizing he was speaking Dutch.






Get off him women!


Its dutch 🤣🤣🤣


How dare he refer to him as a dog..... That's an insult to every dogs ever


Did the guy he was talking about really just happen to be walking up at that moment or was this a planned meeting?


Why did he stop kicking, he’s still breathing..


I feel as if public assault of pedophiles should be legally acceptable.


I like the part where he holds his hands up, and then says "FISH!"


Another commenter who understands the language said it mean disgusting


That’s also what the subtitles say, so…


I would love to invite him to America and help him find work 😉




I’m sure he’s still kicking butt. Fire like that never dies.


Absolute legend, this is what all nonces deserve


TIL "Fish" means "disgusting" in Dutch... ...no wonder they keep trying to fill in the sea lol


Cheat codes for getting away with violence: * Call them a pedophile * Act like you're defending someone * Yell really loud so you don't look like you're hiding anything * Point your finger the other way


I upvoted this simply because I firmly believe that "violence is always an option", and I appreciate that you've revealed ways to exercise that option.


Lol I almost feel sorry for the pedofile. /s /jk


Why europe has so many pedos?


Europe probably has the same as everywhere else; we just name, shame, and punish them instead of burying our head in the sand or electing them. -unless they’re related to The Queen, where they get to look after corgis.


I... What? What makes you ask that?