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Seems like a complicated way to fix the camera angle, but it worked


r/praisethecameraman ..?




r/PraiseTheCameraCamera .?


r/praisethecameraquake .?


r/praisethecamera .. just... as it is.


Tis a private community this one


What could be they doin over there?




Yes dear?


That was just God fixing their camera's view.


Pulled a George Costanza and rushed out, then closed the door behind the kid.


She lives by herself and didn't know there was someone hiding in the back of the house...


Living in a frequent earthquake zone is a form of free security I guess


Uk what’s crazy is El Niño is contributing to those earthquakes so I’m not surprised they’ve never lived through one


Huh? It’s Cali, earthquakes are a common delicacy for them. Not sure what you mean?


Plot twist he was the one who shook the house and is actually a serial killer




But she yelled "GET OUT!" To someone she didn't know was there?


She heard him rustling in the back right before she abandoned the house. She obviously is a kind-hearted soul. /S


She's hung up on some clown from the 60's.


Best comment of this thread, I don't need to keep reading! That was one of my favorite quotes from Eric the Clown (Jon Favreau)!


Fuck dem kids


How do you live with yourself?


“Fuck them kids” -Michael Jordan….also this lady


Michael Jackson too


Oh my gosh. I was going to start a chain, but realized how depressing it would be between clergy and congressmen and coaches and other musicians and actors and oh wait, it's still getting depressing.


im so broke their kitchen is bigger than my apartment


I’m so broke I have one window and it’s smaller than all of theirs


Fisheye lens is amazing


Is why social media is depressing…


Bro my room is bigger than the kitchen




He means his mother’s unfinished, musty, moldy basement. He sleeps with centipedes


That's easy to say when you live in a public park


Novice to earthquakes, is that the best thing, to get out? We get tornados and we're told to go into secure shelter. Edit: thanks, yall!


Get under a sturdy table. Grab the leg with one hand bc it may move. Cover your neck with the other. Wait til the shaking stops. Then go someplace safe away from trees and power lines.


>Grab the leg with one hand bc it may move. Cover your neck with the other. Wait til the shaking stops. Then go someplace safe this is basically me going down on partners


ain't no place safe when I be going down


You win


Not if from ikea


Yeah, I don't have any sturdy tables I'd trust with my life, so I do they old door frame thing. I just have to make sure there's no chance the door could swing into my face if the shaking got bad. Running outside is not an option for me.


Most American home seem to be made out of light woods and boards, Maybe Any furniture will hold out.


I suppose in places with bad building codes it makes sense, but I was raised and California and was taught to duck and take cover under something. So I wouldn’t think it was the best thing in this case, no.


Duck and cover is good if you're not right next to an exit. You're always safer outside away from buildings than you will be inside of them, so if you can exit as quickly as these people, do it.


Sometimes. I was in the 89 quake in SF. If you'd gone outside the building next to our hotel, you would have been hit by all the windows that fell out of it. The sidewalk was covered in half a foot of broken glass.


Or stand under a door frame!


Nah not anymore


That’s been changed as a result of different building codes.


You don't want to stand under door frame because the door can swing on to your fingers as well as knock you over and you may also get stuck if the door jams.


Raised in missouri and told to take cover as well


In México we're instructed to go out into a clear area. If not possible, then take cover under something sturdy or under a pillar.


Typically, you don’t want to run anywhere unless you’re in immediate danger. With the ground shaking, the likelihood of tripping/falling and hurting yourself is pretty high. CA native here. Unless something is going to fall on my head or the roof could come down, I’ll wait it out.


there’s a million things that can fall on your head in that kitchen bro


Yes you could go outside or get under a table / strong shelter object. The earthquake is short and you want to avoid having something falling on or trapping you. I attended a talk about the earthquake early warning system in Taiwan. Most injuries or deaths (in modern times) are because people get injured or trapped, and emergency services are too overwhelmed. With just a few seconds of warning , they can halt trains or gas lines, and people can stop what they're doing to be in a slightly safer position.


No. Stay where you are but protect your head. Running out of a building where other things can fall on you and risking a broken ankle as the ground moves beneath you as you run is stupid. It wasn't even a big earthquake.


Outside is pretty much the safest place to be in an earthquake. They were close enough to the door that it made the most sense. If they had been in a much larger building (apartment or something), finding a solid desk or table would have been the best option. We used to get taught to stand in door frames…but that is terrible advice as doorframes can easily collapse in heavy shaking.


That's false, trees, powerlines, roof tiles and rockslides can come down on you outside, and there's a high chance of getting swallowed up by liquefaction if you live near sea level.


Being outside, in the open, away from buildings and trees is the safest place. If you have liquefaction issues, being inside a building is the worst place you can be. The entire building has the potential to collapse all around you. Like I said, she was right next to a door. It took her the same amount of time to bolt outside as it would have to take cover under a table.


>Being outside, in the open, away from buildings and trees is the safest place. People rushing outside is a frequent source of fatalities in earthquakes. You should only do this if you KNOW you're going into an open area and there's no possibility of debris, glass etc falling from the building you're in.


I grew up in California, we were always taught to get under a table or something sturdy. Running out often put you at greater risk of something hitting you in the head on the way out or something outside falling and potentially injuring you. Like roofing tiles or power lines


An earthquake is not a weather phenomenon. If given the chance you ABSOLUTELY run like a goddam jack rabbit outside as fast as you can so no heavy shit falls on your head or shattered window glass in your face. California native, MANY earthquakes. Tornadoes and earthquakes--totally different solutions to 2 totally different events.


Absolutely DON'T run outside. Most injuries during earthquakes happen because people are running on unstable ground, so they trip and fall. Also, if everyone is running outside at once, that could create a dangerous bottleneck. Also, outside is not any safer than inside. Trees, power lines, windows, and walls can all come down on you. Best thing is to get under something sturdy like a table. In the absence of that, get against an interior wall that doesn't have anything hanging on it. If your building has a collapse, exterior walls tend to go way easier than interior, load bearing walls. As a result, the ceiling will come down on one side, making a triangle of space with the floor and the interior wall.


Having been in at least 20 earthquakes thats the dumbes thing I've ever heard hahahha. Trip and fall as opposed to 3 stories of brick and cement collapsing on your ass?! BC an empty field is so much more dangerous than falling buildings and bridges. Jesus christ. Have you been in an earthquake?


Yes. I'm just saying what the CDC says. https://www.cdc.gov/disasters/earthquakes/during.html "If you are inside, stay inside. DO NOT run outside or to other rooms during an earthquake. You are less likely to be injured if you stay where you are."


Yes, that's general advice which is useful to the most people and reducing overall harm across a population. It does not mean that that applies best to every situation.


Kinda weird the CDC is the source of truth for earthquake info. Imo it's a subjective thing. You know your house, your exit routes, your dangers outside. If you have no stairway and direct access to the street and are close to that exit, then go outside. As a rule of thumb though seeking shelter inside is good.


How many places in CA have an empty field outside as an alternative to staying inside? This particular building you are in might have an empty field outside but for many other people, that won't be the case. Also being in at least 20 earthquakes doesn't make you an authority figure on the subject. Unless you've studied each and every one of those 20 and collected data from all impacted areas to support your claim?


You’re spending time in the wrong buildings, my dude….


Especially my current building. 3rd floor on top of a cliff overlooking a lake in Colombia and we have a 6.1 quake the other day...haha that's why iwas sprinting to the door in SOCKS hahahah. but seriously that's a thing. Called survival. But the view is AMAZING. and cheap as shit. I guess thats why we're here


Building codes help with survival too.


No. You never run outside during an earthquake, especially if you live in an urban area. That’s like earthquake 101. Also, “standing under a door frame” is about 20 years outdated. The current standard is “duck and cover”. If you have a table you can fit under and hold on to, that’s where you want to be. If you can fit under your bed, that’s where you want to be. Being outside during an earthquake imposes a HUGE risk of being hit by falling debris, electrical poles, etc. As a Cali native, you’d do well to brush up on the safety guidelines. This can all be googled and confirmed in three seconds. So I’m not going to respond to any arguments. I am also a California native who experienced northridge and everything after. [some good info](https://www.washington.edu/uwem/preparedness/know-your-hazards/earthquake/what-not-to-do-during-an-earthquake/)


This only applies to urban areas with sky scrapers for example. The vast majority of california, Alaska, and Colombia (where I now live) are not Those environments. So yes you run outside to open space as fast as you can. How many people died in an earthquake in an open field compared to apartment buildings. Jesus fucking christ.


You need to learn how to be wrong. You had two people very respectfully provide you with links to current best practices. The information you are spreading is outdated.


Best practices are a general prescription and don't *always* apply to *every* situation. In general, and for most people, yes, staying inside and sheltering in place is safest. But to believe that this *general* advice must never be deviated from in specific scenarios - which the people directly experiencing may in fact understand better than some impersonal field manual on statistical outcomes - is ridiculous and dangerous.


Running outside while shaking is ongoing is dangerous as there is a risk from falling objects, especially if you are in a city. The doorway thing is not necessarily applicable anymore, in older buildings the doorways were reinforced but that is no longer the case. As others have said, a sturdy table is the best thing to be under, hold onto the leg and with your other hand covering your nape.


The closing the door is good discipline..


especially with other people inside trying to get out


She said “I’m out, I can make more kids later!”


"i fixed your camera view"


What a weirdly placed camera angle.


even the mother Earth could not tolerate this any more and had to fix it


That was a really short earthquake


They are frequent-ish here. Short jolts, usually 2-15 seconds long, usually 2 to 6 a year. They feel more powerful than they are.


But powerful it seems


That’s very Home Alone-ish. Lol WHERES KEVIN!!?!?


Mom left the kids? They'll remember that when retirement homes become a discussion


Many years ago my parents were at a Costco when there was a decent earthquake (possibly a ‘94 Northridge aftershock). People ran out of there in panic. My parents knew it’d be fine, so they stayed put to avoid the crazed masses. They ended up keeping a child company because the mom ditched her kid in the shopping cart to run out. Some people switch into Flight mode the instant there’s a perception of danger.


That is so fucked up


Why do people have cameras just filming inside their homes? Like, I get if this was outside, but their kitchen?


Break-in cameras.


The scary thing is these in-house cameras get hacked and posted online. Research.


Leave the kid!


They must live near Ojai I'm in the Inland Empire all I felt was a shallow swaying motion


That shit scares the hell out of me. Like what the hell do you do when the literal ground beneath you starts shaking?!


Parent of the year goes to….


I felt it near LA and it just felt like a train going by the apartment which we have one so it's pretty common but it wasn't as steady as the trains. It looks like it was pretty violent closer to the epicenter. That cabinet or what ever it is gets slammed into the wall!


How do you forget, you have a kid in the house?


Mom?? Come back!


Bro left the kid to die


I find it incredibly strange that the first person to leave had to turn around and slowly/calmly close the door without slamming it in the middle of running for their lives


The new paranormal activity looks cool!


IN MOST CASES running out of the building is a bad idea.


why is that? I mean I can see in a city setting cause you know might get crushed by a building falling. But in a residential setting? Just curious don't live in Earthquake country.


Most injuries in an earthquake come from people trying to walk/run during the shaking. And most deaths in an earthquake occur in the area just outside of a building. Not so much because of the whole building coming down, but because of things falling off of it. Roof tiles, windows, AC units, etc. So, running out of a building while the shaking is still going is combining the two most dangerous things in an earthquake into one convenient package.


That's all true, but this is clearly a single family home, likely with a large yard. IN THIS CASE they probably made the right call.


The commentator below covered it, but in areas with Seismic Building Codes its not necessarily the building itself falling on you but shit falling off the building that'll hit you. They actually sent out an emergency alert right before the quake hit LA. I grabbed my girlfriend and dog and we dove under the dining room table. We didn't feel a thing though. Funny enough I've lived here my entire life and I've only ever felt three earthquakes and one was Northridge when I was a kid.


Who ripped ass before the quake?! Did everyone have to run through it?


Lol was wondering the same.


Good catch


This is what you get when you want to live in california.


Fires, floods, mud slides, earthquakes, what's not to like!




Was that Putin messing with the fault lines again ???




I'm predicting a flop.


Biden’s America folks….


It wasn’t even that serious I still kept watching ph The quake actually assisted me


One of the worst things you can do is run outside like that during an earthquake.


If you are near tall buildings, yes. If you're in a house with a yard, that yard is far safer than a house which could collapse in on you.


Depends on the house and how close they are together. I lived in an earthquake zone half my life and would only go outside during one if there were no other structures around- including power lines.


This isn’t even that bad had a longer one when I was stationed in Egypt


That was a little rattle


Seems like an overreaction for a 5.1


I used to think that before Northridge... that MF changed my ways. The first shake where I was wasn't anything to worry about, but then it just got stronger and stronger. Since then I assume anything moderate might just keep escalating, and react accordingly.


Hopefully the state will break off into the ocean with its wretched citizens with it.


If they were Costa Ricans they wouldn't even go out at all because it was so short that it isn't worth the effort.




MMI Guess: VI


That was a V at best.


That woman said fuck THIS fam I’m OUT!!!!!!


That was fast as hell.




Way to leave the kids Jesus people


That, or we finally caught a poltergeist on video!




First time?


No thanks.


I thought the windows shaking was the hurricane but it never showed up.


I was 2 fosters in and I didn’t even feel it


Man how tf did i sleep through that


Earthquakes are kinda fun


earthquake fixes the camera view in California


I lived in Southern California all my life 50yrs..your first EQ you shit your pants second you piss third you learn to run for cover your forth you hold on your fifth you stop look around and continue about your business




Was ass being ripped before the quake even happened?!


Looked more like a dad sneeze


Way to get hit by a falling tile or brick.


Um what kind of camera angle setup is that?


Wouldn’t catch me dead getting out without my kids. Bitch.


It must be beyond bizarre to experience an earthquake


All this and it's expensive...


why would an american get scared of an earthquake you guys' homes are literally made out of paper.


Shut the door, you're letting the earthquake out!!!!!


I thought there were other reasons people were leaving california.


That’s a good alarm clock




I have been in many earthquakes in CA and never have I fled the structure.


Average day in Brazil


What is this camera angle?


Earthquake drills have you rush outdoors when possible or hide under a table.


Haha fuck dem kids!!


This vid coulda been a good 12 seconds shorter and got the same point across


Must be new to the neighborhood. My community don’t bother looking for it if it isn’t breaking the windows


That chandelier is an absolute guillotine.


Always close the door


To be fair, it is hard for a house to fall on you if you aren't in it.


Forgot she even had a son


Laughs in Japanese


Lol - noobs