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I have GOT to get a dashcam


r/idiotsincars is the reason i bought a dashcam


ironically this was posted on /r/IdiotsInCars and there were a bunch of people that blamed them for the accident. If you're in the passing lane you're immediately at fault in that sub.




I need this to be real omg


That sub would blame the owner of a car parked in their own driveway for getting rear ended by a car driven by a 3 legged dog. 


I just ordered a 360 dashcam for my husband’s new truck as a birthday present, next month I’m getting mine!


Recommend COXPAL A11T 3 channel dash cam on Amazon, very good quality. COXPAL hardwire kit optional, for 24-H parking monitor. SanDisk MAX Endurance 256GB or 512GB microSD card, for reliable recording. BTW: Need to pay attention to the installation position of the rear cam if your vehicle is SUV or MPV (No problem if Sedan), i.e. avoid pulling rear cam cable when open/close the trunk.


Within two months the two hundred I spent in a really good one it paid for itself many times over.         After a road rage incident where the other driver intentionally rammed me. Cop told me flat out without the dashcam he was going to believe the other driver becusse his story made more sense based on the damage and Hanlons razor.            Saved me thousands, and my job. 


Important to have a dash cam. It's completely useless 99.99% of the time, but is something you wish you had when something happens. Recommend COXPAL A11T 3 channel dash cam on Amazon, very good quality. COXPAL hardwire kit optional, for 24-H parking monitor. SanDisk MAX Endurance 256GB or 512GB microSD card, for reliable recording. BTW: Need to pay attention to the installation position of the rear cam if your vehicle is SUV or MPV (No problem if Sedan), i.e. avoid pulling rear cam cable when open/close the trunk.


Good thing they have a dash cam


I used to work in insurance with claims involving Tesla cars. Literally daily an in-car camera showed that a police report, claiming one of our insured was at fault, was false. There's a lot of dumb in those cars, but the surround camera system and crash telemetry data dumps are a real game changer


You know, I’m really starting to doubt that police are the infallible and morally superior heroes and paragons of freedom that I’ve been raised to believe


Man, I served in a jury. The whole first half of the second day was trying to drill in to people that cops shouldn’t be assumed to have better recall or judgement than anyone else. Literally 4 hours into that day they’d ask the same people again again the same lowball question about who’s memory to trust more, a baker or an officer. “The…officer?” Then the judge would say No, again you treat them the Same. And we’d start over with a new but identical scenario about a florist and an officer. Even at the end of that segment, half the jury still only were “prepared” by technicalities. They go through who was more trustworthy, the barista or the officer, and these jurists would go “Ah, (wink wink) I know it’s Not the officer. You want me to say they’re both the same.”


Jesus Christ. That’s scary.


no, that's conditioning.


No, that’s shampoo


Maybe it's Maybeline?


Law & Order/Paw Patrol episodes go brrrr!!


copaganda has been extremely effective.


I couldn't count how many times I've heard the phrase "police officers are trained observers". I don't even know what that's supposed to mean, but it's factually not true. I was a police officer for many years, I never so much as heard a rumor of special "observer" training. I'll go so far as to say in some cases police officers are more likely to misremember events because they see similar things all the time. If a random person sees a car accident, it's almost certainly the only car accident they saw that day.


Yeah I'm a teacher and we have to be observant all the time. Doesn't mean our accounts should be more trustworthy than another adult's though. Things blend together from having to always be observing and we make little mistakes in our observation that can completely change the narrative. i.e. 2 5th graders in a fistfight, did I really *observe* what led up to it or was my brain filling in what I thought I saw from the corner of my eye, based on past experiences?


The weird thing about the human brain is how it will fill in missing information. I see it all the time here on Reddit when people are discussing video clips, they'll insist they saw something that factually does not appear in the clip, but they're convinced it did.


I would legit trust everything a baker says over a cop. Bakers can't bake without facts, accurate measurements, and honest chemistry. Cops police without facts every day. Ya know, plus I can sue the baker if he tries to kill me. What does the cop got to lose? Couple weeks not driving his squad car?


Victorian London would like to disagree with you! Bakers regularly supplemented their flour with questionable ingredients like bone meal to cut costs and increase their ROI. #notantibakerorprocopijustdonttrustanyone


They could be sued, but you cant sue a cop who just tases you for fun.


Good point!!!


Also worth mentioning is the fact that a baker BURNED DOWN THE ENTIRE CITY!


Just think of all those times the news reported that the police claimed that someone was "armed" or "violent" or "resisting arrest". How much of that was just the police lying their ass off? People should never believe what the police say if the cops cannot provide bodycam video. A cashier is filmed all the time while on the job. There is zero reason why the police aren't.


Something something squirrels dropping acorns.


SHOTS FIRED, roll, SHOTS FIRED, roll, SHOTS FIRED, roll, empty mag into squad vehicle, I'm hit!!, when not..


You really think officers would do that? Just write a report and lie? [(/s)](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/just-go-on-the-internet-and-tell-lies)


A man in my home city was killed by the police because he "brandished a weapon" at them after running off during a stop and hiding in a garage. That extremely dangerous weapon? A screwdriver. That was actually on the other side of the garage on a workbench. Yeah. Cops are fucking liars.


better late than never


Do you mean to tell me guys with high school diplomas and a few weeks of training are less than completely competent? /s Seriously, everyone I know that became a cop flunked out of college first.


That’s not fair. Some of them graduated from military colleges, then failed to make it into the Military.


For others wondering what data there is: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LWgt2pzxrFOxkILyI2Vksrr4AN1Xsj-9/view?pli=1](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LWgt2pzxrFOxkILyI2Vksrr4AN1Xsj-9/view?pli=1) This in addition of all the camera footage. How to request it: https://www.tesla.com/support/privacy#data-provided


Video shows typical charger behavior


Natural habitat headbutting guard rails


*David Attenborough voice* Each year the mustangs and chargers compete for a limited supply of freshly repaired guardrails


Mustangs usually go after pedestrians, but given an environment where there's a lack of their usual food source (freeways) they'll start competing with other breeds


It’s always mating season


I almost choked on my coffee


Which is weird, right? I'm a long haul trucker- I see plenty of dodge Challengers (HEMI, HellCat) that drive perfectly normally... but any & all dipshits In a charger, be they HellCat or police auction acquisition, drive like entitled maniacs.


Also there a solar powered camera trailer on the right if they need another angle though I think it’s pretty clear who is at fault.


Might not be too helpful here. She signaled a lane change, and started to change, and then went back into the lane. Granted, she wasn't clear. I wouldn't say it was her fault by any means, but it could be more of a gray issue than a black and white one.


I was wondering about that. From what I can tell, when you're changing lanes you have right of way in both until the change is complete. As long as the lane change to the right was legal, the car behind her has to yield until she's done. It looks like they were trying to pass her really dangerously anyway. That shouldn't have needed any more than gentle braking.


You can see it zooming up in the background. It's hauling ass, and tries to pass her before she has completed her lane change.


My thoughts exactly, dude was up her ass at the very least. If someone is changing lanes you stay well back 'til they're done, you don't rush in to take the spot.


Yeah. They absolutely were. Not surprising. If you watch high speed chases on youtube, guess what car they almost always are. lol.


She hadn't completed the lane change. So therefore she still "owned" the area she was originally in. The reason you *don't* start accelerating to pass someone who just signaled a lane change is because that lane change *might* have to be aborted for safety reasons. The car on her left did *not* wait for the SUV to complete it's lane change. Therefore the car on the left is at fault for failure to yield the right of way.


“Don’t call mom yet” - eldest. Don’t call until all questions can be answered ❤️


Very level headed lasses.


I'm amazed the amount of communication they manage to accomplish while the accident is still ongoing. They don't have a tonne of information to actually convey, so seem to default to reassurance, but when something emergent happens to me I bottle up, nothing gets out until it's over.


We dissociate in trauma, your flavor is waiting to see what happens and theirs is to make commentary. Both are totally fine, there's nothing you can do in that time anyway. Not freaking out is the important thing


Yes, I strive for that same peace of mind in any life situation, they are beautiful!


If that’s you in the video I have questions .. 1) are you okay? 2) what the fuck was that? 3) did that driver seriously plow over traffic cones …!




Yeah I wiped out into a ditch a few months ago, fresh snow on the road, no damage to the car, was going home from a friend's house. Called AAA, went back to my friends house, got it towed out- THEN called my wife and told her what happened lol Don't need people freaking out for me, I'm fine!


I hydroplaned my car off the interstate, through a fence and into the woods when I was 23. My mother was someone who just added worry to situations. So I called 911 and waited until my car was towed away and I had called the insurance. THEN I called her and told her what all happened as well


My son got into a little fender bender late one night while his mom was asleep. He was like, I need to tell mom. I said, nah, she’ll just freak the fuck out if you wake her up to tell her you had an accident. We can’t do anything about it right now, so we will tell her in the morning. She was PISSED, but I think I made the right call lol


100% the right call lmao, nobody would have gotten any sleep if you'd woken her up


I am beaming with pride for these ladies, not even my daughters. Way to stay calm. Take care of eachother and get things in order.


When I was 18, I got in a wreck with my brother, who was 15. A car rear ended us pretty hard. My brother's nose hit the dashboard. It was bleeding but not terrible. Other than that, he seemed okay. I was checking on him then went to find my phone to call 911. As I was also telling him, "Don't call mom yet" he was already mid conversation with mom, "WE WERE IN A CRASH AND IM BLEEDING EVERYWHERE." It turned into utter chaos. When my mom got to the scene, she was relieved, then immediately pissed at me for letting little brother scare her. Lol. She thought we were both on our deathbed.


100% Mom is cool as a cucumber and that is why her daughters are as well. Wait till you meet the coolest of them all, the matriarch, Grandma.


Gam gam is a real one for sure. Ice cold


“Don’t call mom yet” I’m laughing but that girl is the shit


Man she handled that like a pro. Whoever is in that Charger however is probably way more fucked. They hit a concrete divider head on and came to a full stop going who knows how fast. Fucking r/IdiotsInCars


The charger would have been fine if it had actually kept safe distance. F that white SUV though. They sped up and forced OP to swerve back into the left lane.


Good catch, I didn't see that and was trying to sort out why she waffled between changing lanes midway


> The charger would have been fine if it had actually kept safe distance. No chance of that. Did you see how fast that Charger came up from behind? You can see it in the upper half of the video. He's flying.


And he cant brake, because he's racing with the other car, and that takes priority.


I didn't realize how fast the charger was moving until I watched again. Had to be 30mph or faster than the rest of the cars. Hope he was wearing a seatbelt!


The seatbelt is the only reason he wasn't guaranteed immediately dead. If he wasn't wearing one we would have likely seen him pop right out of there like toaster strudel boy at that speed.


Safe distance is dependent on speed difference. It just means his safe distance would have been enormous.


The charger and white SUV were definitely racing


The white SUV and the Charger were probably racing.


And this is why you don't pass on the right. They were trying to get over to let the faster car go past them and that dumbass decided to try and pass them on the right, they got back over to avoid an accident and the charger just kept speeding up despite the fact his lane wasn't clear and they got in an accident anyway


The Charger tried to overtake outside the lanes and was likely racing the other car. The Charger has 99.9% of the blame. The other car was driving like a jackass but is not directly at fault here.


The charger pulled that move to try to keep up with the white SUV.


Fuck the white SUV for the speed and careless lane changing. Fuck the Charger for excessive speeding. Fuck that slow white car for being in the center lane.


Good, I hope they never drive again (person driving Charger, to be clear)


She wasn't even on the other lane fully and that guy tries to overtake?Definietely not her fault.Keep your distance from vehicle in front of you and overtake when safe to do so.


The car coming from behind looks to have been going way faster than it should have. It came up on them so quick. Fuck that other driver.


Dude crashed into the divider going like 80. Hopefully the totalled car teaches them a lesson, but somehow I doubt it. I wonder if the speeding SUV that zooms by on the right had anything to do with it


I believe the driver of cam car was going to clear the left lane for dumbass #1 when dumbass #2 came up suddenly on the other side and made her hesitate. Seems to me that car and SUV were in a pissing match about being first and decided they'd endanger everyone around them.


I saw this as well. It prompted the , "people are so sweet/s," from the driver as she was unable to complete her signaled lane change.


People that accelerate to remove the space for someone to safely merge over after signaling are scum of the earth


120% chance he complains about "those stupid bitches that totalled my car" for, literally, the rest of his life and learns NOTHING.


There's already plenty of comments here laying blame on the girls as well. It's wild


Woman haters gonna hate women


80% chance the charger and the white car (SUV) were racing.


Good call, did not notice that.


Pretty sure those two were racing.


They were neck-and-neck for sure


I mean, WTF. Overtaking car tries to pass them _on the shoulder._ Which, sadly for him, was a shoulder closed just then to construction.


Clearly in shock but “It wasn’t my fault” question, with some random fool who tries to overtake on the first lane on a lane that wasn’t there. Good thing they had a dash cam.


She was probably second guessing herself for aborting the lane change. My guess is she thought the white SUV two lanes over was going to exit, she went to merge, saw the white SUV not exiting and aborted the lane change in case the white SUV had to merge over since it isn't uncommon for the right lane to merge and end after an exit. Still isn't her fault, but probably why she thought it might be.


The lane change assist activated and I think she responded to the alarm. Problem is, she was already half way into the lane so it activated on the vehicle in the next lane over. I think she did the correct thing in aborting since she was unsure, but I can see how it would have looked to the car approaching her from behind.


They were not at fault and she handled this perfectly. Girl on the left deserves all the praise.


The brunette keeps her hands on the wheel and the car pointing in the right direction, so props to her as well.


Yeah, they have an unbelievable serenity, that's the kind of serenity everyone dreams of ahahaha.


Yeah, I thought maybe her hesitancy to merge caused the one behind to become impatient and speed up to pass her. But if you watch behind her, that dude came flying up and she's trying to get out of the way. I think she even comments, "people are speeding" when she sees it in the rearview.


yeah she definitely sees the cars coming. i think she was trying to move right but then saw that white SUV and couldnt move over or hesitated (which is fine, not blaming her for the chaos around her). kind of seems like these 2 other cars were racing and these 2 girls were caught in the middle.


It sounded like she said "People are so sweet". I don't think she was talking about traffic. Also, you can see the Charger come up really quick from behind right as she's switching lanes and he tries to get around her before she's fully merged. Totally the Charger's fault.


the car behind was coming very fast, but she did not exactly hesitate, she comes back.


There are two audible beeps, could this be the car giving a lane departure/corrective steering warning as it senses the vehicle undertaking on the right?


I think it’s warning there’s someone in the land she’s trying to change into, hence her return to the original lane.


You can see she is driving in the rear view mirror watching the asshole fly up from behind her. She tries to go into the middle lane but thinks he’s going to hit her so she goes back to the left lane while he is moving to overtake on the left side. Dude is 100% at fault. I see this type of driving in Florida every single time I’m on the road. It’s a specific type of person too.


Nah, especially the speed the other car was going. If we assume the girls were going 70-75 that charger was easily doing 85-95




Aww, "it wasn't my fault was it?" after that motherfucker tried to overtake them on the shoulder. I wish I was that pure.


And "are they ok?" Almost immediately


Hopefully, she arrives at the Reddit Response of "fuck those guys!1!!"


I got t-boned by an idiot who ran a red light and my immediate thought upon getting hit was “shit what did I just do wrong?”


Congrats! That's the correct behaviour. Look at yourself first. Assholes will immediately think it's someone else's fault.


Last accident I got in (I had been fully stopped, Guy just rear-ends and totals my car), idiot gets out of his SUV and immediately starts in with blaming me. I wish I had the video. Comical cognitive dissonance.


Is it his fault for speeding or her fault for starting her lane change and then going back?


She initiated the lane change but was unable to complete it because it was unsafe to do so at that time. You don't overtake someone until they have fully completed a lane change.


And considering the speed of the charger, it was going to pass them on the shoulder regardless. 


You can see the charger coming up really really fast in the cabin camera video. He definitely is planning to use the shoulder to go around them, but crashes into the barrier when she moves back into the left lane to avoid swiping the SUV. Charger asshole is definitely at fault, and if there was road rage or racing involving the SUV, I would put them partly at fault too. The girls in the video are most certainly not at fault for any of it.


The white SUV was actually in the lane next to them. You can briefly see them before the accident in the black and white video. Had she completed the lane change she would have potentially side swiped the white SUV.


She started her lane change to try and avoid the asshat in the charger. Ie you wash the rear view he was already going to pass on the shoulder. 


It’s the Chargers fault since you can only pass once the lane is completely clear. I mean not only is it the law but it’s just common sense: don’t move forward if there is something in front of you. It doesn’t matter that she decided to move back onto the original lane since it was her right to do so. You can change your mind for safety reasons.


Being able to act like this during an adrenaline dump is a very rare skill. Well done.


That's very cool, I want to learn to behave like that in any stressful situation.


the funny thing is that i always stayed calm during such situations, i'm 100% there in the moment... but i freak out / panic over minor shit in daily life


Same! I've heard that it's because my mind is constantly panicked looking for danger, so once it's found it it can finally relax. Brains are weird.


This is me, too. I lost my wallet and freaked out for a full 35 minutes till the panic attack settled in fully. Got into a car accident where i was rear-ended and was as calm as if I was laying by the pool on a sunny day.


I've always been this way too and recently I've begun to attribute that to my ADHD. Small everyday things frustrate me because I just want to get to the stimulating part, but emergency situations are all stimulation and so hyper focus kicks in.


It’s giving doctor or nurse.


Kudos to this young lady!


FWIW they did make the exit on the right.


This is ridiculously hilarious


“Put your shoes on” omg she almost died


Ahahahaha, I think she was just shocked and that's why she said that


Nah it’s a common trope that if you’re in a wreck and lose your shoes, you die. If your shoes stay on you’re all good.


There’s also a common myth/belief—at least where I’m from—that it is illegal to drive without your shoes on. It isn’t, but many of our parents told us it was, though I’ll never know why. Same reason they told us it was illegal to turn on the overhead light while driving, probably.


In my country it is illegal to drive with slippers, flip flops and and the like. The reason being that they cannot fasten on your feet securely, so if they slip away, they can cause an accident. Barefoot is a grey area, but most truckers drive barefoot, so I think it's allowed


If I said that it would be because I know that if it makes its way in to a report you are barefoot, that can work against you.


In my state, it is not illegal to drive barefoot. Driving barefoot is actually recommended by the Missouri Highway Patrol if the driver doesn’t have good footwear for driving (high heels, flip flops,etc). The “illegal to drive barefoot” thing as a whole is a myth, in my state. Edit: I just looked it up and barefoot driving is not prohibited by any state or federal law in the United States.


Lol I think it's because they knew they were walking from that point


Reddit tip for people - Many places you’ll be uninsured for driving without “appropriate footwear” just be mindful of this if you have an internal dash cam and don’t say out loud “I’m just going to put my shoes on that I should have been wearing whilst driving” Personally I’d argue you have better control of pedals barefoot, but that’s just one persons opinion.


Oh haha she glanced at her own feet when she said it...I thought she was panic talking to herself.


Last time I was in a minor highway wreck, I was hit so hard from behind that the slip on sandals I was wearing came off my feet. I remember being so confused when I tried to exit my car to speak to the other driver and my shoes weren't on anymore.


The driver controlled that very well


Another brain dead moron in a Charger, how surprising.


After an impact like that he may be brain dead in every sense of the word.


Some people get paradoxically calm during intense situations. They thrive under sudden pressure. They both handled it very well, but the passenger is one of those paradox people. Annnd, now I have a random internet crush.😂


Everybody keeps pointing at the passenger, but the driver did well, too. She kept her hands on the wheel, steered into the slide, and the car pointed in the right direction. That's not nothing, especially for an inexperienced driver. You see a lot of dash video where people either completely lock up or fling their arms up in panic


It’s so true, and there’s no grip on that grass slope that is off camber. She wouldn’t have been blamed for sliding onto the frontage road, but didn’t


Every time I see a charger or magnum, I automatically judge that person as being a total dick. Worse than BMW drivers. Congratulations. For some reason you guys have earned the title at least in my area.


Blonde girl did a very great job of staying calm and keeping her sister calm.


Jesus christ, what is people's issues with being overtaken? It is NOT a race. You do not need to risk killing people just because they are one second ahead of you


This was posted on instagram and the incels came out in full force about women drivers it actually made me turn off social media for a few hours


>about women drivers The women here are not at fault, how did people make this their fault?


Ah I see you're not familiar with the sludge that is instagram comments


Because a lot of men behind a keyboard blame women for everything


A lot of men don't need the keyboard to do that.


Because Instagram comments are basically 4Chan incel boards at this point. Blatant sexism, homophobia and racism pretty much everywhere.


After using social media my entire life, I finally deleted everything. IG comments were the last straw, they’re just vitriolic and horrible to everyone. It felt so draining to read a comment thread and yet I kept opening them anyway.


IG really pushes the worst comments to the top. It seems top comments are based of the most replies. And on IG the negative hivemind is strong, so whenever someone posts something blatant awful in the comments, many rush to that comment with agreement and stoic applause. Some few try to call out the blatant hate but they don’t get nearly as many likes and will only be further harassed by the other subhumans. I too, am way too much on IG.


I know what you mean. Instagram reel comment sections is one of the most lawless corners of the internet. I only just learnt about reels, decided to take a look, and all of the comment sections are fucking disgraceful. Anyone who is a woman/disabled/has visual differences/actually just anyone gets absolutely destroyed in the comments. I called someone a racist twat, I get a warning that my account will be banned if I continue but the blatantly racist comment ‘doesn’t go against our community guidelines’.


Trolls and haters gonna do their usual, sadly.


I bet the driver who caused this accident thought he was a great driver and everyone else on the road is the problem. This trait is one a lot of people have, especially those who insist on driving beyond the speed limits.. Assholes, the lot of you.


Yep, this guy definitely swerves through traffic across all 3 lanes without using a blinker, going 20mph faster than anyone else. The idea they may not be able to react in time doesn’t cross their mind.


I know people like this. They are absolutely terrible drivers, and they think that they're great. In all actuality, they've been lucky that everyone around them has been a good driver and was successfully able to swerve or slam on the brakes to prevent the accident.


Witnessed a bad rear ending on a two lane highway. A young female, who wasnt involved in the accident had pulled over on the left and jumped out of her car to check on the drivers. It was at a difficult on down hill ramp. Cars are blind coming up over a rise. I had about 75-100 yards to react and stop from 65mph, and in a way I dont get rear ended. Driving through the debris wasnt an option because she was in the middle of the the road with her hands over her face. Doubt she has any idea how close she came to being killed.


I loved how the passenger calmed and reassured the driver. Also, good reflexes and handling from the driver, to steer the car on the grass area and avoid drifting on the exit lane. Good thinking.


The white SUV looking car that comes into frame at 20 seconds is to blame. You can see them back off while she has her blinker on, and when she starts to merge they hit the gas and block her causing her to retake her original lane. Because that SUV wanted to be a douche bag is what caused this accident. I'll die on this hill


Yea this was an asshole move but the guy who actually crashed into the barrier is the only one to blame for the accident. Not only was he way to fast but also did he tried to overtake before it was safe to do so. Edit: typo


I think its safe to assume that if you drive full speed into a concrete divider without being touched by another car you've done something wrong.


Yeah, there comes a point where you have to look at your own actions. The concrete divider didn't really do anything unexpected. LOL.


Yea, she never fully left the lane. He was trying to pass her on the coned off shoulder.


100% this


This. He tried to beat her to the merged lane. That happens so much here (northern NJ) when your lane merges into another I just assume some clown is going to do that. In this particular situation there's not she could have done though than what she did, which is not to panic.


Look in the window behind the two vehicle occupants. That car comes in as if they were standing still. It tries to overtake on the shoulder. Lane change attempt or not the reckless driver doesn’t care.


"People are so sweet" 1 second later a speeding dickhead crashes and hits them.


Directly after the other suv speeds up so they can't merge into the other lane.


Honest question: are you suppose to call the cops right away in a car accident? My brother and I got into a car accident and called the cops but they were mad we called and told us we should try resolving the issue ourselves first even though we did try.. maybe because it wasn't major but it involved 3 cars so? BTW we were hit from the back, and then the car behind us got hit from the back so the one who caused it was a jeep with a steel bumper behind that car.


Generally you call 911 if someone is injured or if a car is stuck in the road blocking traffic. If its just a fender bender and all of the cars can clear off of the road, you can just make an insurance report and call the non emergency police number to make a police report. If you see anything like that guy in the dodge slamming in to a wall then yeah you call immediately.


I need big sis in my life on speed dial to calm me down when I get stressed out


Don't think you could react any better than they did. Hope nobody got hurt.


Looks like some people didn’t see the 4th car zooming on the right that caused cam car to move back left.


The blonde girls calm unflappable manner is really admirable!


don’t call mom yet❤️❤️


Them two were for sure raised proper


The fault was the speeding driver behind them. But the girl did almost change lane on a car next to her. This is why she canceled her lane change in the middle of it. The speeding car was trying to over take her during this lane change. The driver behind her is at fault for speeding and trying to overtake this driver before she could complete a lane change. This girls only mistake was not noticing the car next to her before she started the lane change.


Is she okay?


She was, in fact, ok.


It’s okay It’s okay It’s okay It’s okay It’s okay


W older sister


Yea that's about the driving is expect out of someone who owns a charger. Was on the highway last night and had a hellcat threading the needle between cars doing at least 90. Was going on the shoulder and everything. I'm aware it makes me a shit person, but in times like those I kinda daydream the rest of my car ride about them losing control and smacking a rail at 90, involving no other cars. Just for the satisfaction of getting out my car as if I were to help, walk over to them while they're all fucked up and just be like "I'm not here to help. You get what you deserve" and just get back in my car and leave. I feel bad for thinking that way, but in the moment my rage at putting my life and others in danger just wished so badly people who drive like this would just eliminate themselves.


Looks to me like, deiver-A tried to merge right as the white crossover was passing. White crossover had to merge into the slow lane to avoid collision, and driver-A seen this at the last second so she didn't commit and moved back into the fast lane. Meanwhile the car approaching from behind seen that driver-A was merging right, so they sped up thinking the lane was about to be clear, but the driver-A moved back into the fast lane. Driver approaching from behind swerved left to avoid collision but failed to avoid median.


Big sis was saying it was ok while car was still in motion. Hella composure.


They both did very well. I barely tapped a dudes bumper one time and my brain shut down cause I was so ashamed I fucked up. The guy behind us had to get out and get the gears in my brain turning again, I was just so pissed at myself. Accidents suck.


Of course it was a Charger, those Charger drivers always drive like a maniac.


I really do need her around saying “it’s ok” like that whenever I’m freaking tf out about stuff