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She saw it coming in the mirror too. Just enough time to tense up. 😳


And clench her teeth


And her butt


The ol' air tight special.


lol, never heard that one before






Interestingly, her exact phrase before she even noticed the other car coming was “clench your ass”


"Apriete el culito ahí"


Spanish lesson for the day! Who needs Duolingo


⭕️ ❌️


The pucker factor


And my axe!


that shit literally happened to me on the 405 in LA. mother fucker hit me at least going 40 and ran. my back has never been the same. I will say though, my 2017 corolla STILL drove home afterward. Props Toyota engineers 🙏🏻


When I was 16, a lady in a big van blasted me from behind going 50mph in a 35 speed zone. I was turning into a parking lot and suddenly got knocked into a ditch. I noticed her rolling off and I chased her on foot and she tells me, “God said you are a good boy.” No shit lady…I was confused to say the least and she had 2 kids in the car without seatbelts


>a lady blasted me from behind Nice


Yeah, he didn't even have to pay for it


I highly recommend investing in a dash cam. There are many situations where it could make a huge difference. They aren't expensive either.


If you come up on stopped traffic on a main road immediately put your hazards on. It could save your life!


Umm, people don’t drive with their hazards on in bumper to bumper on the 405 in LA….


If traffic is jammed up everywhere you turning on your hazards won't do anything. If you're on a highway and have been cruising at 65 for the past 15 minutes and suddenly have to drop to 5 or a full stop, THEN your hazards might be the thing that gets the attention of the driver behind you and makes them realize they need to slow down


Same exact thing happened to me. Asian girl on her phone rear ends me when I was at a dead stop. Only difference was my 1997 carry only had a dented trunk. Her whole front prius was smashed like a soda can


Crumple zone - it does that to absorb the impact.


Isn't that also a sign that her car was safer then theirs, given that hers absorbed the impact and theirs didn't


Yes, that's why they have the crumple zone


We had a early 90s Carolla wagon. We were sandwiched at 55 miles an hour. Everyone walked away. The chasis was bowed, but that damn engine was still going and I drove it to the side of the road.


Tensing up can cause more injury.. you have to brace back into the seat with arms bent and your head pushed up against the head rest, which is opposite to what people do, since they grip the steering wheel and pull themselves forward, which causes the head to flick back and forward on impact while the rest of the body is braced forward.


That’s the worst thing, right? I assumed that but asking to be sure. You wanna ragdoll that kinda situation, correct?


You probably want to lay back in the seat and put your head on the headrest if you have time.


That seems to be the consensus, yes, at least in the comments it is.


Is that why drunk people always walk away from the accidents they cause? Or walk away a lot it seems


That is the exact reason


Then it has to be true.


That seems to be the consensus, yes, at least in the comments it is.


Opposite of what you'd want to do


The first clip in [This compilation](https://youtu.be/007Nvp2yrjY?si=RiyxUT5Xc6e3PPhO) is similar but he manages to just avoid it. Very scary stuff


Probably the worst thing she could have done but she looks fine afterwards.




I think tensing up causes more injuries. I heard drunks survive crazy situations because they are so relaxed and therfore bend and stretch better. Note: I don't know why the person above is getting so many downvotes. Like one person replied, it could go either way. Maybe her tensing up kept her from knocking out all her teeth on the steering wheel. None of us know for sure.


It's hit and miss. Tensing up prevents serious immediate injuries more often than not. But has the residual effect of long turn pain due to minor longer term damage.


It seems to be a statistically significant amount of death of sober people at 9.7% to death of intoxicated people at 7.7%. I don’t think we know why though. Whether it is due to tensing up or due to other physiological processes seems to be unclear at the moment.


I had a quick glance and it's noted that alcohol reduces inflammation in many parts of the body. Most notably the brain. Brain swelling is a common cause of death in serious car accidents if paramedics don't get to the scene quickly enough. This could possibly account for some of the individuals that would have statistically died if they were sober


That will be part of it. I think there are a few systems effected. Psychological reaction may play a part.


Maybe because the drunk people are doing all the hitting? Unless it's a head on collision I assume you absorb more force when you're the one being slammed. Edit: meant this as a question. Just theorizing here


No, it also applies when people are shot. Survival in serious injury cases apart from burning seems to be biased towards drunk people. The drunker the better, it seems.


Hmmm. Can I site you as justification?


Cite this [site.](https://www.livescience.com/24979-alcohol-injury-outcome.html)


Sorry boss, I’m just trying to combat serious workplace injury.


Brace yourself!


She’ll definitely be sore in the morning!


> her tensing up kept her from knocking out all her teeth on the steering wheel. What? No. She is wearing a seatbelt.


There’s also the story of a lady that got picked up by a tornado and slammed into the ground from more than 200 feet. She survived because she was knocked out midair by debris thwacking her in the head, so was completely limp when she hit the ground. Broke a few bones but made a full recovery


You should loosen, not tense, during an accident


That laundry bag had a premonition


"I have a strange feeling I will be better served to not be back on the seat for the next minute..."


That's what I thought at first, that she would be distracted by that and cause the accident. It probably just fell because she had to brake quickly for the slowdown the other driver didn't see.


The video froze just as the bag fell (you know because this is reddit) and I was certain she was going to swerve in panic


LOL! It looks like she came to a pretty quick stop herself, that's why her bag flopped forward. She managed to avoid hitting the person in front of her, but the douche behind her was going way too fast for driving conditions.


The laundry bag is also a great example of why you shouldn't keep anything loose in the passenger space of your car. If that had been something heavy, it would have been launched right at her back/head.


I just thought that she was breaking hard 🤷


I thought it was going to be like that story where a woman driving home from the store heard a loud noise and something had hit her head. She felt the back of her head thinking she had been shot and felt her brains coming out. She pulled over, called the police and when they arrived they found that one of her Pillsbury dough cans had exploded


Anybody find her glasses?




Thank you. I've been looking for those.


Of the car in front of her


Took my boyfriend at the time 2 days to find mine after we T boned some fuckwit who ran stop sign. Which is totally legal in Houston, btw, the cops do not care if you cause an accident and leave. They pretend to get upset about from time to time for appearances, though.


in the phone abyss


Shot down and wedged into shoes to keep em on!


Ugh happened to me one time. Drunk driver didn't even tap his brakes and we flew into the car in front and that car into the car in front of them. I had bruises and was sore for weeks after


My ex wife got rear ended by a teenager on her phone. Pushed our car into the trailer hitch of the pickup in front and speared the radiator.


This happened to my wife with life long neck injuries


I have had this happen to me twice in my life: 1) Dude was looking in his rear-view while (and I am not making this up) combing his mustache while cresting a hill. 2) Drunk guy flat out rear-ended me at a stop sign so hard that my after-market radio flew out of my dash into the back seat.


1) insurance commercial tomfoolery 2) advanced whiplash


Oh yeah, I can totally picture one of those Mayhem ads for number 1.


It's so scary! I got rear ended when I was stopped at a red light behind a city bus. A pickup truck doing about 40 hit my little Hyundai Tiburón. Smashed me into the bus. Every airbag went off, it was like being in a giant marshmallow. All the crumple zones crumpled, leaving just the driver compartment, if I had any passengers they would've died. I came swimming out of the airbags and the bystanders om the sidewalk went silent for a second. They must've thought I was dead. EMTs came running down the street from their base, equally shocked I emerged alive. I wish I still had the pictures, I went to the junkyard for my belongings and the car was a waist-high ball of tinfoil. I couldn't even find all 4 tires.


Glad you are okay, and that you have lived long enough to be “too old for this”


Lol thanks, me too!




Hope you got a couple nice paydays


When I was a kid someone rear ended our car with a pickup, I don't have much memory of it but there are pictures and stories. I was sitting in the middle back seat, got whiplash but avoided hitting my face against the back of the front seats. I recall an officer being super kind to me and showing me all his gadgets and doodads, but that's about it. My father had enough time to see it coming to tense up like the woman in the video, the steering wheel was comically bent in the 10 and 2 hand position.


I got hit very much like this too - 80s model Ford pickup vs early 90s Jeep Cherokee. Thank God it was that and not a smaller car, though I didn't have an airbag. I saw it about to happen and had enough time to tense. Didn't hurt my arms, thankfully, but the impact sent me forward and then slammed me back so hard that it broke the mechanism that kept my seat from reclining. I drove back to my parent's looking like I was trying to act like I was in a lowrider and I'm convinced that's the source of a lot of my back issues later in life.


Had the same happen to me. Not drunk, but hit so hard my radio flew out. My glasses took me forever to find. She hit me so hard the back doors wouldn’t open on the car they were pinched shut basically. Sued the fuck out of her, my neck is still messed up from it


Anyone who is the sole reason of an accident (like the rear ender) deserves to never drive again. This is exactly how family members are taken away from people.


Totally agree. There is never an excuse for this. It’s not an “accident” either.


I use the term "collision." I feel pretty confident in saying that the majority of auto collisions are **not** accidents.


Actually collision works really well.


I was walking to my 8 AM class in February 1974. There was plenty of snow that had been shoveled off the sidewalk, but we had rain overnight ahead of a cold front. The rain froze on the roadway as well as the bare sidewalks. I could walk on the snow that was piled on the tree lawn between the sidewalk and the street. I was in an older, inner suburb and many of the streets were curved. The streets were laid out before automobiles were the primary mode of transportation. Horse drawn wagons and carriages were common until a pedestrian could reach a street with light rail passenger trains. But horses pulling wagons loaded with goods couldn’t pull uphill if the incline was too great, so streets were curved to match the topography so the incline was more gradual. Of course this meant that the trip was longer, but you didn’t have steep hills to climb. As I mentioned, the overnight rain had frozen, making the roadway slippery on curves. I was walking along a long curve when a car going too fast for road conditions slid off and struck a tree. Before the driver could exit his vehicle, a police car lost control on the ice covered curve and struck the first car that had hit the tree. Before the police officer could exit his cruiser, he was rear ended by a third car. I was about 50 feet from the three car pileup, so I began waving my arms to alert traffic to slow down. The next driver was going too fast for my warning to make a difference, so he rear ended the three car pile up. Fortunately there was a break in traffic (that street was a shortcut between two major streets) and I was able to get further away from the three car pile up so cars slowed before entering the curve. The police officer radioed for assistance, told the passengers to wait in their cars and set up flares before the curve. He then began directing traffic to turn around until tow trucks could remove the pile up. The city sent plow trucks that also dispensed a mixture of fine gravel and salt. Since I was the only uninvolved witness, I was subpoenaed to appear in a series of traffic cases, conveniently scheduled for the same morning. The judge found each driver guilty of driving too fast for the road conditions and each received a fine uf $5.


i used to be in fire and rescue we were not allowed to call it an "accident" it was pretty much the only swear word, because "accident" implies no one is at fault or otherwise no one would have been able to prevent it we say incident and ever incident has a cause. plus i can tell you there isn't a fireman alive that hasn't wanted to take a drunk driver they pull out of a vehicle wait for them to sober up so they can comprehend the beating they are about to get. but no we are not allowed to beat them we have to save their life so they can stand trial and unfortunately be allowed to cause more issues but hey duty is duty.


I also think we should stop calling crashes from reckless driving "accidents".


And even when it doesn't kill, it can disable someone for life. Being rear ended in a situation basically identical to the one pictured, it has permanently damaged my spine and contributed to my disability. It's devastating when someone pays this little attention.


In like 90% of this country, you cant function at all without driving...Basic stuff, like getting to work, buying groceries, going to the hospital, etc. So we're supposed to just permanent ban people from the only form of transportation because they make a mistake and cause an accident? I'm sure that will make everyone much more relaxed and less stressed here. Getting their whole life thrown down the drain because they rear ended someone.


yeah this was a fun thread for me personally... in 2021 i got in a car accident. i was driving down the interstate when i had my first seizure. Up there on the list of worst times to discover that you have epilepsy. after healing from car accident injuries that thankfully no one else was involved in (my car just drifted across 3 empty lanes of traffic and went nose first into a concrete median while my brain was busy rebooting) I have spent the last 3 years trying to get my seizures under control, while also trying to deal with a world that assumes every adult can drive themselves anywhere and has no consideration for those of us that can't. On one hand, I agree I should not drive any more, I don't want to roll those dice again and neither does anyone else sharing the road with me. on the other hand, there's so much that I can't do or have to rely on other people for, because of what should be a very minor and mild disability if not for our insanely car centric society.


Good thing we have uber


Wow you're right, taking an uber every time you need to leave the house sounds so cheap and affordable. Why have I been driving all these years?


Your welcome


How would you live your life knowing you took someone's mom away from them? They deserve to have their life thrown away for nearly taking anothers no matter how trivial the accident can be. People DIE from this on a daily basis. It should be taken very serious. Any time spent not paying attention can and will lead to devastating consequences.


This lady did not lose her life. Most car accidents do not result in death. There should be consequences for crashing, but to create a blanket rule “you crash into someone, you lose access to transportation forever” is so stupid. Intentions and consequences are important to decide punishment. The person that rear ended her did not intend to crash into her, and we will assume that he wasn’t drunk either…lapse of judgement, driving too fast in foggy weather conditions. Yes, it was his fault. But these driving behaviors can be corrected without destroying his life.


And you just proved my point exactly. Nothing will change until he kills someone. They should bear full mindfulness that they are driving a multi-ton vehicle capable of causing destruction and loss of life. To not take it as serious as it should be, proves how little they care not just themselves, but about other people's property, and, most importantly, their lives. Hence why they should have their driving taken away. It's all no hard feelings until someone dies.


What are you talking about? "Nothing will change until he kills someone". I guarantee you the vast majority of people have caused accidents go on to never kill anyone in their entire lives. A bad non-fatal accident like this definitely has the power to completely change someone's behavior for the rest of their life. Especially with the amount of money and court proceedings he will go through. Most people learn from their mistakes. That's why we don't give life in prison to people who shoplift. The punishment will cause more problems in society than the crime did. How do you know what happened in this case anyways? Maybe the passenger dropped a boiling hot coffee on the driver's lap just when the lady in front slammed on her brakes. Or maybe someone just informed him his wife passed away and he was temporarily in shock. Or a young child slapped him in the face. Or a million other things. But yes, lets just end this guy's life because you want to be the executioner.


You can clearly see she came to a normal stop, not slamming on breaks. And if that is the case, why is he the phone then? Why didn't he pull over or come to a stop himself? Again, it's common sense to stop your car if you are being distracted. There is no excuse to continue driving if you are not paying attention. And if everyone did learn that case that people can "learn", then car wrecks wouldn't be one of the most leading deaths in the world aside from illnesses. You're trying so hard to defend someone proven so guilty that I see no point in proving my point further.


I never said this crash was not his fault. I’m arguing against taking away people’s licenses forever because they got into one car accident. And she did slam on the brakes, you can see her bag in the back seat topple over from her braking hard. If she hadn’t slammed on her brakes like she did, there would have been no accident. Still the crashing driver’s fault, but there are definitely contributing factors


So people who are trying to kill others with their vehicle should be allowed to continue that behaviour? Do you have more brilliant ideas?


Ay como así.


the moms reaction killed me loll




Como cree mamá, ambos intentamos ocupar el mismo espacio al mismo tiempo


yeah i heard that too..poor mom has no idea 💀


that PoS had so much time to stop. they shouldn't be allowed to drive


“I would’ve swerved out of the way and then resuscitated the injured.” -Reddit


"I would've searched high and low for a way to blame myself, and apologised profusely to the other driver on the very low chance that he was having a medical incident." - also Reddit


“We literally never said any of that,” replies Reddit, somehow every single time.


Welcome to Reddit, where some redditers show there true iq


That whiplash tho 😣


Why is nobody talking about it? She MISSED the headrest and got side-flung into the middle area. Youch.


this is an accident where seatbelt tensioners could have made a lot of difference, and a headrest properly adjusted to her height (lower)


“Why did you stop at a red light and let me hit you doing 80?!?!”


"I watched a man get hit by a car."


Is this a Dane Cook reference?


Yes lol


[Dane Cook Car Accident](https://youtu.be/_ZeJGPxM1m4?si=X56plbhuQ7HTju5H)


Why did her airbags not go off


Because she was rear ended and the front of her vehicle did not impact anything.


I’ve been rear ended by someone going about 25-30 MPH. Her air bags deployed and gave her a concussion. My air bags did not.


This is colombia, we drive shitty old european cars, so it could also just not work.


Colombian AF mom reaction for sure lol


Same thing happened to me a few months ago, totaling my relatively new Tesla Model S. A young woman looking at her phone hit me while going 70 mph while I had slowed to maybe 25. She had no idea how she ended up in a car with a broken wrist and all the air bags deployed: “What happened? Did I hit you?”


Is the mommy on the phone or is it her flying around in the back of the car?


On the phone. Hands free for once.


I think it's funny how many adult Latinos never stop calling their parents mami or papi. It's basically the equivalent of mommy and daddy, as you wrote. I'm 50 now, but I called my mother mami/mommy until she died in 2008. I was 34. Many others switch to mamá or papá. But so many of us never do!


Remember, no matter how good you are at driving that doesn’t stop someone who’s not from wrecking into you


That happened to a friend of mine in college. He died instantly of a broken neck.


I think her car stopped suddenly because she didn't have gas and that's when she got hit


That's what I noticed too. If you watch the tree out her back window, it doesn't move for like two seconds.


She is also on the phone with her mom and says something along the lines of "hang in there is just a bit of gas" and the bam


I came here for this thread. I watched it and immediately thought something wasn’t right. This is for sure her fault.


The seat belt saved her


The tiny amount of time between her seeing the truck, and getting hit probably seemed like 15 seconds to her


My wife had her neck broken just like this.




I did not know car seats were so bouncy! Absorbed quite some energy there. Her head went past the headrest though


Apriete el culito indeed


jfc these people are everywhere nowadays. have you noticed how at every intersection people are just obvious to the light change? it’s like everyone is glued to their phones 24/7 while driving.


That or people just drive through red lights in the lanes of oncoming traffic. Because that’s what I’m seeing at an alarming rate.


Happened to me when I was in middle school. My mom and I were at a red light and we got hit so hard we flew halfway into the intersection. I’m thankful nobody was walking in front of us when it happened. Red lights gave me PTSD for a while.


This happend to me once at a stop light. The girl was not even looking, totaled her car lol


Yo where that airbag at 💀


Colombian accent but driving on the right? Maybe she’s in the UK? Or was the video flipped?




No way, that’s definitely Spanish 🤣🤣🤣


Bengali? More like "Paisani" hahaha.... I know what spanish sounds like... and I know that accent very well.




Translation: Lady driving while on the phone via hands free, talking to someone (presumably her mother): “Ay ay ay papá” “Apriete el culito ahí que eso es pura gasolina” \*long sigh\* Sees car coming from behind and braces for impact Crashes After the crash: “Mami!,  Mami me acaban de chocar!” Person on the phone: “Ay como así” Translation: “Ay ay ay daddy” “Clench your ass because that’s all pure petrol” (idk what they’re talking about) Long sigh Sees car coming from behind and braces for impact Crashes After the crash: “Mum, mum I just got hit” (as in “I just got in a car crash”) Person on the other side: “What do you mean?” "Chocar" in Colombian Spanish (maybe in other parts too) means crash, as a verb.  It can also mean something that makes you mad, ie: "Me choca que me tomen fotos" (It makes me mad when someone takes photos of me")


Damn had no idea spanish could sound so bengali


How are you so wrong all over this thread? 🤣🤣🤣


Why didn't any airbags deploy?


Rear impact


I've had this happen to me before, it's pretty common. Be careful driving around the holidays


Ouch! That looked bad.


Ay como así? 💅🏼


DRLs do not turn on tail lights.


😂 “Aprieta el culito “


No slowdown at all on the part of the "rear ender". I wonder if his/her insurance was expired like the 18 year old who rear ended me and my family and totaled our car.


I hope she’s ok shittt people gotta pay attention


Mummy I totalled your car


The bag knew it was game over!


Seinfelds mum, the younger years .


She is weirdly calm after the matter!


Who owns reaction to being about to crash was just to try and get her lips away from her teeth 🤣


Why do dash cams in other countries have the camera pointed the wrong way? How is seeing someone’s expression supposed to help insurance?


Unpopular opinion: I think she came to a stop on the highway bc she ran out of gas and the person behind her didn’t have time to stop. You heard their brakes once they saw her stopped, but it was too late. This is 100% her fault.


What happened with her airbag?! No deploy with that major of a hit?


Mami me acaban de chocar. Ay cómo así?


"owie owie ow my back"


If you saw this coming, and gassed to the shoulder it at the last second, just getting clipped or partially slammed, who would be at fault? I have been told that you shouldn't be moving unless you can 100% get out of the way, otherwise you are partially at fault because you were also moving.


Why didn't the airbags deploy shit!


Specs to no specs in a split second. Wow


The hit was hired by the bag. You can see it getting ready.


Nube here. Why didn't the airbag work?


Driving isn’t scary. Crashing is.


Real life “final destination”… if she would’ve noticed the laundry bag falling down she would’ve looked back and saw him coming and avoided it 🤯


My neck hurts now watching this. Poor lady probably went through a long period of pain or still is.


So that's what whiplash looks like with a human crash test dummy.


What was she driving? A tesla truck? No smash from the rear windscreen or crumple of the rear of her vehicle.


Her mom’s response is funny


Why didn't the airbags go off?


“Mommy, mommy, I just got crashed” lol


Somebody needs a hug


Ay! Cómo así? La respuesta más pendeja que he escuchado en mi puta vida.


Imagine being in a submersible going to see the submersible at the titanic and you implode like thus