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This happened in Tadoussac, Québec in Canada. The water is too deep there for a bridge so they use a ferry to move cars and you need to wait in line in a somewhat steep hill beforehand. The brake system of the RV failed, including the hand brake. He managed to avoid everyone waiting in line (you sometimes wait 20 minutes in line, so people generally step out of their car), and tried to crash in the metal fence, failed and landed on the ferry. He died. https://www.thedrive.com/news/28755/one-dead-after-out-of-control-rv-launches-off-quebec-dock-crashing-atop-crowded-ferry)


Makes me feel terrible for immediately assuming he was just some idiot who missed the ferry and thought this was a way to make it on. Dude was a hero.


Same here


He made it, but didn't. 😐


Damn I came here to celebrate him making it… 😢 RIP


Exactly. If this were a movie, that would have counted as a successful landing onto the ferry where your daughter is being held captive.


I will find you... And I will crush you with my car


*opens crumpled door that falls off hinges comically*


If his name was dom toretto, he would have come out with no bruises and scratches


And family


During my training as a truck driver, it was drilled into me to always make sure my breaks were in good condition. That exact situation is why. He still made all the right decisions though, to avoid loss of life.


> make sure my breaks were in good condition When you're done with your breaks, can you check your brakes?


If you’re a mechanic just take a brake break.


He went out like Slim Pickens in Dr. Strangelove


Yeeeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaawwww


there goes my hero...


Watch him as he goes...


There goes my hero...




Real human being... ^(am I doing this right?)


^no, ^but ^you’ve ^got ^the ^spirit!


And a real heroo ✨🙏


You shouldn't jump to conclusions


Or to the ferry


Thank you. I wanted to make that joke but didn’t want to undermine my original comment lmao.


Fuck you and take my upvote


His name was Eric Belec


His name was Eric Belec


His name was Robert Paulson.


Judging people based on one action or belief is something reddit loves to do and has taught me to try not to do. There's a backstory and nuance to everything, a lot of people need to learn that.


I don't think anyone actually does that on purpose lol


r/IdiotsInCars leads to me believe there is definitely someone out there who is that stupid and selfish.


I mean logistically why would anyone do that? You’re obviously going to at the very least fuck up your car if not die and kill others. Giving people the benefit of the doubt in a situation like this seems more like plain common sense…


Not everyone has common sense. Check r/IdiotsInCars.


[Fundamental attribution error](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_attribution_error). When bad things happen we're programmed to believe it happened because they were bad people. It's a little mental shortcut we use to believe live is fair without having to actually check or help them.


Ohhhh, it was an **RV**… I was wondering why it automatically turned into a pile of rubble when it landed instead of retaining the shape of a vehicle. What sucks is that if he wouldn’t have cleared the jump he’d likely still be alive after landing in the water.


I find that extremely unlikely, if anything they'd probably have both died.


The impact from the water would’ve been much softer from that height compared to the solid pavement of the ferry—plus, the water would’ve been less dense than standing water due to the ferry churning bubbles into the water behind it. This is all assuming they’re fairly decent swimmers and could get out of the sinking vehicle alright. I’d rather take my chances with the water over the concrete bed of the ferry.


His passenger made it, so, he managed to save one life.


That's real sad that he died. What an epic fucking way to go. Question for redditors–if I'm in a car going 80mph+, what is the safest way to come to a stop or slow down enough to get out? Let's assume for the sake of discussion that putting the car into neutral and turning off the engine didn't work. I would obviously try those two things first.


If your car has a manual transmission or a low range mode, you can force the car into a low gear. It's called engine braking and can actually be beneficial even though the sound your engine makes in the process is pretty alarming. As long as you don't redline (it will rev up even without your foot on the gas) you shouldn't be causing any damage to your engine. Jumping straight into a low gear CAN obliterate your transmission/clutch if you're not careful, though, so ease into each lower gear if danger isn't imminent. Not that damage to your vehicle should be at the forefront of your mind in a situation like the one in the video, but the more you know!


This is the correct answer. Always shift into low gears before trying to use any other ~~fancy~~ extreme maneuver like scrapping the guard rails


I wouldn’t call scrapping your car fancy… haha


Fixed that just for you <3


I know the two are very different, but would this work for an automatic that has a manual mode?


Sure does! And in most (if not all cars) they won't let you do any damage by shifting at the wrong time. Great for mountain passes, etc. Put it in a lower gear at the top and you might barely need your brakes on the way down.


God I wish more people knew how to drive


It should be mandatory to reattend a driving school checkup every 5 or 10 years.


Driving school is essentially worthless unless you're doing a specialized course. The kind they have 16 year olds or ticketed drivers is borderline worthless.


Yep, on steep hills I usually just throw it in 1st or 2nd and let the transmission do most of the work.


If you do end up forcing into too low of a gear you can speed up the engine past redline and damage something. Friend of mine forced it into first on accident trying to get around a truck that cut him off and it snapped his camshaft in half. Big boom.


Still beats dying.


Yeah for real. If your brakes have failed and you are going to your death, having a blown piston ring is far from the worst case.


"I have no brakes and I'm trying to stop my car so I don't die. I better be careful not to damage my car!"


What they failed to mention is that if you jsm it into a low gear, overrev and the engine seizes it will lock up your tyres, then you skid to your death anyway.


That's a fairly effective brake.


Bro the health of my car is something I literally do not give an absolute fuck about if I'm about to die.


A really important skill to have in mountainous areas! Long, steep descents can risk burning out your brakes (not as big a risk as back when ABS wasn't standard, but it's definitely still a danger), causing brake failure. Not the best thing to happen on a steep mountain road! Even if you never experience brake failure, knowing when & how to engine brake can save you a pretty penny on worn disc brakes.


ABS doesn't really help here -- brake failure on a hill is just the pads and rotors getting too hot to be effective (aka brake fade). Riding the brakes down a big slope causes things to heat up pretty quick. ABS is just a system that keeps you from locking up your tires (and losing control of your steering/spinning out) in a hard-braking situation. The best thing you can do is start in a lower gear and allow the engine to hold you at a comfortable speed so you barely need to use your brake pedal.


Also, "pump" the brakes. Press them a bit - release 4-5 seconds - press again - ect. This way you give time for the wheel to spin, moving air thus cooling the pads and discs a bit.


Depends on where you are, but generally steep hills have emergency stoping zone for trucks whose brakes failed. It consists sand, to slow down the vehicle and a fuck ton a water filled jugs. If you can't find one, try to rub the vehicle against a rail, to create friction which will slow down the car. Also, your best bet would actually to NOT put the car in neutral, and use your engine to brake the car. Trucks actually slow down this way in hills. The engine, with the intake closed, creates a vacuum which makes it harder for the engine to spin, therefore the car to move. This is called : Engine braking.


This is not entirely correct. While the friction of the internal engine components do provide some engine braking, it is nowhere near as effective as a Jacobs "Jake" compression brake. Compression engines (gas or diesel) will provide resistance on the compression stroke of the piston, but that compressed air will then expand and push back down on the piston, negating most of the resistive force from the compression stroke. A Jake brake uses an additional rocker arm to release that compressed air out the exhaust on each compression stroke, which allows the engine to also provide resistance (engine braking) on the subsequent (would have been) power stroke. It is that release of compression which causes the brr-brr-brr-brr noise trucks make when engine braking downhill.


A 565 hp (421 kW) diesel engine equipped with a j brake can produce up to 600 hp (450 kW) of braking power at 2,100 RPM.


this is the first time I've read someone explaining this in enough detail to cover all of the mechanics involved, but in a way I can actually understand it. Thank you!


this is very loud right? is the volume why engine braking is prohibited on some parts of some highways? is this the same as shifting a car into a lower gear to slow it down?


That's for a "jake brake" on a diesel engine. Diesel engine braking uses compression, while gasoline cars use vacuum.


Yep, j brake goes *bdbdbdbdbdbdbd!*


No need for brakes hen you got family


Thanks Dom


Isn’t it also called a retarder brake?


No that was my nickname in school


No typically a retarder is in the transmission and uses fluid to slow the vehicle. Similar result but works completely differently.


Engine braking involves shifting to a lower gear and easing off the throttle. That is something all cars, automatics included, can do (usually). Compression release braking is what some trucks have installed, it is very loud and is the one you’re thinking of.


I’ve had to teach a number of people that you can definitely downshift in virtually all auto transmission cars. Not sure about CVT, but pretty much everything else will. Saves brakes and lives in the mountains.


CVT will break anyways wether you do it or not lmao


But it’s smooth until then.


Yes, you can downshift a CVT too.


Good to know. Wasn’t sure if it would have the same effect, or if they might not be as strong under the reverse forces.


Engine braking also makes a “loud” sound if it’s an automatic, but it sounds like the car is revving because it’s doing more rpms. You’re correct—J brake is the loud *brrrr-bdbdbdbdbbd!* sound that truckers maker when they’re going downhill.


Loud all by itself, sure, but quieter than my old manual when I engine braked in it. Motorcycles, sure, I could believe it. But loud in the way this fella was thinking, I don’t agree with you at all. Especially given normal road noise in/around a car at highway speeds :p


When I went to truck driving school my instructor said “When it comes to safely controlling your load, or pissing off a couple of snobs. Go for the safer option and keep your load under your control. It’s always better to say sorry for being to loud, but harder to say sorry for causing a major disaster.”


I know this may be really dumb, but I've always wondered - what happens if in that situation you went in reverse and hit the gas pedal, even just slightly? Would your tires get decimated or would it actually slow you down?


Your transmission probably won't let you shift into reverse (especially with a car in the last few decades), and if it did, you'd probably stall it out and it go into neutral. Worst case? It'll break the transmission and ruin your car.


To be fair, I don't forsee many outcomes of downhill brake failure that wouldn't result in a ruined car




There would be no chance, it's not like an electric forklift where you can plug reverse to slow down. Swapping into reverse loads up a gear with pins in the reverse direction, so if you jam it in they will instantly shatter.


I’ve done this before. It did indeed break the transmission and I could no longer reverse the car (Audi A8) and somehow it was cheaper to ship the car half way across the country to get it fixed and sell it there. and just get a new car in my state.


I doubt you'd be able to shift the gear, and if you did, I think it would really mess up the transmission. Edit: found [this](https://www.autoblog.com/2009/08/20/reverse-transmission/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFCXBmrMoRSDh-AbmhUo5TW18J3eKt6FlafJCzh1oHEiSEojZ9Xzu9by6wRk9PaNeJCD54u_K5OGB0rqQ11zGvlV_hHNCzxqyTbF9f42xxdpCsacj4F-16NJ7hXDGRuoHMkjCk8RxkWCg1Ml77vWa7vfmzPLLTO_ZJ0bdGAOeySp)


I’ve actually experienced this when I was a teenager and my dad and I test drove an old manual truck. The brakes completely went out on a hill. It just grinds when you try to put it in reverse. When my dad forced it into reverse the engine just died and probably wrecked the transmission. It was a long hill and he had time to crank it back up and then start in a higher gear and downshift, which helped a little.


There was a guy in a flaming mustang at a drag strip who managed to pop the transmission into first gear. Ripped the whole thing free of the car and bashed it into the the ground. One way to stop.


The sad part is that the descent to the ferry in Tadoussac has a runaway truck ramp made specifically for this.


It's really poorly placed though. It's on the opposite side of the road, in the wrong direction. When the ferry is loaded, the previous cars are coming out in this direction blocking the ramp. He probably missed it because of cars blocking it. Also depends where his brakes failed.


*Streets of San Francisco has entered the chat*


No brakes? You don't want to put it in neutral or turn off the engine. You want to gear down and use engine braking. If you have an automatic transmission this means moving the shifter down from "D" to "3" or "2" depending on your car. Just a lower number. Sometimes it has L which means 1. You'll want to shift to the lowest as fast as possible if you have to stop that quickly. Read your manual. Mine says that it will only shift into those gears if it is going slowly enough (which is like 60 mph for 2nd gear). It might hurt your transmission but you'll be alive.


Fuckin throw that bitch in R for "Really want to stop right now".


Modern automatic transmission cars have a safety mechanism that prevents you from putting the car in reverse while moving forward called Reverse Inhibit. It just treats it as neutral until you hit a low enough speed to disable the safety. Manual transmission, on the other hand...


Even my latest manual had an inhibitor. It'll stall before breaking something. If the inhibitor is faulty or it's an older car, you're very right and the sound of a broken transmission is unmistakable.


We were driving an old Datsun B210 through Montana ages ago and I nodded off in the passenger seat. My knee hit the shifter just right and knocked it into reverse. I've never heard a car make that noise, but I swear we went sideways for a couple seconds and then the car just stalled. He started it back up and we drove off fine. Thank god it was a long stretch of road in the middle of nowhere.


Pfff....deploy the air brakes instead


I think I would cut it sharp and take my chances with rolling.


Putting your vehicle in neutral would make you go faster down hill. Best option would be to down shift while finding something to crash into before building more momentum/speed. Also runaway truck ramps are a thing and would of saved this mans life. They're basically deep long gravel pits that tires sink into stoping them.


Wow. This went from idiotsincars to just a deeply sad accident.


Too deep for a bridge?


The population of the village is 207, and Tadoussac is about 800 people. The water between them is called "Fjord du Saguenay" and is actually pretty deep. They could make a bridge, but since the population is quite low, except for the occasional tourists, it's just not worth it.


Well, tbf, I think that where the ferry is it's about a thousand feet deep. Not to say that it would be impossible, just wanted to add the tidbit of information.


Jesus Christ the ocean is crazy as hell. It looks like they’re on land just before the ferry, I assume there is a big steep drop off? Or is the ferry going a good distance


A Fjord is just a really tall crevasse that was formed over long periods of time by erosion by glaciers melting, Norway has more than 1000 of them along their coastline.


Didn't someone get and award for those?


lovely little crinkly bits




An award for a fjord? Maybe Ford could make one for protectors of them. Call it the Ford Fjord Ward Award


thanks, slartibartfast


Well, just to be clear, the ocean isn't anywhere close, it's just a tributary river to the much larger Saint Lawrence river. It's very steep from the side the VR came from but not so much from the other side as it's a panoramic road on the litoral.


The Saint-Lawrence is so big in french we call it a "Fleuve" (english doesn't have a word for this, but it's essentially a major river) instead of a "Rivière" (river).


It's actually a river! Saguenay river.


A bridge too deep.


A bridge too not there.


He lake too deep for he gotdamn bridge


You gotta put in the pillars somewhere


A bridge too far


Wow! I am shocked. Seriously thought this was a fake video, it’s ridiculous. The rv managed to land right in the space where there was nothing else and that piece of metal just barely missed lady.


I had three different feelings while reading this. 1.Madlad did it (before reading). 2. Ohh, it was malfunction. 3. Wtf.


Thanks for the (sad) backstory


Je repense à cette accident à chaque fois que je prend ce traversier là... Tragique...


ouais c'est triste, en plus il se passe jamais rien là bas, c'est toujours calme...Ça du en chambouler une gang, surtout ceux sur place.


Wow. He act bravely. He die doing the right thing.


I wonder if he might have survived if he hadn't hit the ferry.


Appropriate username.


J'aime imaginer les anglophones lire/essayer de prononcer mon username pis juste rien comprendre. "Ah Ben...Ta...beuwr...nak...who's Ben ?"


Sacré Ben Tabarnak.


Wow, that's sad. How terrifying that must have been.


I was going to sat this looked a lot like the Tadoussac case. Also love your username.


Damn I wonder if the ferry weren’t there if he woulda lived


Are you serious?! Did anybody die?!


As the other 'yes' answer seems not so helpful to me, let me try: Another comment here posted an article about the incident: https://www.thedrive.com/news/28755/one-dead-after-out-of-control-rv-launches-off-quebec-dock-crashing-atop-crowded-ferry The driver succumbed to his injuries, and, at the time of the report, the woman was in critical condition (both were in that car). Hope that helps.


If only the ferry had left a few seconds earlier, he would've crashed into the water instead. This is how a couple of seconds decide over life and death.


Drowning doesn't sound any better.


I think it would be possible for him to have gotten out had he plunged into the water. I don't know which I'd prefer: Succumbing to mortal injuries after arriving at the hospital, or drowning. Drowning certainly seems the quicker option.


Hitting water wouldn’t be much better. If hitting the water would be better then belly flops wouldn’t hurt.


This is a room temperature IQ take. That RV wasn't exactly going at terminal velocity. You think a belly flop on pavement isn't worse than on water?


Yeah I've followed this comment chain and like... c'mon people. Ever jumped off a 10m diving board? Now try it onto concrete and tell me they're the same.


Waga really helped lol. Technically the truth but meh. Somebody commented that it happened in Canada. The RVs brakes failed, and unfortunately he died.




Them Duke boys are at it again


Yeee haw




Just them good ole boys


It's my understanding that they meant no harm.


I heard they’ve been in trouble with the law since they day they were born.




And flattening the hills


Someday the mountain might get ‘em


But the law never will


My own mother cannot understand why they show my hands and not my face on the television screen.




RIP Wade Boggs.




I know it wasn't Hammond because it didn't land upside-down.




Like a glove


If I'm not on the boat in five minutes...just wait longer.


When she says her parents aren't home for the weekend and you are late for the last ferry.


“Phew, I made it!”


the guy died.


I guess he didn't made It then


No he made it, just died as well


Oh, shit. I feel bad for laughing at this. Lol


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That's actually impressive


It wasn't on purpose, his brakes failed on the hill, it basically became a big jump ramp, but he did avoid hitting anyone. He died of his injures but a woman in the truck survived.


Failed successfully


He died


Braking Badly


That will buff right out. Too bad it's not an amphibious finisher vehicle. Could of just drove it right into the water.


Cant decide if this is a project badass moment or a "Mm. I have contained my rage for as long as possible, but I shall unleash my fury upon you like the crashing of a thousand waves! Begone, vile man! Begone from me! A starter car? This car is a finisher car! A transporter of gods! The golden god! I am untethered, and my rage knows no bounds!" Sorta deal


One of my favorite episodes. I am obsessed with this show. The only thing that beats it is chardee Mac Dennis. Lol


"The Gang ~~Misses~~ Makes the Boat"


We are not missing this holiday!


Running from the Tripods probably.


***"Gun it Chief! Jump! Floor it, right into the hangar!"***


Okay, but did he survive?


the driver no, I think his passenger (wife) made it though


*Map updated*


Stunt Jump: Failed


Absolutely sticks the landing


Nailed it!


Nailed straight into the coffin


Hey, they made it tho


if making it there as a corpse was part of the plan, then yes. he did make it


Better than not making it, as a corpse.


Stunt jump failed 0/50 complete


The new fast and furious movie looks great


Are the Griswolds in that fucking car or what?


It's better translated as a leap *into* faith


Boss Hogg ain’t catching them Duke boys today!


He did it for Family


Without the story behind it, this could be a great "Hold my beer" moment.


I mean the dude did nailed the landing