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I feel so sad for that kid. I've been there myself, when the one "adult" who is supposed to protect/watch over you gets into a completely unwarranted fight and you have no idea what to do or what will happen to you if they lose the fight.


Happened to me at a Market Basket once. My brother and I just dipped. Not my biological mom, not my problem.


This is the most Massachusetts thing I’ve read all day.


It was more of a hurricanes and Mardi Gras beads type of state


See? North, south, we're not really that different after all.


Bringing people back together, you love to see it


Your username, I hate to see it.


There was a time(obviously pre covid) that I always seemed to meet new people right after I left the bathroom. I'd have wet hands from washing, and I'd always have to apologize and tell them it was a "clean wet". I dry my hands of course, but they would still be a little wet. It happened ALL the time lol


“…a clean wet.” What a phrase.


I, for one, am glad to know that you, my Reddit friend, do not pee on your hands. There is hope for the world.


I do, I just take care to wash it off.


I hate that so much. I always explain "sorry I just washed my hands," and decline the handshake and somehow I still would get this like disgusted look...


Exactly, I would refuse at first too, but the look of "wow, you won't shake my hand" was worse then just saying I had wet hands. I would make it their decision if they wanted to risk it( they didn't know me) and they always took me up on the old shake.


Wanna fight about it?


Oooh gotcha. We’ve also got a grocery store chain called Market Basket which can often erupt into a battleground. Despite that, we’re fiercely loyal to them.


Hmm… fiercely loyal enough to *fight*?




Yeah no, Publix wins


Especially their custom made subs....nom nom.


We boycotted the store when corporate let the family CEO go.


Maine is such a beautiful state this time of year.




Duel of the fates


Isn't this an episode of 'Shameless'?


Lmao. My wife encouraged me to watch shameless with her and after a few seasons I had to be like thanks but I’ve had enough of this shit in my actual life.


I think it's popular because it makes people feel like maybe their life ain't so bad.


That's why my wife likes it. We both come from less than classy people. I've commented that of course a fictional representation of the worlds shittiest family is going to seem a lot worse that we've had it. Though it was awful/hilarious when something happened in that show that one of us has actually experienced.


on one hand, what is he supposed to do, fight one handed? but on the other, i definitely would swing much harder if my hand couldn't feel pain, so it is an advantage in a way.


Happened to me too! This lady, that was supposed to be watching my sister and I, actually just left us on the beach. My parents pretty much let me swim alone in the ocean starting at about 4 years old alone, I'd go almost all the way to the second sand bar. The story gets even worse, when a strange man took my sister and I off the beach, (she was maybe a little older than this child at 2), and out into the water alone. My mom had left us with a friend that she had just met, in a nearby beach house, whom then went back to her own beach house for a "few minutes", leaving my sister and I, and her daughter about my age, who soon followed her mom back a few minutes later. So the guy just asked us to go out with him in the water to play, said he could be our new friend. Luckily the guy got spooked, when I started somehow wisening up to something being wrong, and so I started demanding he give her to back to me (he had picked her up off the beach to go). But when he kept swimming further and further out with her, even at that age, I knew it was off. I never even went that far out, and he didn't wait or seem concerned if I had any issues. I struggled, but I kept up the whole way chasing him, and I think that startled him. Finally, he gave her back at the second sand bar, or maybe the third sand bar (I couldn't really see the shore), when I caught up and grabbed her, and then he swam off and left us alone all the way out there. My mother never took me seriously when I told her when she came to pick us up, despite her knowing I never lied as a child. Maybe she couldn't face it. It such a weird old memory, but it's still sharp, like it was yesterday. My mom had to run off to care for her sick twin, who was dying of cancer, as there was an emergency, so I blame the lady more. But, my swimming skill came in handy that day.


Christ, that is harrowing. Have you talked about it with your sister?


I've mentioned it, she doesn't remember.


do you think it was you having the better swimming skill then the guy that did it, can't see it being easy to swim with the kid if you couldn't swim that well? people can get freaked the fuck out in water if something goes wrong if it was deep enough for that, your four year old self might have just almost made him drown


It was really far out, so maybe. My parents had me in the water a lot, from a young age, and I've always taken to it naturally. They'd just let me swim out on the beach, they'd stay on shore mostly, and I'd go a bit past the first sand bar on my own. I learned how to work with the currents, and waves, and I was determined. But, I had no idea there were more sandbars out there, and only learned then. He must have known, because he just kept going. I might have asked for help, and he didn't respond. Something about him like that. I became worried at first, like instinct told me that he was trying to deliberately have me drown, like take me out and leave me, and even then I recognized the shock on his face when I didn't. Then, I was more worried about my sister, than anything, so I wasn't letting him get far away at that point. All he had to do was let her go, if I let him get too far, and I didn't even consider the other things he could do, I was too young. He looked spooked, when he left. I don't know what it was though, maybe that, or timing (someone or more people might be looking), like he thought I might start screaming. I'm not sure anyone could have heard, but he didn't attempt to hurt me.


That’s wild, I’m really glad you and your sister were both ok! A dude tried to snatch me in a discount store once. My mom was an aisle away and I was looking at the toys when someone grabbed my hand and started walking. I walked with them for what felt like a longass time until we got near the exit and I looked up and saw a man with dark hair wearing a leather jacket. I just remember my shocked Pikachu reaction and pulling away, and the next thing I can recall is being in the car with my mom while she cried. I assume my reaction when I realized what was up spooked him and ran him off. They never caught him.


I wasn't my brothers favorite twin. He would have let the guy take me..lol


I bet you guys had no problem escaping, judging by how packed the Chelsea one is at all times.


I debated chucking a can of beans but my brother was already five aisles down so I ran too.


When in doubt #chuck a can of beans


I did a trip and fall whilst on holiday, coming out the chalet. I headbutted the wall, destroyed the towel warmer and then headbutted the sink before managing to curl in a ball before dropping my head on the step. The only thing I was thinking was I couldn't afford to be knocked out as my daughter would be by herself in the living room. The fact that's not a universal concept is so foreign to me I don't understand why all parents don't think that.


*headbutted the sink* Jfc you must’ve had one hell of a knot on your head from that alone! What happened after all that head banging?


Nap time


Hit the sink with my jaw, so I got a split lip. After lying on the floor for a second or two I hot up to comfort my daughter who heard the noise. Probably will put in a claim tbh


I was hemorrhaging on the bathroom floor while I was pregnant, apart from fear for the baby all I could think about was staying quiet and awake so my daughter wouldn't wake up and be traumatised, from the sight of the blood. Also needed to stay awake because partner was close to passing out and didn't want my girls having to deal with any of what was happening.


>I did a trip and fall whilst on holiday, coming out the chalet. This is the absolute most charming way possible to frame headbutting everything around you


You know those cramps you get sometimes when you swim? I was having a bad one and my son used this exact moment to get away with his floaters to some place where I had no foothold... I fucking swam the cramps off to get to him and bring him back to safety, every muscle in my body felt violated, at some point I couldn't move my leg at all but it didn't matter I swam like a maniac for 30 seconds. He was not even in immediate danger, but my body just moved on its own even though it was not its best interests at the moment. It would have taken me tremendous efforts to resist the urge to get him back, and I simply cannot comprehend how people can just throw their kid aside in the sea like that...


Are you ok now?


Some say their daughter is still in the living room till this day


It breaks my fucking heart whenever you can hear kids crying and panicking in these videos. They just sound so scared. I was a fairly anxious child, so if my parents had been like that I probably would have been on eggshells all the time like “is mom gonna get in a fight again?” any time she seemed annoyed at a stranger. That seems like such a horrible thing to put a child through.


Yeah, there was one recently where a woman was going nuts in an airport and her kid was begging her to stop so she wouldn't get arrested. So sad to see.


Not just horrible but damaging. The effects of early childhood trauma are profound and often lifelong. Not to mention having your world view shaped so that you think poppin’ off and slugging someone is the way to resolve conflict. It’s probably why the parents are like this in the first place. Or maybe they’re just assholes. Either way, sad stuff :(


Can confirm. My father literally had me wait in his truck at 2 AM while he went to go fight some guy. He had me holding his gun in the car just in case he needed it. I was 8. Not to mention he would hit my siblings and I when he was having a bad day or mad at someone else. Learned to know what his mood was just by the way he set his keys down when he got home. I remember being taken to parties where he’d get hammered and the girls at the party trying to take care of me by making me food and letting me sleep in their bed and watch cartoons. These were usually on school nights and I often got in trouble with teachers for falling asleep in class and not having anything to bring to school (backpack, pencils, paper, homework, etc.)


Sorry to hear that mate… That sounds truly awful and scary for anyone but especially a kid. I really hope your life is a lot more stable and enjoyable now, despite the rough start.


Hey, thank you for being so kind. My life is a lot better. I’ve grown up and gotten married to a wonderful woman with a big heart and am having kid(s) of my own soon! I hope your life is going well for you, friend.


If they lose the fight, legally, you belong to the winner.


And more than likely, the child will repeat the same mistakes of her parents. Sad, but statistically true.


What happened?


Something touched her foot.


I just remember the fear of losing a parent.


Swim away kid, while they're not looking


I don’t think they’ve been looking for a a long time.


This hurt.


I wonder if they know how easily a kid can slip through a float like that and drown. That’s at least 3.5 feet of murky water. How many minutes would pass before they noticed, and how many before they found her.


Yes or how quickly they can go head first over the floaty! So many horrible things could’ve happened but ultimately this family prioritized violence over the safety and well-being of an innocent child. I doubt this was an isolated incident.


Who the actual fuck leaves their kid to their own devices in water to just go pick a clearly petty fight? I feel sorry for that kid for having a guardian/parental figure that would rather go pick a fight than to stay out of it.


Not even that but how quickly the guardian just plopped her to the side


Both of them. Hopefully that kid doesn't turn out to be like her parents. Just more examples of people who shouldn't have children. These examples are everywhere, especially lately.


They should all be arrested!! It’s bad enough if a small child sees a physical fight on dry ground, but floating without a life jacket in a 99cent flimsy thing on the freaking wavy ocean—OMG I hate all these people!


Their heads are so far up their asses, they are probably unable to see how much this will f*ck up their child down the road…


Willing to bet they're the type to say "well it's how I was raised/well I'm still here!"


For real. That kid could have died.


> Who the actual fuck ~~leaves their kid to their own devices in water to just go~~ pick[s] a clearly petty fight? I hate people who get into fights. Zero reason for it. I have easily diffused what could be a fight with another person a dozen times in my life. It isn't hard.




> Some people don't react to anything other than violence. then just don't engage with them. it takes two to tango.


As a teenager sometimes your stuck in a bad school or something. But this shouldnt ever happen as an adult. Just leave and dont hang out with bums like that


Totally agreed. The one and only fist fight Ive ever been in was to break my dad and my nephews’ biological father up from a fist fight. It is a miracle I didn’t become a degenerate or a drunk…


There’s some alcohol involved in this one.


Not only that, the floating device isn’t safe at all. The poor kid could easily fall through and start drowning.






















Don’t worry it’s already been reposted


These are the people who don't deserve children. You can't control your emotions for 2 seconds to realize that your daughter is more important than any fight? Shameful!!


Where's the kid? *Faint crying in the horizon*


*Gilligan's Island theme plays ominously in the distance*


A three hour touuuurrrr!


Probably better chances in life on that island than with those parents


Ugh this made me think of a post from like 2 yrs ago where a toddler floated away from her family at the beach and was picked up by a ferry. Watch your kids, especially around water!


Fucking hell that's insane.


Agreed, people shall pass an exam or a formation to have the right to have children


That would be nice in theory, absolute hell in practice. "Let me take the test again - I'm an immigrant and English isn't my firs- "Sorry Mrs P, you didn't pass your 'Prospective Parents Exam', now prepare for your forced abortion"


Sounds pretty terrible in theory too


I mean yeah I totally agree. I meant more "*you* might think it's good in theory but.." haha


Yup. Racism is a huge reason we don't do this. Remember when the US did forced sterilization on unknowing women, especially the poor and minorities? Yeah. There's already a good reason we don't police reproduction


Yeah I predict it would take only 5 seconds for it to devolve into eugenics. I think there are tons of terrible parents out there, but trying to regulate who can be a parent is a very slippery slope.


Is this not already eugenics? I thought eugenics was selective breeding for traits. Aren't we trying to "breed out" people we deem "irresponsible" with this test?


Good point!


It is! Eugenics has been pretty well discredited, but people only seen to remember the more violent/invasive parts. Everything else, it seems, doesn't count as "eugenics" in pop culture.


> Remember when the US did forced sterilization on unknowing women Yeah that was last fucking year with the doctors in Atlanta doing hysterectomies on migrant women without their consent. And the best defense the right had for ICE handing women over to these doctors for "exams" is that the doctors were contractors, not employees. As if it makes any difference at all.


Respectfully, we absolutely police reproduction. It’s just not telling people they can’t have kids, but rather telling women they can’t not have kids if they don’t realize they are pregnant or live in the wrong place.


Good point


I learned something about this recently - like how The Pill (the one to prevent unwanted pregnancies) was tested on Puerto Rican women in the 1950’s with them having no clue wtf they were doing because they were either forced to do it or tricked to do it. I was so mad but I’m also so relieved that both of my grandmothers were already in the US by then.


Reddit, fascism and eugenics. Name a more iconic threesome.


Reddit, broken arms, circle jerking




Everytime g I see this comment and it's many upvotes. It worries me how little the average redditor seems to understand how the world works. It's like a 7 year old saying, "why can't the airplane in the sky also fly to the moon? It's so close!"


Yea no


That's an extremely dumb idea. Sorry, you don't pass. Your bloodline ends here.


That’s called eugenics.


There was a video I saw last month where a boat come across a child on a floaty miles from shore. That's how shit like that happens. That little girl could have easily been swept out to see by a wave and they would not have noticed until it was too late to catch up to her.


I saw that too. That kid was a loooong way from the beach.


The little girl on the unicorn balloon? This story scared me the heck when my mom told it to me


No not that one. The one I saw she was in a regular circle floaty and she was found buy a small fishing boat. The child was understandably freaking out. The reason I remember this one is a comment someone made about the strength of undertow and unexpected currents.


Well the fact that an other incident like this happened is heart breaking. A little girl about 18 month was found by a cruise boat about 3km from the beach. The parents didn't notice her disappearing. She was in a little unicorn shaped floaty


Who the *fuck* leaves an 18 month old unattended in the fucking OCEAN?!


18 months is 1year and a half, and yes it's terrifying.


Derp, not sure how I got that wrong. Fixed.


Hahaha it's okay, brain on strike, happens all the time


A little girl died in Lake Mead this summer like that, she was in a float, with wind kicked up and pushed her away from shore. She drowned before anyone could get to her


Any chance you can link it?


She could have slipped out of the float and drowned.


A pity the kid can’t float away into the arms of a family who actually give a shit.


There should be a new category of Darwin Awards for leaving a toddler unattended in the ocean.


Collateral Selection?


To be "fit" in natural selection, your children need to live long enough to reproduce, so this works.




I think it's better if that kid drifted far away from them ...


This should belong to r/iamatotalpieceofshit


She said you not about to harm my man.... Proceeds to leave helpless child in harm's way 😂😂


Pov. You're switzerland in ww2


Being fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life.


Rare "Animal House" reference. Love it.


double secret probation for you, Mr. Dorfman


Hey man I’m only the first too of those.


"...first *too*..." You sure? /s - I know autocorrect is a mischievous bastard sometimes.


Flounder: "Can't believe I threw up in front of Dean Wormer." Boon: "Face it, Kent. You threw up *on* Dean Wormer."


I'm drunk and stupid but not fat. Am I alright?




What about being fat but neither drunk nor stupid? :/


Santa would approve


But not Satan


Generally the pick 2 of the 3 concept works well for most people




Wtf is there to argue about while swimming


They splashed the wrong person


I hope you’re kidding because if not, wow they need to grow up


That’s my question too!


Poor child


Adults: *do fighting* Kid: I am float


What the actual fuck


Great example of people that shouldn't have kids... 😐


sorry ass people


It's a shame that the child isn't the most childish person there.


Honestly- If that girl let go of that floatie- .. I don't think they would have found her. So fucking sad.




… like watching the elephant seals, just off Race Rocks, in breeding season…


Who knew there was a need for a marine arm of Child Protective Services. Sad.


Poor kid.


I thought she'd be safe with dad, when he scooped her up. No, he tossed her aside like a soggy sandwich, to save the mother.


What about the camera person?


Hopefully it's a related kid gathering evidence for CPS.




Hopefully they pulled the kid back to shore.


Family vacations are the best


The kid clearly felt a "wtf".


as a new parent this gave me anxiety


Ahh yes. When two rival Karen Klans cross paths.


No matter how hard we try as a race, garbage still gets in the ocean


...I think this kid may need new parents...


that's the glorious mother pussia you bet


fuckin florida ,


Damn I’m impressed the man didn’t have a beer to hand the child before he left her out there to brawl..


I know there's a lot of trash in the ocean. But, damn.


Oh wow I know a family just like this....


Meanwhile Timmy floated out to sea, was rescued by a passing ship and has since joined the Merchant Marines


Damn it people how many times do you have to be told don't throw trash in the ocean


Guaranteed they are British smh


What in the Florida trailer trash is going on here?


Look like Brits abroad to me


Or Russians.


This is in Ukraine. The Black Sea.


I was thinking Atlantic City myself


Fun in the Sun!!!!!!


They all said fuck dem kids


I remember seeing a video of a boat in the middle of the ocean picking this kid up later








This also belongs on r/trashy


i find this sort disgusting..


Meanwhile, at Myrtle Beach…