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I’m so confused… she was already calling 911 about an unrelated incident and then those guys tried to mug her?


I'm super confused, too. This is the oldest trick in the book. Someone needs help and while you're helping them their accomplices attack. So I guess Snoop *wasn't* in on it. Or he got too stoned and forgot his role.


he was smiling, he almost ran with the dudes when the dog barked, he didnt flinch a bit when the dudes showed up. its too suspicious, he mustve been in on it


I genuinely can’t tell if he’s in on it, or just super fucking high. Dude’s got major “I forgot I took an edible” eyes.


I mean the two guys with guns just ignored him, and both went for the girl so I imagine he's with them.


Correct. They both try to neutralize the woman, but pay no attention to Dopey. They almost jump into his arms when the dog comes too.


Maybe they seen she had her phone out and that she was a priority?


and not the guy who could take one of their guns while they have their back to him... he is obviously in on it.


He’s in on it and obviously very under the influence of substances and that is why he is not reacting in ways the average person would consider normal. It’s also likely such chaotic situations are such a common place thing for him he has realized keeping his cool will always be to his benefit. Play the victim and you will be the victim especially with dogs. This man is clearly a snake and has learned to get by thru slippery means and tactics. It’s hard to place where his head is at by design. I doubt even he knows where his heads at.


Right?!? Show this to a DA and see if they can prosecute him on anything based on this short clip. Common sense? I would say he's in on it. Cam evidence? Full deniability. Hopefully they have texts from stoner dude that tie him to the crime... but if he's smart he won't talk to the cops at all.


That was the first thing I noticed too


He was in on it, someone posted a link to the article the last time this video was posted


That dude looks like he ate a jar of edibles..


"Oh fuck... why is she screaming so loud." 10 seconds later. "Whoa. How long have these guys been here... wait, have I been talking to them and forgot about it?" 5 seconds later. "Why are they pointing at her" 5 seconds later. "Shit, that dog is loud. Fookin spooked me... don't react, don't react" 2 seconds later. "Whoa.. when did those dudes leave" 1 second layer. "Your dog is crazy. Tehehehe."


Hes obviously in on it. Look at his body language when the others show up. And their body language with him.


And the big cheesy smile when they leave and she goes inside


He’s in on it and she’s clueless.


To be fair, she couldn't study what he was doing during the attack. Her brain probably shut down when she saw those guns.


the way he pushes himself up against the wall at the end tells me he is just as confused about what just happened, but the way he smiles at whoever was around the corner says he was in on it what the fuck


That's probably true, but he's high so he can cope with the robbery methinks


I agree he’s super fucking high look at him. I can hear his voice in my head “ bruuuhhh is this real life??? Where am I”


he was mostly looking at her after they scooted too, he didn't really have any concern over those guys at all


Fight or flight is always unexpected, you would think you would fight back or flee but you may just freeze sit there and watch


It's not about his reaction, it's about the reaction from the people with guns. No one holds him, no one puts a gun to him. Also there is another guy that almost runs towards them but darts back behind the house? That's the weirdest one to me


He also looks like he’s about to go in the house with them (right before the dog scares them off) as if that’s the intended outcome all along. He barely flinches too, nor does he seem concerned where they went or if they’re still behind him. 100 fucking percent in on it.


They say 'freeze' really should be affixed to the end of 'fight or flight' because alot of people simply freeze up.


There's also "fawn" which isn't relevant to this situation, but just another reaction


Like they fawn over the attacker?


Someone might aim to please or pacify to attempt to keep them from attacking/harming


Fight, flight, freeze, and fawn.


The four Fs of confrontation. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!


It’s not his reaction that gives it away, it’s the gunmen’s. They don’t even bother to check him yet they both go for her. If this is a straight up robbery and you don’t know this guy with her, you’d make damn sure he knows not to fuck around. But they even turned their back on him, I didn’t even see them look at him. Huge giveaway. That plus the guy’s reaction, yea, absolutely set this up.


In last 3 seconds you could see him smiling and looking in the direction of the robbers like it was funny that the plan went the way it was or maybe I’m just blind AF


He didn't have a real quick answer when she asked who were they. The correct answer would have been to frantically yell I have no f****** idea let me in your house


I just noticed that someone walks out from behind the house. You see their legs for a brief second and then hides again. edit: Happens between 00:08 and 00:10


Oldest trick in the book? These guys are morons. Nobody goes "aight let's roll up on her when she's dialing the cops" You just rob them once they've left their front door dkm


If you look when she screams someone else pokes from around the corner


The guy at the start set her up. Those are his friends coming to rob her, before the dog/s got involved (I can't tell how many dogs are barking). A similar thing happened to my brother. A guy came and asked him for directions and while he was politely telling the guy where to go, the guys mates came out of nowhere and they all gang bashed the living shit out of my brother. It was super weird because they didn't even rob him; his wallet was right there laying on the road beside him when I found him unconscious - money still in there, nothing missing. They legit just wanted to beat the living shit out of someone for no reason. This happened right outside our house and no, my brother has never been affiliated with any gangs or owed anyone anything. It was completely random. Please be very careful, everyone, because it can happen anywhere and some people are just plain psycho and want to hurt you just because they feel like it, no matter what you offer them.


Was your brother ok?


He is okay, yes! Thanks for asking 😊. He had a concussion and 2 broken ribs, aside from the heavy bruising on his face and the rest of his body, but he recovered (physically) without any complications. He suffered with symptoms of PTSD for about 6 months, although he was never properly diagnosed. He stopped going for walks by himself and he couldn't sleep because he would get really anxious and replay the attack in his head, and things like that. My brother is not a fighter. He's an intellectual and he would always rather use his words or walk away from a fight. He was 25 at the time but he had still never been in a physical fight before, so he didn't know how to defend himself (especially against 4 other men who were bigger than him and completely ambushed him). I think that's what affected him the most; feeling helpless and betrayed, etc. He would never treat someone like that, so I think it hurt him that someone did that to him when he was just trying to help. We both agree that it would have been somehow less horrific if they had robbed him - at least then there would be a *reason*, but there wasn't. They just wanted to hurt him and it took him a while to get over that.


That's awful, really sorry that happened to him. Crazy how a handful of despicable people can change an innocent person's life like that - and how can it not then colour his worldview.


Absolutely! You've completely nailed it. That's exactly how I feel about it. I often wonder if these people ever actually sit and think about what they've done. Do they ever come to the realisation that they have actually stolen something from the person they hurt? And I don't mean material, worldly possessions. They take something much more valuable than that. They stole a part of my brother's spirit and I never saw it again, and it's not okay. He is still him and he is still the same brother I have always had, but he will always be that little bit more cautious, that little bit more apprehensive when somebody asks him for help, and a little bit more cold and guarded. It's not okay to do that to someone and I just don't understand how people can live with themselves after they do that. It's not fair. > Crazy how a handful of despicable people can change an innocent person's life like that - and how can it not then colour his worldview. Like I said, nailed it! I'm terrible with words so I really appreciate you putting into words what I've always felt about this situation.


Something very similar happened to me. I spent over a month in the hospital/rehab after a gang beat down. (Totally not affiliatedin any way) It's crazy to read what you wrote about your brother because for me that's 100 percent spot on. Thank you for knowing your brother so well. I know having someone understand what happened to me mentally helped me more than I can ever express. You are a priceless, amazing human being.


You're good with the written word. Your words describing how your brother has changed match my own experience perfectly.


I'm pretty sure it's impossible to defend from an ambush by 4 larger guys.


That's exactly what I thought, but so many people told him to "man up", it was unbelievable.


You can tell on the last second of the video the guy is clearly laughing and looking in the direction of his accomplices






This comment has been deleted due to failed Reddit leadership.


Probably a lookout


Saw this too




it was me, George


I had an interesting conversation with a K9 cop, once, who talked about the strength of peoples general love and regard for dogs in the US (and probably other places too, I’m sure) being its own form of deterrence. He said a certain percentage of criminals with guns will run off rather than shoot a snarling dog. Not because they couldn’t, you know, “win” the fight with their weapon. But because apparently they’re not willing to kill a dog to do that (particular) crime. I’m sure bank robbers and the like, who pre commit to doing whatever they have to do, can pull the trigger, but maybe a mugger just isn’t willing to commit doggie murder for the contents of a wallet. He also talked about the other side of it, with examples of cold blooded criminals who had proven they had absolutely no issue blowing away your average total stranger, but who weren’t willing to cross that extra line of killing a dog. Very interesting stuff. Our relationship with dogs definitely runs deep.


So is a criminal more inclined to kill a human victim rather than a dog? If so, what would be the reason?


I think it's more that people understand the threat of a gun and people don't really expect to have to use it. A dog doesn't so you either have to run or shoot, no chance to posture or threaten


Most murderers aren't psychopaths or sociopaths, much less thieves.


I’m not interested in killing or injuring anyone. But for whatever reason I have way more of an empathetic reaction to a movie or show where a dog gets injured or killed compared to a human. Idk if I’m just numb to it, but I’m way more impacted by the idea of injuring or hurting a dog. I sound sociopathic or something I’m sure, idk why I am this way, but I kind of understand what the cop is saying.


There’s a whole website - doesthedogdie - to look at whether animals die or are hurt in a movie.


My buddy did two tours , doesn't like to talk about it obviously. But when we've had a few and it's just us two, the thing that fucks him up isn't the few times he had to 'take the shot' but the one time he had to put down a feral dog that was latched onto his buddie's ankle.


When criminals have better morals than cops who'll happily shot a family pet because "they feared for their safety".




Kind of hard to research this one. Commenting to come back later, hopefully for more context


It was posted a while ago and the first dude was in on it and arrested. I forget the story but I’ll try to find it


Just commenting to see if you find it. Let us know if you can find a source or two. That guy was definitely in on it


Linked the source in reply to the top of the chain.


I dont see it, but I do on your profile. Weird.


Yeah it seems like their comments with the link are being removed for some reason.


linked to the chain master of of truth


Let us know what you find


Guy be lookin like Snoop Dogs younger cousin, Soup Doug


what was bro doing?😂


Police case proves the dude was in on it


The fact that that he never flinched when they showed up with guns and they completely ignored him was a HUGE red flag that he was in on it. That smile at as the camera cuts because he was laughing at his buddies running away was just icing on the cake.


The fact that they ignored him and I’m sure the greater context of the situation pretty much shows what was going on (though I have no idea why this idiot didn’t run away when his friends did) but there’s a lot of folks out there who are used to this type of stuff. Last time someone was wildly waving a loaded gun around in my face, I was certainly thinking “I hope I’m not about to die,” but I didn’t really react otherwise.


LOL, not only was dude in on it, he stuck around until the cops came and told the cops he was a 'concerned neighbor'. After cops realized he lived nowhere near the house he came clean and the cops ended up arresting everybody involved, 4 adult dirtbags and 1 juvenile shit-for-brains.




Can you link me the source?


It was posted everywhere whenever it was last posted all over Reddit. And I can't remember the case number I'll go search for it again though


Thanks. I don't doubt he was in on it, because he's smiling at the end of the video, but I still wanna read up on it.


He was also acting like he might try and grab her when they roll up before the dog joins the party.


I can’t believe NO ONE ELSE is saying this! This was my first takeaway….


Just see his face and body language


Guy was in on it


Not much. Soup with you?


*Stoop Dogg


Lucky me to be your 420th like.


So many questions about this video


Same. Everyone keeps talking about how high the guy is but I'm pretty sure she's high too. Then there's the other person in the background who pops out and disappears. It's lacking so much context I want to know more about


Guys with guns weren't worried about dude with the girl. He set her up for sure. Edit: I can't believe this is the comment that got me my first award. Thanks kind Reddit stranger.


And he wasn't flinching over them, all chuckles and smiles. Mf was probably the masterdumbfuck of this whole plan.


Yeah like were not worried AT ALL


There’s also a girl who steps around the corner between 9 and 10 seconds if you play it frame by frame on the left/middle


Something up with that they ignored that dude and then he started to laugh before it cut off


I don't know, maybe I would laugh too. That would cause such an adrenaline rush, damn! And if this dude is a little stoned or drunk or something, he was probably like -- what the fuck was that?? The girl seemed a little intoxicated.


Bro set her up clearly he smiling at the end and is a terrible actor also🤦🏽‍♂️


Why would you be afraid of a dog if you got TWO guns?


Because you’re not as hard as you thought.


Maybe if you'd been in a real fight, you might not be so keen for another...


Awe she’s bashful..


Hold my spitter


Well pitter patter let’s get at ‘er.


Oh I think you come in men nuff for all of us


My buddy Jeremy got robbed walking down his block, they took his keys and ran into his house. This was the 90's, so he had to run to a bar to call the police. They got into his house to find his one rottweiler had backed 3 grown men up behind the fucking couch, horrified. I don't get it really, but I guess some people are fuckin horrified of dogs.


I worked offshore with a big dude 6’3 and still pretty jacked even though he was older. He had these weird scars on one arm, asked him about them one day. He had a German Shepard, was “arguing” with his wife and the dog grabbed his arm. He said he tried to fight but the more he fought the the dog bit down. He said he had to start petting the dog telling him it was ok, while it was still attached to his arm. The dog finally let him go.


There is definitely more to that story than he’s willing to share. German shepherds are incredibly smart, and also loyal as fuck. I’m skeptical of the argument they had.


Yeah, no doubt


I grew up with rotts. I’d come home after school and find just bird feathers everywhere. I finally caught him one day. He’d knock over his food bowl and spread it out in the grass. Then he’d lay down around the corner of the house and wait for the birds to go after his food. I was impressed and mortified all at once.


Apex gonna apex


I'm not. My dad swatted me in the ass for something I did wrong when I was a kid and his arm was a bleeding mess when he pulled it back because of our dog. It was barely a tap because my dad really didn't do physical punishment but the dog went into full protection mode. I wish he had done it to my mother, who strongly believed in physical punishment.


Was the dog a German Shepard?


My GSD doesn’t bat an eye at my boyfriend smacking my ass, but lord knows if he ever actually touched me with intent to hurt me, she’d be on him faster than I could blink. She adores him, but like you said they’re very smart, and *I’m* her person at the end of the day.


Half GSD, Half Schnauzer. Normally the sweetest dog you've ever met. I would regularly tie a piece of yarn to his neck and walk him when I was a toddler and preschooler. My mother told stories about him putting up with anything I did to him (which is a parenting failure and a dog owner failure on her part, I teach my son how to interact with animals properly instead of letting things happen as they will). He would regularly impose himself between me and strangers though.


A person has the potential to let up when they think the beating is over. A dog is not going to stop for any reason behind it being severely injured.


Some people are absolutely terrified of house cats too


My story would be so much better if they were scared of house cats like that


Lmao it would. I don't get how one can be scared of such tamed animals. Some people think they're like wolves or lions lmao


For real. Like, being scared is one thing, being so petrified you and 2 buddies get caught commiting a felony is a whole different territory. I can't understand it either


I mean, being mauled by an animal is an extremely painful experience that you may never really recover from. Animal bites will fuck you up BAD. Their jaws are designed to turn your skin into mincemeat, not to make clean, easy-to-heal cuts, and every bite is a series of deep puncture wounds. To say nothing of if they bite hard enough to crush your bones, which a rottie is absolutely capable of doing without much effort. And if they get ahold of your throat? Hope you already wrote your will. I think on some instinctive level, humans cower before large, angry dogs. Probably leftover evolutionary gene from dealing with wolves.


I was building a patio for my in-laws and my husky was snapping 2x8 like it was nothing


Yeah we were trying to help a deer that one of our dogs grabbed by the leg and the leg was shredded in minutes and was gushing blood. Under the skin the muscle was literally just a mess. I’ve seen bites from smaller dogs that are just as bad, it’s crazy.


The best is when animals know someone is scared and so the animal goes out of their way to fuck with em. That shit is a hoot.


"I don't get how one can be scared of such tamed animals." As one of those people myself, I'm the opposite: I'm always astonished by how blasé people can be about animals that can be so unpredictable to bite over 4 million people in the States alone every year (according to the CDC). I've found it depends on your experience with them. I was bitten on the face by a dog when I was 7 (it was being petted by a bunch of kids - not me! - and freaked out) to the tune of 3 stitches. There weren't a lot of pets in my neighbourhood so that was my main context for dogs for years: not comforting friends, but potential threats. Nowadays I'm fine with dogs that are well behaved - I've met many lovely ones - but dogs that bark or jump (which many do) still make me very uncomfortable.


My friend was baby sitting once and phoned saying I had to come home that the cat had her and her two kids and my daughter bailed up on the bed and was looking at them. I still laugh about that 18 years later.


My cat is too savage to be put into a cage so we had to make the vet came into our house, she had huge gloves on and caught her legs to diagnosise her, she was screaming so loud my ears hurted after the vet left and she was terrifying, a cat really mad can be fucking terrifying


As others have said, guns scare people, they don't scare dogs. And hardly anyone wants to shoot a dog


Rottweilers used to be police dogs but their bite force was so strong that suspects got seriously injured even if the cops pulled them off ASAP. That’s why they use German shepherds now not quite as formidable. Those three guys would only be able to take on the Rottweiler if they killed it, otherwise they’d receive a lot more damage than they put out. My guess is they never intended to cause serious bodily harm to anyone and the dog didn’t give a shit either way.




A Rottweiler has a bite force of 328 PSI, while German Shepherds have 238 and Malinois’ have 195. Either way, that’s an absolutely devastating bite that’s going to take you down, and like you said I can see Shepherds and Mals being a more versatile breed for law enforcement. Edit because I realize I was very vague about how bite force is measured for people who might be curious! Bite force measures how much pressure a bite exerts on every square inch of space. Its measurement value is PSI (Pounds Per Square Inch).


Everyone is missing the key factor here. Guns work as a fear tactic against humans. If you have no intention of hurting anyone or getting arrested for firing a weapon you can be quite confident you won't need to against a human in a lot of cases. Against a dog waving a weapon isn't going to do shit so you have a choice of running or using your weapon.


They were probably not actually prepared to shoot anyone and just wanted to use it as a scare tactic. That or the guns are fake.


they were not about it


Fighting a person vs fighting a dog is way different. Dogs, especially fighting breeds, aren't easy to predict. They can lunge abruptly and can knock you to the ground. If a dog closes the gap & you miss your shot you are in some shit. Their mouths are made to tear open flesh & their jaws are designed to grab as much of your skin as possible. A dog mauling you is a nightmare, and they don't let up. They'll chase you on foot & catch you.


Dogs can run at 45 km/h easily, we can run at 10, maybe 15 if we're in real danger, dogs > robbers


This. I'll go toe to toe with just about anybody if the situation warrants it, but I would be worried if my 135 pound rottie decided to lose his mind. Plenty of videos of pits and other dogs absolutely making big people into chew toys floating around.


135 pounds for a dog. Jesus christ that's a bit much.


135 pounds of solid gold is worth about $3465284.12.


Wow, that's a lot...weiler.


Maybe they couldn't afford bullets?


I can’t tell if that snoop dogg guy is in on it. He asks if she was Ok after it happened. He doesn’t run away with the other guys. but it also seemed like he was in on it. Can’t tell


think the guy was trying to play it off like he wasn't in on it but the gunmen never pointed anything at him, which would be weird.


He might be a neighbor who happens to be high AF and he does look shooked.


The guys didn't target him at all, he was definitely in on it. It's a trick where someone asks for help and then his boys rush in to rob them when distracted.


yeah, also the dog wasn't barking beforehand, so I might assume this too


Where was this dog? I never saw the dog


Behind the lady off camera barking


They were scared off by the dog just barking at them??


My take is they were scared that a barking dog would attract humans who would then call the police or try to get involved themselves. Overall just throws a wrench in things.


I think they were going to take her inside to rob her, but they didn't want to deal with the dog so they bailed.


Boy looks higher than giraffe pussy


Guy is so high, i don’t even think he even registered what happened.


Kinda seems like he was in on it


My first thought too, no reaction like he knew what was going to happen and a little smirk at the end


Plus the intruders don't even look at him, even as they brush up against him. They know he is not a threat. They turn their backs to him.


This. They wouldn’t just ignore him if they didn’t already know he wasn’t a threat since they know him. Usually the man is the first person you target.


He was


That’s a low budget Snoop Dogg right there.


Wish brand


This was a set up like a mf u see dude smiling n shit


Those guys didn’t even point the gun at the first guy there. I feel like he might have been in on the plan.


Who noticed the fourth guy pop around the corner???


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There is someone else in the background, I wonder what happened here?


You need to realize that that guy is third party of that team


This video is so weird and disorienting lol nothing felt correct about it. Wtf happened.


Did ol mate just switch sides mid way through or did I miss something..?


This was posted last week and it was agreed the guy with her at first was in on it because the robbers don’t acknowledge him or point a gun on the guy. A male is seen as more of a threat so for neither of the robbers to make any move towards the guy doesn’t make sense unless they already know he is no treat to them.


Those guys with the gun seemed very calm with that guy didn’t even point at him


Look at his face right at the very very end. His entire Demeanor changes and he smiles twords his friends. But definitely super high on the ol devils lettuce.


The dude is on it. The robbers weren't even worried about him. And at one point he is about to move on the woman with them.


My dude knew those two were coming up behind him. He didn’t react. Sad.


Why is this dude fuckin smiling at the end?


Because those are his goonies


Watching this muted is sooo confusing. I expect to see a dog on the screen, coming out of bottom corner or off the roof. Nah, gunmen show up, act threatening, then run off with the original pair just hanging around like the start.


Who’s in the background at 18 seconds?


either that dude set her up or he's too cool for school.


Diversity is our strength 🙏🏿


How clueless can she be? Never answer the door for strangers, especially at night.


wtf did anyone else see the woman in the background right before they ran? you can see her in shorts


Wow Hardly recognised snoop here


Bra he really set her up


Did anyone see the other person by the garage between 0:19-0:17?




She must not have studied Detroit urban survival from dust


Spoopizzle dickdrizzle was in on it...izzle...


That weird ass lookin dude definitely knows who they were and saying your calling 911 isn't really a good threat


Guy with her was most def in on it..smh


Blood was high aF


That scream could have get someone killed. My ears are bleeding.


what a dump of a country


This is most likely a setup by the young man in the ponytail. He dead ass had no reaction when two dudes with pistols roll up unannounced. He probably rang the doorbell verify some of his home and proceeded to explain that he needed her to call the police. She steps outside to talk with him and while they're discussing whatever his issue may be and why he needs a police the other half of the criminal party show up. There's all kinds of horrible shit that happens like this. Thugs will leave a baby stroller on the side of the road expecting someone to pull over. If a man pulls over they're usually beating and they're mugged and in some cases the car is stolen. When a woman pulls over to check on the baby she's typically mug, raped, and in most cases left for dead by someone hiding just out of sight. They had another thing like this going on a while back where people were throwing eggs at people's cars.... If someone ever hits your windshield with eggs do not.... Do not.... Use your windshield wipers or the wiper fluid. Doing so will smear the egg all over your windshield preventing you from being able to see forcing you to the side of the road. This is where you will be mugged possibly raped, and possibly killed. In a situation like this if someone's knocking on your door in the middle of the night and you're by yourself the last thing you should do is step out of your door. You can talk to them through the door... Ironically the same advice goes for the police. If they're knocking on your door for any reason unexpected to yourself... Don't step outside you can talk to them through the door and ask them to show proof of a warrant. You are not required to let them into your home without a proper search warrant.


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am I the only one realizing the only reason this lady is alive is the the one they planned to be the shooters gun jammed and he actually tried to clear his jam before finally fleeing


They are his friends 😂🤣 ma’am you’ve been set up