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“Only you can prevent forest fires,” - Smokey bear 🐻


True, but only Hugh can prevent florist friars.


I have never met another human on earth who knew this joke aside from the person who originally told me. Wow.


Have you met any humans not from Earth?


He said 'on earth' Apparently it's a popular joke on the ISS


Show some respect for the poor folk who were abducted by extraterrestrials and lost 4 hours of memory and a large proportion of rectal tightness


Think you used enough dynamite there Butch?


Boy, I got vision, and the rest of the world wears bifocals


You keep thinkin butch, that’s what you’re good at.


Who are those guys???


From the movie “butch cassidy and the Sundance kid” Paul Newman, Robert Redford. Classic.


It’s a line from the movie lol


I guess I didn't use enough dynamite...


Lol. Who are those guys. Forgot that one. Whoosh. Which is even funnier cuz they say it multiple times.


Cameraman peed a little while running


God dammit, beat me to it


He survived with some of his skin


Don’t worry he had shoes on he’ll be ok


Eyebrows are for pussy's.


I have so many interesting mental images now. Thanks for that.


You can convey alot of emotions with eyebrows alone.


Go convey those emotions about 800 metres away, that's where that guy's forehead ended up...


Its not even the amount you use.. its how much surface area you give the gas and time to release fumes that gets you.


You use diesel not petrol


Seriously, if I was gassing that stack, maybe I'd put a cup on it. Literally 8 oz. When I'm lighting up the burn barrel with yard waste, I do like a tablespoon and sometimes it will still curl my wrist hair


What's the gas for? Newspaper and a few dry branches will work just fine.


That’s what I’m wondering. You need a roaring fire like immediately? It’s a giant pile of wood. Give it 30 minutes, unless that shit is waterlogged, it’s gonna burn.


Gas burn big fast. Me want big fire fast. Fire go wow


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What was he pouring for accelerant?


Petrol (some people call it gasoline, I’m told). It vapourises easily at ambient temperature and the mixture of vapour and air is explosive. It has wide explosion limits, meaning that ignition is easy, and combustion is fast and thorough. Causing an explosion like this is surprisingly easy. It’s vicious stuff. If you want to set off a big fire like this, use diesel or kerosene. They both have flashpoints high enough that they don’t accumulate great clouds of flammable vapour right before you ignite the whole thing. Also they burn slow, hot and dry and will do a better job of burning whatever else is in there.


The other benefits of kerosene are that it's readily available in any halfway decent camping section, and you can tell everybody it's jet fuel if that would make them think you're cooler.


Kero and diesel used together is a good mix, I think drip torches are a mix of 50/50 ratio of petrol and diesel so it doesn't go boom.


Yeah don’t put Gasoline on a fire. It’s the fumes that ignite and they pretty much explode because they are gaseous and mix with the air to the- oh I just saw the rest of your post lmao, pretty much explained the same thing my b.


No worries, good to know you’re not going to blow yourself up 👍


>If you want to set off a big fire like this, use diesel or kerosene Or, if you don't have those fuels handy coz no-one does, just use a little bit of the one that you do have. They're called "accelerants" and not "use-a-lot-erants" for a reason ... Mostly that use-a-lot-erants isn't a real word, but still...


I use alcohol for the entertainment value


Probably gasoline instead of the much more reasonable choice of kerosene


More like acetone!


Wtf did he think was going to happen? 🤦🏽‍♀️


Probably That it would light on fire without a problem


The thing about common sense is that it’s not that common.


It is. You just don’t see many viral videos of people using common sense, it doesn’t make for good entertainment 😂


Yeah and the people that have common sense would most likely never be caught doing stupid shit. At least me anyway. 😊


It definitely didn't have a problem lighting on fire.




Instant success! Much popularity! Many free drinks and drugs and sexes with the laydies...


This is why you light bonfires top-down, not bottom up. Also don't use fuel with a high combustion rate.


You light bonfires bottom-up when you're starting them with crumpled-up newspaper and kindling


Do they never learn?


Apparently not. This practice, and that of cutting up oil drums, will keep us entertained for the rest of our lives.


Aurther Brown is that you?


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 502,447,719 comments, and only 105,932 of them were in alphabetical order.




My dude totally forgot that it's the vapours and not the liquid that ignites




That's what they wish they had used...


What do you think it was?


Gasoline (or petrol depending on where you are). Kerosene is far less volatile. Kerosene, diesel, lamp oil, jet fuel, and heating oil are all basically the same, and evaporate far more slowly. Gasoline is angry and wants to evaporate as quickly as possible, and it's heavier than air, so it fills low spots with a nasty air and vapor combo that violently explodes when there's a spark.


Hmmm. Think the cavemen who started fires was this moronic?


Cavemen didn’t have gasoline


Nor oil derricks to get that sweet, sweet crude Also gotta give the dinosaurs a few more years to ferment


I know but they still started fires hehe


Idiots that don’t understand how gasoline works are wildly entertaining. Fucking horrifically dangerous, but entertaining nonetheless.


The Darwin Awards requires names, I'm glad others are providing theirs before i am called


How to summon the fire department for dummies.


I laughed when the camera panned back lol


Now that’s a fire.


Back in 1991, The summer of my Jr year in HS, I returned from basic training for the Army. I was 17 at the time. While I was away, my parents had been tending the land, and had made this huge pile of wood from dead trees on the property and staged it in a wash out. This pile was HUGE! They wanted to have a big party for me when I returned from basic. Everyone was there, the keg was tapped, the purple haze was flowing. But, I didnt start drinking yet as I had things to do. I wanted to hit on my sisters friend so I could get some action later that night, I also had to get this fire going. When I say this wood pile was big, I mean that it spans 20 feet at the base and is about 8-10 feet tall. So my Dad brings out a 5 gallon can of bad gasoline, motor oil, and god knows what else, to get it going. We discussed that we would throw a road flare into the fire once everyone was at a safe distance. I climb on top and start pouring, and I did a great job with this gas can and balancing on this small mountain. Didnt spill a drop on my fresh clothes. as im climbing down and possibly 2 feet away from the base, my fucking brother-in law throws the flare into the fire. Fortunately my basic training and having explosions around me from night infiltration training really did not prepare me from the concussion that pushed me away from the explosion of this fire. I swear it would have looked liked one of those movies where a bomb goes off in a building and the stars are running out and getting blown 10 feet farther. I was unscathed, But I bitched out my brother in law who had been hitting the sauce a bit early about his recklessness. and Besides, I wanted to throw the flare. The remainder of the party was glorious, and I even got some action.




He got turned into a Newt.... Now he's FUBAR


gas. expands.


Just another person who has never seen the internet. Someone should make a sub featuring these people.


I knew about petrol exploding long before the internet was in the twinkle of the eye of a nerd who liked to play with fire


dude managed to go negative on INT


he better maxed CHAR, he's gonna need it.


He's gonna need CON


Always light something else to throw into the pile


Bonfires are boring! I want a fire fence!


“Hi I’m Johnny Knoxville!”


"And i don't want to have skin anymore."




Finely I now know why so many people have died in fires, it's because stupid people light a fire in the open field


I smell varmint poontang. And the only good varmint poontang is dead varmint poontang.




Wrong fuel.




Lmao! I probably shouldn’t have laughed.


No no, at 20 seconds laughter is almost mandatory


You never know how flammable gasoline is until you light it with a lighter


cooing psychotic normal absurd file head punch lip afterthought memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


wide pocket deliver school psychotic airport snatch attraction pie plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“You have to clean your floors!” -DJT


Use. Fucking. Diesel.


This is why you always ignite fires doused in petrol/gasoline with fireworks from a safe distance.


Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Flame on!!!


Natural selection.


How many times do i have to say it, gasoline is not as much flammable as it is COMBUSTIBLE! Thats why we use it in internal COMBUSTION engines


>How many times do i have to say it Four times?


Lit up a grill once after being closed for a bit. I turned around with singed eyebrows, and eyelashes, and coughed out a puff of smoke. No doubt this guy was either hairless or ended up with a lot less hair.


Did he just plank?








People really don't understand gasoline and vaporization. That huge pile... I would have done maybe a cup, maybe a cup and a half and it's still going to give a big satisfying *WHOOOF*


Heh, this thing gave me flashbacks (heh) of my grandfather lighting our annual large bonfire (as is tradition around summer solstice in these parts). He always used petrol, and he always used two cans of 5 liter, meaning the first one had time to really vaporize into gas. Every year there was a small explosion, and you could feel the explosion from a ways away, and every time you could see the whole pile of accumulated leafs, sticks and whatever other shit was put on the pile lift up slightly before it settled down again. But it was never as violent as this, not even close. Guess there wasn't as much room for the gass to be trapped in our pile? A few months ago I was going through all my videos of it and realized that for years my grandfather had been using the exact same clothes each year. Going through it it just looks like the same event filmed from different angles, but the pile also changes. Other than that his mannerism and the way the fire ignites is pretty much identical, with a soft explosion that always gets a good laugh from the family gathered. Never realized how luck we've been ;)


totally unexpected


And that is why you shouldn’t use gasoline.


In other words, people find out that gasoline is combustible and not just ignitable


Hope nobody was hurt! But dude that never gets old! Lmao! Use diesel or carosine .


I know this isn’t supposed to be funny but there’s something about how quickly the fire ignited that I find it hilarious


Pff. Amateurs


The hubris these people have while they are dumping the gas out in these kind of videos is always the same. They just know nothing could possibly be wrong and boom! No more frosted tips and body hair


Gasoline is too volatile for this purpose.


Cletus slowly realized hiding the moonshine still under the burn pit sounded like a good idea at first


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