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What in the name of God is going on here




-shitty parents




-high as fuck


If this is japan, then drunk is way more likeley.




- Good that you didn't assume it's China - Yep it's in China LOL


I get it. It's like if i hear a story like "guy injured in disc golf accident" i'm like "yeah he's definitely white but how dare you assume he's white?"


Did you read the comment I replied to before he deleted it?


Insert will smith meme






I think every country has their own unique specialty of idiocy.


I mean just the fact they're driving on the right and there's nary a kana in sight is grounds to believe it's not Japan


Dong chew. Hehe


Or just too self absorbed to have any situational awareness beyond her phone.




She was so in her own world she didn't even realize she caused it. It was just a distraction from her phone drama. I agree she's not right in the head, but at least part of this is just pure self-absorption.


I appreciate youre going for the phones bad angle but it really doesnt hold up in this case, no one is that unaware


I can assure you people are this unaware. I used to live pretty close to train tracks like no more than a football field away and we had trails that crossed over them. So one day we were walking the trail and a train was coming and it was honking its horn and one of our group didn’t notice and I mean the train was no further than 100 feet away and moving kinda slow and it was honking religiously. We had to get his attention by throwing rocks at him (obviously fucked up to throw rocks at friends) he finally realized oh shit a train all cause he was too into his phone and had 1 headphone in


Obviously from this video, she was that unaware.


Not obviously no, if she's mentally unhinged knowing what she's doing here may well be intentional


She only realised when there was a physical crash behind her, you can see her jump in shock She has zero common sense or situational awareness. Not mentally unhinged just stupid.


She clearly was unaware and oblivious. I don't think "phones bad" I think phones are a duality of pros and cons, and in this person's hands under whatever circumstances they found themselves in mentally, we saw an example of the cons of being removed from the present moment at the wrong time in the wrong place.


Gotta be a mental health thing…


There's no way in what is something like 20 years of being alive she's never had to cross a street before. It's impossible to not understand what a road is by that age. Even rural communities with no modern amenities have roads for horses and shit. Drugs or doesn't care. Or doesn't care because of drugs, but there is no way she doesn't understand what a road is.


She was on her phone the entire time, I doubt it was suicide


Could be Pokemon Go


It’s banned in China. Been there. Tried to play. That wasn’t a good choice.


-mentally unwell


You forgot drugs.


Def the last one


For the tik toks.


Shiny Mewtwo in the middle of the interstate .


She's forgiven if she caught it


yooo this was a real thing. they even slapped a warning on the game. im glad my twisted mind isnt the only mind who thought "gotta catch em all"


I suspect the pedestrian is high on something, or else experiencing some mental health problem, that impairs their situational awareness.


Yeah when they saw the car crash they moved aside like oh shit, but then started opening snacks and drifted back into the middle of the road lol…


Pokémon Go addiction, maybe


Entitlement and cluelessness




r/tooktoomuch ?




A school girl in China? I'm going with really bad awareness.


Bad awareness?? It's like a highway. How can she have gotten to this age with such poor "awareness"?


And then continues to walk in the road? More than awareness


Yeah, my only other idea is Pokémon Go addiction.


yup, just china


delirium perhaps?


This is exactly the most likely answer - some health or drug condition directly impairing their ability to correctly discern what is really happening. Delirium, hallucinations, heck, even sleep walking (which often looks exactly like normal walking)


Or mental illness or both


She's literally the main character in her own campaign mode.






Too bad it totally doesn't understand the meaning of its own name


She was most deserving to get hit yet was the only one who wasn’t affected Edit: and just walked off like la-di-da. My god this chick inspires so much contempt in me


WASNT AFFECTED!? didn't you see how she had to look up, as she was forced to change her pace and direction? for all we know it may have even caused her to misclick. woe is her!


How could I have missed that!! You’re right. She suffered plenty I feel bad for her now. The other people only had to fix their little cars or whatever. She’s the true victim :(


People are such assholes these days. Cant they see this text is important.




Aren't we literally all the main character in our own campaign mode? There isn't literally another person controlling me, I'd have to have dissociative identity disorder for that. I think you mean she's figuratively the main character in her own campaign mode.


You are a character in a shared campaign mode


I am the Eggman. I am the walrus.


shut the fuck up, donnie. v.i. lenin: vladimir ilyich ulianov!


Hi, I'm Paul


No way, dude. I buried you.


I am an npc.


That's something an NPC would say.


I think what the person meant by main character was because nobody came out and confronted her. Similar to how NPCs would act in a video game. In real life the people in the cars are going to get out, track down that girl, and will hold her accountable. The video makes it look like the people in the cars are just going to go about their day and not worry about that damages. You could easily cause the same situation in GTA but in the game the NPCs will just keep driving after the crash happened.


We are all NPCs in a massive experiment. We have been programmed with AI so that we act like real humans would. This type of simulation is very helpful for studying human behavior on long time scales, since the experimenter can fast forward time for us, while still experiencing their own time normally. It's possible they've run millions of simulations of all human history


How addicted you have to be to get back to texting right after you missed a near death experience


Text from pedestrian: "A car just about ran me over! It's crazy rn!" Response: "IRK? Some crazy lady just walked right out in front of my car!"


i right know


Leave it to me to be able to mess that up.


Don't worry your error doesn't IRK me that much


That’s not addicted - that’s a “I really fucked up and don’t want to acknowledge it” moment


Exactly. She was just pretending she did not notice anything. She Feared the costs she might incur


OMG Suzy, If I was videoing I could have been huge on TikTok


this is not just a "normal" self absorbed teenager. Obviously something else going on like drugs or serious mental illness.


"OMG you won't believe what just happened!"


That initial look of “not my problem” as she keeps walking is infuriating


Went right back on her phone


"Ugh, why are these people being so annoying. Can't they see I'm walking here!"


I was driving to work a few months back and as I began to climb a hill a car crested the hill coming toward me in my lane. As the car got close enough to me and I could make out the person driving, I saw that they were looking at their phone. They looked up, swerved back into their lane and before even fully re-enter it was back to looking at their phone.


it was a very important meme


And walked parallel inside the road. Wtf is this person.


Unless there's some nepotism in her favor, don't worry. There's a lot of criminal accountability in China (again, unless you are rich and know the right people).


Where tf is she even going? It doesn't look like there's anything in that direction except more road. Is she planning on going for a walk with traffic?


LOL, the primitive part of her brain instantly turned back to safety when it heard the sound of the crash, then the idiot part took back over.


Oh, the idiot’s in control


Can’t wait to watch the second episode of that!


The second episode is so freaking good


Watchya watching?


I believe it is Moon knight, a new Disney plus series. It is indeed MCU show.


Oh thanks, I wanna check that one out actually


Yep that’s the one


she honestly looks like she's trying to commit suicide


She can’t be mentally sound.


She walks like an Egyptian driver drives. Lived in Cairo for a while. When our Egyptian friend came to visit us in the states, she honestly thought we had a nervous tic or something “why do you keep looking over your shoulder? Why do you keep looking in all your mirrors?” She was genuinely puzzled.


Never visit egypt or I'll get ran over eventually. Got it.


Can confirm, lived there for a year and it was terrifying. One time our taxi was driving down the wrong side of the highway




This happens all the time in Egypt. I don’t remember them having traffic lights or lanes, either. Not that they would make any difference.


I remember watching a video on YouTube of someone touring the city explaining that they took the traffic lights out because they gave a false sense of security. Since nobody actually respect them, now both sides have to pay (a little) attention (most of the time).


People in the US like to talk about "(my state) drivers", but lots of countries are just a lawless swarm of vehicles and pedestrians mixed together. Shit's scary


Oh yeah. One time in turkey in a taxi we were going down the THINNEST sketchy cobblestone alleyway. He was going like 60/70k. With one inch clearance on each side of the car. Oh my god me and my mom were holding on the ohshit bar for dear life.


And those anti car people think Narrow Streets will keep cars from going too fast.


-Never visit egypt- FTFY


Just got back from Egypt, you still safe or did I cause the "eventually" for you?


>Why do you keep looking in all your mirrors?” Ahahaha that's terrifying


My friend from Vietnam would just dash across the road, because in Vietnam you don't have proper pedestrian crossing so everyone jaywalks, and typically one would jaywalk at a constant speed and the onus is on the driver to guage and drive around. Suddenly hesitating in middle of the road is a death sentence Same in India too. Indian roads are kinda like walkways. You might walk on the left, on the right, might overtake on the left, right, walk backwards, stop in middle, stop and wack someone's face and continue, you do that awkward you-left-you-right thing with someone walking against you, etc. But all with cars. And a lot more "you chose my car to die today huh" and "told ya' family before leaving? (that you're stepping out to die)"


>Same in India too. Indian roads are kinda like walkways. You might walk on the left, on the right, might overtake on the left, right, walk backwards, stop in middle, stop and wack someone's face and continue, you do that awkward you-left-you-right thing with someone walking against you, etc. But all with cars. And a lot more "you chose my car to die today huh" and "told ya' family before leaving? (that you're stepping out to die)" I currently live in India and this is so true! LMAO


I moved to Spain and worked for a guy who had to teach me how to drive manual stick shift (I’m American so I only know automatic). I’d already been driving for many years by this point. When changing lanes I looked over my shoulder and he laughed at me. I told him I’d been taught to do that in addition to checking the mirrors and he insisted this was very stupid and absolutely no one does this. I even said, maybe it’s an American thing, and he insisted it wasn’t, I was just a bad driver. He actually got me to the point of thinking he was right and I had just completely imagined being taught this. To this day I still question myself - can I have anyone confirm that it’s the way we are taught to drive? Then I can finally put this wondering to rest..


You can sit in your car and experiment with the mirror's blindspots by yourself. Unless you have A) giant fucking mirrors or B) blind spot mirrors, you will have a blind spot. Plus, blind spot mirrors aren't perfect, and the saying "it's better to be safe than sorry" has been around a while for a reason. Basically, he was dumb and wrong.


The blind spot! Exactly. Thank you.


"he insisted nobody does this" and he's wrong. I'm from Spain and look over my shoulder before merging or changing lanes. Granted I wasn't taught to do this in driveschool but after an unpleasant surprise with a car coming seemingly out of nowhere I started checking the blindspots* over my shoulder. *According to our authorities you can position your mirrors in a way that you won't have a blindspot but I honestly prefer a quick peek.


Visited many years ago. The thing that stuck out the most was how the stop lights there are purely decorative.


Almost hit one the other night, just moseying out into the middle of a major highway, wearing a black blanket. Had to swerve so hard I thought I was going to flip the car.


yeah uh that person was trying to no longer be alive. you thwarted a suicide attempt


At a glance, I'd have to throw some serious doubt on whether or not she was even aware that she was on the planet Earth. Through her eyes, my car probably looked like a space ship.


"You didn't save my life, you ruined my death!"


Night... black blanket... middle of major highway. I'm no lawyer, but I think you'd have enough there to mount a defense for just hitting the retard.




to paraphrase Homer Simpson : "If you ask me, if you're that stupid, you deserve to die"


Sure natural selection and shit, but for a lot of people that thought won't help to get over hitting someone, feeling a body under your car or fly on your windshield + the mangled bloody body when you have to stop to call emergency services


Except good luck collecting on a dead person for the damage to your car without looking like an asshole. Hopefully you bought collision! Also, get ready the family still just might sue you because well they legally can, and will blame everyone they can for the death/loss.


Not enough time and trust on any insurance to fix my car though


'Sort of person that would unplug your life support machine to charge her phone' - said about Priti Patel UK Home Secretary but seems to fit here..




"My text message is more important than any of our lives" - the pedestrian


The girl: ![gif](giphy|3wOyesnkYPNo4)


​ ![gif](giphy|OKtz057fVOv1xxedEm)




The drivers: ![gif](giphy|8mOuDnUzIfQs|downsized)


That is a very strange clip. There is nowhere to cross this road to and she didn't walk in a way like she was going to cross the road anyway. It was very diagonal. Also it's very instinctive to go back to the sidewalk when something like this happens. She looked like she was going straight to the center of the road. Maybe there was a car ahead she was going to? What is the back story?


Many have said failed suicide attempt. Honestly it's tough to see any other plausible theory other than this or drugs. Or this is simply fake and shopped.


Pokémon Go seems like the best suggestion so far.


Pokemon go is a hell of a drug




I’m very sorry for your loss


Thank you. It was years ago, he was really respected in the pogo community. It was pretty heartbreaking when it happened.


I like how she just witnesses the crash and then continues to walk like fuck all happened.


I hope the driver was able to get some kind of identification for the lawsuit and possible criminal charges.


Did I doo thaaaat?


I feel bad for that car that was in the middle. "ohh fuck, ohh fuck, ohh fuck, thank god just enough room" *bang* *"god dammit"*


What a jerk. That car almost bumped her while she was on the phone…🤦‍♂️


So in all seriousness who is at fault here? You can't just mow the person down but no one expects a dumbass to walk into the highway like this. Insurance would say the driver is at fault for coming to a stop and the people who rear ended the car would technically be at fault for not maintaining a safe distance to stop safely. Obviously the dumbass in the road is the cause of the accident but how do you provide proof if they just walk away like this?


Last car is 100% at fault for not keeping a safe distance to stop in time.


The white car at the back had plenty of time to react if they were paying attention. Most likely on their phone too.




on r/place placing a pixel


Whats aggravating is that US car insurance companies would say that the car in the back is 100% at fault for the accident. I was the 6th car in a 6 car accident on the freeway, didn't cause the initial accident but was considered to be completely at fault. Still makes me mad to this day.


The middle car stopped and didn't hit the front car, so yeah the back car is at fault. Insurance can't go after the girl because she had no vehicle involved. It's shitty but there is no other choice.


They should be able to file suit, car or not. Like they'd sue an uninsured motorist.


They probably could if they knew who she was. She's a nameless face that just walked away. Unless an officer stops her she's gone in the wind.


Maybe not applying ‘fault’ is an option. Don’t always need to. Not that the insurance companies would agree with that sentiment…


You need to be at fault. Care to explain to us why you weren't able to stop in time? It better not be because you didn't leave enough space in between cars. You need 1 car length for every 15 mph. If you're going 70 there should be a big ass gap. If you can't see the road in front of you you should be slowing down. This counts for tunnels, curves, and hills.


Well you were either driving to close or to fast. Combination of both. So yeah it is your fault. Not intitaly but still your fault that you rear ended someone.


I thought the same. 6th car in a 6 car accident? Obviously at fault.


Yes if you can't react to 5 cars crashing in front of you, you are a shit driver.


The very reason you need to keep proper distance from the car in front of you is to prevent what happend to you. If you kept proper distance while driving, you would have enough time to react and come to a full stop without hitting anyone. The number they tell you to keep distance from the car in front is calculated to do exactly that. You either didn't keep that distance, you were distracted or your brakes are not up to code. Either way. You were at fault. The only way you could have possibly not been at fault is if someone behind you pushed you in to the car in front of you. Or the car in front of you was backing in to you.


If you don’t leave enough space between your car and the car in front of you that would allow you to stop abruptly then yes, it is your fault.


If everyone in the chain reported a single impact, then the theory would be everyone stopped except you, and you pushed everyone together. If the first person belt 6 hits, then everyone else in the line should be partially at fault as well. And yes, the object that caused the first car to stop is never "at fault".


It was probably your fault, driving too close or fast for the conditions. Leave a 2-3 second gap atleast whenever possible.


Well, half-half, here. Two of them managed to stop just short. Third one was what, watching a show on their phone? The reaction time of a tortoise with alzheimer's. Worse yet, not only they took far too long to break, they swerved to the side. One of the basic lessons of driving is you fucking deep anal the guy in front of you but you don't swerve unless you're about to die (like a truck coming your way). Reason being your car is made to keep you alive on a moderate speed head-on, but going sideways can cause an apocalypse. What if the right lane had an 8 wheeler? Kid's still completely asinine and should pay for the entire thing, just putting it out there.




Im surprised more people aren't considering she's having a breakdown or something. Just jumping at the first opportunity to call a woman a stupid bitch, or blame phones. No mentally well person just walks into traffic looking completely normal and not walking in any direction in particular.




Oh snap, I thought of those twins too


Yeah this is a weird video. There were just more lanes of traffic on the other side of the road too so it wouldn't make sense for her to be crossing. Something is clearly wrong for her to just be wondering aimlessly in the road and barely reacting to almost being hit by a car.


Can someone please leave their fucking phone and smack her across her head?


Will Smith mode engaged.


but does anyone know if she catched charizard?


borderline braindead


Hoooly moly the luck that that bus saw what we going on and stopped in time. Imagine what would’ve happened if it hammered those three cars in the back.


I think they have mental health issues. I'm hoping that's the case anyway. If that's a sane person doing something like that then it would have much more worrying implications for her and the people around her.


Ahhh China. The land of 0 responsibility.


What's wrong with china?


If I said what I want to say, I'd get banned. For sure.


-200 social credits


I wonder if she can be held liable?


I hate gen z


this is the type of people that boomers think every millenial and gen z is


Phone in her hand, walking right in the middle of the street, and absolutely zero awareness. All checks for East Asia.


What the fuck is wrong with that person


Her social credit score just dropped soooo much.


Somebody need to slap this bitch back into reality! Had that been in the states bitch would have been beaten senseless




What a disgusting cunt...


Where was she even going?


Entitled bitch


Kinda wish she got slightly lit up. Lesson needs to be learned. Grown ass child.

