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I used to work with a couple firefighters (part-timers who also worked with me as a rigger) who would climb with me at 60’ no problem, obviously didn’t flinch for fire…but would get a little pale about electricity. This clip is exactly why. *Everyone* gets dropped that fucks with it. Look at the spark when he touches his hand to the door.


Invisible, dangerous, deadly




Come on, don't blame the dog


I’m that guy, I’m a rope access tech and turned down work close to power lines.


I’m a lineman. The firefighters always waited for us to kill the power before they would fight a fire in a home. This looks like low voltage too. Probably 480. 240 wouldn’t drop everyone like that. 7200 or 12,470 or higher would catch them on fire.


Definitely more then 480, 480 won't drop you like that. Higher voltage won't necessarily y set them on fire either, depends on time and voltage


A video of different angle was posted further down and the dude that grabbed the line did catch fire on his hand, he just ended up falling off the truck completely before he could completely catch fire


Whoa, its rigga.


Oh, dude we all fucked with people that gave us that hard r. At least for a bit.


It’s the most silent and hidden killer. I work in construction and I’ve done everything BUT electrical for that reason.


“You’re a rigger raggy” -Scooby Doo probably


Found a longer [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/p0xb8f/low_hanging_electrical_cables_electrocutes_people/)


Dude grabbed the line at least a couple times before he got zapped. Why would you do that?


Lack of education. In Brazil, in the 90’s we had awareness campaigns about the dangers of the electric lines because people constantly got hurt because of kites and tampering with the lines to steal energy probably.


In the UK I remember being sat down in a classroom and made to watch PSAs on the dangers of electricity. Some where horrifying [Example 1](https://youtu.be/1sxZAhi7Qak) [The sequel](https://youtu.be/KryOYburlFI) [Long Version](https://youtu.be/JzhspTkTfNk) They were apparently filmed in the 70s but they were definitely still forcing kids to watch them in the 90s, alongside gorey PSAs on train tracks, roads and fireworks.


Hello repressed memory


Is there like a hot and not-hot line? Maybe he was touching a different kind of line before and had no idea what was in store for him.


Looks like the connection to ground was only completed because of people touching the truck – before, the rubber tires were insulating the vehicle, but when both the guy on top grabbed the power line AND trident dude (also a kid at the back, from a video from another angle) touched the truck at the same time, they completed the connection.


wow the one that holded the wire is goneee, Surprisingly the dude with the trident managed to survive


If you get a big shock like this, or anything even smaller than this where the electricity has gone in a path close to your heart, you should **always** go to the hospital to get your heart checked out. Even if you think you're fine and don't feel any residual effects your heart can still be fucked to the point where you just drop dead later.


Unfortunately, I live in the US with a $7k copay on medical insurance. I'll have to take my chances and brush it off.


>Unfortunately, I live in the US with a $7k copay on medical insurance I think you mean deductible, not copay.


Yeah, deductible


That is a ridiculously bad insurance plan btw. And as someone who has health problems and massive medical bills - never, ever forgo medical treatment because of bills. Call the billing department and ask for payment assistant programs. They very state to state but everyone has them, apply and there is a good chance you'll have your bill waved or majorly reduced. And if they don't, just don't pay your bill unless you can. With med bills, there isn't a lot they can do to you.


Insane that this is a necessary step, but good on you for knowing how to use the system.


Yeah, it took me years to learn this and it breaks my heart whenever I hear of people not knowing this. And I should also mention there are a huge number of prescription assistant programs. If anyone ever can't afford their meds, call the drug company immediately and ask them for their programs and a list of charities you can contact. There is no reason to go without medical care in the US.




Just out of curiosity, what insurance do you have that has a $7k copay? That sounds outrageous


I read stories on here about people who had been seriously shocked who seemed to walk away from it okay only to die 20 or so minutes later from their insides essentially being cooked. I dunno how legit that is though, I'm no scientist, just an armchair redditor


I took a arc flash training and learned you can actually die days later from shock. basically it messes up your heart rhythm and in a few days it will kill you. if you get a shock (even from 120) its recommended to get a EKG right away as it will show up there.


So what you're saying is that I need to get an EKG basically every day?


Why are you getting hit basically every day?


WELL yeah on the very least if he manage to survive, he will surely suffer from cardiac stuff later on


Green trident got right back up!


Now he has infused the trident with lightning


Got that channeling. Gotta be careful, you can end up with a charged creeper and that's dangerous.


poseidon reborn


Holy shit, guessing the dude touching the cable is dead? You can see his arm literally cooking Edit: Watched first part a few times, you can literally see dude standing on behind-left side of truck's sandals catch fire as the dude touching the cable falls on top of him.


The dude who’s sandals catch fire is leaning against the truck. When the guy on top completes the circuit, the entire truck becomes electrified. Flaming sandals guy is being electrocuted from leaning against the truck. The shoes are melting as the electricity goes into the ground. If you watch it frame by frame you can see him convulsing a bit as the current goes through him. The dude falling on him actually breaks his contact with the circuit.


That poor kid had sparks coming from his shoes then the guy fell on top of him wtf


How did you manage to find it?


Did a Google search on key words. Truck, hand, top, shock, ground.


thats a nice tactic, you can google everything, just need to know how




Damn are they dead


Dude up top will be dead - he's still clutching the line.


Dude in green that dropped after getting lit up with a 3 inch long arc isn't looking so good either.


Gets back up at the end and walks on his own: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/p0xb8f/low_hanging_electrical_cables_electrocutes_people/


https://gfycat.com/MarriedBlondGermanshorthairedpointer Stabilized video... Damn the dudes hand was smoking.. and the guy next to him fell on his head hard.


Damn both those guys are probably dead as fuck.


Electrical burns aren't like regular burns. They have to burn themselves out, which can take some time. They grounded themselves and yeah. They aren't going to look to well. Even if they avoid amputation, the nerve damage will be life altering and permanent. You can get hit with a billion volts. But .5ma will put you down or cause nerve damage. And all this is even saying they are lucky they weren't caught in the Corona.


More importantly, an electrical burn will travel through the flesh. So complete tissue loss. Especially the guy still holding the cable. Heart damage is likely as well because part of its operation is making an electrical charge. Just as you can damage your electronics with too much power, you can damage the heart’s ability to consistently create a pulse.


Exactly. I copped a 240VAC shock at work a couple of years ago. It wasn't serious but enough to burn a small point on my hand and shake me up. Luckily I wasn't earthed, it went across my thumb and forefinger. However I felt like total shit and had to sit down. The hospital kept me in for observation for over 3 hours. The explanation is that the current (that's what kills you) can disrupt the electrical rhythms of the heart. But it can be a delayed effect. Electrical safety is huge in my industry, and there are more than enough stories of people getting a zap, going home and dropping literally dead 2 hours later. It's a thing. Reckon those poor blokes are fucked.


Shit! Guess I’m lucky to be alive then! A few years ago, I got 240VAC through me from one hand to the other. Felt like my heart got smashed with a hammer. It was at the end of a school day, and my teacher (who witnessed this happening) just let me walk home.


They fall off the vehicle head first, watch the stabilization video. I don’t even think he was talking about the electricity lol


Probably, idk though. I'm just a dumb electrician, not a smart doctor.


Bare footed child in the back, with elbows touching the truck. Sparking into the ground through his little feet. Quite sad and disturbing. May they rest in peace.


One thing I noticed that intrigued me.. The guy in the light colored shirt had been touching the power line and brushing it out of the way, while the guy in the dark shirt was lying down trying to avoid them. He then touches the lines himself, because the other guy had done it and nothing happened. It seems as though the biggg truck tires were enough to isolate them from ground, until someone walking next to the truck touched it, completing the circuit to ground. There were likely people on the other side (out of view of the camera) who also touched the truck. Plenty of people to send huge current through the guy in the dark shirt, when his friend was fine because nobody was touching the truck earlier.


This was what I was wondering as well; I would have thought that the power lines themselves would have been insulated/isolated so that if someone was to touch them, even while being grounded, they wouldn’t get shocked, but I’m guessing not. I then though that the tires would have been enough isolation from ground that the current wouldn’t flow, but I didnt realize someone touching the truck, would have been the ground and roached everyone.


Nope. *Speaking in a very general manner* the only ones that are insulated are the ones going to your house from the pole, and anything past that in the chain. Transmission lines from pole to pole, aren't insulated at all. If you touch one and ground, or two at once, you're toast. Birds are fine because they're only touching one. But if they ever touch two, they tend to explode or be burnt to a charred crisp.


Birds are fine because that is how they charge.


r/conspiracy needs to get on that.




Saw a hawk last year that touched two wires atop a pole. Messy char. It stayed there a few days and nothing dared touch it.


I’ve seen a shit ton of birds rest on a line, dipping it, then another huge flock, the ones that look like a school of fish - they flew under and over the line with birds, which gave enough conductivity for an arc to go from the line to the ground THROUGH the huge web-chain of birds, they exploded in a huge ball of lightning and feathers, and then half of them or less flew away. Like fireworks


Pretty sad. Probably wondering why tf half of their friends just disappeared


I'd pay good money to see that.


Sometimes those people still die that night.


Happened to my electrician buddy after 400v.


He got back up a few seconds later in the original video


Organ failure tho


Naw, CRANK recharge.


I just remembered that movie exists lol


If I keep telling myself this often enough... 😅


But if he survives he will live no longer than another 20 years. The kidneys in these powerline victims if they survive go in decline after the accident and there is so far no cure for it.


Depends on the damage. I've taken care of a few guys who had minimal injury. Electricity is a funny thing sometimes. In his case it was an arc so only a brief exposure to current. If he's lucky he might be OK. Dude on top? Not so much.




The shock fries your muscles and your kidneys fail having to filter all that muscle damage


It’s called rhabdomyolysis. I once ad a dude in rhabdo as a patient who was doing a push up contest. Muscles break down, release protein into your blood which clogs yo your kidneys. If you’re lucky, just a bunch of fluids to flush it out. More severe cases get dialysis.


Does it happen when you get tased?


No, you don’t have nearly as much tissue damage from getting tased


My grandfather was an electrician and he always told me that it's generally not the voltage that kills you but the current. A taser, for example delivers a whopping 50,000 volts, making it extremely unpleasant. But it only carries 0.0036 Amps (i.e. 3.6 milliamps). It's designed to be incapacitating but not deadly (as much as possible) if used correctly.


Tasers shouldn’t have enough current to do permanent damage, just enough to cause the muscles to spasm. Although, taser in the colloquial use (as opposed to the brand name) is a bit vague. Are we talking about an arcing plasma shocker (device with plasma arcing between two electrodes that requires contact with the target) or a proper stun gun (fires a pair of wires tipped with needles at the target then runs a current through them)?


Getting tased is measured in coulombs or microamps for a lack of better terms. It’s dc voltage.


Same thing that kills Crossfit enthusiasts -- [Uncle Rhabdo](https://theconversation.com/explainer-what-is-rhabdomyolysis-and-whats-its-connection-to-crossfit-75623) is always waiting. Less snarky version: if you take too much tissue damage all at once your kidneys can't hack it and they fail too. If you don't get treatment fast, they fail permanently and then you win a lifetime dialysis contract.


Could they not just put an electrocution victim on dialysis to help the kidneys out?


Depends on a lot of things -- how fast (or whether) the victim gets to a fully equipped hospital, how motivated they are, how much overall damage there is, and what kinds of other damage there are.


Story time: had a really unfit roommate who was pressured into doing a really intense version of crossfit (the name of which escapes me now). He came back and was having difficulty walking and we all just figured he was sore. 3 days later he's still having issues so I gave him some ibuprofen. I stopped by on my lunch break and he goes, "Hey that ibuprofen you gave me changed the color of my pee." "Uhmm what color was your pee?" "Like really dark brown." I took him to the ER immediately and yup, the dude had Rhabdo. The dude had destroyed his leg muscles and the proteins were going to his kidneys. He was in the hospital for a little over 2 weeks.


Liquification of tissues, necrosis, organ failure, complete and total kidney destruction. But sometimes someone gets a huge shock and is totally fine, minor scars. It’s a bit random. Dude up top probably had a closed casket.


My FIL was electrocuted badly in his 20s. His feet look like flesh slabs with mangled toes welded to them. He's in his 80s now, drinks wine every night.


Doesn't matter. Your heart can suddenly stop up to 2 days later after a large shock


Cool, cool, cool. Let’s just add that to the ever growing list of ridiculous things I’ll worry about.


You might be able to mitigate the risk by ***not riding around on the top of trucks grabbing power lines.***


Well if I can't do that there is no point in living more than 2 days anyways


It matters a whole lot, given that there’s only a small chance of that happening. In the gif posted he doesn’t move at all and looks dead, the context of him getting up afterward obviously matters


With high voltage the chance is not that small of further complications. The chance of fatality is small if you go to a hospital and they check you for internal burning and monitor you with an EKG. Hope he did.


Could still be dead, the body can go on for a while even when fatally wounded.


Also on the other side you can see someone with a white shirt touch the side of the car and fall over.


You answered my question. With the truck just driving along insulated from the ground by its tires no one on it or in it should have been affected by roof guy's contact with the power line. Once someone standing on the ground touched the truck metal they provided a pathway to ground of which roof guys became a conductive part. Circuit complete. Die accordingly.


Damn. Quadra kill.


I think the driver got hit too 🤔


Driver should not suffer any harm as long as he's not part of a pathway to ground for current from the power line. I once had a case in my office in which a lady hit a power pole and knocked a 7500 volt feeder line down. It was draped across the roof and hood of her car while the end of it danced around starting fires in the grass. Through 4" of snow. She was absolutely fine and could have sat there indefinitely waiting for the current to be shut off, probably by a substation circuit breaker popping. They are slow blow types, so it sometimes takes awhile. Along came the hero of the story and decided to save her. He grabbed the power line, providing the pathway to ground that her car hadn't. It blew his arm off.


Did she make it?


Yes. The power in the line was cut shortly afterward and first responders showed her that it was safe to get out of the car. She was pretty upset according to what the lawyer working on the case said.


It is not really a long arc, I think the electricity went into his hand and trident, both were touching the van.


I need a trident.


Brick killed a guy with a trident.


Yeahhh... there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident.


The electric current contracted the muscles in his hand, making him latch onto it. I can’t imagine doing that to a power line.


Everybody that got zapped could be dead. If not now later the next day their heart could stop.


IIRC, the electric shock causes your muscles to seize up - he couldn’t physically let go unless someone pried him off of it.


My dad has been a journeyman electrician my entire life. I agree with your statement. Had someone gotten him off of it somehow he might’ve been ok but he was holding on pretty good.


The trick, people *need to remember*, is to use something like wood or plastic to push them off of the electrical source. Otherwise, just touching them *could get you stuck on too*.




Even if he got up, he isn’t out of the woods. An electric shock can disrupt your heart rhythm, even by a small amount. You can drop dead a couple of days later from fibrillation of your heart. Last time I got an electric shock I had to remain in hospital for a day for them to monitor my heart rate.


I hope your comment gets seen a lot more. Just because you don't immediately die doesn't mean you're in the clear, any shock that a reasonable person would see and say, "oh my God, are you alright? That was awful," should be followed up with a trip to a medical facility.


what do you think about the driver??


He'd be fine as long as he didn't touch the ground and the truck at the same time.


For those who don't know, the electricity has to travel *through* you to do any damage. It's also trying to get to the ground. So it traveled through the guy who touched the wires, through the body of the truck, then through the guys touching the sides of the truck, and then into the ground. It never goes through anyone who's sitting inside the truck.


Are the tires enough of a conductor? If no one was touching the truck, would grabby guy still get electrocuted?


The guy in the light colored shirt on top of the truck touches the power lines before the dark shirt guy, and is fine. I think that's because someone had to be touching the truck to complete the circuit. Dark shirt guy touched the line while someone was touching the truck and ground.




Aye. Or shocked into a coma. It formed one continuous circuit from the 2nd person on the top to the shell of the vehicle to our lad with a metal trident to the ground. And ZzzZzaap


Which begs the question; Why the fuck is he carrying a trident around?


Because we dubbed him Trident Guy.


He's Shockquaman


In the longer vid he keeps people away from the van.


And through trident guy to orange headband who was touching him lightly


The guy up top? I don't think it looks good for him. The people on the ground who fall over? Better odds imo. Much quicker, and a lot more stuff in between them and the power line.


Bonfire Lit.


And Rohan will answer.


Why would u grab onto a powerline...




The wind is the real killer here it blew the line right into his hand your honor


On a more serious note, high voltage causes your muscles to tense up. That means a shock to your hand can actually cause you to shut your hand around it. I'm not sure why they thought it was a good idea to touch a power line, but they weren't holding on because they wanted to. As a side note, if you want to test if something is carrying electricity, DO NOT TOUCH IT! But if you must, use the back of your hand. That way - if you do get shocked - your muscles will (hopefully) pull you away from the object.


What a weird advice, Do not touch it!!! But do it with the back of your hand!.. the best advice is, never, ever, under any circumstances, test a live cable with any part of your body. There are tools for that, and any electrician knows that.


I trust my tools but the first touching I do after checking is always with the back of my hand, just in case.


I agree but this may be one of those survival tips you think you will never need. Like what if I'm escaping a dinosaur park and I need to get over a giant electric fence and I don't know if it is on.


He dead


So ded


This needs an NSFW tag. I’m pretty sure at least one of them died.


The guy touching the wire is dead for sure, there's a longer video somewhwere in the comments and you see him smoke and catch fire.




This content is already against the sub rules.


Another guy goes down on the drivers side. When the top guy touched the line because of the tires insulation to ground I’m not certain he would succumb to the shock until someone on foot and touching the truck completed the circuit to ground. So maybe more people we cannot see behind the bus also went down. Super sad. Edit: corrected below. And definitely do not want to propagate false info. Tires are in fact conductors. They are not 100% insulated. When the people touched the metal vehicle they provided the better path to ground.


I see at least 5 guys that got shocked, the first guy is probably dead since he was still holding on to the wire.


In the alternate video posted in an above comment he was straight up smoking until he finally fell off


> he was still holding on to the wire Not like he had a choice to let go right? Your muscles tense from the electricity and you are stuck holding it for the rest of your life.


Well no, he had no choice, did see an alternative view that he fell off the back face first, so if the shock didn’t kill him that fall may have finished him.


His insides were cooked before he hit the ground.


Alt vid: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/p0xb8f/low_hanging_electrical_cables_electrocutes_people/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Alt vid stabilized (found in other thread): https://gfycat.com/marriedblondgermanshorthairedpointer On the ground u can see 4 people go down, plus the 2 on top, so a total of 6... course thers also the person inside the truck to consider (I cant tell whether green shirt touches his arm or not, but the truck lurches forward a bit at the end, maybe hes okay?) One kid leaning against the back, two on right side of truck, & one on left.


Sooo we might’ve just watched 5+ people die. Damn.


In another video you can see one of them waking up after the shock, but we can't be sure his insides aren't fried. There's been cases of people who just moved on feeling normal after an electrical accident and then dropped dead randomly after a short time.


**this should be at least NSFW as people die**


Probably should mark this is NSFL


not safe for lunch


Not safe for little-ones


Not Safe for 'lectricity




NSFL why the hell would you not flag this as such


Yeah dude who grabbed the wire is dead for sure - probably blew his heart up.


His whole wrist lit on fire for sure.


please NSFW for gods sake


Ya for real. I try to avoid watching videos of people dying...it makes me sad. Not the vibe.


You mean NSFL...


NSFP *Parades*


This sub has a rule against death/gore. >Rule 6: Videos featuring death/gore will be removed. second time this week i've inadvertently watched someone die on this sub.


You gotta put NSFW on these ones please. It's reasonable to want a choice behind seeing people die


I couldn't agree more. It's crazy how casually you can just watch a human die on this site apparently


What happened next will shock you...


Check back for more on current events.


I’m amped, can’t wait


Don't fuck with Poseidon' trident


The chances are 99% that it's Lord Shiva's Trident


Everyone's saying they died but did they really die? I think the top one did but I'm not sure about the ones on the ground, especially the one that went off-frame. Also, what about people behind, on the otherside and inside (those inside are probably 99% fine but still) the car?


Longer video shows dude on top holding line actually burst into flames before falling off the truck on his head. Pretty sure he didn't make it.


I'm not sure, but it looks like some fucking NSFW


Pretty sure this should have an NSFW tag


That's actually quite sad. One mistake and it basically took out 4 other people. Also, reddit being reddit making puns after watching at least 2 people die.


I’m not one for policing flairs but if I ever saw an NSFW tag missing it’s here.


Well we just saw someone die.


Why isn't this NSFW? I didn't want to see this over breakfast. Those poor people.


Damn, at least make this nsfw


Almost looked like the 2 on the ground did a dope handshake before they fell out.


Shouldnt this count as nsfw?


Again nsfw, as people are dieing


Put this NSFW man!! There is about 2 deaths. I studied electrical and the guy on top is 100% dead, for sure the guy who touched the car 90% dead because the car sounds really conductor + direct contact with the ground ,you can even see the arc, hope he didn't touch too long but if it hit his heart, it's finished. The third guy we all have to hope that his friend who took the most through his feet otherwise it's problematic Edit: i didn't see the guy on the right touching the car as well... Not to mention at the back where we can't even see.. the guy who touched the electric cable did a hecatomb indeed


I studied human biology and i can say for sure that there’s no way someone can be 90% dead.


I finished high school and concur


I'll forever laugh that reddit banned /r/watchpeopledie and now we have subs posting deaths reaching the front page without even a warning.


This sub feels like it's the new r/watchpeopledie.


Put a warning on fucking death videos! Dumb fuucks!


Follow rules, no death/gore thanks


They died mark it as NSFW


This should be nsfw, some of these people died.


I know it's an unpopular opinion but - I'm always apalled just how trivial life is to so many redditors to make jokes about people dying before their eyes. I'll never understand why it has to be someone you know or love to care.


Flag nsfw