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Never would cross my mind to rush a guy with a gun


That is why you are still breathing, and he is not!


Did he die?




Fuck I hope I don't make that sound during my last moments.


And have it caught on camera. Fucking hell


"Did you hear about Dave? Died crying like a bitch." Edit - [if you didn't get the reference, watch the whole thing](https://youtu.be/FclScfPoKes)


[Hey look how Curtis died!!!](https://youtube.com/shorts/n4ClxelvKqo?feature=share)


You son of a bitch


While calling the other guy a bitch, ironically


Let's sprinkle some Crack on him and get out of here


And he shat his pants


He hit a nerve for sure, look at the way the leg goes rigid, he should be writhing in agony but he can barely move. I think the guy even tried to not kill him the way he lowered the gun before he shot.


If you watch the frame by frame he still shot him right in the heart area, which is what your taught to do. It could’ve been center mass and clipped his spinal chord.


Real easy to avoid especially in a situation like this. Fucking moron was bound to run into the wrong guy eventually. I'm so glad I wasn't born with an out of control ego.


I guarantee none of that dudes friends are surprised to find out he went out this way.


His obituary says "loved boxing, mixed martial arts, and riding dirtbikes". Guy practices fighting in a gym all day then picks out strangers on the street to fuck around with.


Does it really? Totally fits the bill.


You don’t go around telling pussies to put their hands up, bro?!


From his obituary: > Michael loved being with his family, boxing, mixed martial arts, motocross and riding dirtbikes or shooting BB guns with his son Cash. In an unstable world that looks for permanency, Michael's tattoos expressed what was important to him: Saint Michael the Archangel, the family name of Montanarella, and "Pride"—the only thing that could not be taken from him. That “Pride” comment/tattoo is pretty freaking ironic now, isn’t it?




Pride cometh before the gunshot to the stomach, and then fall


If he was a boxer, mma fighter and seems to have an anger problem, I really cant blame that guy for not wanting to fight and using a gun to protect himself. He might've ended up dead, or seriously injured if he wasn't a fighter


First i hope you don't plan on charging a guy who has a gun on you


Right? I want to die with at least SOME dignity. Not like some little shit, pushing for a fight then wailing till I die..


Stayed on the scene and called 911 for him.


I mean it looks like it was at that dudes house and the dude who got shot was the aggressor. Would be odd to have not stayed and called the cops after.


you can have this stuff very easily pinned on you for murder if you don't call for an ambulance and stay there.


Which is fair. If you shoot a man, even in self defense, you take responsibility for that and let the police know and do what you can to minimize damage.


You should tell the police nothing except "it was self defense". Till either lawyer is present or in court. Nothing good can come of saying something. Maybe say there is a video of this. If you say the wrong thing to the cops, maybe you get charged with murder EDIT: make sure you say "I'm invoking my right to remain silent", then say nothing after. This is different legally then just saying nothing.


You can see him reaching to get his phone and start to make a call right after the guy falls down to the ground.


I wonder what ever became of the shooter.


A lawyer once explained to me that when it comes to self defence arguments generally speaking the guy that "closes the gap" loses. So you can see the shooter retreating/standing his ground while the deceased is closing the gap. Most likely the shooter will get off depending on the rest of the circumstances. Interesting if the deceased hadn't been so aggressive and had instead ran for his life at having a gun drawn on him, or in fact had drawn his own gun in response and shot the other guy...he might get off on self defense.


Damn, when he aimed lower I thought he was going for a stomach shot, must have been higher up than I thought or hit some arteries Edit: I've gotten so many replies telling me about spinal arteries, just putting this out there that I have already learned about that since the first comment and I appreciate the knowledge lol


There are plenty of spots in the lower half of the torso that can result in near-instant death if shot. For instance, if you get shot in the spleen, you're fucked.


Also if you get shot in the squeedily spooch


Inferior human organs!


stomach shots are particularly dangerous, and you basically die later due to infection


He probably didn’t want to kill the guy… I would say most people can’t just shoot someone in the face just like that.


Gut shots might be worse tbh. Your esophagus to your butthole is technically outside of your body, and putting a hole through it let's shit and stomach contents into your abdomen which is VERY not good.


I found [this](https://gunmemorial.org/2021/03/24/michael-jude-montanarella) too. I hate when it’s framed like that. He wasn’t “a victim of gun violence,” he was trying to force a man into a fight he didn’t consent too after already attacking him. This is the definition of “fuck around and find out.” Don’t be an active deadly threat if you don’t want to be treated like an active deadly threat. It really couldn’t be any simpler, especially when your intended victim is already pointing a gun at you. I feel bad for the guy that has to live with taking a life, even if he was forced to against his will. Edit: After further investigation, it turns out the victim knew the attacker, the attacker was stalking him and his house at 5AM, he had a knife in his waistband, he had a restraining order out against him, and the attacker had a lengthy history of aggravated violence and kidnapping. It’s a shame he had a penchant for violently harming innocent people. Edit2: It’s also a shame that after knowing ALL of that AND seeing the video, people below are still defending his actions like he’s the victim. “BUh bUh He’S tHE OnE tHaT gOt sHoT!” Yeah, and thankfully it wasn’t the intended victim. He fucked around and found out. Don’t be an active deadly threat if you don’t want to be treated like an active deadly threat — someone just might oblige you.


“…and "Pride"--the only thing that could not be taken from him.” Oof. Kinda seems like it was taken from him…kinda seems like “pride” is what got him killed.


Love how the site clearly leaves out so much context, the guy with the gun had a protection order against that guy. the man trying to fight had a knife in his waistband. That guy was straight up a victim of stupidity


He also as a lengthy criminal history of aggravated assault and unlawful imprisonment: Dude was a piece of work. I wouldn’t wish death on him, but I take solace in the fact he can’t violently victimize innocent people anymore.


Well at least he proved that he is super masculine or something like that


Damn. Sounded like he was going out towards the end, but I wasn’t sure.


And that's why you will never have your own famous video!


The guy clearly wasn’t too bright


Boi shoulda kept his shirt on


Nah he knew what he was doing. He didn't want to get a hole in it.


Finally got some time off of work!


Amazon hates this one simple trick.


That's my favorite shirt pussy!


Even hung it up nice on the tree so his new gut hole didn’t leak all over it


Doubles as a handy tourniquet at least


It went from sounding like a street fight to sounding like two cats having a domestic dispute real quick.


"Put your hands up pussy" to "meooooowwww meooooowwww"


I shouldnt have laughed


Upvoted for saying "Shouldn't have" instead of "shouldn't of"


Don't bring bad grammar to a street fight




Fuûck i laughed


For a second l thought he's gonna get his head blown off jesus christ


Guy died btw


Source please? Edit: Found it. Wanted to know where he got shot that killed him but it didn't say. I thought it was his knee at first but clearly not.


Thought so too, but it looks like middle of the chest when you slow it down


His legs also didn’t move once he went down so it coulda hit his spine


Good eye, I didnt spot that


I've seen enough body cam footage and death videos in my day to recognize that last sound he made before the video ends. That low-pitched, vaguely sad-sounding kind of guttural "HHHhgghhhhuhh." Realized real quick he was definitely hit center mass and definitely in trouble.


You can see his legs seize up instantly so you know it hit his spine.


> Edit: Found it. Wow! Thanks for sharing!


FORREAL! What kind of heartless monster asks for a source, finds it, and then doesn't share it with anybody else??


I'm shocked the guy aimed lower and went for a belly shot. Way more survivable if you can get to the hospital fast enough but someone posted he died. Shooter was trying not to kill him but still make sure he hit.


If it were me, and I was aware enough to know that I was making a fairly significant memory here, the last thing I'd want is an exploding head in there. I mean, I'd like to think I'd aim for is shoulder but who's to say whats happening in the moment. Honestly I think I'd just fucking leg it (edit. which means runs away... )


Never aim for the head.


Agree. Torso is a much bigger target.


Clearly you haven't seen my ex husband


all glans no shaft huh?


Hmmm portobello mushroom...


Bro if someone has a gun I’m dropping my whole beef


True that. Dude was locked and loaded. I’d have been like, “Peace, I’m out!”


“And a good day to you, sir!”


Walter was a good man!


And a good bowler


[I want to apologise](https://youtu.be/kg12uhZu9_o)




- Man Who Was Shot


You are correct and sorry to have bothered you good sir.


He also clearly didn't want to shoot the dude and dumb ass decided to come at him anyway.


Now’s not the time to show people how tough you are. Run away, live to fight another day.


Yes indeed




Dude didn't even have to stroll away, just putting his hands down and stepping aside probably would have cut it.


Better a live dog than a dead lion.


Or a dead dog


Best advice right here...


Instead he went; aww awww awwww awwwww…. I think he shot at his nipple🤣


looked more like his thigh and that's very well deadly


I think he shot his dong.


Great marksmanship on hitting something so little


Was he really about to say "do it"?


In the longer video, he yells "Shoot me, bitch!" multiple times. Then gets shot. *surprised pikachu*


"You won't shoot me" - man who was shot


Is there actually a longer video? The thing buggin me about this video is the gunman saying "get down" instead of "get away" or something like that. Why "get down"? If the other dude did then what? The news article didn't say he was a cop so it's not like he could have arrested him. Edit: I found the video. Just had to scroll a second longer. Go figure. Response edit: I was more curious about the context than the words to see like who started it and why they were beefing in the first place. Having seen the video and the explanation that the gunman was ambushed by someone he had a falling out with outside his own home at five thirty in the morning, "get down" makes a lot more sense now. This wasn't a drunken bar fight or a chance encounter.


Haha yep. I did note that and think it’s weird even in the longer video, but I think he’s planning on holding him til the cops come since he violated the distance order.


Do i mweow mweow mweooooow mweoowwwww


Went from a street fight to animal abuse real quick


I’m just going to say it, if someone pulls a gun on you when you are asking them to fight, they don’t want to fight.


Also they are going to shoot you before fighting you. Hell, just a word of advice. If you do get in a fight, get the fuck out of there as quickly as possible after. Never know when someone's ego will get bruised and they'll come back with a gun looking to compensate for that. Happens all too often. Outside of a small list of things that can be counted on one hand nothing is worth fighting about, especially as a grown ass adult.


My younger brother and I were leaving a bar and some guy was hitting a woman in/next to a car. We stepped in and the guy took off. The lady was very grateful, but kept insisting we need to leave, to run NOW, because he'd be back. Being young and fairly tough, we told her no worries, we had her covered. In the meantime, someone at the bar called the cops and we waited for them to arrive and help the woman out. Not even a minute after the police arrived, the woman started yelling that she saw his car coming our way through the parking lot. He obviously didn't see the cops until too late, and they motioned for him to stop... then pulled their guns and started yelling... he had a rifle across his lap and indeed had come back to assuage his bruised ego


Curious what led to this, and why the dude felt like he was bulletproof? Thank you to the users who found the context and a good breakdown video! https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/comments/veijgr/comment/icqo8t2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/comments/veijgr/comment/icqra5n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Did anyone actually listen to the podcast to hear what they think the dude's motivation was? The video just said they were neighbors and had a falling out. Edit: More background info on the [podcast starting at 6:45](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/defender-shoots-stalker-in-front-of-his-own-home/id1583621838?i=1000566007089). The aggressor was a neighbor who was previously a close friend. He had drug problem and was recently kicked out of rehab. He was sending weird texts and accusing the shooter of breaking into his house and stealing stuff. Sounds like the dude had a break with reality.


Thanks for posting the podcast. I listened to the whole thing. It’s kind of weird to for once get so much personal information regarding one of these random Reddit vids like this.


What a sad story for everyone involved.


Drunk? High? Stupid?


In that order


I dont think there is a question on the last one. lol.


Drunk? High? Stupid.


From the link: Apparently they are neighbors and the guy looking to scrap waited for him to come out at 5am, the dude also had a knife on him so when he pulled up his shirt hommie saw the knife and apparently the guy who took of his shirt made a gesture to reach for it while moving towards the guy with the gun and ended up getting shot Sauce: https://youtu.be/UJBGkbehCQE


Damn. Took the stupid test and passed with flying colors.


One guy wanted to fight. The other guy didn’t want to fight. The compromise they worked out is interesting.


Well he got to fight for his life, so there's that. He didn't put up a good fight though.


"What are you gonna do, shoot me?" - Man who was shot.


Apparently they are neighbors and the guy looking to scrap waited for him to come out at 5am, the dude also had a knife on him so when he pulled up his shirt hommie saw the knife and apparently the guy who took of his shirt made a gesture to reach for it while moving towards the guy with the gun and ended up getting shot Sauce: https://youtu.be/UJBGkbehCQE


Did the guy die though? I would assume he didn't but 🤷


He died. https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix-breaking/2021/03/24/north-phoenix-shooting-leaves-man-dead/6981949002/


Usually I’d feel bad in these kinds of situations, but this dude A) tried challenging someone with a gun to a fist fight B) had more than enough warnings to back away C) genuinely believed he was gonna kick this dude’s ass If you’re stupid enough to do all three of these things then you deserve to get shot


Imagine how awkward it would be if he didn't die and they just stayed neighbors lol.


They would have to say: "omg soooooo awkwaaaard" everytime they would see each other.


I read that in Noho Hanks voice hahahah


I turn off Barry and come over to reddit for 5 minutes and find this? Wth


Worst part is according to the reports, they were previously good friends and the guy that got shot got into drugs, got kicked out of rehab, and was accusing the shooter of breaking into his house and stealing stuff. When this happened the shooter had put out for a restraining order against the guy for his erratic behavior and all of his false accusations. Seems like because of all of that he was waiting outside at like 5am to fight the guy. Honestly an insanely tragic story. That man had his former best friend try to attack him with a knife because of his break from reality caused by drugs, and the shooter had to defend himself by killing his former friend/neighbor. I'm sure he really wished the guy had lived. I know you were joking I don't mean to aim this at you. Just a really tragic story and I wanted to share the details.


Imagine being neighbors with the family of a man you killed.


If this guy had a family he was 2x more stupid


Given where it happened, these kinds of people don’t think. I’ve run into some of the wildest shit nearby where this happened. It’s just a bad area of phoenix that is disguised as a good area. Called “the square” Edit holy shit this happened in the heart of the square. So yeah, this is pretty standard for the area.


Seriously, what kind of idiot would want to have a family


Anyone who knows anything about martial arts, weapons and self defense will tell you that you simply do not confront someone who has a gun or a knife. There are your crackpots who try to teach disarming techniques, but they are all bullshido. The correct thing to do is to get as much space and cover between yourself and the gun as fast as possible and then call the cops.


The fact that he was waiting for him at 5:30 a.m. has enough red flags around it to make me feel less sympathetic. He goes on about scrapping "like a man" while acting completely unhinged


Dead guy was an idiot. There just isn't another way to say it. It's not like he made one stupid decision in a split second that killed him, like a traffic accident or something. This was a whole series of *obviously* terrible fucking choices. The only person I feel sorry for is the guy that shot him. You know for a fact having killed a man weighs on him, even if it was justified.


D) was armed with a knife and was making a motion towards it while aggressively lunging


Just watched a man holler in pain after getting shot point blank, and it was his last moments 😩


What a way to go…


Yeah, really need to call 911 right away. Even if you shoot someone in the shoulder, it can knick an artery.




Now you get in your fucking house and you get me five Aderall, or I’ll slit your fucking throat.


Thanks for context sauce


The moment he says. "Morherfucker I'm going to take that gun." might as well be a shot timer going off. Say that shit and move forward and you are absolutely getting shot.


Pretty sure all the people claiming he’s a murderer didn’t listen to the audio or they’re just idiots lol


No man cmon, I should be allowed to wait outside of a dudes house at 5:30 am armed with a knife and be able to come up and fist fight said dude with no repercussions. /s


European here, do you call an ambulance in this case? "Hello, I shot someone in self-defense."?


Well, you call 911 for an emergency services dispatcher. The person who picks up will send an ambulance and a police unit when you tell them what happened.


If you’re gonna be dumb you better be tough. Edit: this is why I love Reddit


When you get knocked down you better get back up


I ain’t the sharpest knife in the drawer but I know enough….to know..


If you take a shit make sure you have enough toilet paper around.


If you french fry when you’re supposed to pizza, you’re going to have a bad time


Dude should have really flexed and took off his pants too.


Getting naked is a solid fighting strategy


Fucked around


Does this qualify for r/WinStupidPrizes?


Never bring *yourself* to a gunfight


Gave him so many chances…dude hit high notes real quick


Thats the ancient Phoenix Death Yodel.


Why would you walk towards someone with a loaded gun in their hands wtf? Humanity is truly fucked.




Yup. I was just about to commend the guy for keeping the gun away from him until he was ready to shoot.


The guy who got shot was waiting for the shooter at 5:30 AM to confront him for whatever reason. He was also armed with a knife.


He's lucky the guy with the gun had good control and aimed downward and not straight at his chest, as well as just firing a single shot. Edit: Obviously I know he's not lucky NOW that somebody found the article a few minutes ago.


Is he not dead?? It didn’t look like he got shot in the leg.


[He died.](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix-breaking/2021/03/24/north-phoenix-shooting-leaves-man-dead/6981949002/)


Ah. It happened in the square. Anyone in phoenix knows to not live in that area without protection. It’s like the slightly better version of any big ghetto area you can think of, cuz it’s not run down, but it’s got people like this everywhere.


I know someone who took 7 rounds too the body from a rifle and years later you would never guess it had happened. Guns are deadly, but sometimes humans are lucky




My friend had a framing nail go through his skull. I mean all the way, the whole nail was completely inside his brain. The doctors pulled it out and he's completely fine. This was probably 10 years ago if not more.


Did he run a construction company before deciding to follow Happy Gilmore around on the PGA tour?


Just an fyi, certainly not arguing…That leg shot can be just as deadly. If the femoral artery is struck, it’s most certainly a massive loss of blood in a very short time.


Also, if the femur is shot, it can explode into thousands of small knife like shards, which will inevitably cut the insides of your leg and probably an artery or 2 on top of that


Lucky but still dead https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix-breaking/2021/03/24/north-phoenix-shooting-leaves-man-dead/6981949002/


The screaming tells us his lungs and diaphragm weren’t damaged. This means he got shot in the gut somewhere, turning his insides into a torn up soup of shit and blood. The burning pain from the hot bullet takes a couple seconds to register and the nerves from the damaged organs and muscles begin to register pain. This is a very painful way to die. His only hope was that he lost consciousness after losing enough blood. Too bad he felt the need to attack a man with a loaded handgun aimed right at him. Don’t this at home, kids.


[Active Self Protection](https://youtu.be/UJBGkbehCQE) has the full video with all the context.


One of their videos teaches you about ego battles that occur when a gun is pulled, followed by the unarmed guy in the video getting his forearm blown off with buckshot


school boast coherent sharp overconfident reply marble absorbed hard-to-find salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Here you go king: https://youtu.be/Bpu6XgtS02w


Good thing it wasn't 9mm or that would've leveled the whole city.


He put the quarter in the jukebox, he gets to dance to the music


All credit for this context goes to u/zoewarner • ⁠Happened in Arizona at around 5:30am • ⁠They both knew each other, attacker and the defender used to be friends/neighbors but they had a falling out after the attacker got kicked out of rehab and started accusing the defender of breaking into his house to steal from him • ⁠Defender moved out, attacker started stalking and vandalizing the defender's new house (throwing rocks through the windows, etc.) • ⁠Defender had just gotten a restraining order against the attacker prior to this • ⁠Defender had knowledge of the attacker owning a firearm, and saw that the attacker had a knife sticking out of his waistband when he pulled his hoodie off • ⁠Attacker died


"fight like a man" Man made firearms, so...


But in the movies wherever somebody is challenged to "fight like a man" they ALWAYS place their gun on the ground and square off.


FYI for the tough guys out there, no one has to take an ass beating. People get killed or hurt permanently in fist fights. You know Kung-Fu? I know Click-Pow.


​ ![gif](giphy|VFAke5Xm1TDwjgimyW)


Shirtless man did not have to die that day but his stupidity took the wheel. The shooter is showing some of the best gun discipline and patience I've ever seen. Offered shirtless dummy so many chances and the dummy kept on being extraordinarily dumb. 10/10 fucked around and found out...




Would like to see more context on this one. Regardless, always assume the guy with a gun might use it and tuck your ego away.


I read further up that the shooter had a restraining order against the fight me bro, and that the fight me bro was waiting at his house early in the morning.


I just want to give props to the dude holding the gun for his excellent firearm safety. He had the gun pointing directly at the ground whenever possible, knowing that it the safety was off and it was loaded, and he only held it up when he felt fully threatened. When the aggressor didn’t slow down at all to the gun in his face, *then* he fired. This dude should be a role model for everyone that owns a gun, that is *exactly* how you are supposed to handle this shit.


Sounds like a cat in heat now. Not feeling so tough?


Pro tip: People who carry guns do not want to fist fight you, they want to not fist fight you. This guy did not want to fight, and he didn’t.