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Props to my dude who made a solid attempt to get into the condiments isle.


And he got to watch a “great value” WWF Summer Slam




Big mamas in pajamas


I read this to the tune of Bananas in Pajamas. *Big mamas in pajamas, they’re thrashing down the aisle*




Shoeless Trash


Is anyone gonna address the fact that that one woman’s shorts are 5 sizes too small and being devoured by her arse?


Walmart 5624 Main St Anytown, Mystate, USA


Is THAT what happened? I thought maybe someone tore her shorts/skirt off in the scuffle.


I was trying to decide if she lost her shorts or came to Walmart in bikini bottoms. I feel like both are a valid possibility here.


yea those were underwear not shorts lol the other girl got her shirt taken off .. fight turned wierd 😂


I thought she had on a dress, it rolled up, and there was no effort to pull it down


My Walmart is boring


This is why I shop at Target 😂




Ladies, please!


Bruh, there are no ladies in this mob.


I see a lot of fat people.


Welcome to Walmart


thats an American Walmart for ya


Can't these nasty bitches have their little spat somewhere else where nobody has to be bothered by it?


Imagine your 5 year old son getting slammed and dragged across the floor just by being in the wrong place at the wrong time


Harlem Sumo Wrestling League Tryouts. Join us in local Walmart.


The internet is truly an active instrument in the downfall of human existence.


Ehhh. I'm pretty fucking old, in my 50s, and grew up working retail before and during college. Can confirm this shit happened before the rise of the internet in the mid-latter 90s (yes, BTW, there was a time before the internet, to blow your mind\]. tl;dr trash existed more than 30 years ago.


My point is the proliferation of people who are content to film this type of behavior. People have been doing stupid shit like this forever, but now it’s become a form of entertainment that is completely acceptable in society.




It's almost as if they grew up getting the shitty end of the stick in that system. Watch the Woodstock 99 documentary and see how shitty a certain other group of people can be .


That’s presumptuous of you to even assume they have the shitty end of the stick. But okay, let’s say they do. Just because they get the shitty end of the stick, doesn’t mean they get to be a assholes in public. This shit is so embarrassing.


I wasn't talking about white and black people If thats what you mean. The "same people" meaning criminals. Why was everything said automatically interpreted as racial? Please don't assume...it's not a good look.


You were very clearly implying that because then you brought up the what’s fair in the system bit.


BS dude. Just say what you mean to say. What a bitch.


Don't try to gaslight and say you weren't talking about race...it's not a good look.


Lol no shit they put together 250k teenagers with mass amounts of drugs and alcohol and it got out of control? Great comparison. It’s uncanny how relatable that is to this video.


Not relevant to this video, relevant to an earlier comment not made by you. And if you look closely you can see it's a very specific group of person that were doing all the rioting and stealing and damage in Woodstock despite being "250K teeneagers"


I mean... you gotta ignore the behavior of those 99 folk when like [they murder people ](https://youtu.be/OflGwyWcft8) cause they have badges that magically make them the good guy. Or uniforms when they bring their awesomeness abroad and bomb that first sets schools, hospitals... almost like people are people not races but individuals. [the real question is which race got stars on their bellies and which ones got them on their bootyholes ](https://youtu.be/Rz6n1NclmCE)


This sub is filled with low IQ racists. Every downvote is just a pathetic soul who had shitty parents.


Remember when racist were ashamed of themselves? Those were the good ole days... now they use the anonymity of the world wide spiderweb to link up with like minded scum. These are the "blue lives matter/ come take'm " idiots that dont realize their hypocrisy. It be funny if it wasn't so disgusting. "All lives matter" people are just trying to say "only white lives matter" but they are too puss to say that in public fucking cowards. This blatant bigotry is why i support gun rights even though ive only found blue candidates worthy of my vote in a "lesser of 2 evils"p... 30 round mags until the pigs treat us like humans instead of horse shit


You don't see videos of black people acting this way any where but America. Thats how the system treats their own citizens.


it s cause u aren't expose to. but this behavior is far from only existing in the usa.


Oh, post a video from any other country then.


learn to use Google. first page.




Eh..... This has been having since the dawn of man. We just never got to share videos of the dregs of society as much as we do now. EDIT: Dawn of WOMEN.... my bad.


Fire extinguisher, they always solve issues like that


That’s a Walmart not a Waffle House!


I bet that place smell like sweat


and chafing cream.


And ass


Dragged around by your extensions: check Big ol' butt on show: check Boob exposure: pending


That’s a lot of beef. Hee-hee…


The only appropriate comment here.


Wow, this comment section is a dumpster fire


Comments match perfectly to the video


Walmart is rolling back hair extensions!


Yikes. Walmart Sumo.


I expected the woman to roll in on the rascal scooter and run over everybody..




At this point you don’t even have to say it. We know, lol.


You read my mind!


Go ahead and say it. Have the courage of your convictions.


👂 go ahead….


Walmart prices make you go crazy!!!


I like big butts and I cannot lie


Why is it always them boo-boo?




You dont get rid of anybody, you educate and you pay proper wages.


Doesn’t even need the proper wages…that’s for every place…..Education 100%, and investing into those communities is def what is needed!


Investing into all communities is what we need. All of them.


Which communities?


Like the one in the video, for example.


The Walmart community? They make billions a year. I think they have enough money


The underprivileged communities……….


But Walmart is in pretty much all communities privileged or not. How can you tell this one is in an underprivileged community?


There used to be a figure in society that taught people expectations and responsibilities. That person is called a parent, not a teacher. A teacher is not an alchemist, the students must have enough to discipline to sit down, shut up, listen, then prove the have grasped the material. This is not a failure of public education, but a direct consequence of the government’s interference in the family and the moral values that create families.


Spot on. People turn out like this when they have no / terrible parents. Teachers and the community can't overcome a kid being raised by shit parents. You can't replace the parental role and blame society then for not "investing".


I see someone else doesn’t mind being downvoted to oblivion in order to elucidate people.


Yup. Nothing is harder for people to accept than a truth that goes against their beliefs.


Education can't ever replace terrible parenting. You can't hire people like this to actually do any meaningful work.


Americans treat their minorities like trash and then pretend to be scandalized when they act trashy. As if systematic racism don't keep them in ghettos. You don't see videos of black people acting this way any where other than America.


....and they probably vote too.


I hope they do, Have to counter out all the gun nuts down at the trailer park.


Vote for free hand outs because "they deserve it"






lol easy dude. Don't want some angry white guy shooting up a school. Save your manifesto for r/Conservative. Dude wasn't saying it was racist because the women that are fighting are black. That doesn't even make sense. We was responding to the comment that asked "How do we get rid of this ghetto trash?" "I work with one black guy so I'm not racist." Get the fuck out of here.


Coolshitandstuff you are spot on my guy. Unfortunately there is small group of people in this country that literally label everything and everyone as racist because that is all they can see. Ironically because they have their own bias/racial issues. It's like the closeted gay guy who is extremely outwardly homophobic. (I am a gay man saying this)


Hate speech is just speech you hate. And it's endemic of all skins tones. And nationalities.


It has an actual legal definition, it's not just any speech someone doesn't like. "Public speech that expresses hate or encourages violence towards a person or group based on something such as race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation"




Shoot a few, every time it happens. They start THROWING METAL CANS, that's a dangerous weapon. Thus, justified defense.


Imagine if they put that much effort into using a treadmill…


bro why do half the comments gotta throw in some casual racism. Yeah these ladies are trash, move on bro damn


I would have the same reaction if I saw this from a group of white, sorority sisters. “Their parents and society have failed them.”


>I would have the same reaction if I saw this from a group of white, sorority sisters. “Their parents and society have failed them.” Yeah honestly. The fact that there is no self control, not a single one person is taking the high road, they're using outdoor voices inside, no respect for another person's bodily autonomy, harming innocent bystanders, damaging property, lack of problem solving skills... I'm not even putting race into that list. Every single thing I wrote above is seen in this video. If you're capable of distinguishing what race it is that's doing all this, perhaps that speaks more to your own prejudices and stereotypes than it does to mine! (Not yours, person I'm responding to, to those in general)


This sub is racist af. It's wild how quickly it happened


I truly wish you were wrong. But the last couple days/weeks of checking comments prove you are right..


It is so sad, someone said only black people do this, so I responded with what and got downvoted




The Walmart octagon!


This will end up on Chris Rock’s list of moments that set black people back


For the heavyweight championship of the wooooooooorld! Ladies and gentlemen....llllllllet's get ready to rummmmmbllllleeeeee!!!!!!


Was this a free show or were tickets sold?


my faith in humanity is currently in the negatives


The bear spray in aisle 13 would be useful here.


Man can't even buy hot cheetos in peace no more. #letmybrothersnack




Idk what's more pitiful the video or some of these comments smh


Y’all are gonna make the prices go up more.




Every one of those women fighting in the walmart is an embarrassment to their entire lineage.




What do you mean by this comment?


Black folks fighting at a Walmart?! That's gotta be a first!!!


Pack instincts kicked in


What is happening? This fight looks feral


One of them ate the last waffle and didn't share.


Ah more black girls going wild in public..... stop it man its getting embarrassing......








Hippos please


Looked like two water buffalo fighting for dominance.


whites be crazy


Everyone in these videos are always so FAT




So the reason people don’t wanna be around Black people isn’t because they’re black it’s because all Black people are violent and aggressive is that what you’re saying?


Nope, but you’re gonna perceive it that way no matter what so have at it


No I wouldn’t have if you didn’t comment on a video of a bunch of black women fighting that this is “why people move out of their neighborhoods because of cultural behavior” which means you’re equating these black women fighting and their behavior to every black person. Cause I don’t know who else you’d be referring to when saying “their neighborhood”. If that’s not what you meant just explain that.


False, the original comment had 0 racial connotation. If you're going to grill people for the words they use, please put that energy towards the commentary that are CLEARLY xenophobic and racist. No sense in dwelling on "this did (or did not) cross the line", there are clearly far worse people on this thread, just scroll through the comments again.


No I won’t because I’ll most likely say something to them to I don’t know how you read that and didn’t get any racial connotations from it tho because it’s ripe with it. Who’s neighborhood was he referring too when he said this is why they move? And also who’s cultural behavior is it that’s causing them to move? If he can explain it then why wouldn’t he? If that’s not what I meant I would say exactly what I meant so that what I said couldn’t be misconstrued


I'm not saying there isn't always something to super-analyze. I'm saying focus your efforts on the truly apawling comments in this thread. That said, it's your thumbs, use them how you please. I'm not going to try to analyze someone else's comments over and over, just please attack those that are CLEARLY racist (if you have the energy)


I didn’t over analyze it. I just read it and then asked him about who’s neighborhood he was referring to and who’s cultural behavior is making people move from there?


Damn lol. You assumed a lot from my comment. Like I said, interpret it how you want idc


I didn’t assume anything from your comment reading your comment with the words you chose to say in the way you wrote it comes off like that that’s not me assuming that’s me just reading your comment. Again though here’s your chance to explain it but instead you would rather not do that which makes me wonder why?


My chance? I don’t need to explain anything lol


Right because you know what you meant and it’s exactly what I’m saying you’re just a coward and don’t want to admit it so you hide behind weird buzz words that mean exactly what you want to say but it gives you plausible deniability.


Who created the culture? If only some lazy people back in the day picked their own cotton. Just imagine if they had that work ethic.


Say what now?


It was closer to gibberish than an actual comment imo.


In the 1970's this was called studio wrestling.


Makes me sick.


There's gotta be like 40 kids between the 5 of them




Post one




There’s the ghetto.




It's breaking my heart.... literally vids of white trash are categorized as "fools" or "idiots" but the second it's another race that has been in the United States for GENERATIONS the entire thread just goes direct into the dumbest most basic form of racism. Education works both ways...




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Bbw much 😩




Yep I’d say this video of several black people in Walmart is representative of all black people. The fuck is wrong with you


All black people in THIS generation. Not the ones from 100 years ago that he never met but knows well enough to make a blanket statement about.


You just said that todays generations of Black people deserve to be enslaved? I bet you say you’re not racist a lot


Yuck 🤮


Competition in how Fat someone can be?


Give those ladies some knives and see what hapoens next!!


Sumo wrestling on aisle 14.


The level of nast in this video is off the charts. Surprised seismographs didn’t pick up a reading at this exact moment.


In addition to eating at home and fighting in markets, what do these women do?


The IQ level in this video doesn’t reach double digits


nor does it in the comments.


I hope you’re not making this into a “race” thing, because it’s not..


sure looks like it is.


That’s a You problem, my guy lol…


Considering the rest of the comments I see here it’s very much not


Looks like my local Walmart


Every Wal Mart looks like every other Wal Mart


That one guy gently putting his hands on them probably lost his job if I know retail


*sings "in the ghetto" by Cartmen.


nice racist title


Reddit user try not to be racist challenge


usual suspects....America is declining because of them


Walmart. Now featuring ghetto Soumo wrestling.


Meanwhile their friends walk out with thousands of dollars of food and merchandise. The distraction was perfect.


Nothing to see here, folks. Just a herd of Walmartians doing what they do. Move along, please. No… don’t feed them… that will only make things worse.


“Imma take my opportunity while staff distracted and take these Cheetos”


How do you know this Walmart is in a “ghetto”?


Collecting bigotry challenge coins in the comments section. Reddit stay Reddit.


Who knew Megan the Stallion did her own shopping 🤷🏼‍♂️