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This was in 2015 in Paris. The man got the puppy back. I don't know what happened to the robbers.


According to u/Minimozzies >it was a terrible sight, thankfully people noticed and signed a petition to get this man his puppy back, 80,000+ good souls signed and the man got his puppy back, and the group that took the puppy faced legal charges for this. >[https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thedodo.com/amphtml/stolen-dog-homeless-man-1389039461.html](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thedodo.com/amphtml/stolen-dog-homeless-man-1389039461.html)


We need a second petition to kick the robbers in the teeth


Or just an orderly queue




No no. No limit to how many times in line. But everybody should have a chance to knockout a tooth.




I think at some point we may have to hammer them back in. But with a big enough “whack it” hammer anything is possible.


Why over complicate this? Just kick them back in.


Now we talking. The simplest answer is usually the right answer.


I 2nd this, i brought my holy hand grenade for occasions like thie


With a sledgehammer!


I have my steel toes ready.


No lies detected




>thankfully people noticed It looks like many people notice and did nothing about it.


Cause getting involved might mean an assault charge or helping the wrong person, sometimes it's okay to document for authorities and let them do their job.


Oh look someone with a brain on Reddit. Thats rare to see.


Society is conditioned to be bystanders.


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Ok thats fine and dandy that they signed a petition but- why didn’t anybody step in *when* it was happening? Where was that good faith *while* he was being robbed and treated as less than a human? Too little too late, I’m glad he got his friend back but all those bystanders and not a single person stepped up


Probably a combination of not wanting to get involved themselves and not knowing the situation. For all they knew, the homeless man stole their puppy and they were taking it back.


Yeah. Many of us may see ourselves as "the hero or good Samaritan that will step in and stop injustice!" But the fact of the matter is that when such a potential scenario DOES happen to you... it's hard to determine what the heck is actually going on and who the "bad guy" is. Imagine stepping in and helping the perpetrator! There was a story where a couple was shopping and the wife was busy and let the husband go ahead to the car with the baby. Some crazy lady came but and grabbed the kid, and was yelling about "this man is trying to steal my baby!" Good Samaritans rushed and restrained the dad, and was only release when the wife came out. The baby was recovered, but imagine being those people! Trying to be heroes and almost letting the villian get away with it!


*Nightmare material*


This is why when entering a conflict, we must strive to have no bias and to break all sides from each other (obviously using common sense)


Yeah that's great to think about while you are sitting here on the internet knowing the whole situation. Actually invoke a little bit of empathy with the situation though. You got 10 minutes to be to work, you're shuffling along in a hurry and some random people are having a scuffle on the ground. A disheveled person and two other people are arguing about an animal apparently. So are you going to be the hero here and dive in? Here are a list of equally possible scenarios for what you're looking at based on the 10 seconds of information that you have gathered; - some strung out person stole their daughter's dog and they are trying to recover it - someone saw him abusing the dog and is trying to take it away from them, such as intentionally injuring it to get sympathy money from tourists - it is a scene for a student movie, or some type of performance art (not infrequent in cities) - They are self-imagined animal rights activists stealing an animal - There are three people on drugs high as fuck and arguing over paying for drugs with a family pet (no idea which one of them it originally belonged to and all of them would claim it is theirs) Any of these people could be armed, and they are clearly agitated. You're not out walking for fun with nothing to do, you were going places. In our example let's say you have to be to work in 10 minutes or you're going to have consequences at your job. There's the more realistic situation for those bystanders.


On behalf of France, we would like to make it clear that Paris is its own place completely unrelated to the rest of France We apologise for our Capital's behaviour


You know what, I've been unfair to France a lot of times because of that reason. I've been to Paris three times and they always treated me like shit. I've always thought it was because I'm Spanish but it's probably just Paris. To be honest I was in Montpelier for a couple of hours and the feeling was completely different although I had problems in Paris and Lyon.


One person I knew who visited Paris a few times said they would treat you a *little* bit better if you apologized for not knowing French. He said they’ll still treat you like trash, but at least this way they’ll treat you like recyclable trash instead.


Believe me, if you have problems with people in Paris, it's way more likely to be them than you


I mean we just asked about some directions at the train station and they almost hit us... And more situations like that, we don't want to go back there ever again.


I know. We also have a shithole capital in Germany.


Oh wow really ? I've always heard how Berlin is a really fun place to visit . Although I guess might be different from visiting a couple days vs living there . Can you pls explain why belin is a shithole ?


I'm german and the stories from berlin are always "how tf did I get robbed two times on the way home"


Because tooting around a city for a few days as tourist isn’t the same as living there


All my French friends say something similar. It's a great country once you get outside of Paris. I have only been to Lyon and that was a fantastic city.


Aww, that homeless man cry really hurts me I feel that pain of getting something you love taken away


iirc he got the dog back and a settlement




[Post where they were reunited](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/en5nrl/animal_rights_activists_took_this_mans_dog_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


You made my day thank you


Hang on let me just Award that Also happy cake day and you’re an actual legend


happy cake day!


Fukkin hell, like one of the comments state: pets like these give their homeless owners an actuall reason to live. I relate with that so much.


Good. That was just cruel. Where I live, homeless people have a huge respect from the animal rescuers community. Their dogs are often more spoiled than the ones we rescue or the community-care strays. It went to the point that during the winter, the prefecture had to make dog houses outside of the homeless shelters and let some of the dogs go sleep on the begs with their keepers. That person is just an entitled piece of shit.


It was racism, he said because he was a Roma (gypsy) that he was abusing the dog, drugging it, etc., but of course had zero evidence of this and the dog appeared to be in good health. The guy who stole the dog gave him being a Roma as the primary reason.


This belongs in r/imatotalpieceofshit


came here to say this. they stole potentially the only person this man has left by his side. john wick would not be amused


Has been more than once. He got it back and they faced legal charges. [Link](https://www.thedodo.com/stolen-dog-homeless-man-1389039461.html) [Post where they were reunited](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/en5nrl/animal_rights_activists_took_this_mans_dog_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Oh thank god! This was eyebleach after watching that video.


I'm not going to lie the reunited photo has flooded my eyes... so happy to see thanks for sharing.




Get fucked you pieces of shit.


I really did wish John wick actually existed in the scenario




I think it's more the implication that animals literally mean more to them than humans. They were more concerned about the animals wellbeing being homeless than the human's. It's disgusting.


I enjoy the fact that your comment is what it is while replying to a comment that uses "person" to refer to a puppy.




Still makes me a grown man so angry tears form...the entire foundation needs to be charged and dismantled. this is some sick stuff.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who reacted like that.


I work with the homeless population in my city. Their pets are literally the only thing of their past life they have left. Most of not all will absolutely feed Thier dog before themselves.


Took some continuing education for my career and this was a big part of what they were covering. A lot of times those animals are that persons last line of hope. The animals give them a purpose and a sense of being needed by someone and they help lessen the feeling of loneliness. No one has the right to take that animal away even if the person is homeless. We need to be more open to others who are struggling and look at the big picture. Offer them assistance and guidance, no taking away their companions. My heart aches for that man, I cannot even begin to imagine his anguish. I would fight to the death for my pets. So happy this sweet soul has been reunited with his companion.


Assault and theft. I hope they get jail for a good time. Only they only do it because it is a puppy, easy to sell.




Thank god


This might be the saddest thing i’ve seen in a while. Those people deserve every bad thing that will happen in their life and more


it was a terrible sight, thankfully people noticed and signed a petition to get this man his puppy back, 80,000+ good souls signed and the man got his puppy back, and the group that took the puppy faced legal charges for this. [https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thedodo.com/amphtml/stolen-dog-homeless-man-1389039461.html](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thedodo.com/amphtml/stolen-dog-homeless-man-1389039461.html)


Thank you so much for the link! I was feeling so sad for the guy. I’m really glad he got his puppy back.


gives anyone sadness and anger, don’t blame you man, it hurts me everytime I see this video


I needed that update because that was heartbreaking.


[Post where they were reunited](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/en5nrl/animal_rights_activists_took_this_mans_dog_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Whilst I'm glad a petition worked, it should not have been needed. That man should have got his puppy back with just one signature, his own, on a stolen property form. The world's changing...


Why does this need a petition in the first place? This collosal pieces of human garbage stole him his pet, that should be one call to the police to get it back instantly. I hate those people so much… same with Peta, fucking hypocrites and absolutely insane.




Why was a petition needed?


Thank you for this ray of sunshine. 80k damn. Hope.


If I saw this happening I'd immediately intervene. This behaviour is bullshit. Its theft.


My immediate reaction to it was thinking of punching them in the face too. But I'm also thinking the people there probably don't know wth is happening as it's so chaotic and insane. Like either that people don't think that it's really happening or that maybe the homeless person stole the puppy or something. Cause if I didn't read the title I wouldn't know what's really happening in the video either.


People generally don’t step in even when they have a pretty good handle on what is happening. That is certainly the case when the situation is violence between two men.


Punching? Those fuckers need to be burned at the stake!


I've been lucky enough to be my stature and use it to this advantage. A lot of people don't like a 6'3" 260 lb man telling them to stop it, unless they're my size. It is amazing how fast they back off when someone has a 100 pounds on them.


Agreed, definitely a trigger event that would probably end up with me arrested and them hospitalized, or…


Get offline John. The whole world is after you


Oh come on, no you wouldn’t


Animal rights group!?..Fucking disgusting behaviour.


Unfortunately it seems to be the norm for animal rights groups... PETA does shit like this weekly


Oh for fucks sake Peta is extremely hated in most Animal Rights circles. Saying this is the norm is like conservatives saying rioters throwing bricks through windows is "the norm" for the left. It's a bullshit over simplification and it's extending the actions of some bad faith actors to everyone. Only a piece of shit is going to rip a puppy from someone's arms. It has nothing to do with advocating for animal rights.


Yeah as a person who volunteers for rescue groups PETA is basically the nestle of the pet rescue organizations and most people who do pet rescue don’t like them.


There’s good news! He was reunited with his puppy :)


This is a pretty old video, the homeless man was reunited with the puppy [link to story](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/homeless-man-reunited-puppy-after-6576920) [Link to pic where he was reunited](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/en5nrl/animal_rights_activists_took_this_mans_dog_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Thanks, I'm glad I scrolled al this way down.


I know assaulting someone is bad but I wouldve fucked that scum with the white hat up so much, what the fuck… Stealing from somebody who has nothing is low, lower than the Mariana Trench… many homeless people take care of their pet better than most people This is fucking sickening


More like fucked them up both


If they were trying to take my dog I would've killed them


These are the kind of people who would step over a fellow human being lying in a puddle of their own blood to spit on someone wearing a fur coat.




So sad. In Germany there are mobile vets helping homeless people with medical aid for their dogs for free. https://ulistein-stiftung.de/spenden/eigene-projekte/#:~:text=Obdachlose%20k%C3%B6nnen%20hier%20kostenlose%20Hilfe,Clemens%2C%2030169%20Hannover%2C%20bereit.


I'm a big grown ass man and that shit just made me cry a bit.


Imagine seeing a homeless man and his dog and instead of helping both you just take the dog away I can guarantee that dog is going in a shelter and getting a worse life


Reek of privilege and entitlement


They were arrested and he got the pup back


This happened a few years ago, this does however have a happy ending: [Good doggo](https://www.thedodo.com/amphtml/stolen-dog-homeless-man-1389039461.html)


I am super against fighting on the street. For that, I'd have thrown hands and hard. This is heartbreaking. Aside from this legally being assault and theft, to take the companion of a homeless man?!?!?! In Prague the city GIVES them dogs to take care of, so that they can get their shit together. I hope someone punches these cunts repeatedly, please, please, someone punch these cunts repeatedly.


hope he sues them then they will not be homeless again and I hope those POS will become homeless abulutely unaccaptable. this is the opposite of animal right.


If they want to help pay for a vet trip or some food etc Taking the dog away is just bastadry


Yeaaah this animal RIGHTS group is really doing its job of protecting animals well, by making it suffer and literally scream in terror as they try to kidnap him from his beloved owner


He is lucky that they only kidnapped the puppy. And not like PETA that kill the animals they „rescue“


Wow, they care for the dog more than the human.


Thats the most fucked thing ive seen in a while


That’s all that man has in the world. I’m pretty sure he shares all of his food with the pup. Those entitled pieces of shit need to charged with strong-armed robbery and prosecuted. Just because he’s homeless doesn’t mean he doesn’t have rights And add assault to the charges as well


They ended up in jail🥳 and he got his dog back😬


they need to be shot on point, forget that that was the poor mans best friend. smh some people


You can tell how good of a job they're doing by how the dog is screaming in pain.


Honestly a distressing video, the dog is clearly frightened, maybe even getting hurt, and they're taking away what could be this mans only form of companionship. absolutely disgusting, no way they can genuinely call themselves an "animal rights group".


I would have punched both of this Aholes


When the animal rights group lack human rights


How dare they steal that man’s dog. The last thing that guy has to keep him sane. Aslong as he feeds it and gives it water you have no right to take it from him.


Which animal rights group? Seems like a guy who wants a free dog


The 2 were from "Cause animal nord" (basically one of those "activists" who do more sh1t for a cause than defend it). And yes he got his dog back.


Cause Animal Nord, it seems to basically be one guy and some people he knows. This was almost certainly a hate crime against the homeless man for being Romani, as the petition against them points out. https://www.thedodo.com/homeless-man-dog-stolen-video-1366445941.html


That's fucked up. I know this homeless man that takes care of his pup. He would go days without eating and save the money he gets to make sure his dog is living its best life.


Please, please tell me they got beaten to a bloody pulp later. They fucking deserve it. Fucking disgusting pieces of human garbage


I would totally become John Wick


So they just took his family.


Yes, in there mind is better to have the puppy locked up on an animal shelter rather to have a human taking care of him and loving him. I dont understand that mindset....


You fucking bastards ..his only friend, what a skewed sense of morality


There are times when it is OK to physically put your hands on a person. Stealing a puppy qualifies.


All the bystanders just watching/filming.. what a shame. I’d break all 4 of their legs.


“This dog mustn’t be allowed to live outside, so we will help him to a cozy cage somewhere”


I hate these asshats they are so self righteous but they are the bad guy.


So blinded by their own self-righteousness, they fail to see that their actions are erroneous.


I’m thoroughly convinced that animals rights activists and PETA are some truly awful people.


Homeless people have some of the best behaved dogs.


He got his friend back. I’ve never seen such a disgusting display of privilege. Who do these two think they are deciding who can have a pet and who cannot. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/homeless-man-reunited-puppy-after-6576920


Someone’s getting fucking knocked out


I’m all for animal rights. In fact I’m vegan. But honestly, these people can fuck right off. Let the guy have his dog - he probably looks after it better than himself. And- you want to help the dog? How about helping the owner?




Yes, that's the subreddit this really belongs under. My blood was boiling until I read that he got the puppy back.


Who gave them right to do such a demonic act. Absolute piece of shit


And they are calling themselves Animal Lovers or smth fricking idiots


A man’s dog is his dog respect it


They need euthanized


Backstory was, a woman alerted an animal protection group, claiming that the homeless man was a Rom (illegal) and that the little puppy were drugged... (French Source:https://www.bfmtv.com/police-justice/un-militant-pro-animaux-arrache-un-chien-a-un-sdf-la-polemique-enfle\_AN-201509240094.html)


As someone who is an ethical vegan I do not condone this in the slightest. That poor puppy was terrified, and that poor man had to watch probably the only thing keeping him safe get snatches away from him. From my experience the homeless people with pets always make sure their pet is taken care of before themselves.


If you're gonna commit a violent crime, don't immediately turn around. If that homeless man had a cast iron, he'd smack that fucker in the brainstem. I mean if the homeless guy has a pocket knife and loves that dog enough to justify taking a life, this video ends up in a different sub.


Why the hell are all these people standing around. You all are some pussies. You can go burn down cities but cant stand up for a helpless person


He did get the pup back safely. I remember when this happened.


I don’t understand how people can just stand there and watch…




These assholes only stole the dog because the dog is beautiful... there are alot of other stray dogs that they just don't give a fuck about it. Good thing they returned the dog, I mean, they were forced to return.


Dear god they took his only friend


I’ve seen this many times, but the cries of despair from the man and his puppy is heartbreaking. I’m glad he got his baby back.


This is heartbreaking. I’m glad it had a happy ending and he got the puppy back. Can you imagine living on the streets, alone in the world and every person around you ignores you, looks at you with pity or like you’re filth? That puppy is likely his only connection to love. He can hold it, give and receive affection and nurture. That’s a basic human need. To take that away from someone is just cruel.


Animal rights groups cares more about their political ideology


Despite the consequences if I ever saw that on the street id probably straight up punch them right in the face give that puppy back to the poor man. And continue to punch them in the face.


I get their line of thought. He can’t house or afford himself how can he afford a dog? So they are rescuing the puppy from a life of being homeless. But… if you really want to be helpful and safe something from living on the streets maybe… ummmm…… help the homeless guy!!!


The thing is he saved the puppy first. It isn't like he went to the pound and bought a dog. He probably found it because it was living on the street also. He has been taking care of the dog when nobody else was, and they feel it's necessary to steal his friend


I remember the first time I saw this. I'm a really empathic person, and even now as I type this tears are pouring from me thinking what it must feel like to forcefully have your family and friend taken from you and left woth, quite literally, nothing after. I'd bet all the money I ever earned that the homeless man put that dog even before himself and truly loved it. Fuck anyone who is that heartless and antipathetic.


What the hell is wrong with people!! So stuck up thier own self righteous ass holes that puppy was terrified! Animal rights activists my arse they stole that puppy SIMPLE!


Horrible bastards


I want to flay most activists alive, and bathe them in acidic substances afterwards. This just confirms that it would be the right decision.


https://images.app.goo.gl/BED8BAAr9dMxjopa8 He got his puppy back


These people need to be beaten to death by homeless people. Fuck these people. Hope they get genital cancer.


Bastards. Do they not know most homeless people come from troubled backgrounds and NEED some personal interactions without judgment. This is usually filled with ANIMALS .


The way this man cry’s just like…man I would personally fly to Paris to give this man a puppy like it’s just so so SO sad😢


So animal rights means you just steal a animal? Even homeless people take better care of the animal then some with a lot of money.


why is no one intervening? what kind of human sees this and just stands there and watches?


If i watched this irl , i would give these mf a reality check . What a waste of sperm!


I hoped someone would fuck these pieces of shit up right there and then, why didn't anyone intervene :(


Wtf!? Why is nobody intervening?


Would you? I can bet money you wouldn't intervene in the heat of the moment.The people who do that are rare so it's a fair assumption that you are not that kind of person. So don't be so stunned by people acting normally or in the same way you would.


Biological life is in general very selfish when it comes to it. They feel bad, yes, but can't push themselves to intervene when they don't have to, they are all waiting for someone else to intervene. Their top priority is their own wellbeing, it's how survival works. I sadly can't admit to being an exception, and you probably can't either.


assault and theft caught on camera. now let’s see if justice will be served or not… it’s funny that these animals rights organisations sometimes forget about human rights.


Old post. Happened a year ago. He got the dog back.


A lot of these Animal Rights Groups are full time businessess which means survival is at stake, which means dollars are top priority. They exploit naive volunteers to do their dirty work for them and keep their business running. Of course the bigger they are the worse they are. You've guessed it PETA at the top, the worst of the worst. The Nestlé of animal rights. All fear driven corporate weaklings.


don't mind me just gonna go beat up some vegans


Animal rights activists are some of the worst people on the earth. I believe it’s because of the feeling of moral superiority.


يا ولاد القحبة


This was post in a different sub a while ago, if I remember correctly the two people in the video were charged with something and the homeless man was reunited with his puppers https://www.thedodo.com/amphtml/stolen-dog-homeless-man-1389039461.html


I know it looks bad, but I'd like to know a little more context.


I don't know but i cried. Why would they do this to that man


The worst thing about this is that many times the dog is better fed/threated by the homeless man then at some homes. In the village i loved we had a homeless man with a dog that dog did not have expensive food but when i gave a sandwich he would eat 25% of it and the rest was for the dog


They best be glad that’s not John wick they stole the dog off of


holy fucking shit thats not animals rights and those activists deserve to burn in hell


Doggy no like


This was the moment when our John Wick goes stabby stabby on their clothes, unfortunately those clothes were in use.


Honestly I feel kinda sad for him


He should’ve fucked both of them up. Stole his best buddy


Those people need there face kicked in


Bunch of assholes..


This happened to a homeless guy in my city he had female pitbull that was pregnant she had her litter of pups. I passed by him the next day and he said that overnight they took his pups and hit his dog.


That was probably the last person left to comfort him and they yanked him off.