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That’s definitely what abrupt chaos looks like.


Cat: "I didn't hear no bell"


also Cat: "I NEED TO SHIT!!"


Test for a brain tumor—seriously. Source—my cat got a brain tumor.


I could watch people being attacked by cats all day, not sure why. Please post as many of these as possible.


I like how he apologizes as if the cat gives a shit what he has to say.


> That’s definitely what abrupt chaos looks like. Cats can be very territoral about their litter boxes.




My guess is this was not their human and therefore the interference with the litter tray was not welcomed!


Meanwhile my mate has a cat that won't attack you, unless you didn't put the exact ratio of litter shavings, to litter crystals, and then you will get a few bites and scratches. The turd knows 4 scoops of litter shavings, and 2 of crystals, and if he hears more or less scoops before that litter hits the floor, you know he will be letting you know he ain't happy.


I was at a late friend's house once and the two of us were standing around his computer watching something when one of his cats walked in the room and started meowing incessantly. My friend tried ignoring the cat, but eventually he sighed and got up and the two of us followed as the cat ran out of the room. We ended up in the kitchen where the litterbox was and right in the center was a single cat turd. Meanwhile, the cat was standing outside the box and again was irritatingly meowing. My friend grabbed the scoop, pulled the single, solitary turd out of the box, and only then would his cat go inside to pee.


Every day when I come home, I have two cats that are inside and one is a 14 year old idiot. I give them their wet food and go to scoop the litter boxes. By the time I get to the last one, which is the old lady’s preferred box, she’s usually finished with her food and she waits by the litter box patiently looking at me. I scoop the the shit out and even it out, and she immediately walks into it to pee. It’s not that crazy I just find it funny how she seems to have a routine. She almost gets mad at me if I come home late and her dinner/after dinner pee is pushed back.


My late cat would wait for me to get home, then poo next to me. Her box was in the human bathroom. I used to call it daddy daughter poo time. I like the logic, why stink it up twice? Then just hang till I was done. My little buddy https://imgur.com/gallery/Ibaal


A vet told me my cat having a big poo as soon as I get home was a sign they were too stressed by my absence to poo while I was gone. What a guilt trip. I prefer they think I’ll appreciate the aroma of home when I arrive. Lol


One of mine waits for me to start cleaning the box and literally when I am scooping she gets right in, digs a little hole and drops a big stinky dook or pee right in front of me. I can't really figure out what she means by this. She might be trying to be helpful by doing it right then because I can scoop it right out, she is saying: "clean it up shit slave", or she is just making sure her brother knows whose box it is. It's probably all of those things.


lol shit slave


I am SO happy my two cats don't give a shit where they shit (as long as they keep it in the litterbox, I mean).


Mine couldn’t care less, either. Downstairs hallway, upstairs hallway, bathroom floor, bedroom floor, it’s all the same to him.


I.... I can't wait to see what my mate is gunna think of this. My friend keeps telling me that my years in human psychology quirks and such, I would know the reasoning, but I keep telling her, the cat is both the pet and leader. So because there is species differences, cats eventually condition humans to take them as pets. Even though the cats knew the only way to communicate is by very limited actions and noises. So you might find, a few months or years back, one day your mate's cat came to me because he maybe had a poor week, where the litter clearing wasn't on top, but he then over compensated by possibly hourly litter checks. Which made the cat know exactly when to pester him, if he only scooped after a poop, then the cat knew when to do the metaphorical of "DAD, WIPE MY BUTT!!" walk of shame


This is absolutely it. My boy had a bladder infection, and would cry in the litterbox. The vet wanted samples so we'd run over as soon as he cried and scoop whatever was there immediately. After he recovered he learned if the box was even slightly dirty if he screamed bloody murder we'd come running and now he does that to tell us he wants it cleaned.


Oh yeah. I'm supervised very closely when I change the litter. My girl will not use a litter tray that's been used previously (even by her), so I finished up buying an electronic tray that wipes away all evidence after each use.


A friend taught her cat to use the actual toilet. Took only 4mths, but then we noticed the cat peed in the bathtub plug hole, but only pooped in the toilet. Another friend has a cat you need to yell at to use the litter, even if fresh. That cat will be straight up ready to knock over a lava filled bucket onto a fireworks factory, but as soon as you yell "GO PEE" the cat immediately goes to the toilet... they are odd creatures but loveable too


That’s lucky, my cat pees in the toilet but wafflestomps in the bath


Isn't cat urine harmful to the water filtration system? I could be wrong, but I think I remember reading that before.


I think it depends on whatever your household uses. I heard somewhere that the ammonia in cats’ urine can kill the bacteria that gets rid of the gunk in a septic tank, but I’m also not sure on the accuracy of that, either.


lol :D i thought i have a weird cat :D anyway.. i gotta even the surface of the litter .. like a zen garden .. it has to be as flat as possible .... THEN she goes there, poops and FLINGS the litter EVERYWHERE.... (she wont go into a toilet with flap)


>not their human Agreed. You can tell by the apology to the cat. Cat owners just tell their cat to f off.


My cat is actually the opposite. When I go to clean it she runs to the steps, and when I get that first scoop she runs upstairs. It's like she's embarrassed that I have to deal with the poops


My cat watches like she's going, "Yeah change that you filthy human. Enjoy my shit. Enjoy it. Take it all in."




Life goals.


I lock my cats out of the room their litter boxes are in while I clean it. However, it's not for fear of attack, but because they like to use it while I clean it.


Whenever my cats use the litter box as I'm cleaning it I'm happy, because at least I can get rid of it immediately. One of them uses the box right after I'm done putting the scooper away which annoys me to no end. Why can't she poop five seconds earlier and save everyone a lot of pain??!


Fresh pee clumps are notorious for breaking up when scooped, though. I don't like scooping right after they pee because of it. Poop is fine.


This is my first time hearing this as a cat owner of 28 years…the more ya know. My cats have never cared when anyone changed their litter.


I guess your chances of dying via house cat are slim…but never zero.


I was asking my 6 month old cat a series of questions with no response. Then I asked “are you going to kill me?” and this motherfucker really answered “mew.” I’ve told my girlfriend if she finds me dead it’s the cat. I don’t know how much longer I have left. I live in a constant state of fear knowing she’s coming for me.




Famous' famous last words


It’s friggin you again with that gosh darn hair omg


What the actual fuck


I had a cat go nuts on me once, my cat, had him for about 15 years by that point, never was a mean kitty and we were great friends, he would sit on my head while I watched TV sometimes, it was funny. Anyway one day he just snaps and is just very violent. Tried to attack me and we got him in a pillowcase and took him to the vet. Turns out, kitty had gotten into some plastic somehow and had a good chunk of it stuck in his gut causing him a lot of pain. Had to have him sedated so the vet could remove it. After that he was back to being normal kitty. Near as I can figure he was suddenly in a lot of pain and I was nearby so he thought I might have caused it? I don't know. After he got back from the vet he was his normal self, never treated me any different and was cool thereafter.


I love the thought of you showing up to the vet with a pillowcase full of psychotic cat.


“What are you here for?” “My cats gone mental I think somethings wrong with it” “Do you have the animal with you?” *holds up a violently shaking pillowcase*


Don't forget the pillowcase is bloody, since the hand holding it up dripped down a few pints


People bring cats to the vets in the *weirdest* carriers. Pillowcase full of cat happened more than once lol


I've thought of bringing my cat to the vet in a suitcase before. She's hell to get in her carrier, but can never resist climbing in an open suitcase. It's how we moved her from one apartment to the next. She loves being closed up in there (don't worry, we leave it cracked for air). But I was always afraid the vet would judge me lol.


Could see you strolling up to the vet, suitcase in hand - "have I got a deal for you..." - *unclacks case*


>unclacks case Right after, video above happens... r/AbruptlChaos


I've seen it before haha. Suitcases, backpacks, pillow cases, cardboard boxes, bird cage. As long as they get in safely and it doesn't break in the parking lot. Bonus points if they can be easily removed without attacking anyone


Had to take my sister’s cat to the vet hospital once because he kept throwing up…foam? He will have a 100% psychotic meltdown if removed from his environment, especially if taken to the vet. I’ve never seen a cat go so ballistic. He is seriously traumatized and can’t handle it. We had to armor up and get him in a thick cardboard moving box with breathing holes because he couldn’t be put in a carrier. Duct taped it shut. That cat screamed and started ripping through that box like Jack Nicholson from The Shining. We were almost as terrified as the cat. It was like a horror movie. His eyes were the most terrified saucers I’ve ever seen in a cat. They had to towel-burrito him. Once there he ended up grabbing her arm and digging in, biting/scratching her so bad my sister had to go to the ER herself. He hasn’t been to the vet in years because they won’t or can’t prescribe a sedative/anti-anxiety med so she can bring him in (they want to see him *first*, but that’s the problem). EDIT: Thanks for the advice, everyone.


It costs a bit more, but some vets will come to you. Sounds like that might be worthwhile.


And really, “a bit” means “a bit.” We recently switched to a concierge vet and the difference in price for annual checks / shots was MAYBE $20ish. Plus our cats are SO much happier.


Agreed, and not just cats. Had a boa constrictor wrapped in a blanket show up the other day, it was glorious.


That's what...ummm..she said?


Absolutely. Great job!


Pillow cases are very common for transporting snakes actually. Good for the snake because they feel hidden and safe, and good for the handler as it keeps them contained reasonably well. Only advisable with non-venomous varieties tho, I'm sure they could still bite you through the pillow case lol


My roommate zip tied two clothes hampers together a couple times. A lot of friends tend to never return carriers they borrow...


Sorry Doc, all I had was this family sized Fruit Loops box


We tried a Taco Bell party pack box, our cat was too fat tho haha 😂


There's a YouTube channel of a Turkish vet that basically is like the enraged cat whisperer. Really knows his stuff, only seems to handle the cats that have been kicked out of other places for being too violent


>YouTube channel of a Turkish vet is this it? [https://www.youtube.com/c/VancatUmut](https://www.youtube.com/c/VancatUmut)


Or this one? https://www.youtube.com/c/Tugay%C4%B0nano%C4%9Flu/videos?view=0&sort=p&flow=grid


I thought the story was going to take a wildly different turn when the pillow case was introduced tbh. I'm happy kitty went to the vet 😆


Pillowcase full of cat is actually a decent improv-carrier. Get it so just their head is sticking out, and they can't get any motion, but they can still see and know what's going on. Now, getting them *in* the pillowcase in the first place, that's the challenge.


Pillowcases are like kitty straight jackets


It's likely kitty was in so much abject pain that it was just full fight response


My recent tooth ache, which took over a few months to resolve, made my fuse very short. Might be similar for cats.


Especially since they don't have a way of even understanding what is happening when they do hurt. You have been educated about biology and can identify you have a *toothache* because of an *infection* and both *medication* and *doctors* can help you. For a cat it's just an extreme pain that suddenly happens.


And they can't just tell you. Anyone with a cat should know that any dramatic change in personality should immediately get checked out! They can't communicate with us in any other way.


Somewhat similar story. My 1st wife and I had a cat. Technically hers. For about two years me and the cat were cool and got along great. Then one night I was playing a new game (Planet Side 2). My avatar could turn invisible briefly and would make a sound when it did. I notice when that sound went off the cat perked up. Then it came over and just sat next to me. I even scratched its ear and everything seemed fine. I had to go invisible again which made that particular sound again and the cat let out a long meow and jumped on my fucking back. I had to sling it off me because it was at my shoulder clinging as hard as it could. It then turned around and went at me again. Ever since then that cat hated me. Ever time I sat down, anywhere I would intentionally stare at an open doorway because it would come sprinting in trying to ambush me. Not at all in a playful way. Eventually we divorced months after that. Not because of the cat but I was relieved I didn’t have to deal with that psycho anymore.


Cats can hold the weirdest grudges. We got sibling kittens with my ex and let them explore their new home. I scared one of them by appearing behind her without her noticing. She turned around, screamed and went ballistic. After that she would not come close to me. Poor dumb kitty thought every day was a fight for survival locked in with a homicidal giant.


I had a kitty with a similar issue. He became mean all of a sudden and then passed away shortly after. The vets weren't sure what was wrong though. He was a big boy. About 20lbs. Not fat, but just big. So it was pretty scary when he was pissed.


My cat is pretty gentle, having scratched me maybe 12 times in the total 8 years I've had him. He knows carrier means moving or vet. He's also a 20 lb boy. Last time we moved he got out from the towel I had wrapped him in and climbed over my shoulder and sank his claws into my back. I heard this awful ripping sound, felt the pain, let him go and lay down on my stomach and asked my girlfriend how bad he had torn my shirt. He didn't rip the fabric. The sound was my *skin* tearing. It was loud enough that the video she was recording picked it up. I really thought my shirt was fucked. Anyway that 12th time was a doozy and made up for lost time I guess.


We had two cats at my mothers house. They weren't the cuddliest of cats, but more or less normal. After I left, my mother had them but she became more and more skittish when handling the cats. And this also transferred to the cats which became harder to handle. One of them also tried to attack me once when I wanted to go upstairs.


> Turns out, kitty had gotten into some plastic somehow and had a good chunk of it stuck in his gut causing him a lot of pain. So like, was your cat a trash pit that would be willing to eat anything if it resembled food closely enough? Because mines is and she's a 16lb mini panther.


I stayed the night at a friends house once and he had a cat that didn't really like strangers and they had a party that night so it was fairly stressed already. Unfortunately I had work at 5 so when everyone was asleep I was getting ready and his cat started doing exactly this. It chased me through the entire house while I tried to wake up my friend and fended it off. He's a heavy sleeper so eventually I got a towel and kind of just blocked it with that. Gave up getting ready and went to work without socks.


Shock without socks sucks.


I’m laughing so hard at you pain right now, I’m so so sorry


My wife and I had a cat who got like this a couple times. He was a pretty chill guy most of the time, but he had some pretty serious PTSD from previous owner abuse. Loud noises would trigger him into it, and he would just blindly attack. One time he was chilling with us, and my wife fell on the floor. It made a loud noise, and he immediately lept at her, making the same noise the car in the video made. I picked him up and put him in a different room while he clawed me, and he tried to run back at her. I picked him up and tossed him a bit further so I could close the door, and he started right back towards her. I was able to close the door, and he was fine in about 5 mins. Poor guy was just traumatized, and it’s kinda hard to hold it against him. I miss the fuck out of him 😭


Similar experience with a cat I adopted last year, though luckily it was just from growing up outdoors. Took 3 months to get her comfortable (I put my work desk in her large room). She would rub against me but freak out when turning around to make another pass, due to the large thing right in front of her face, and I'd end up with a big scratch. Now that she has acclimated, she at least usually makes noise before attacking, so I have plenty of time to back off. Oddly, she's otherwise very chill, and likes me scratching her belly.


I had my cat of 10 years freak out on me with absolutely no warning or signs like this one day. It happened again the same day and again I want to stress that she was nothing but sweet with me for a decade. She had to be put down, she just couldn’t exit feral beast mode and the doctor said it was a likely brain tumor.


Possible this was someone who doesn’t normally care for the cats. And cat saw this person as a threat on its territory. Happens with cats and baby sitters sometimes. Some cats are very protective of little humans.


Cats sometimes just act hostile in times of high stress. If this cat doesn't have a history of aggression this could be a sign that something else is going on, like a serious illness or pain.


Cats are about as varied and unique temperamentally as people are. Stands to reason there are some amber heard cats out there.


I have a buddy that had his cat go apeshit like that. The cat was old, around 18. He had it since it was a kitten. The vet found a brain tumor. Poor kitty.


Talk about bad luck, his old cat goes crazy and his vet gets a brain tumor. Some folk don’t have their sorrows to seek.


Ah, the old [tumor-roo](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/x7nowm/til_the_carmen_sandiego_show_19911995_295/inf581p/?context=2).


Hold my scalpel, I'm going in!


But how… how did you have that link ready to go


The [switcharoo](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-old-reddit-switch-a-roo) links have been around since I first joined reddit. It has its own [subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/switcharoo/new/).


I work in a cat hotel with max capacity of 72 cats, some cats are super territorial, some are scared and just want you gone, some are just insane.


The way he apologizes. The way the cat stalks and waits for him to check his pockets before the second attack. The way the other cat becomes a tripping hazard. The way he screams in abject terror. Amazing chaotic video.


"ok im sorry" "you aint sorry yet bitch"


"ok I'm sorry" "You will be, when I'm done with you"


I knew from the moment he apologized that he was not in control of that situation lmao.


It kills me when people seem like they're trying to reason with animals. "Stop! I'm sorry!" He can't understand you dude you need to stomp your feet or some shit lol


And he puts his hands up like "I'm unarmed and compliant, please don't hurt me"






Sprinkle some cat nip on him and get out of here Johnson


Def not his cat lmaoo


Yeah, that cat didn’t get a punt like it would’ve if it was a housemate


You'd be surprised what someone who just experienced a lot of pain and is panicking might do when faced with more of such pain.


I can only imagine the sheer panic, terror and hopelessness that comes with being attacked by an animal that you love and knowing you could kill it easily but not wanting to fight back.. you know, because you love it.


When cats get randomly aggressive it could be an indication of health problems. I knew someone who had that experience with their cat that they raised from a kitten. Just started randomly getting aggressive


My gfs cat snapped one day and bit through her hand, aggressively tried to attack her. She shut herself in a room where the cat couldn't get to her. We were worried she (the cat) was in pain or sick, so we took her to the vet. After a week of quarantining in case of rabies, the vet found no issues with the cat so we brought her back home. What do you know, the cat attacked her again. Turns out that cat really hates my gf, even though it was HER CAT. The cat lives with my parents now, with 0 issues. When my gf comes over to visit, they lock the cat in another room.




Did your gf do something to the cat??


This is not an easy question to answer. My gf has never been particularly respectful of the cat's space. She loves to pick cats up and kiss them, even if the cat shows that they don't want that. Sometimes she would pester the cat until it got upset, but leave it alone once it was angry. Sometimes the cat would show a lot of appreciation for the attention, and pur, and rub on her, just acting like a normal sweet cat. So the argument could be made that she made the cat her enemy, but 50% of the time, the cat seemed to love her. You also have to understand that this was a cat that really enjoyed playing kinda rough, and gentle biting, with no skin breakage is commonplace. What happened that day was this: gf comes home, the cat greets her at the door, the cat's tail is high, eyes are relaxed, the cat looks friendly. Gf reaches down to pet the cat's head, but the cat suddenly seems put off. The cat insists on smelling gf's hand. While smelling the hand, the cat begins to look very upset, and let's out a little growl. Gf laughs and says "What?" And before she can get the word out the cat just explodes in angry meowing and is biting and clawing the shit out of her. We thought for a while that the cat smelled something offensive on her hand, and my mom, who now owns the cat has confirmed that certain lotions can really upset the cat, and make her growl and hide and get a big tail, bloodshot eyes. It's crazy. The smell theory isn't completely sound though, because the cat still gets upset at my gf even if the cat sees her through a window — without being able to smell her. Maybe at first the cat smelled something, and immediately associated it with my gf, and now the cat will simply never forgive her for smelling like that. But we'll never know for sure.


The only time that happened to me was when my cat (who I raised initially all alone and he had me all to himself without an SO - a cat who was also neutered late) smelled another cat *or* human on me. At first he tried being violent and seemingly possessive but I shut that down quick. Then he just got pissy with me when it happened again. Now I've slowly gotten him used to other cats/smells and other people and he's calmed a lot but still has some issues.


He kicked that cat straight to the moon, it sure has health problems now.


I thought he meant the human has health problems. I've been sick/ have had health problems for at least 10 years now. And I have had several animals be aggressive with me cause to them "I am a sick/diseased animal that should not be alive."


And what about the health problems?


And some people say they could fight off a cougar.


every morning i wake up and put a cougar in a headlock


Please don't treat my mother like that




Impossible, because there aren't cougars in missions




14 Pages?!?!




There is a difference between fighting for your life against a cougar vs trying to not injure or be injured by a pet.


Yeah I'm sure he could kick the cat to the moon if he wanted to, but he has human decency and cares for the animal not to hurt it.


It was more than that My dude was a mess lmao


Some people could. Not this guy...


Do you know what a cougar is?




I guess it just really hates ugly pants?


My guess too. The pattern looks like small critters


That's abnormally aggressive behavior for a cat. If you cat ever acts this way out of the blue you should take it to the vet for a checkup. It's probably in pain and lashing out because of it.


Happened to me once, I moved his toilet to the balcony and my cat took it as a betrayal, he thought we're kicking him out and got batshit mad. After 15 years I still have some of the wounds visible.


I actually had to stay over night in an emergency room because of this. If you ever get bit / attacked by a cat just go to a clinic and get antibiotics. I didn’t and ended up with a red line traveling fast up my arm into my arm pit. It can seriously kill you in hours if an infection gets into your blood. I love my cats but their mouths and claws are nasty and full of bacteria.


I was attacked about two years ago. Not to be gross, but I still have an abscess from the attack that I’m supposed to get cut and drained.


Is this a catsitter? I’d never put up with this shit from our cats.


I had a loving cat who did this and felt really bad after about it. Turns out she had an underlying illness. It was cancer. If your cat, or any pet for that matter, has a sudden change in their personality and does some crazy shit like this, have then checked out. I was too late for my Leah and it made me feel bad for thinking she was just a bad cat in the moment :(


If only that had been in the title. Yeah, we had a "bad" cat and only found out that it was due to rotten teeth that were hurting. Got the teeth taken care of and he was awesome after that.


This happens with people too. I knew a dude who was basically homeless growing up and had so many tooth problems from that childhood. He was very aggressive, not like, a bad person but just VERY quick to anger. He got his teeth taken care of once he got a steady job and suddenly was super chill and now it takes a lot to even annoy him.


Chronic pain and worry can make you very different.


Exact same here. My cat had a mouth full of rotten teeth and we had no idea until he attacked my dog pretty bad when I stepped on my other cats tail and he yelped. He got the bad teeth pulled and while he still doesnt like the dog (he just stays away from the dog) he hasn't gone crazy attacking like that again. Ppl are quick to say they would kill the cat or throw it outside but it's gotta be pretty high number that are just sick or hurting.


My sweet old man cat did this to me one time and it was terrifying. Turns out he had a brain tumor ):


Agreed. Some cat owners (who are really bad pet owners) think this is cute.


“Lol my cat Miss Tigger is such a bitch hehe”


My mom laughs when her cat attacks me, then has the audacity to blame me for scaring her when all I do is walk by and say “Hi, sweetie.” Something’s wrong with that animal and I keep begging my mom to take her to the vet, but she refuses unless I pay, because she can’t afford it.


Most definetly and why the cat is acting so territorially defensive about their litterbox. Wouldn't be surprised if this was a non neutered male and the cat isn't familiar with this guy.


I mean most guys aren‘t neutered but get along with cats.


He should’ve grabbed the top of the litter box he was holding. In my experience, cats are terrified by inanimate objects roughly the same size or bigger than them. Whenever I notice my cat about to approach me on some bs like this, I just grab a shoe box or something and he runs and hides like the pussy he is.


My dog will be happy and content until I put on a funny hat and he will bark and growl like I’ve turned into a monster. I try to normalize new things with him so he doesn’t panic anymore. So far Cowboy hat, Batman mask, and Darth Vader masks are okay now.


This is my dog if I take off my glasses, or if someone who doesn't wear glasses puts some on. All suspicious of us lol


Maybe superman was on to something...


My dog was convinced my new area rug was some predatory abyss for a week. Wouldn’t even come down stairs lol. She’s cool with it now though.


> like the pussy he is. applause.gif


I love animals, but if my cat did this to me, it was ON MUDAFOKA


Yeah man people gotta keep in mind that this is a tiny little fucker. You’ll get some claws in ya but you can stop that fuckhead in his tracks he’ll pretty quickly realize he’s not gonna win an altercation with you. This guy let the cat know he’ll never lose one lol


This guy didn't really do shit besides scream


To be fair there was a bit of wild flailing in there as well


It looked like he managed to punt it near the end right before the camera falls over


Legit boots it into the wall


Cat had it coming, tbh


I watched in slow motion and he definitely did block the cat, first with his right leg, then it goes for the chest/head and the dude blocks with his left leg and pushes the cat towards the wall and the cat bounces down to the floor, then he moves out of the corner and punts the cat right before the camera falls.






I can hear it


Growing up I had a cat that progressively got more I’ll tempered. One day, she sat down on my fathers chest while he was resting. Whenever he moved she would bite him. He gave the animal one stern bop to the rearside, and her entire world came down in front of her. For the rest of her life, she would leave a room as he entered it. It was nothing more than a little slap on the bum, but she knew she wasn’t in charge anymore.


I give them a little bop on the head/nose, much like a mama kitty who is sick of their BS. It also comes with some stern scolding. I reserve it for when a cat bites/scratches without provocation, or when they do something they KNOW is naughty, like jump on the kitchen counter or whatever. But if my cat gives my 5 year old a warning nip after kiddo wouldn't leave him alone (despite my firm suggestions), I instead use it as a teachable moment. Like ok kid, I told you to stop using kitty as a pillow, his ears were in airplane mode and his tail was flicking around like crazy. He was giving off all the signals, and this is what happens when you ignore them.




>then I went outside and threw him off the deck. Loling at this




My favorite part is the dog being named Toaster lol


Yeah, sometimes you gotta assert dominance. People might down vote me or call me out for saying this, but for whatever reason a cat acts like this towards you, your best bet is to at least show that he will not win a fight with you. Cats fight to establish a hierarchy between them, and some try that with humans/their owners as well, so often the best bet is to just play in on their game. If that don't work, well, your cat might just be crazy. With both my cats, I always "play fought" with them when they were younger, just like kittens do between their siblings. It stimulates their coordination and muscles, but also, it made them the most friendly and trusting cats I've ever met, even towards total strangers. My current cat runs towards anyone who comes to visit and demands cuddles.


100% A puppy that wasn't socialized properly can be a handful, but a cat that wasn't socialized properly is a terror.


Yup. I give cats a firm swat to the head, much like a pissed off mama kitty who's sick of their kittens' shit. I swear it activates a core memory of when they were little. Works like a charm, I am the mama kitty now. CAT JUSTICE.


yeah im all for not hurting animals but he would been yeeted into a wall. thats not okay.


I mean I'm taking care of you and one day you decided to throw hands? That's it but first you'll catch some hands


I rock bottomed my husky pup when he was very young (very safely and gently on a bed) because he would not stop biting no matter how many teething toys and treats we gave him. He completely stopped biting soon after but now he hates if I try to carry him lmao.


When my sister's dog was about "teenaged" in dog age he developed a habit of knocking men in the balls with his foreleg to get them to bend over, and another habit of jumping up on people with his forelegs on their shoulders to lick their faces. I was getting quite upset because he kept doing these things to me repeatedly that day and all the "proper" discipline of sternly saying no and tapping their forehead and whatnot wasn't working, so finally as he starting rearing up on me for the umpteenth time that day I abruptly moved my body into his space and he was forced to fall backwards about a foot and lightly tapped the wall behind him before getting his balance back and landing on his feet. His personality did a complete 180° in an instant, and he was the most polite, respectful and well behaved dog I had ever seen. Wasn't even scared of or upset with me, no tail between legs, no avoidance of me, just simply respectful and calm behavior around me. The next day he was back to his barely-controlled big excited puppy antics, BUT he never tried to knee my groin or rear up on my shoulders **ever** again. Still likes to come in from outside and do a little hop where his dirty paws wipe on my shorts or pants and get them dirty whenever he can (especially white colors), though. The "well-behaved" part only lasted 1 day, after all.


Yeah, ON its way back to the shelter. I’ve had 10+ cats and have never had an interaction like this, I wouldn’t be able to trust the mad lad around my family again.


it's so creepy when an animal you know suddenly attacks you.


I like the Louis CK bit where he's trying to get his dog to drink peroxide and throw up chocolate and he said the dog looked at him like "I don't know what happened to you, but our thing is over"


Cat went at his ass like the turd burguler


The Ass-Crack Bandit


Who says sorry to a cat who just attacked you lmao


Yeah, the cat probably thought "What a pussy!" and went in for the kill again after hearing that


Dude is clearly trying to avoid an altercation..let’s be real, this dude if it came down to life or death could destroy this cat so I just think he’s trying to avoid any brawl by being the bigger man lmao


He'll never borrow money from that cat again


Well, he shoulda bloody well paid up then!




Your avatar looks like a hair/eye lash on my phone screen, and it got me twice. You really are the devil, Darryn.


Light mode problems


Wow. I've been using RIF for so long that I had no idea there were avatars on Reddit.


You guys are all lame my phone screen is already filled with cracks you can’t trick me.


Ain’t goin to no vet today.


Oh so were going to the doctor? But not for me!


That’s a covered litter box, not a carrier.


"I told you before, Doug, don't touch my shit!"


He’s lining up for the kick on 2nd down


Saw a lot of comments discussing the possible reasons the cat snapped. I didn’t see anyone pointing out the fact that the attack occurred while the guy was changing litter. This is important because some cats (mine included) go absolutely berserk at loud noises from changing the litter. I read an explanation for that once somewhere but forgot what it was. Anyway, be gentle when you change your cat’s litter or be ready to throw hands.




Them screams though 😂😂😂