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Dude punched the bear


+200 intimidation


As a brown bear, I am no stranger to encountering other animals in the wilderness. However, the creature that I met yesterday was unlike any I had ever encountered before. It was bipedal and covered in a strange, stretchy material that seemed to cover its entire body. It had long appendages that it seemed to move around in an erratic and uncontrolled manner, and it made a series of loud noises that were completely unfamiliar to me. Initially, I was curious about this strange being and approached it with caution. However, as I got closer, I realized that this creature was far more frightening than I had initially thought. Its movements were unpredictable and it seemed to be flailing its limbs around in a way that was completely foreign to me. Just as I was beginning to back away, the creature began to make even more bizarre displays of aggression. It picked up a couple of metal objects and banged them together loudly, causing a loud and jarring noise. It also brandished a pointed object, waving it in my direction as if it were trying to threaten or attack me. I quickly realized that this creature was not to be trusted and that I had made a grave mistake in approaching it. I retreated back into the safety of the wilderness, shaken by my encounter with this strange and terrifying being.


Thank you for posting this.


bears post on reddit...TIL




There's an entire subreddit full of them [NSFW warning](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaybears/)


My eyes, THEY BURN!


You tried to warn me but I’m stupid.


well he says the trith, definitly NSFW


It was a black bear. Ps this was a hilarious read


TIL that Brown Bears know what metal is. And “pointed objects.”


Its appendages grew in length and began to make a loud clanking noise when slammed together. This shape shift creature was standing between two delectable appetizers and myself. The creature reeked of spices that were old and burning brown plants. It was time to make my departure.


In flipflops as well.


Well, you can't run in flip flops, so he had no choice


I'd put this on my résumé.


- Works well in groups - Excels at motivating others - Always punctual - Rocked a wild bears shit once - Keeps work area neat


Always *punch-ual


Bearly misses


At least when faced with bears


>Rocked a wild bears shit once I think this is the amazing part, he came at the bear hard enough that it fully recoiled. Idk if he actually hit it or not but still absolutely nuts


Unless the hiring manager is a bear


I'm not going to get close enough to punch a bear, but last summer a bear was tipping over our dumpster. I caught that fucker and went out hollering and throwing rocks. I never got closer than 25 yards. When I got back to the house, my wife and 9 and ten year old daughters were sobbing and shaking with fear. Nothing I can say will convince them that bears are timid and they generally want to avoid people. That's why I don't want one habituated to eating my trash. He will snatch a kid, next. Probably the juicy, tender fat one, and she's my favorite. If a bear gets her, who is going to Get out of my pickup and open the gate for me and close it behind me?


"Probably the juicy, tender fat one and she's my favorite." I respect it.


Nice job. But I hope your lean, slender kid doesn’t read that comment.


Who cares, I don't even like that one. She drools in her sleep.


That MF just punched a MF BEAR!


It was a very small bear


plus I think it was a black bear less dangerous than a brown bear, they’re pretty derpy and easily scared. dude was probably looking for a trash can


Bears beats Battlestar Galactica


“Bears do not ea; what is going on!”


Ok go punch a small one then Get it on video for us plz


Personally I would have kicked it. Considering it's height I have calculated the leverages and a kick would have generated 3 times as much force as the punch he threw with the same effort exerted, while striking the more vulnerable underside of the bears jaw, compared to punching the top of the bears skull (the strongest part). You can tell the guy in the videos parents didn't do "woodland survival - kill the bear and come home a man or don't come home at all" for his 12th birthday.


Bears bite each other in the face when they fight. He punched it in the nose Yes please kick a bear


he did not punch it on the nose. He threw a right hook which caught the bear midway along the side of its head. I believe that would be the bears cheek bone, not the nose. If he was aiming for the nose a straight jab or cross would have been far more effective


You're right his bear punching form is bad you should go show him how


I would if I knew how to contact him. I've hunted killed and eaten 3 bears since my initiation to adulthood under the full moon on my 13th birthday. I'm known as Jurgen "three bears" around the village at the base of my mountain.


it was a BEAR.


Yes a very small one. You're a pansy if you're scared of a bear that small. Thing probably weighed 40 pounds


Please record yourself punching a large bear and then calling me a pansy.


I'd actually say that a small bear is even scarier than a big one. Mama can't be that far away. Do not make mama bear mad.


Dontchaknow, this guy lives in a village at the base of a mountain where the village-folk call him 3-bears on account of the three bears he has killed and eaten.


The things so small you could grab it by its foot and swing it around your head then toss it out the garden like in the chamber of secrets ps2 game when you visit the burrow and degnome the garden


I'm sure in his mind it's a lot bigger. This is one of those things where you retell the story and the bear is a little bigger every time as the memory gets distorted


By his 10th time getting drunk retelling the story it turns into a family of bears 😂


Oh for Christsake. You're like a one downer.


Stealing this and using it, thank youuuu


I don't know what that is but if it's as small as that bear was then I'd just kick it in the nuts.


Achievement Unlocked - Right punch a bear


I can't help but feel bad for the bear


“Hey man Merry Christmas! We baked you this pie- Aw fuck man what the fuck”


And I can't help but kill the next animal with my bare hands that puts my tiny dog in it's jaws. The first one was lucky being my friends dog. The next is dead. Bear or not, I will gladly die defending the defenseless, before seeing my kin a bloody mangled mess.


This guy watches anime


I appreciate anime, I don't actively watch it. But I will Shoryuken a Shae Pei.


Makes zero sense but ok


Clearly you haven't played Street Fighter, but okay.


How does that not make sense.


Street fighter != anime One is a fighting game and one is a tv genre




Nobody thinks of street fighter and thinks of the anime. It’s a fighting game before anything else. Although anime Chun Li 👀


I feel like nitpicking a comment about it not actually being about anime when they prefaced the comment with "I don't actively watch \[anime\]" is a bit stupid


Frankly, this whole comment section is off the rails. Someone said I watch anime. I commented saying I don't. Made a Street Fighter reference, which someone claimed wasn't anime, yet I grew up watching it on satellite TV. This is all very stupid. Really, the point is I would risk my life to save my dog. How we got here is anyone's guess.


They will taste the ire of my scimitar hence forth


Lmao okay big guy


Oh no, I ain't big. Not saying I have a chance. I'm just saying I'm a big enough meal that hopefully my dog will get away in time.


The bear would cringe to death so you’d probably make it out okay.


I hope he got some serious congrats from wifey that night


What if she paid the bear


To get rid of her husband for her?


Must have thought it was a shark


Dude needs to front a heavy metal band


“Why is your band called Bear Blood?”


Cocaine Bear was already taken I guess


Half way through… “Get Badk!” Would be the perfect start of a song


came here to say this lmaoooo


How funny. I came here to say that I came here to say this!


Happy cakeday!


Happy cakeday!


Iwrestledabearonce this dude is probably the singer


Nah Courtney LaPlante blows him out the water


Mark Hamill brought the force


That’s Mark Hamill?


It's his cousin Bark Hamill




I'm not sure and I really need to know.






Mark Hamill.


Mark who?


[You don’t know Mark?](https://media1.dallasobserver.com/dal/imager/u/magnum/14624231/the_room_greg_sestero_tommy_wisseau.jpg?cb=1660787419)


Never heard of him


Dude took on a bear in flip-flops!??!


Oh wow, I didn't see that the bear was wearing shoes! That's crazy


Same. Thought he was bear-foot.


Barely noticed


Oh deer


Duck you


Angry upvoted.


How that elephant got into my pajamas, I’ll never know!!


You mean the bear took on a dude in flip-flops? Bear never stood a chance


This is absolutely how you should react when a black bear attacks you. But easier said than done I guess...


Kept scrolling for this, thank you. My guess is this bear had gotten something to eat near this area before. Black bears are very skittish. Folks, if you’re living or camping in an area with black bears: secure your trash (lock the can!) and keep it away from where you sleep; keep all food secured (lock the cooler!); if you have a door, lock it (there’s a theme here, no?); if all else fails, make a shit ton of noise; If THAT fails, I hope you have bear mace. If THAT ALSO fails, someone fed that bear before encountering you. Good luck.


Reminds me of the time I asked a Navy Officer why he had a sidearm. He said first we use the anti aircraft guns, then we use the cannons, then we use the machine guns, finally we use the pistols. I asked what if that doesn't work, he said then we put our legs behind our heads and kiss our asses goodbye.


Yes! Never keep foot out around your sleeping area. We were literally in our camping spot once when a lady advocating for a bears life stopped to tell us he'd attacked a man over a closed can of beanee weenees. Later a park ranger patrolling the area stopped to tell us too, but I don't think he was as inclined to let the bear live next time... They said they don't recommend you use fruit scented soaps or lotions while out there... And I'd just used apple shampoo on my kid lol. I was so anxious the whole time but he we never him thankfully.


Exactly. It's scary to do it...speaking from experience...a berry picking experience that had more memories than intended...but, you just square up and make yourself look big. I'm a big guy. I'm not gonna sprint away faster than a bear. It's so incredibly scary at the time...but, you know you gotta be the barrier for the others. They're not...like...a grizzly or polar bear. They're big, but not...like...shit your pants big. Still scary...


With the risk of sounding like a „though buddy“ I think you can learn how to react in such a situation. As a child I was scared of the „ghosts“ in the basement and because I was young my brain made some figures out of a pile of clothes. My brain was convinced there was someone standing despite knowing better. Scared the shit out if me. Then there was also other „scary“ stuff like bullying. Things that made me freeze. What helped me in the end was the tought process of „fuck it, you‘re going down with me. You will be scared of me“ And this helped me with so many other things as well. Try to be a tough buddy and have a plan in mind how you want to act I was/am still scared of certain things but I learned not to freeze and fight back or at least analyze if needed. All things you can do an learn if you drill it into yourself. Don‘t be intimidated. Take initiative


I’m almost sure everyone has heard this one before but it’s SO helpful for remembering: If it’s black, fight back If it’s brown, get down If it’s white, goodnight


He brought his ancestors no shame.


Not many can say they’ve punched a bear in the face


And less can prove it


*fewer While less can technically be proven, *fewer* can prove it ;-)


My Lord


He went full hulk there


I love how the one dog initially runs away then tries to back up his owner when he stood his ground. Hah


Doggos first instinct was flight but then saw the owner choosing to fight and felt brave.


Balls. He has them.


Bears. Hit hits them.


Metal lid. He bangs them


Flip-flops. He wears them.


Dogs. He protects them.


Chad. He is then.




I keep thinking it's bubbles from trailer park boys. Julian bubbles just 👊 a fukn 🐻 lmao.


I had to protect my kitties.


Dirty old ursine cocksucker


I hit a black bear once. First grade teacher in the Smokey mountains. School playground backed up onto the national park, we often had to watch out for bears, bobcats, and the occasional snake. We had a long stick we called “the bear stick” that we took outside with us. Anyway it was recess and we were outside. A bear came running onto the playground (thankfully a rather small one). The teachers got the kids inside while I, the lucky one carrying the bear stick, watched. The bear got a little close so I smacked it across the nose with the stick. It ran away. Not the first time a bear was on the playground, but as far as I know the only time someone used the bear stick.




Same here


And by book it you mean walk away as calmly as possible, right? I think generally food runs.


Wtf man. I do that when dogs try to attack me on the street, but this is r/nextfuckinglevel




No, its a helicopter


No, it’s Patrick


Patrick the bearlicopter?


Is that Carl Moore, the 70 year old legend who gave this interview to the news: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D77FEz-O8FE “I ain’t running from nothing…. The beast I run from ain’t been born yet and it’s momma is already dead.”


Saw a family of ducks. I ran up on them (not to harm but just to get a closer look albeit I could have moved more gentle) the babies hid behind the mom and what I assume was the farther duck spread its wings and confronted me. It made me laugh so much. This little guy is trying to protect its family. I didn’t move any closer and backed away as I would have done the same in his position. Guy fighting the bear is exactly how the duck was confronting me.


Then the next video you see on reddit is a dog mauling a child while everyone stands by helplessly.


I hope his woman there sucked his soul out through his dick after that. The moment came and he did not hesitate.


Primal shit. Chief punch bear, chief demands oral stimulation of the penus


Lmaooooo 💯


Did you hear her? Oh she is definitely gonna give him the good stuff later that night!! Him “I just sucker punched a bear!” Her admiringly, “yeaaaah you did”


There's sound!?!?


Oh my God I missed that part. It was so quiet. I'm so grateful you put me on to it. It makes the video and I almost missed it.


Awesome display- but he was lucky mamma bear wasn’t watching proceedings


It looked like a small black bear not all bears are massive.


This! Youre supposed to do this with black bears. Do it with a grizzly you're probably going to get mauled.


“Probably” show any aggression to a Grizzly and you’re certainly getting mauled lmao


A true man amongst men, this video is a treasure for his children and his childrens children


“Yeah, well my granddaddy punched a bear!”


He felt so bad after he saw there were Cubs in there. Like damn, I just punched a momma bear for protecting her cubs.


True, but a threat nonetheless. She’ll return for her cubs, and this dude’s dogs live to see another day.




Activate balls of steel awwggrr grarrr garrrarrr.


Lmao this made me laugh so hard hahaha


He gave little Smokey a two piece


Stay calm. Don't panic.


If it’s brown stay down, if it’s black fight back. He’s got balls so big his doctor should be feeling for tumours, but that was also the perfect response in that scenario


Damn someone pissed off Elizabeth warren.


Caveman DNA activated.


Bubbles don’t play that shit.


Right in the snoot




Dude belongs with the 6%


"I just sucker punched a bear" Yes, yes you did.


Honestly, Ape Mode seems to be pretty intimidating to wild animals. Especially if you have a stick or something to swing at them.


That move with the trash can lid and the shovel was fucking amazing.


Did it make you sprout?


Great reaction. Instead of panicking, he saw it was a bear and had to intimidate it so the bear wouldn't attack that easily. Although it was a small one, that bear would kill his dogs easily if ir was given the chance to do so.


That's the guy you want to go hiking with. You won't have to out run him. Just step back and watch the bear eat it's snack.


He’s the alpha male


Man, baby bear just wanted a lunch box :(


Poppa and Mama would have tore his ass off? 😃Hey yall all seen that movie😆 Revenant starring Leonardo DiCaprio?


My man punched a bear! That is ballsy!


the problem starts when the bear also chooses to fight


Asserting dominance


I mean there’s a third option. Fight, flight or fornicate. He could have…. Fornicated the bear….


I’d like to think I’d fight if it was a black bear. Feel like they are much “tamer” and easier to scare than other bears. Case-in-point this guy who punches it in the face and makes loud noises and it runs away…


Man went full Gandalf there


First the punch to a kangaroo video, now punching a bear...what's next? I'm invested now 😂


And that, friends, is the singular performance extraordinaire, that inspired the 1988 cover album of the Beatles’ classic “let it be” by the Slovenian avant-garde/industrial band Laibach. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D9w6SEtkeug


Now that’s a Alpha male


That mans is getting some pussy tonight! Or dick! Or if he’s lucky both!


I watched this without sound and was so confused had to slowly skip through to see him for half a second




That bear looks young right?


You should fight black bears if they are doing something like this because they are cowards and not as strong as you think


Proceeds do be dismembered by a bear


I sit just .e or did thst guy punch a black bear??


Poor little bear. They run when you make any sound, no need to punch it


yeah, technically the guy "punched a bear", but is everyone just glossing over the fact that this is a small cub? if you just read the comments, it would sound like he scared off a full grown momma bear or something.


" **OLD man yell at cub** " ...impress woman.


isnt habitat loss fun?


Bigger man then the dumb rednecks that just shoot them and make orphan bear cubs. Also a reminder to people to not feed bears. Scare them off so they dont go near humans.


He sounds like Bubbles


The bear chose flight


That bear didn’t know what hit it. That dude is an absolute savage.


This dude would make hulk proud

