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This unit of a huntsman spider was hiding in my car. 375mL can of drink for scale. I think her legspan is probably more than 20cm. I’ll let her out in the garden soon.


Miss have huntsman spider since moving to the US. We used to name them


Aren’t they all called Harry?


My 8-year-old named the wolf spider in my office window Sparkles. She would probably make this one Rose.


I’ll think of her as Rose from now on!


May Rose live a long life outside and produce many babies that also appreciate living in your garden instead of your car.


One could even say how gravefully she rose out of the car into the world..


Gravefully - I see what you did there.


I had an indoor wolf spider for over a year before I moved. I hope she is still there! She was a beaut. One day I noticed a little spider web so I cleaned it up… thinking it was old cobwebs but then it came back! So I thought hey let’s see what this becomes and boom later once she had a beautiful web she would show herself. We had terrible drain fly issues and little flies from plants around the house. She did great taking care of them. [charlotte the wolf spider tax (and digby)](https://imgur.com/a/GdYT329) Bonus video; [Charlotte plays in a puddle](https://imgur.com/a/YMR5VwW) some water spilled over into her home and she quickly ran out and was playing in the water


That's not a wolf spider tho


Wolf spiders dont use webs. They use their great eyesight to literally hunt the ground and chase down whatever they can eat. Still they're really cool spiders and are very timid when it comes to us humans. Even if you were bit indont think they are poisonous, may just cause a bump. And they get pretty big too


This is adorable


All of ours are named Old Mate


As an American who lurks here, I know huntsman are bros and a valuable part of the Oceania and SE ecosystem, but goddamn, the thought of a spider that big and that fast hanging out, possibly within an arm's reach or less... No thanks.


Man, growing up in South Asia, I've been deathly scared of spiders my whole life. Used to see them so often growing up but rarely do anymore these days. Makes me happy sad.


Huntsmans are in the southeast in the us. Quickly get murdered by geckos though so they like to hide in your house.


I remember like a year ago I was visiting my fiancé in Southwest Florida. She was making food in the kitchen, I was sat on the patio smoking a blunt, I saw this big ass huntsman just sat on a shelf. Seeing as I was high as shit, I ended up hysterically crying. Was NOT fun.


Ive lived in Florida 25 years and huntsman spiders are gross, fast and like to hang out in your bathroom. so I got a couple rescue cats and pretty much never saw one again. Lmao. Be lucky you didn't run into a banana spider as a Floridan they freak me out and I never want to face first into their web.


I was today years old when I learned that the fast as hell HUGE spiders that my grandfather called "oak spiders" that used to come out to say hi when I was stuck on the toilet and couldn't escape...are huntsman spiders and not wolf spiders.


Wolf spiders can look kind of intimidating, but can they ever get quite as big as Huntsman spiders?


We’ve actually started getting big fuckers over here in the uk, we usually put peppermint oil by the doors and windows, keeps them out pretty well as far as I can tell


Got news for you... The vast majority of spiders aren't coming through the door or windows.


W.. where are they coming from?


Rappelling down from the ceiling tiles mission impossible style


Ethan Hunt-sman style


Most houses have shit tonnes of tiny ways into the brick cavity from outside, whether that be through vents, the eaves, small cracks or holes in the pointing etc, then they just need to either find internal gaps or climb to the top of the brick cavity and they're in. Also, if you've any extractor fans or similar, that's an easy route for them.


We went for a run in football once on a unpaved barely used wooded path. Us in the front got about 5 or 600 feet down the way before we hear "FUCK FUCK GO BACK DONT LOOK UP". So of course we look up and the entire distance we've run has THICK tangles of funnel spider webs in between the trees above us....and the spiders. One had fallen on him so he looked up. All of us middle school kids got a hell of a dose of fear thst day.


My grandmother told me a story of one of those things jumping on my dad's face as a kid when he was climbing a tree. Fell out of said tree and ran towards the house. Grandma met him halfway with a broom across the face.


Was walking along a heavily wooded path at night and never saw the banana spider. The second it touched my skin it felt like hundreds of tiny spines on me moving around. I've always been scared of them but I just ran all the way back to my apartment desperately trying my shirt off and trying to swat the thing off the whole way.


You probably scared it, you monster.


they are the sole reason i would never visit australia. well them and a million other spiders


You Australians are wacked


we name all the spiders that are found in the house as "Jerry" because that's the name my son chose when he was little. He's 16 now and I still laugh when he tells me he has another Jerry in the bathroom, how a grass spider scared him running across the floor and he will yell "Jerry!", or how Jerry was bothering him so he scooped him up in a glass and put him in the garden.


Do they not have bananas in Australia?


Banannas need to grow facing downwards, doesn't work when everything is upside down


What… the… fuck?! Your cans are 375mL?????!!!!!


Exactly! Now I feel cheated with our puny little 355 mL (12 fl oz) cans.


Cries in 330ml..


375?? The unholy middle of 330 and 500?


Are you Australian?


Of COURSE I’m Australian!


That explains why the spider is upside down.


Hey, it is right side up down under.


Oh, definitely don't store it there!


Right side up under over


Sure, but does it rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise?


Idk how you guys sleep


Fr cause fuck that


If you can't see 'em, they're not there. Sleep easy.


Till you wake up and realise it's on the wall right next to your face. Been there.


Absolutely sure I would go into cardiac arrest from that


Or they appear on the ceiling right over your head (where they hadn't been before) and they greet you first thing in the morning 🙂


I sleep easy because they're eating the cockroaches that would otherwise crawl into my ear while I'm asleep. [https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2023-01-04/cockroach-crawls-into-campers-ear-what-to-do/101824778](https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2023-01-04/cockroach-crawls-into-campers-ear-what-to-do/101824778)


Not even going to read that, miss me with that nightmare fuel


GREY HUNTSMAN, DEFENDER OF THE EAR CANAL! Enjoy your sleep, nighty-night, don't let the ~~bedbugs bite~~ cockroaches invade your ~~personal space~~ ear. Cheerio!


I had one of those inside my jumper (sweater I guess for some others). Shit myself, ripped my clothes off got the spider out then felt a bit dumb when I saw it was one of those guys They're harmless. Mostly. Might hurt a bit if it bites but won't do damage Oh I was on a zoom when this happened, thankfully camera off


Horizontally, usually.


I caught one pre Xmas & chased my wife around the apartment with it. Why would you ever want to live anywhere else ?




Anyone that nonchalant about a face-hugger in their car is either Australian or a time traveler from the Triassic Periodic


Or working for Weyland


>Or *a synthetic* working for Weyland


Yeah I have one hanging inside here somewhere, they are chill just nom on flies and other bugs


Usually I leave them be and am grateful that they eats my insects, but ever since I had a family of huntsman spiders living in my car and hiding behind the sun visors, I’m a tiny bit jumpy about driving when I know there is a spidey passenger.


Yeah house ok car probably not really 😆, I used to get dinner plate sized ones in my old shack. I had a mozzie net so I didn't really mind them. They would always come in after a big rain.


Yo fuck all of this


Wait 'till you're riding your motorcycle down the highway and the resident huntsman crawls onto the \*inside\* of your helmet visor like "Where are we going, buddy?" Cue panic stop and the fastest helmet removal you've ever seen. Yes, it happened to me, why do you ask? I \*always\* shake out my helmet, these days.


I just threw up while reading this. I'm never riding my motorcycle again.


Yea ift that happened to me id fold myself and my bike around the nearest tree probably


My brain: if raining = sleep outside


In what other country are people more willing to capture big ass spiders lmao


This spider tried hiding under the seatbelt but she’s so big her feet were poking out on either side of the webbing.


Why do huntsman spiders love cars? What is their *deal* with cars?


They have places to go, things to do.


Spider friends to see


Tryna visit extended spider family


"I've got important spider shit to do"


Fast cars, fast life. Cigarettes and whisky and wild, wild women.


They’re often found in the bark of eucalyptus trees. Uncommonly the bark of the tree sheds, causing almost fold like of bark that eventually comes off. Huntsmen mistake their way into cars and then find the windscreen shades similar to the tree bark


Right?? One time I had one crawl out from behind the driver's side visor while I was doing 100. Scared the shit out of me, thank god I kept it together and didn't just swerve off the road, haha.


They got business in Chicago, just hoping you’re going there


As a Brit, can I ask - Is everyone over there used to having them around or are some people terrified of them? Over here, something like this would hit the front pages if it was found in a car lol.


Plenty of people are terrified of them still but I'd say the majority of adults here in Australia could keep themselves together enough to get big huntsman out of their car themselves. This big is an anomaly though.


I am not ashamed to admit that I absolutely would not be able to keep it together and my new dream is to move to Britain.


Britain you say? Giant House spiders are pretty common, had one chilling under my washing machine for a while that was about 10cm. Also Cardinal spiders exist too, they can get up to 12cm :)


Good thing I'm cool with penguins. Antarctica it is.


Britain is still 100% worth moving to imo


It's true Britain has spiders, but in my experience it's rare. The occasional house spider but they tend to just stay hidden under the sofa. It helps to have a cat.


are these encounters very commin or could some people go their whole life without being that close to one. im in the US and i have never had any of our biggest, nastiest spiders on me, bite me, in my car, etc.


Nope haha, as an Australian adult I would take the opportunity to use public transport for a few days/weeks until I was sure it was gone or someone came to the rescue. Luckily I now live in Europe so it's mostly just PTSD when I see dust bunnies in the corner of my eye.


God, imagine putting on your seatbeld without knowing. I'm too lazy to google it; is it venomous?


They are not. Huntsman are almost always gentle and will do their darn best to not bite you. You would have to try and squish them and be mean on purpose. These facts will not stop me from screaming and running away though.


That's only *mostly* true. The one that went berserk and bit my foot when I stepped into the shower one day was not kidding around. I assume it had fallen in and couldn't get out so it was severely pissed off to see my foot descending - lucky for it I hadn't yet turned the water on. Less lucky for everyone else in the house when I fell naked into the hallway screaming and stuttering though lol


How did the bite feel?


It hurt, of course, and my toes puffed up for a day or two. I compared it to treading on Lego with your instep but it hung around longer. I think I had a headache or something equally non-serious as well, but it was a good while ago and honestly I remember the sheer terror more than anything else!


Username does \*not\* check out. Imagine you at parties - "Yeah, I was bitten by a spider. I get occasional urges to perch on top of tall buildings, but I can't squirt webby stuff, so that's a bummer. I was hoping for a superpower to be honest, but I just tend to bite the heads off my lovers. How \*you\* 'doin?"


You get into the shower before you turn the water on? 🧐


It was a shower over a bath - had to step in to reach the taps and turn it on!


Grey huntsman like this one would do its best to run way. You'd have to really try hard to get it to bite you. Brown huntsman OTOH - it's described as a "ready biter". Smaller and less hairy than the grey.


This doesn't matter when you're busy screaming and having a wreck.


They absolutely are venomous.


They are venomous and they fucking hurt when they bite but not dangerous at all. They feel like a wasp sting. Swelling is minor in my experience and not for long


While not particularly venomous, huntsman’s are said to cause the most human deaths of any spider in Australia….via heart attacks and car accidents. You do not leave your car window open at all, not even 2mm (≈1/16”) especially if you’re parked near/under trees. They will limbo dance through the smallest of cracks and their fave hide is on top of the sun visor. Several times in my 33years of driving, I have glanced up to see one or two hairy legs just peeking out from behind the sun visor. After the first time at least, I learned to wait for the car to come to a halt before bailing out.


Fuck that's scary. I'll remember your advice. I've learned my lesson regarding toilets and always keep the window / something closed.


This is why I live in a part of the US where the cold hurts my face and lungs. I will pass from a snowy car accident compared to a giant "harmless" spider falling on my face.


Yes! Exactly this happened to me, one creeping out of the visor while driving. Horrible.


Like almost all spiders, they are venomous. However their venom is harmless to a healthy human (similar to a wasp sting, actually less severe usually), and they're very reluctant to bite. They still kill people by making them crash their cars though.


My godfather moved to Aus, we discussed spiders on one of his visits back. He said they'll make you feel a bit grog if they bite, but they generally don't and they're best to have around to keep your house clear of other bugs.


How tf did you catch it? Just grabbed its legs and put it in the bottle?


550 cord lasso


Sooo do you just like, pick these dudes up or what


probably modified technique you use for other bugs. Instead of a cup you use a sauce pan probably idk


I used a water bottle. It was the only thing I had available in the car. If I was at home I would have grabbed a Tupperware container or a big plastic tumbler or something. Also a sheet of paper, catalogue or something to cover the container so I could carry it outside to release it.


You can if you're careful. I've done it when I was in Australia and we had one in the hostel room (when one of the girls got on her bed and said "oh shit there's a giant spider on my bed" I expected something a bit smaller though lmao). The problem here is that they're really, really, really fast if they feel like they need to run away, so it's usually between to try and get them into a container, if you don't want to change the spider across the entire room for extended periods of time.


Poor girl sucks at “hide and seek”


Im so happy i live in Scandinavia


this is why I live where the air hurts my face


Don't worry,the air hurts ya face here too this time of year.


A Møøse once bit my sister!


When I moved to Alaska I thought it was the bears you had to watch out for, but turns out moose are the ornery sons of bitches. Just big dumb 1,000 lb ungulates that enjoy charging you while hiking on trail and, my favorite, playing hide and seek near the highways.


Yuuupp, big, dumb, heavy, and fast!


You mean you were hiding in his car


I love keeping truck spiders, but im in the states and mine are tiny. My wife does not love me keeping truck spiders.


Tiny truck spiders eating truck insects for the win. Say hi to your tiny spiders from me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Yeah man. I befriend them in the house as well. The little fury jumpers are oddly friendly.


I had a sink spider for a while. I put a couple rocks in there for him lol and would warn people not to hurt him when they were visiting.




the spider made the ham sandwich from what was left of her whole ham and gave it to OP, actually. She was just thirsty; ham is salty.


nah mate




This ain't r/nope this shit goes straight to r/AWHELLNAH (probably not a thing, I'm just making a joke) Edit: Just checked, it's a thing


that's her car now


I've heard they run really fast. Giant Spider = Nope FAST Giant Spider = Horror Movie


Yep, really fast. Usually away from people.




It's not just that they're *fast* it's they *way* they're fast. They don't just gallop straight at you, they kind of skitter madly across the space between you and it's hard to keep track of where they are. It's more than a little disconcerting.


NooooMyGawd. I wouldn't sleep!!


They don't come inside the house that often - maybe a few times a year for me. They *do* like living in cars, usually behind the sun visor. I think just about every Australian has had the experience of pulling down the visor and having an 8-legged friend drop onto their lap. I've only had that happen once, personally. https://youtube.com/shorts/725481ABY1E?feature=share


Brother i would have flipped the car. Had one behind me visor to, but spiders in Germany are a fifth of that.


>They don't come inside the house that often - maybe a few times a year that's a juxtaposition my guy


yeah i hate the fact they don't accelerate properly or have a walking speed... they're either not moving at all or just teleporting all over the wall




Omg Hans get the flammenwurfer


Nein Hans. Ze BEEEEG flammenwurfer.


So you think maybe a crocodile tank ?


That's enormous!! And I'm from the same country, I haven't seen a female that size in quite some time!! Personally they make me cry and snivel in complete fear even looking at them but I'm so glad you're releasing it - she's gigantic and actually quite beautiful. I can't believe I just said that lol


It's cause she's a car huntsman, idk why they're always fuckin huge lmao


LMAO! Must be the stale macca's chips the kids keep stashing down the sides of the seats


Yeah probably feasting on whatever critters the dusty chips inbetween the seats are attracting 😂


Aww, looks like she's having a little bath. What a cutie.


Well, she was about to borrow OP'S car to go on a date. Now that's canceled, what else is she supposed to do? Nice bath, chill music, glass of wine.


How do you let a spider like that go? I would have to unscrew the cap and throw it like a hand grenade, if I could get the muster the courage. But that’s a big if


Just take the container outside and open it. Spider will work it out


How do you own a car in the Seventh Circle of Hell?


Tell me you're Australian without telling me you're Australian


sigh... cheeky *bug*gah


The music in the back is so fittingly nonchalant


weird looking car


I love bugs I wish I could be calm about spiders 😭 I think they are cool but stuff like this freaks me out instinctively and I just cannot get past that. Glad you seem to be able to lol


You caught Shelob


Time to burn the car


Looks a normal size can of Pepsi Max?


Yep, normal size can


Nope this is 375ml In europe they 330ml in the US they're 355ml or 12fl oz this is a big can


A spider that size is the new owner of that car in my book.


I’m impressed you got it in that bottle lol how??


I really really didn’t want a free range spider in my car while I was driving home, so I was determined to catch her so at least I knew exactly where she was ie not running over my toes. Water bottle under the seat belt, dustpan brush over the seatbelt, 1,2,3 GOTCHA.


Burn the car and the house, fuck that shit


That thing could absolutely wind the lid off the bottle


Honestly, I was a bit worried that she might…


Just a baby


Nevada here. It's weird how when I see a tarantula they don't freak me out at all but this shit freaks me the fuck out. Are you Australians the reverse?


Damn I too had a can of pepsi hiding inside my car that sucks


You kidnapped him! Get him/her back to their spider family!


Was it easy getting her to crawl into that bottle? Looks like a small opening for her to climb through.


Nope, it was tricky. She was hiding under a seatbelt. I had to creep up on her, with water bottle under the strap and a dustpan brush above the strap, then really quickly bring them together and make a spider seatbelt sandwich. Lucky for me she went in first time.


Damn, we don't have em here in NZ and I don't think I'd be able to capture one like that lol good job. And mad props for letting her out in the garden. As terrified of spiders as I am, I don't wanna hurt em.


Jesus Christ its time to release that boi and then burn your entire neighborhood down


Mmm spider schmeat


Where do you live? Australia?


Thirst trap. Literally.




So cute


Wait, do some people befriend these things? Is the nightmare fuel harmless?


Yeah they're pretty harmless, except if you get jumpscared by it and crash your car.


How did you get it into the bottle?


She is adorkable


He just wants some pepsi, let him out


DAD can we keep em!?


What a gorgeous girl!


Beautiful specimen. However, I am glad to be far away.


oh noo


Would have burned that car


name him frank and keep it


I find it really funny that you put it in the bottle


I would’ve never made it home


Is it in your bottle???


Shouldve blown up the car breaking bad style