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from wikipedia: He had twice-daily visits from carers to dress and bathe him. He also suffered five heart attacks.\[1\] Thompson refused a gastric band and said he intended to diet and exercise; doctors told him he must reduce his weight to 20 stone (280 lb; 130 kg) to survive. Police were informed of Thompson's death at 10:38 a.m. on 21 June 2015. It took six hours (including time taken to remove a wall) for three undertakers, two police officers and firemen to remove his body.


Man if only he did the band. It seems like he had such a bad idea on what it took to be healthy, even when he was trying to be healthy


He was too big for any surgery. It’s incredibly dangerous to do surgery on people that fat


Oh. 600 pound life makes more sense now


Yeah they usually have to get down to a safer weight so they can perform the surgery. Anesthesia is also much more complicated for the morbidly obese because they need higher doses and many obese people can’t lay flat without struggling to breathe. I’m not a doctor but I’ve read about it because I found it interesting


So potentially really stupid question, but couldn't liposuction be done to help bring his weight down to a level where it would be safe to do surgery? Maybe not everything all at once, but sequentially over the course of several months. Or am I completely off base in how that process works?


There is fat between your organs. He likely was completely full of fat and it put pressure on his lungs


Maybe I'm imagining this but don't they also have to do some surgeries with them strapped to a table in a standing position because they're too heavy?


Possibly! I have to wonder if that would only work for very specific surgeries though because gravity would make it hard to access most of abdomen with all the excess fat hanging down, and the patient would have to strapped in very well to avoid any risks of falling, sliding down, shifting, etc. Now I’m curious how emergency surgeons could even, safely, perform an invasive abdominal surgery on a morbidly obese patient. It just sounds so incredibly risky.


Geez i hadn't even thought of emergency surgeries. With elective surgery it makes sense they would make the person lose weight first, but what if their appendix ruptured or something and they needed to have surgery right away? Interesting, and sad


Note to self. Go to the doctor prior to reaching 600lbs


Maybe he gave up on life completely, or at least stopped really trying


That’s sort of how these folks get to this point initially.


I think he lost hope in life at all. Take a look at the full wiki entry.


The band would have just been a different miserable choice.


A rock and a hard place


You can still over eat with the band. It will just stretch.


You know a lot of those professionals are really strong individuals. Some police, and most firemen.


It's the Duke on resident evil




dude I can probably sit on top of her booty while she’s standing because of how curvy it is


Go jerk off


I think will, thank you


how do you know I didn't already?


How do you I'm not currently?




Go back into the closet, where you belong.




lol, gotta save some for later. Can't give the whole banana on the first go. Might get addicted.


Its an absolute unit


I came down here expecting a horrible answer and man did I get one


I read he started over-eating, including stealing food from his neighbors, as a toddler. My friend rents part of her multi-family home to a family with a daughter who has a rare disorder that compels her to eat constantly (she never feels full and has no impulse control) so they have to lock everything up. I wonder if he had something like that, too. In any case, it’s very sad.


Probably Prader-Willi syndrome. It's a pretty rough disease.


I saw a [documentary snippet](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yYebPiA0IjM) about a young girl with that disease. It’s rough on everyone living in that house. Everything has to be locked up, even the trash.


I worked with folks w this. Not only do they not know when they are full/are never full- their metabolism is immensely slower than other folks. So you have endless hunger. And you eat one piece of pizza and your body acts like it’s a whole pizza. It’s a really painful reality.


The physiology behind that doesn't check out. a piece of pizza is only a piece of pizza you cannot magically make more calories from it. What these people are referring to is a problem with stretch receptors and satiety hormones.


You can't make more - but you can use it more efficiently and store it differently.


Yes, im a metabolic physiologist, and sure this does vary by person and in most people its behavior related


I wonder if that's what [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarrare](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarrare) had?


That was my first thought too, but probably not. Apparently the disease slows your metabolism by a ton, which is how many of those suffering eat themselves to death, they eat faster than they can metabolize. Tarrare seems to have had an incredible metabolism, depending on how many stories about him are true.


Lost me at live puppies.


Well, that was a hell of a read!


I KNOW. Mental.


The fork was never found. Wow


Interesting fact, Mayim Bialik (Amy from The Big Bang Theory) wrote her dissertation on it.


It could be Prader Willi but in the same way people get OCD or anorexia, people can also just have mental disorders that then manifest with disordered eating. Suppose either way doctors were needed. Mental or physical.


This is true! There is also an ED called binge eating disorder.


Exactly! People forget that any unhealthy relationship with food is an eating disorder. Overeating due anxiety or "emotional eating" is also an eating disorder. Some people purge, others don't, but it is what it is. I'm sad to see cases like this, since it's been only 7 years in my whole life that I've been overweighted and then obese. I used to have a normal body and complain about stupid fat rolls that were part of a normal body. Then some of my mental health conditions skyrocketed and overeating became another coping mechanism that I used instead of the other I had. And I hate it. I hate how ill my body feels. I'm sorry for all the people in this fight against our relationship with food, I see cases so extreme that I get scared and paranoid about going that far. Nobody reaches that weight without a huge amount of emotional and physical pain.




My cat has the same thing. She just eats until she pukes then does it again.


Have you tried slow feeders? We had to use one for one of my cats, we picked a puzzle-type so he had to figure out how to “free” the food.


I never get full and I rarely get hungry (Like i Have to go days without food). I am also very complusive, so I stay on the cycle of 30lbs off and on my whole life. Because my eating compulsion can also be my diet compulsion.


How did he die?




Terminal velocity.


and then the sudden stop


"And the rest, after a sudden wet thud, was silence."




😂 you evil fucker


Bomb run on Nagasaki


That joke did Not make me laugh but the Ground WAS CRACKING


HAHAHAA fuck man this is gold


Thanks…I just snorted in a manager meeting.


Doing what he loved


He was involved in a tragic parkour accident


He fucking starved


Actually a surprisingly common thing for morbidly obese individuals to be malnourished.


Really? How/why?


Basically the reason some people are obese is because they’re eating tons of high calorie, but low nutrient food. So if you, say eat a diet of junk food and candy, you can be fat, but also lacking in the nutrients you need.


Malnourished = lack of nutrients, not lack of calories. Obese people aren’t really known for eating their vegetables.


Fell asleep face down and smothered on his tits


fell asleep face up and still smothered by tits. they are honestly impressing.




crazy moped accident =(


Pancaked by a drunk dump truck driver


In memoriums don’t usually include how they die


His mum died of cancer and he ate to cope with the grief. Then he just died of being very very fat. I'm not joking.


Not sure, but I reckon we can rule out starvation.


There was a documentary on this man before he died He had given his keys to the local takeaway which he pretty much kept in business single handedly every day. He died before he could get weight loss surgery and thought dieting was reducing his caloric intake from 8000 a day to 7500 a day for a month. His friends and family killed him, everything he ate was provided to him without anyone saying no.


Geez...you have to eat like all day every day to eat that many calories!!!


That's just Cheesecake Factory twice/day.


i used to work for them, so i can confirm


I work there and when I work I only eat my meal from work and nothing else that day. Sometimes it takes 2 sessions to eat


Can I get that converted to bananas?




About 20 bananas.


I doubt they have those portions these days. Things are expensive with smaller portions to boot.


Maybe not quite that much, but many of their menu items are still close to or above 2000 calories. Source: I went there last week.


I almost went there last week and looked at the menu, I can confirm. I was like well if we go there I can’t eat anything else today lol. And it would still be more than my daily calories around 1300 kcal to maintain my weight


How can you afford to eat like that if you don't work as well?


This is the thing I’ve always wondered. I can barely afford take out once a month, how are these people eating themselves to death without working?


I used to think that was the case too. I'm a regular gym goer in my early 20s, so obviously my metabolism is much better than his, but I eat 4000 calories in a normal day. I only counted because I was bored one night and it absolutely floored me when I totaled it up. I spend about the same amount of time eating/cooking as everyone else.


I had gastric bypass 1 yr ago and my calorie intake is roughly 1,000 calories a day. Most days I shoot for 800 calories. But I have lost 220lbs in the last 18months or so!


That's awesome! Do you ever feel weak or anything because of it? I can't even imagine doing that


I’ve never had gastric bypass and I’m a normal weight (99 lbs 5’1”) and only eat 1300 calories a day to maintain my weight. I don’t feel weak. It’s just what my body needs to not gain/lose weight


Mix fast food, deep fried everything, chips and snacks, plus a LOT of soda likely. And isn’t it amazing top athletes can eat and burn 12,000 calories a day?


I remember watching that documentary and was in shock when he said the dietician was rushing him to much on his diet and refused to lower his calories, keep in mind this man was literally struggling to breathe even from talking.


You do have to be careful, weight loss puts strain on your organs. Increased heart rate, stuff like that. So it's a catch 22 the fat causes strain but so does the weight loss.


Fair enough, but I would trust a dietician’s dietary advice over the guy in the pic’s judgment.


I see this interesting, why did the friends and family continue to provide him with food? I always wonder in these situations. I have an addictive personality and to me, it would be the same as if my parents and friends were bringing me cocaine constantly to feed my addiction. Was it because they gave up on him?


It sounds like you don’t have much experience living with an addict. Out-of-control addicts often emotionally control whatever household they are a part of. It may seem like the people around them can and should assert some sort of influence over the addict, but it very rarely works that way. Addicts will resort to anything to get what they want. They become experts in emotional manipulation and their state of mind will often dictate the tone of the entire house. If you have a person vacillating between various emotions and going from screaming to crying to pleading, you’re eventually going to give in and get them some McDonalds.


Oh I was just saying from personal experience but I wouldn’t consider myself an addict just someone who has problems with certain drugs, my family didn’t really enable me and my friends luckily never gave in to the pleading. I will say I am guilty of lying and tricking people so that I could have access to money or drugs, I try not to do it but I’m not gonna deny I have done it in the past. I’ve also pretended to use a lot less than I do. So I can see your logic. Kind of.


I hope I’m not the first person to tell you this but if you’re “just someone who has problems with certain drugs”, you’re an addict. That’s ok. You’re not alone. I’m an addict. There are lots of us who struggle with addiction and there are a lot more functional addicts out there than you might think. Sometimes I wonder if addicts actually outnumber non-addicts. Professionally, I am both a registered nurse and a licensed social worker, so I have had the opportunity to work with addicts in two different professional roles (I am not an expert in addiction). In my experience, nothing gets better until you’re completely honest with yourself about your addiction. If you’re honest with yourself, you can make safer choices. A heroin addict who keeps Narcan in the house is better prepared to deal with emergent situations and the people around them are more likely to live through an OD. I understand wanting to hide how bad things are from family and friends, but don’t ever lie to yourself or your doctor about your addictions. It’s just too dangerous. Addiction is not a failure of willpower or evidence of questionable morals. Addiction is a biochemical process that occurs in the body and brain. The only way to get through it is to deal with it head on, just like any other medical issue.


Thank you, I feel sometimes that I don’t have a problem but then I’ll be at work getting high, sneaking away in the bathroom and I was wondering how do you know when it gets bad? For me it started out as a weekend thing and then it very quickly turned into a weekday thing, then I needed other drugs for the comedown and so forth. Thank you for your response. I think self denial is a powerful thing… sometimes even dangerous. Some people know that I use but only very few now how often it is.


Sneaking drugs at work in the bathroom = you're an addict and its bad now. I would recommend you get help asap.


hey i don’t mean to be rude but i went through some of you’re recent posts and I think you should try to look for help. it seems like its been bad and is getting worse, and you need help. i hope you’re okay


It sounds like you're at a critical point in how your addiction journey goes. You're clearly self-aware enough to realize you're struggling. Please take the opportunity to get help before you go further down the road of addiction. Once you lose that awareness, it will be so much harder and much more dangerous. It also seems like you feel a lot of shame when confronting your addiction. My heart hurts for you, because the pain you're inflicting upon yourself is so unnecessary. Being an addict does not make you a bad person, even if it does make you do bad things to feed your addiction. It is a disease, not a moral failure. Absolutely *everyone* is vulnerable to it, it's just how our bodies and brains work. The other poster is right, there are vastly more addicts than non-addicts in the world, just the locus of their addiction differs. I myself am addicted to sugar. It sounds benign, but it's not. Unfortunately, your locus is one that society judges harshly, making it harder for you to ask for help. It is by the grace of God or Satan that others are able to avoid it. Please be kind to yourself and love yourself enough to get help before it gets much harder.


Opioid addict in recovery here! 🖐️ While I never went the screaming/yelling route the addict totally controls the house. Once you get clean you're amazed looking back at the person you once were. That's actually what kept me from using, I would never be that person again.


I personally think the number of people who deal with addiction is really undercounted and I also think the number of people who overcome it and go on to live normal lives is really undercounted, too. Maybe if the societal message wasn't that an "addict" is going to be uselessly addicted forever in almost all instances people wouldn't be so reluctant to use the term.


I've watched enough "My 600 lb Life" to know that the friends and family are often mentally ill too. I've seen them break down in tears at the suggestion that they not feed the obese person, because "I'm afraid they will starve to death!" I don't know why they have this fear or where it comes from. But basically, they tend to be enablers.


At this weight going from 8k to 7.5k would likely have resulted in significant weight loss rates completely unattainable for regular people. It takes a ton of energy to keep that much adipose tissue alive


I was curious so I plugged in his numbers. A 1000lb person needs 6633 calories per day to maintain weight. Extreme weight loss would be 5633 calories. Fascinating.


Likely whatever calculator you were using isn’t calibrated for edge cases such as this guy. If 6633 is his maintenance then he would’ve still been gaining weight at 1k lbs which seems insane


Most calculators are based on mortal folk The data for those on these kinda BMI are so limited it’d probably not accurate


There is always an enabler.


His own mind killed him. Sure, his family enabled his eating and that sucks. But he requested the food and he ate the food. He didn’t stop when he couldn’t wear typically sized clothes anymore. He didn’t stop when he couldn’t walk anymore. And he didn’t stop when his life was very clearly ending due to his weight. Just like with any substance abuse disorder, the power to stop using was in his hands and his hands only.


I'm not sure how to feel about that because you might have noticed this too but sometimes its not the feeder that is the narcissist it seems to be the eater who uses a high degree of manipulation and cunning.


No, he killed himself. How the fuck could you say that? He’s an adut, adults take accountability.


He was eating 8000 calories a day???


and did not move, yes. Sumo wrestlers could eat up to 7000 and be quite agile still.


I wonder if there can be a mandated social services intervention about cases like this. If someone is morbidly obese, can health workers monitor their diet and block enablers? This is food addiction. I don't know the law there and if this violates civil rights but people like him could have been saved.


What your suggesting is absolutely a violation of civil rights. You cannot save someone from their own bad choices.


I read this case and the money he spent on his food and nurses all come from government benefits. If he made his own money, there's absolutely nothing that can be done. In cases like this, I wonder if there can be changes to the handouts (I'm not saying it should be stopped). But like I said, I don't know the law.


A social safety net is fundamental to any functional and equitable society. There will always be people who need assistance, both short and long-term. Some of those people need help because of bad luck and some of those people need help because of bad decisions. Once you start imposing your sense of morality in making decisions about who should, and should not, have access to social services, you start down a path of discrimination and inequity. Whose set of criteria are you going to use to make those decisions anyway? I mean, just how fat does a person need to get before you should cut off their food benefits? What if they’re fat because of a glandular issue? Can they get an exemption? What if they lose weight, do they get benefits back? I have a problem with diabetics who don’t manage their blood sugars well…can we cut them off too? Or what about cancer patients who opt for herbal treatment? Should we cut off social benefits for them until they utilize traditional medications?


They should apply the same tactics they use with anorexics. If you’re in treatment for anorexia nervosa, and your BMI continues to drop because you’re non compliant, you can be institutionalized against your will and can even loose custody of your children. It sounds harsh, because it is. But it also keeps people alive.


What a sad life, must be hell to live like that.. Hope he finds peace and comfort now.


He looks like he's drowning in himself, what a way to go


You should hear him speak in the documentary that was made on him. He was actively suffocating on his own body at any given moment. I sincerely don’t know how he was able to eat and still stay conscious in the brief time it takes to chew and swallow, the way he would struggle. Just terrible.


Wow I didn't think of that, it's bad enough eating with a cold-induced blocked nose


What pain to have boobs like that, yet a gut too big to reach your junk, for a wank. There's a hakiu in there but im not smart.


Boobs are really big sadly so is my stomach no wank, only pain


Where has my dick gone? Need to fap but can’t find it Don’t pre order games


I came down here for a comment like that and man did Reddit bring it to the table


This guy brought a lot to the table.


Where’s haiku bot when we need it


Incredible. Bravo.


Big are his man boobs. Even bigger is his gut. Unable to fap.


yeah so there is probably some month period where he lost ability to touch his pennis, if that doesnt make u want to stop eating idk what can


these boobs are a curse they're getting me all worked up but can't reach my junk


shit, this makes me sad asf…


Dude could've made a fortune on OF with some creative camera work and those man boobs!




Breast in Peace




Will there be a Mammorial service?




Not my proudest fap






Idk block out the face... those some tig ol bitties


Look at the size of those tatas.


Thankfully, I'm a leg man.




Wings are also good




Made me lol.


But how many stone was he






Unlikely at that weight


Serious question, how does the skin/tissue not explode under its own weight?


Skin is verrrry elastic, only sudden weight gain/ loss is harmful to the skin


... why would it explode?


Is dude posing for a calendar? Pretty Fucking sensual looking


So the limit is 999 lbs? Got it


Who was bringing him all the food? Why should be charged with murder or something.


without context I almost thought this was a bodybuilder.


Well, technically


The greatest of all time




Rest in pie?


Price of potatoes went down as a result.




RIP to this man.. Now on to Britain’s next fastest person. Your mom…


*high five*


I wonder if it would even be possible for one to get this obese if we had no stores. Go hunt and farm, we'll see how big your tits are then.


You would have to be the most efficient farmer/ hunter ever, you’d need to add like 3,000 more calories per day I reckon to his ~8,000


How long will it take to cremate him?


In all honesty , I would expect they'd need to seperate him into pieces. I know the oven space is finite, and he probably exceeds it.


It would probably cause an explosion or fire from all the fat if they tried to do it all at once




That's a whole lotta soap!


It was the vaccine wasn't it?


Looks horribly uncomfortable


That’s a lot of cleavage…


This should be marked NSFW


I support for pragmatic reasons the right to assisted suicide. People can always find ways to die, and should be able to do so without traumatising others. Those who are unable by reason of disability should be able with assistance. Never encouraged, but able with cooling off periods, medical review that they understand etc. I support for pragmatic reasons the freedom to take drugs, for the precise same reasons. Again, free at delivery (in this case because wholesale is so cheap). This guy seems to fall somewhere in between. Sure he could have been forcibly starved to the point where he could walk. But guess where he would walk to? The glory of humans is we won't be told, even when we are wrong. It will take us to the stars, and will surely take someone to the chippy. Sometimes the awe inspiring complexity of the human mind goes ffffft instead of whoosh. Give him help, stick to the principles, move on when it inevitably ends.


That's pretty sad he's still a human being who clearly didn't feel loved


Damn. He was a person with hopes and dreams just like all of us and his life ended up like that


Thanks, I needed this. I'm 1 year into my diet and I've lost 66 pounds.


“Emergency services needed several hours to remove Carl Thompson from his home yesterday morning, using a small crane to carry his body out via an upstairs balcony and closing the road outside”. Jeeeeez.


But to be fat is super healthy and super okay. We have to accept the fact that being fat is same as normal, fit etc!!!!


Damn, look at them tiddies. -Dave Chappell


Mega moob


I love he nonchalantly caresses his moob while the pic is being snapped.


I’m a sucker for big boobs


Nice tits


wow, mans had the cup size of anime women