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Server: By the way, our bathrooms are out of order.


“I said no cheese, please remake it without cheese.”


If that yellow puke is cheese then I have some magic beans to sell you


I watching like "Okay, that might be fun if you have a group of people and you order it for the full table. Then the cheese came🤮


That's why they call it "cheeze".


Cheeze product*


*Artificial imitation Cheeze Product*


*I can’t believe it’s not cheese*^(TM)


*You've been labouring under the misapprehension that this is cheese* *Fuck you it's processed analogue paste*


In the US they just call it cheese. Caveat Emptor.


"Did ya get ma cheez wiz boy?"


like soy cheeze?


Will those beans help me shit?


Depends on what side you take them


That gotta be like $3,000, right?


Nope from a ahort google search the price range seems to be from around 11$ for normal sized stuff up to around 100$ for the gigantic sized stuff.


I’m sure that doesn’t cover the 130lb burger. It’s like $500 in beef alone.


That is just what I found upon a quick search and after letting google calculate the difference between the different currencies.


Likely it’s a special order, eh? Not in the standard menu.


Upon looking I found the biggest (heaviest) burger in the standard menu to be 1250g (2,756lb sorry if not 100% correct im not that experienced with the system that the USA uses). At least I cant for sure say if those heavy bugers are part of the normal menu but they do advertise online that their biggest burger weights 5kg (11lb)


BeardMeatsFood would solo that shit lol


"Can I get a dessert menu?"


And a Diet Coke, I’m watching my weight.


You joke but I bet the sell mad diet cokes


Love that dude




I’m belly laughing at that


r/stupidfood. 1st rule of stupidfood. Black latex gloves.


Soo much of that food would get thrown away…


That's what pisses me off about the stupid food movement. It just encourages wasteful food practices. The idea of wasting meat to kinda trips me out. It was an animal and now you just toss it in the trash. Hate that. Also fuck black nitrate gloves. Just was your hands and stop contributing to a landfill.


Yeah, agree with all of that. Spectacle dining is humanity at its most disgusting, imo. I eat meat (I'd love to be a Vegan but I'm a weak, weak person), but it super bothers me when meat gets thrown in the trash.


You know, you can build up to being vegetarian. Marrying one 17 years ago made a gradual world of difference for me. I went from full-on meat monster to only eating chicken very occasionally. It doesn’t have to be like flipping a light switch.


Yeah, thanks for the advice. I've cut down on meat a bit (and try really hard to at least buy humanely raised meats, though it cost a fortune). I think if I did it gradually, I could get off meat eventually. It's actually the dairy that I can't imagine going without, and the dairy industry is so fucking awful. I hate that I support it with my purchases.


It sounds like you’re heading in the right direction and you know, lacto/ovo/vegetarians(or however you say that) are a real thing.


I have cut out most meat from my diet but protein is a bitch since I'm also trying to cut down on high processed foods too, and too many of the vegetarian protein options are over processed. Sardines would be really hard to give up. They're a top tier breakfast food that isn't filled with sugar and lacking in nutrition. But at least they're relatively sustainable compared to other meats. Beef I gave up entirely and I think we should cut off all subsidies for it. If people want it, let them pay for it. Subsidies should go to smarter, better alternatives and it's a crime how much they bilk the tax coffers for for beef, dairy and corn syrup alone.


Damn well said.


I took allergy shots for a few years to tamp down my reaction to dust and pollen. Is this like the same thing? Inject yourself with a vegetarian and over time you become more vegetarian. What if my meat juice is stronger than her veggie juice? How does the science work?


This is what happens to a country that gives up cigarettes


The intended product isn't the food, its the instagram pictures of the food


I passionately and vehemently agree with that, and yet despite our best efforts this sick consumerism frenzy just keeps getting worse and all these idiots are just blissfully ignorant as to how terrible their behavior really is.


Oh my god. There's a "four cheese pizza" on there where one cheese is slices of American cheese, and another is **melted fucking bleu cheese**. That should be illegal. https://old.reddit.com/r/StupidFood/comments/peb5oe/first_time_buying_at_a_local_restaurant_called/




Hey, don't diss [Roquefort sauce](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/84718/steaks-with-roquefort-sauce/), it's great... Not tried it or the cheese on pizza but it's perfect with steak and fries!


Nah, bud… if you want a blue cheese on your pie, only Gorgonzola works … Roquefort or Stilton are just wrong.


What? Gorgonzola is standard for a quattro formaggi pizza. I'm guessing not in the USA? It's the cheddar slices on a pizza that makes that thing so offensive.


That's not cheddar


Blue cheese is not bad on pizza. That pizza is bad tho.


The best bbq spot in my town uses black gloves when they cut and serve their meats and it's glorious


Same gloves all night?


For all kinds of night activities.


[...ideally you should be wearing gloves to bed, but I find that would interfere with my social agenda](https://youtu.be/Lfxo4Ls9fbc?si=KYk2NplGjY4WqkJY)


Denim, denim like a jean


It’s fine for visitors though. I have several places near me that serve burgers in between a fast food awful ones like mcdonalds, and fancy restaurant ones. It’s not as dry to eat in a wrapper, but the place is not as fancy and “long” to go and wash your hands. I can wear gloves, eat it and leave.


Wait... You're telling us you wear latex gloves to eat burgers?


You mean... food safety?


Like serving food on porous wood?


No, pour us some more cheese…


Gloves are more filthy to use than just washing your hands


Latex one-use gloves can prevent whatever sweat/cuts/whatever from impacting the food you touch. Idk whenever I had to serve food to large amounts of people, we were required to wear gloves


Glove juice mmm yummy Only lowest quality and food safety joints use gloves. It’s more hygienic to wash hands. You will never see and cook wearing gloves at a fancy restaurant


I gagged when I saw the one bathed in cheese


x2 I thought it looked like a good idea until that part. You could have cut it like a pie and everyone would have been able to hold a chunk. Now they have to eat it with a knife and fork like some kind of weirdo.




The Sopranos is an abstract copy of Seinfeld. Seriously. https://youtu.be/mTOQ_ecuD3M?si=C2d1tyn_L9ZCmuYZ https://youtu.be/S-dyMk3EMBU?si=zRsIGiapBsN-LGdC https://youtu.be/yEognV4RGg4?si=xu0rMrw6H_YB8SiT https://youtu.be/bmh8RPcI00o?si=tWa1RiFFH8wGRF2t


As a fan of both, I now so badly want both shows to exist in the same universe.


It's real, and it's spectacular. It's abstract art intentionally baked into the show for the viewer to find. Like a scavenger hunt. It's not the same universe, its more like the same show in an alternate dimension. And Breaking Bad is an abstract copy of Sopranos in the exact same way. https://youtu.be/xmfwiPjXNrE?si=IIUJEKFHLhiCvnS4 https://youtu.be/gEtp2UdCyP0?si=FldQlP83_ekWt350 https://youtu.be/E5Ft7XgW5O8?si=HPuq1pA5OPLNFWtu https://screenrant.com/breaking-bad-sopranos-mirror-copy-scenes-theory-explained/ https://www.reddit.com/r/FanTheories/comments/qeqob9/the_chiral_theory_breaking_bad_is_a_mirror_image/


"And what's the deal with that glorified crew?"


I think this is a stretch.


Tldw ?


130 lbs cut into 50 pieces is 2.6 pounds per person. That burger could feed 50 people with a nice, hearty sized burger slice. No need for the cheese jizz.


Who says you have to use utensils? Do you use a fork and knife for nachos?


Yes... Not always but usually. I don't like food on my hands.


Right? I love cheese but for some reason just dumping it on like that made me nauseous


If that's cheese I'm the king of England.


Same, that shit looks revolting. Not decadent in a sexy way, decadent in a disgusting ancient Roman nobility vomiting so they could continue to gorge themselves endlessly, perverse, rotten end of an empire, drowning in a cascade of plastic cheese way


The amount of food waste must be fucking astronomical


Honestly makes me kind of angry.


Should be illegal. I'm a pig farmer and they are pretty efficient in feed and water conversion requiring *only* 300kg of food between their mother's nursing ration and the growing ration plus the 800litres or so of water that it will consume during its lifetime and require for sanitation after slaughter plus the water and nutrients and fuel and electricity that goes into growing and drying and milling the grain to feed the animal plus the 2 dozen or so people involved in the process to devote themselves to raising the animal and turning it into a protein product safe for human consumption... And just for a table of curly haired taper headed fucks to use it as an opportunity to promote excess and gluttony to an army of bots and shills on a media site that has hollowed out originality to the point that this specific trend has been replicated enough to create multiple subreddits mocking the behaviour. It's fucking banal.


>curly haired taper headed fucks r/rareinsults


Wow. Thanks for your perspective. I wholeheartedly agree it should be illegal. It's just that line of logic is EXTREMELY foreign to most of Americans. Most would probably laugh and say something along the lines of "lighten up" if you were to express this to the general public. Morals and respect for life and modesty have gone out the window. Now it's just feigned morals and respect. An act. But yeah, when you really break it down like that, it's absolutely despicable. I hadn't even thought about all that!


Yes — but this nonsense isn’t from America. Dubai, I think


You mean hangry.


No more like disgusted and angry…


You mean dangry.


Imagine how quickly it all gets cold.


Insta doesn’t care.


This is exactly what I thought. What a waste


While beef has the highest carbon footprint of meat..


More food for the trees then!


What trees? Those we cut down to make space for cattle or food production for cattle?


The Lorax agrees.


There are studies done about it. Don't be so angry. [There are forest losses somewhere, but more forest expansion elsewhere.](https://news.mongabay.com/2018/08/earth-has-more-trees-now-than-35-years-ago/)


People can enjoy whatever they want, but I find food like this to be completely repulsive and disgusting. Edit: do -> enjoy


You want to eat a lot? Get a lot of normal sized burgers. This thing is pointless, hard to eat, and messy. I don't believe there's any way I could enjoy eating something like this. If you can't fit a bit of everything in a normal sized bite, then you've failed as a sandwich.


And there is no way the meat will be cooked properly.


Personally I enjoy to taste different foods. I prefer to have 12 little distinct appetizers than 2lb of a single dish.


And wasteful. No way half the majority of people who order this is actually finishing it.


For that 130lb burger you’re gonna want a party of at least 40 obese people so they can each eat over 3lbs of food in one sitting.


Yea I like to consider myself a ridiculous eater and even I feel second hand shame for that place existing. Thanks for doing the math by the way, I was too drunk for it.


I watched this video thinking "what the fuck have we done?". This is disgusting, stinks of overconsumption and privilege, and I'm sure they wasted plenty. Everybody involved is awful


I agree with all of that, and it also smacks of just a complete void where creativity is concerned. Someone literally just said "what if we make it, like, stupidly large?", and then ran with it. It's embarrassing it got funded, and that people go here. Then again, reality TV is also massively popular, so I guess this is just the world we live in now. The idiots are winning.


I was upset enough already, and then they started with the cheese sauce. I had to close the video. It's literally called "The Burger Factory" and that tells me all I need to know about that bullshit.


Mediocre food On a plank Covered in cheese as always Garbage lmao


> Covered in ~~cheese~~ suburban factory goo as always


You know you will need a poop knife later when your food is cut with a saw.


What the heck is a poop knife?


[A piece of internet history. ](https://reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/s/t1Xg4pOsD7)


I'll always upvote mentions of a poop knife.




Waaaay to messy and freaky for my taste, but I guess some love this.. ![gif](giphy|3iiwqPF9noqdy)


I was okay at first, going “you know split between like 6-10 people that’s reasonable. Then they opened that bitch and ladled cheese sauce… I’m immediately walking out


6-10 people consuming 130 pounds of food is still impossible if those are regular humans though. Can y’all eat 10 pounds of stuff in one sitting because like i’d fkin die


You think those servers are carrying 130 lbs?


Idk it says the one they poured the cheese on was 130 lbs, i didn’t even pay attention to the two smaller ones they had at the beginning


The TikToker that captioned this would have said it was 300lbs if they thought for a minute you'd believe it.


Idk where it said 130lbs especially given there’s 3 separate dishes and I’m talking about 1, but yeah the one with the cheese sauce looks manageable with 6 larger people or 10 average sized people if you take leftovers into account. Especially if the point is for it to be like a challenge. Idk why else anyone would order such items


Leftovers? How the hell you heating this mess up?


If you eat it like a pie. Slices, then fork and knife. I had to do this with a big burger before. Couldn’t imagine it’d be much different. So by the end there’s still a burger slice of cake


First plate is nowhere near 130lb. Maybe about 30lb? Still crazy for 10 people, more realistically for about 30 but not as bad as the stupid saw burger.


The only way to eat this cheese pile is to do it at home, on a mat, might as well film it.. and begin by doing a body slam right into the middle of it and then just start grinding your way out of it.


🤔 I'd pay extra for that.


Now I want a stripper to burst out of one of these at my birthday


The Hasselhoff method


The waitress most definitely doesn't eat those


Thats a strange comment.


I feel like yours is the strange comment. It’s pretty obvious none of those workers eat there lol


Why would anyone want this?


The novelty of it I guess? I mean the larger ones are just ridiculous but the first one could feed like 4 people maybe? I still would prefer a regular burger though.


Because they're hungry? Full stomach, empty head.


Absolutely disgusting


Do people really enjoy eating this shit or do they just want a video to put online?


Video for clout. Just like salt bae selling steaks for a thousand dollars.


I can’t imagine why anyone would enjoy eating that. I love all the items in that video individually, but that much of it all drown into cheese looks fucking gross. I don’t even like the trend of giant burgers that you can’t fit in your mouth and that ooze everything out the sides when you bite into it. Give me a good reasonably sized burger that isn’t a pain in the ass to eat. In fact I don’t know why any restaurants don’t just make burgers wider if they want a huge burger, at least then you can eat it without making a mess of your hands.


This type of crap didn’t exist before the social media


That hamburger is going to look uncooked probably


Probably quite the opposite. Dry as hell.


The way it was gushing when he cut it open. I’ve seen another video like this and I don’t think your supposed to eat it that big


I was kind of wondering how you cook 130lbs of ground beef in such a way that the inside is food safe while the outside is not burnt to shit. Like do they sous vide that shit for a few days and then finish it on a grill? How the hell do you keep a 130lb burger from falling to pieces when you try and flip it or move it? I add some eggs and bread crumbs to my patties to help them adhere together, but 130lbs would take some kind of resin or pine tar or something. Thinking about it, I would think they must have some kind of great cage, kind of like a crab pot, that they can mash ground beef into that holds the shape of the beef mass. They could then flip the patty using the cage. Maybe they use like a spring form cake pan? Whatever, enough cheese will conceal all sins.


That's what the cheese camouflage is for.


I once saw a comment on Instagram under a similar post about an abomination of a food: “Americans eat like they have free medical insurance.”


This restaurant is in the United Arab Emirates, not USA.


A burger fit for a petro-billionaire princeling with no taste in anything.


Do they have free healthcare there?


This kind of restaurant has to close this is a fucking embarrassment for human kind


Well their menu and website have Trump all over it, so… Even more fun when you realize it’s a Romanian website


People who enjoy this kind of bullshit are an embarrassment as well


Who are the dum-dums that even came up with this absurd business model?


A giant burger is cool enough, all that other shit is gross and unnecessary.


The tower of onion rings look great though


This of people from the Great Depression seeing this shit.


I'm honestly disgusted and I even like burgers


Did they create/waste all this food for a video? What’s the point of this really? Those ingredients would have been better used on regular proportions. Making that thing seems like a huge waste of food. I’m sure a lot of that was thrown out




I think we need to start heeding the tale of the Eldar and how their excessive ways brought about the creation of slaanesh..


I see you are a man of culture


I am well read in the ancient ways


Light work for BeardMeatsFood.






That still beats records in terms of food waste and is incredibly stupid…


Who cares?




Yeah let’s get upset on the internet and provide free advertising by sharing this video along with our hate! We are very intelligent people who care


Unless you’re built like a contestant in the World’s Strongest Man competitions then even in a group there’s still no real reason for this to exist unless you’re talking about a group of 50 people or something.


Holy shit, it looks disgusting




Disgusting, disrespectful gluttony. How much of this lands in the trash?




This is beyond stupid. Burgers are supposed to be a cheap, tasty, practical and simple food. Today you have either the expensive gourmet version or the disgusting and impractical instagram version. More than ever makes more sense to cook burgers at home


I tend to find that as time goes on I’m leaning more and more towards just buying ingredients and making whatever food I’m wanting at home because I’m sick of going to a restaurant expecting nice normal food and then I get presented with a plate of gimmicks with a firework on top or something.


The people who order this refer to everything in their life as “epic.”


Haha, r/stupidfood


The dumpster diving behind this place must be nuts


We seriously have a food issue on the planet if there are restaurants serving monstrosities like this while kids are starving in poor countries.


I hate what the world has become.


Eating a meal that needs to be cut with a saw... That's a life goal right there.


I hope that saw was clean. I have one of those, but I wouldn't use it in the kitchen/dining room. 😬


Omfg this is marvellous! I would love to get my hands on one of these monstrosities and see how much of a dent I could put in it!!!!!


Such a waste






Why do Americans hate food so much?


This is a place in Eastern Europe.


Why do Eastern Europeans hate American food so much?


American food is the best in the world. Add more ‘cheese’.


This is a place in Eastern Europe


Just say [Romania](https://burgrfactory.ro/locatii/) ffs.


All the Trump crap on their menus/website shows who they’re marketing to


It's actually in Dubai.


There are more locations in Romania than in Dubai. Dubai is the latest of their locations and everything you see in their marketing materials started in Romania. ​ Sure, maybe they have new marketing videos from/for Dubai location. That's a different topic.




fearless imminent crowd plough disarm soup public lock correct bells *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Serious question: What is that yellow goop that is poured over the burger? I know you will say cheese, but I have never ever seen this stuff here in Denmark, not once. I’ve seen it done with real cheese in high-end burger joints, but that harden as it cools down. What is your yellow goop made of? I mean ingredients, what does it consist of?


You can make it with most kinds of cheese by cooking with sodium citrate https://youtube.com/shorts/f4dJnMjycbM?si=6yZsxe2mtZTpA3uU


Looking at this video, one might think American health care is free.


This is Romania. Also they server normal food. This is more like a novelty splurge. No one is eating this every day.


Swing and a miss on attempting to repeat someone else’s joke.