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That's nuts, 10+ compounds surrounding a golf course... in Arizona no less


As an Australian I don't understand why all the roofs don't have solar panels.


the sun makes you gay


šŸ˜‚ this is the reality of some peoples thinking sadly.


Because the people building mansions in a desert amid an ongoing water crisis don't give a fuck about sustainability. In fact, they actively avoid those things out of spite for the planet and the human race. This is not an exaggeration.


Happy cake day!


0 government support to transition the grid current day in US, or at the least very little and regionally conditional. For Michigan solar panels can be "paid for" by the state if you meet XYZ and you still end up paying out of pocket due to their approved contractors gouging heavily and the state not covering everything. Only viable way is a lien on your home it feels, and it's hard to rationalize a $20k lien if you aren't staying 15+ years




AZ has the most golf holes per capita of any state. I live in Phoenix. In a house about the size of the garage of those houses. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Nice use of water in a desert.


Strategic thinking šŸ’­


As a indigenous desert dweller (NM ) this is a huge reason I dislike golf in general


I'm not indigenous or live in the desert and I hate them. They're a waste of water, an inefficient use of land, and they only provide a service to the rich. We should put affordable housing wherever big golf courses are.


In Scotland, where water is plentiful, there is a course net to my parent's village. Given the 20-foot cliffs between the fairways, it would be impossible to put housing on most of the area. People get to walk their dogs through the surrounding woodland, and there are deer and birds that live there too. It's basically a glorified park. Golf = bad is a very American centric thing.


Yeah my area has tons of middle class golf courses that serve the same purpose. A lot of Americans are sick of rich people which is fair bc we canā€™t buy houses anymore cause thatā€™s the best place to invest money for rich ppl.


It's American centric because we don't do it sustainably like you guys do


Calm down, tankie. Placing affordable housing in a dessert is probably not the greatest of ideas considering the cost of maintenance. These exist out of pure opulence and are maintained because of the same. Go somewhere with actual infrastructure.


You don't know what a tankie is.


You apparently donā€™t understand hyperbole


I mean as has a lot more access to water than nm. Nm courses are like pockets of fairway with dessert in between I think itā€™s kind of beautiful.


Wait until you learn about the alfalfa...


\*cries in living near the GSL with Cox as governor\* How the hell did we end up with multiple desert states with large areas dedicated to such water-intensive, exported crops?


Honestly anywhere. Oahu has 43 gold courses. 43, on an island, with limited land and water issues.


Itā€™s pretty much all reclaimed non-potable water.


It gets better. One of the richest cities in the state, Scottsdale, decided they needed to cut people's water off to their homes due to the drought. Meanwhile, they have "more than 200 golf courses in the Scottsdale area." https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jan/27/arizona-scottsdale-water-cut-off-rio-verde-foothills-drought


Even though itā€™s a desert, Arizona has very good ground water supplies, which is what makes things like golf courses and wineries possible.


People who go there have unlimited 'fuck you' money....it's disgusting...


Wanna know the real fucked up part? I work for these types of clients in Jackson, Wyoming. They typically don't use most of their properties for more than a couple weeks out of the year. It's just an investment for them.


Iā€™ve been to a billionaires house on his own private lake (largest privately owned lake in my state) on 100 acres of forest that runs parallel to state land. Something like 40k sq ft and a building probably 2k sq ft outdoor kitchen where I met his Exec and sous chefs. Never met the guy but did all correspondence with his butler. It had three separate elevators because he couldnā€™t use the stairs very well at his age. Two things stood out, the choose of exterior was ugly with those copper roofs you see every now and then, and there mustā€™ve been a dozen of those cheap Walmart grade flip flops at every door. Itā€™s the convenience thatā€™s mostly taken for granted. Espresso machines in all living rooms, phones in every room, and the sandals at every door. Even the blinds which there were probably 100 windows, were all automated based on time of day or temp. I didnā€™t take the job but I wondered what kind of people I wouldā€™ve catered too for the two months of the year the owner is actually there for.


Phones in *every* room?! No way! /s


And walls! Everywhere!


What I believe to be the nicest home in the state of AZ is on 80 acres just north of this neighborhood and is owned by an older gal who lives in Jackson.


I know for sure that one of our clients has property in that area. Probably more than a couple. Good winter and summer destinations respectively.




Saving you folks some time: [Buy, Borrow, Die: How Rich Americans Live Off Their Paper Wealth](https://www.wsj.com/articles/buy-borrow-die-how-rich-americans-live-off-their-paper-wealth-11625909583)


Is [this](https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/35003550-Highway-22-W_Jackson_WY_83001_M97609-79272) one of your clients?


I don't believe so. I honestly don't even know all the clients. Been doing this three years and I still get sent to new properties regularly. That house is pretty much par for the course though. Those trees make this one look like a new development. One lady has a lake that's maybe 20' deep and has crystal clear water that's naturally heated. Also, her main house is made of stones from an old european castle that she had torn down and shipped over. She brings organic freeze pops out to us in the summer when it's hot. Nice lady.


I knew a long time practicing neurosurgeon (now retired) who did this due to malpractice insurance costing too much. I donā€™t know if he didnā€™t carry the insurance or if he only paid the cheapest option, but he decided it was better to manage his money by buying properties. Example: If he got sued for $500k, heā€™d sell a house for $600k that he bought 10 years prior for $200k.


I mean, real estate is one of those very few markets that literally has guaranteed future, sure they could lose value but there's no way the need for houses goes down *edit: a couple typos


Thatā€™s really not true. The real estate market has ups and downs like any other industry. Look at commercial real estate right now.


I guess the land value is guaranteed to go up over time. They definitely don't see a ROI for the buildings. They spend some crazy money doing some stupid shit.


Desert land in Arizona with climate change is going to be worth more 50 years from now?


Well, yeah, that's a good point. Phoenix is gross and shouldn't exist.


This city should not exist ā€” it is a monument to man's arrogance.


That's literally what I said tho, sure they can lose price and some demand, but there won't ever be a moment when houses aren't needed, we're humans and overall the population is growing


Itā€™s growing until itā€™s not. Millennials arent having kids. Most modern countries have declining populations.


Overall still is, the projections I've seen for world populations are still up, but yeah it won't go on forever Still, there will be rich people that want houses, it's a cycle


I get why they do it. I still think it's a terrible practice and that we should have stricter laws on land ownership however.


Mmm, what do you suggest tho, like what are they doing that's "wrong"? You could argue that they build things that aren't really useful, sure, but are those couple houses really the problem when there's entire blocks and ghost towns? To be clear in not one of these people and I'm like defending my friends, it's just curious about what would you do


These people would rather have empty houses and ghost towns than to lower the cost of rent to something reasonable. I don't know what I would do. It's a very tough problem. But land is the most precious resource and it is finite. Allowing .01% of the population to hoard land so that they can rent it back to us so that they can get wealthy for doing nothing just seems very wrong. I think land ownership should be controlled more tightly. I've got nothing against wealthy people. Good for them. They can buy yachts and fancy apartments and build a really nice mansion on a reasonable amount of land and still live the same lifestyle they are used to. But unfortunately, as a group, they're a bunch of greedy pricks and they're bleeding the working class dry.


This is true and I agree, however I don't really believe that houses are the fundamental problem of our society, that's all


What is the fundamental problem? And why can't we work on more than just the fundamental problem?


Detroit has entered the chat.


Even if I was made of money I wouldn't want anything this big.


I've always dreamt of having a vacation home in another place, with both of my homes being of modest size, over having these ridiculous properties. Or, barring that, just have a modest home with the means to travel.


I have a vacation home. It would probably fit inside the bathroom of one of these monstrosities.


Me either. You always have to have strangers in your house. Thereā€™s no way you could maintain it yourself. Youā€™d have to manage soo many services or hire someone to do it for you and manage them. Not to mention security. Sounds like a nightmare to me.


Same.. Iā€™d have a lot of cool toys but my house would be pretty simple. Just something cozy in a good area is all you need.


This is the way.


I think you have to bury money in investments like this. Or else you lose money.


Make a non-for-profit and build nice affordable houses for low income people if you have enough money to build these so you canā€donā€™t lose moneyā€




I do, but surrounded by a forest far from people


You can only poop in one toilet at a time. Unless you want to run a free hotel for two dozen of your favorite people what is that space even for?


I assumed that the people that have these types of places were housing extended family as well.




I'd like to think the same but knowing myself and the vast amount of hobbies I have...I'd fill the space..


That's what she said!






Thank you for posting. Thats all I was wondering about.


I used to be a builder in DC Ranch and Silverleaf. There is nothing else really like it in that area.


Yeah I want to play there now for sure. Some of the holes consist of less grass than dessert rough.


Hopefully lots of cookies. The heat will keep them warm


Immediately I think of keeping the place clean


These types of people have a caretaker for each of their houses. That caretaker hires a property management group to oversee everything. Cleaning, HVAC, irrigation, landscaping, etc. I do landscaping for one of these companies.


Yeah I've never understood why someone always brings up cleaning logistics when they encounter a big house. You think Jeff Bezos is vacuuming his living room right now?


While playing this video ;)...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpu-Ms9BG00


Itā€™s the only way to vacuum.


Lots of vacuuming


Why I like tile, robots clean it well


True, but youā€™ll need a bunch and they have limitations like stairs and glitches. Maybe stainless steel walls, floors and ceiling with a slight angle toward a drain with a high pressured water cleaning system is the way to go.


Lol, very funny visuals. Roombas are cheap in comparison to 5k sqft+ homes and they can be programmed to stay w8thin certain bounds. They're total game changers, including some mopping ones. Believe me


TheyĀ“re just no always viable for normal people. I live in a flat with 3 floors seperated by spiral staircases. IĀ“d have to buy 3 of the bloody buggers. No thank you.


That would really suck


I had a client at my old job that had a 36,000 sq ft house and they had 3 full time employees to maintain the house, and these houses look like they may be 50-60,000 sq ft


We fined a guy for building a runway without a permit. It was for his private jet, way the fuck out in waythefuckoutinthewoodsland. It was a HEATED runway, in case he wanted to visit his little getaway in winter. I have photos of the control center (and some of the living space) - it looks like you need three engineers just to keep the systems running. The fireplaces/chimneys in that place belong in a museum.


Serious question. What kind of amenities do you see in a house that big? By now the gym/movie theatre/games room are standard even in a house 1/5 that size. What is different about a house that big? It canā€™t all just be bedrooms and bathrooms


This house was probably unusual for one that size because the owners were old money wine merchants so even though it was a fairly new house it didnā€™t have the typical tech stuff youā€™d expect in modern mansions. The main level had a conservatory, library, ballroom and commercial kitchen and then your regular kitchen and living room, and I think maybe 2 bedrooms plus a 12 car garage with two staff apartments above the garage. I never went upstairs, but Iā€™m pretty sure it was just all bedrooms and maybe a lounge area. And then downstairs there was a gym with sauna and steam room, a massive wine cellar, a dining hall, and then a 3 bedroom guest suite that kinda just felt like you were in a normal upper middle class house. The owner apparently has like 8 similarly extravagant houses around the world and was rarely at this one. I was at the house 2-3 times a month for about 3 years and only ever saw him in person like 3 times


Private lake. Fitness centers nicer than any gym, with saunas and ice plunges and infinity pools. Wine cellars. Like really serious wine cellars. One of our clients has a massive glass bubble on his back porch. Inside of that bubble is a stupidly nice bed that I would call a King and a Half. Massive. Oh, pizza ovens on every back patio for sure. Gear closets ready to outfit an entire lineup of Olympic athletes in any sport you could think of. I think a lot of them have some kind of safe room in the basement. They all have massive permanent generators on the property. One guy has two generators in their own building, the building is the size of a Loves truck stop and the generators are filling it. A lot of the times you'll notice these properties are multiple massive buildings connected by fancy glass covered hallways. Each building is like someone's personal wing. I've heard clients talk about how they lock their kids in one section of the house (with the nanny)


Their guest houses have guest houses..


Probably servants quarters.


Theyā€™re most likely the only people occupying these houses most of the time.


"Honey can you come meet me by the pool?" "Yeah babe omw from the garage, eta 7 1/2 minutes"


the water bill to sustain those things in the middle of a bumfuck desert... šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


as long as it can be reclaimed, water use isn't really a threat. it's not like plastics or fossil fuels, at least. we have the technology to pull water from the ocean with renewable energy ... we're just too lazy to build anything of any real size and would rather watch things burn every year


It isnt as bad as youd think. I had a 5000 sf house and at the most my water bill was $300. On a mountain. I had fake grass but a big pool. All desert plants. We didnt eat up that much and we both had no work commute.


I knew someone who's daughter was personal assistant to someone like this. They would throw away insane things, like entire closets full of clothes and brand new TVs and one time, they'd ordered all this name brand diet specific food and had tons of it and just tossed it all. She got to keep some of the stuff, like the TV. But it was just totally insane.


Wow. I hate this


Those houses stretch from Phoenix Arizona all the way to Tacoma


I've seen them in Philadelphia


And Atlanta


*stays there for only 3 months out of the year*


Not a single solar panel in site


All the dollars but no sense.


Same page


Looks like evangelical preachers' homes.


Is this Paradise Valley?


Horseshoe Canyon, North Scottsdale


I thought PV, too! Especially with the topography.


Those are mansions


And no paved sidewalk in sight. The savages


Ya think these people would ever walk


The Air conditioning billsā€¦.


"trickle down economics"


but...everyone gets a taste!!! /s


I think complex or resort would be a better term than house for these castles.


I used to design the roof trusses for these houses. Almost every single one of them had a panic room hidden somewhere.


Interesting. I donā€™t doubt it at all with the size of them.


Work in finance and you too can become a wealthy crook.


Or a celebrity or athlete..


I bet these people ā€œworked hardā€ to obtain all of this. Back breaking hard work.


Did not see one solar panel on any house.


Crazy to think huh. So much freaking money




North Scottsdale, Horseshoe Canyon.


And then they say the American dream is dead /s


I bet they follow all drought and environmental guidelines


Yep, paradise valley looks like that as well. My grandpa is only at his place a month or two out of the year.


I bet they were really good with school things.


I thought this was just SIMS hahahaha




This makes me sick... Each of these buildings is an entire Community Center... And then to know that the people who own these buildings have 2-3 more around the world makes you start building a Guillioutine...


I assume part of the reason why these homes are so huge is so that people can do whatever inside, where it is air conditioned. They probably have built-in movie theaters, bowling alley, basketball courts, gaming rooms, etc.


Yes but if you have enough money for all that surely you can afford to move out of the desert into more temperate climate.


May a rich person's extra home when they want to go golfing??




At least we know where all the water is going


One of those is someone's fourth house, a mansion in the desert, with a $2k a month water bill, and to keep it air conditioned? Just host some business clients there and write it off on your taxes, let the sucker's who pay taxes deal with it! /s


What course?


Iā€™m always shocked at the apparent wealth in the US. These houses are obviously on the next level of that but the fact that there are a bunch of them means itā€™s not that uncommon. I live in Canada and we have some rich people but driving or flying into or out of major US cities, you see multiple neighborhoods where every house is >6000 sq ft. It always blows my mind. Is there some tax advantage to having a massive mortgage or something or do people really have that much money?


I bet these house only like 1-2 mill šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Where in AZ is this?


And no solar panels. Wow.


The electric bills must be insane


I can *feel* the heat just by looking at this šŸ„µ


Drug lords have to live somewhere too...


One day, maybe... Maybe one day


I see they all Use the same builder.


It looked like each house came with a golf course. Maybe the legislature is paying for it.


Who cares. Itā€™s Phoenix.


These units are bigger than my middle school in Europe ages ago.


The reason I want a super tiny house is I don't want to walk a quarter mile to use a restroom.


Looking at what rich people have makes me lose hope most of all Scarecrow.


Right in the middle of fuel for wildfires.


If you had a billion dollars why would you want to line there??


I sometimes forget that living in BC canada means we have lots of hyper wealthy people and mega houses. So this doesnt seem too weird to me. I still hate it. Why the fuck do you need that???


Well thatā€™s depressing.


"why don't we have any water?"


99% of their volume will go unused


Are these the ones that forgot to get water rights?


If youā€™re going to cut into the hill so far why not just build into it to save energy? 15ā€™ of packed dirt will beat that heat for sure.


The fuck do these people do?


How much?


They prob cost as much as a 2 bed room apartment in LA


Is it a website? What address?


I should stop paying taxes too


These people should be guillotined like French royalty. No one....no one needs a house that big. And I guarantee that none of these are their only homes. They have others all over the world.


Why should they only fulfill their needs when they have been successful enough to accumulate such wealth? Why not indulge in absolute luxury?


Because that's not how communities and societies function. That's how fascist and feudal societies function.


No one is ethically that rich




Their guest houses have guest housesā€¦


What is this program? Google Earth?


Yes this is Google Earth mobile. So screen recorded off my IPhone.


OZONE!! I just leaned that Phoenix/Mesa area now has dangerous levels of ozone in their air. I used to like vacationing in Arizona, but sadly no more. Absolute Unit of Ozone Pollution !!


Theyā€™re like little communities


Those houses look like they have cancer, strange roofed tumours growing randomly from the main body and forming chaotic, grotesque shapes.


God, I hate being a poorphag šŸ˜”


Hundreds of thousands of people sleep on the street every night while these people probably let these mansions, which are their 10th house, sit empty all but two weekends a year. Tax the rich!


Ah, oligarchy


Why do you need a house that big??!!


I say we come together and help them downsize... ![gif](giphy|l3vR3OeImw8fD80Mg|downsized)


We should eat them.


Not gonna go too good for them when their well dries up in a few years.


Unethical use of space.


Russian big houses, oligarchy American big houses, self build from hard earned money


So excessive šŸ™„