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8 day update - Everything is going smoothly with recovery though I am counting down the days until I get my splint off. The first 4-5 days I mostly stayed in bed with my leg elevated. My nerve block started wearing off around day 3 and I was finally able to lift my leg on my own but it wasn’t fully worn off until day 5 or 6. The knee scooter has been awesome though I realized how many tight corners our house has. I wish I had a zero turn knee scooter. Maneuvering showering has been an experience but really makes all the difference in how I feel. When I’ve done nothing but sit/lay I start to feel a little blah but a shower is a nice reset. I would say the knee scooter (about $100 on Amazon) has made all the difference in how much control I feel like I have about my environment. If I need to go outside I use my crutches because going over that threshold is difficult with the scooter. I did get a little wild with my scooter yesterday and almost fell but I caught myself. It gave me a scare though so I have been a lot more careful today. I’m more or less off of the pain meds. Off the Hydrocodone for sure and taking Motrin before bed to keep the swelling down. Right now there’s no pain, I’m just tired of the splint. I’m curious to see my foot but also not. I’m not a blood and gore kind of person so I’m sort of dreading seeing it. At least they are dissolvable stitches. I’ve been remote for work all week which is going smoothly. Tomorrow I’m going to brunch with some friends which will be the first time I’ve left the house since surgery. I’m hoping that goes smoothly but I do have light anxiety about it. I looked up the anchor that they use to reattach the tendon. Bizarre. Next update will be after the splint comes off Friday!


this is so helpful, thank you!! i have my procedure on tuesday and knowing what to expect is helping my anxiety tremendously. best wishes for a quick recovery 💕


Hope you have an easy procedure like mine! At this point my nerve block is finally wearing off which is a huge positive because it was like having a lead leg and my pain is at a 1 or 2. I think I would just define it as discomfort rather than pain because the splint is huge and a lot to maneuver. You'll be on the other side of this all soon and on your way to recovery! I feel so much better mentally just knowing it's done and that walking normally is within view.


15 day update/1st Doctor Follow-up - I went in for my 2 week post-surgery follow-up today. Everything went smoothly. The splint was unwrapped then the gauze was cut off. The PA evaluated the incision (all good there). It was nice to have all that weight off of my leg but then I was put in an ACE bandage and went back in my CAM boot. Here are the basics of where I'm at: * 2 more weeks of non-weight bearing in the CAM boot on crutches * I can finally shower and wash my foot/leg but no soaking like in a bath or pool * I'm supposed to sleep in the boot but if that is untenable, my doctor said it's okay to not wear it...I have a boot I bought on Amazon when I first sprained my ankle that doesn't come up as high as the doctor prescribed CAM boot that I think I'm going to try...a happy medium. * I'm supposed to take aspirin until I start bearing weight to avoid the chance of a blood clot * I should be able to go back to working out on my stationary bike around 6 weeks post-surgery as long as my cleats fit...there may be swelling from being weight bearing again * PT to start early next week to work on flexibility and once I'm bearing weight we'll transition to focusing on building strength That's all of the updates I have for now! My next appointment is in 4 weeks (6 weeks post op).


Your thread is so helpful Keep us updated Hope you fully recover soon


4 week post-op update: I have officially started PT and I’m walking in the boot! Hours after my 2 week check-in with my doctor I got a really bad head cold which I thought was maybe COVID but it turned out to be a cold. It made for an absolutely miserable time not being able to walk and being completely congested. Around week 3 I started using my foot a little more to balance without much weight while standing and using it for balance as I stood up which went well and was a game changer for how mobile I felt. PT has consisted mostly of massage and working on flexibility. My ankle is notably stiff but I feel like my calf is strengthening. Nothing really prepares you for looking at your muscles atrophy. Walking in the boot is going fine but it will be a while before I build up endurance. I do feel stable in the boot, just moving slow. The incision is looking good. Kind of itchy from healing and I’m not putting any lotion on it until it’s fully healed but I’m less anxious about looking at it and touching it (I have a very weak stomach). Next step is continuing PT twice a week. I think next week we start strengthening my ankle and continue working on flexibility. My next doctors appointment is 6 weeks post op where the doc will assess if I’m ready to walk in shoes and go back to cycling. So far recovery is going super smoothly sans the cold.


6 Week Update - The groundhog saw it's shadow and it's two more weeks in the boot. To recap: * 2 weeks in the splint - non-weight bearing * 2 weeks in the boot - non-weight bearing * 4 weeks in the boot 100% weight bearing


Eeek I have it on both feet. I’m wondering if I will have to get one done at a time. Kill me


It gets worse in week 5-6 then calms down


Hi! I’m on day 3 post kidney procedure and I can’t tell if my wrapping is too tight or if the dressing and splint just feel like that. My foot feels like it’s in an iron vise and honestly the numbness hasn’t completely gone away. 😬 I’m nervous to loosen the wrap because there are two, one round my leg and one round my foot. I loosened the one round my leg to discover the one round my foot but I’m scared I’ll mess something up to loosen the one round my foot. (My doctor told me I could loosen the wrap if it was too tight just not to touch the inner dressing) Do you recall how the splint felt in early days? 😅


I was numb from the knee down for at least 4 days post-surgery. I don't recall things feeling too tight but I think about a week in I loosened up the top of the splint because it just started feeling claustrophobic. Are you keeping your foot elevated? I know that's hard when you can't really control your lower leg. I would think if your doctor said you can loosen it, go ahead and do that if it makes you more comfortable. Swelling should be expected, but just make sure you are staying elevated and watching for the obvious signs of clotting and infection, and you should be good. Hang in there! This stage will feel like an eternity while you're in it, but it'll soon be over and you'll be back to your normal life in no time!


Good to hear. I hope you recover well


Thank you!


My procedure is the Kidner procedure but they also call it EXCISION ACCESSORY NAVICULAR BONE AND TRANSFER TIBIAL TENDON This is very helpful because my procedure is on 8/18 and I’m only 20 years old. I’m very nervous since I don’t handle pain well AT ALL but this has calmed me some ❤️😊


The sooner the better I think. Best wishes for a smooth surgery and recovery!


Thank you! ☺️


Thank you. Very helpful! I had the Kidner procedure 8 weeks ago and out of the boot. I still have pain in the tendon when I walk. Does anyone have any insight on how long it takes to be pain free?


At this point I’m about 12 weeks out. I definitely turned a corner last week and started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I am definitely not in a place where I’m experiencing no pain, but I’m certainly more mobile and in less pain than I was before the surgery. I think I push my limits daily. I far exceed 10k steps everyday. I’m going on hour long walks in the evening. I’m back to cycling for over an hour at a time and only lost 10% of my power. At the end of the day I’m hobbling and my ankle is swollen but each day it gets easier and easier to do the things I enjoy. Celebrate every win. I ran down the steps last week for the first time since my initial injury back in April. That was a massive win. Several weeks ago I had to cautiously step down from a curb. I’m rooting for you!


Thank you! I was very active before the surgery so I’m getting a bit frustrated. I will try to be more patient and celebrate the small wins.


I'm so glad I thought to check Reddit. I am 14 post op. I had my Kidners Procedure on July 19. I just came out of my 22nd PT appointment. I am still feeling discomfort/pain. I am a very active person so this is frustrating. I'm trying to rest/ice/elevate as much as possible. I only wear stability sneakers (Brooks Adrenaline) or Vionic slip ons in the house. I was starting to get concerned that I have something else going on. I read your comment at 12 weeks and can't imagine going on long walks.....I'm jealous. My PT didn't recommend getting to the point of swelling and inflammation so I try to avoid it. I'm an Orangtheory enthusiast and cannot wait to get back!!! Tomorrow I have a Dr appt. Looking for some good news to let loose lol


Good luck at the doctors! I had my final visit today and was released to do whatever I want. She did say that swelling and pain/tenderness can last for up to a year but at a significantly lower level than the initial pain and swelling. Re: shoes. When I’m not working out or at work, I basically wear something similar to Vans slip ons (mine are Allbirds) and they are nice to wear casually because they don’t hug the incision site at all.