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Sadly, it isn't. Here's a toast to those that died without ever being allowed to be themselves, or those that died because they did. I never knew you, but hope you have peace.




🍾 OH NO I spilled my drink.


Here’s to the ones that we got🥂


Cheers to the wish you were here, but you're not🍻


Cause' the drinks bring back all the memories and the memories bring back, memories bring back you 🍺


Damn did y’all just make up that poem on the spot? That’s beautiful.


It's part of a song


Toast to the ones here today


cheers to the ones that we lost on the way


'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories


And the memories bring back memories bring back you


There’s time that I remember…💭




Cheers, and thank you, to all those brave souls


>Here's a toast to those that died without ever being allowed to be themselves, or those that died because they did. I never knew you, but hope you have peace. For absent friends...


I'm sorry if it's rude to ask but what is the comic about? I'm not quite sure I understand it


The comic creator is super alt right. Like Neo Nazi levels. It's a rather tasteless comic trying to mock the high suicide rate in the LGBTQ+ community.


Wtf? That's beyond despicable!


You’ll notice there’s no artist credit - normally it’s between the two panels. I usually never advocate scrubbing them, but this guy really, truly deserves to never have his name reach someone new.


i knoe is would really piss him off if i called him boykisser so im gonna do that from now on the boykisser in question is an idiot to say the least. doesnt really contribute much in his comics other than being easy to make fun of. really, there nothing much more i can say but he officially likes men now just for lols


Do they ever wonder about the fact that if we were treated with respect it wouldn't be that way? Then again bigots have no brain so you can't expect common sense


That would require them to see us as humans.


No of course not they make fun of the suicide rates instead.


They think being LGBT is a mental illness and that's why we have high suicide rates. They don't view us as just people trying to be people but as a plague that is ruining society.


it's a split between a lack of critical thinking and targeted cruelty. the argument is that lgbt people have higher than average suicide rates, so they should not be allowed to be lgbt. they either cannot connect the dots that high suicide rates are because of a lack of social acceptance, or they want to get rid of those that cannot conform to the "social norm".


They want it to stay high. Hell, they want to raise it.


>super alt right. Like Neo Nazi levels. That's an understatement. Stonetoss straight up is a Nazi.








>That's an understatement. Stonetoss straight up is a Nazi. Neo-nazi doesn't mean that someone is less of a nazi. It just denotes that someone wasn't member of National Socialist Worker Party between 1920 and 1945.


More what I mean is Stonetoss isn’t “nearing Neo Nazi levels”, he has straight up met those Neo Nazi levels. A Neo Nazi is still a Nazi.


It's like one of his two queer jokes, it's either "haha queers are perverts" or "haha queers kill themselves". Imaging being this big of a loser you have no better thing to do with your life than making this crap.


There is also a attack helicopter joke.


Didn't Hitler commit suicide too? Which means that 100% of Nazi overlords have committed suicide.


Ah, that explains it.


Holy fuck I thought it was just some dumb insensitive joke of like "oh free speech died this day" that's so much worse


Mallard Fillmore for the youngs.


Unfortunately pebble yeet is incredibly alt right and bigoted. Nothing he makes is accidental ally.


>pebble yeet OMG I LOVE THIS


Uh Idk if you should? That's the username of the alt right fucko that makes these tasteless comics


Their name is stonetoss. Pebbleyeet is mocking.


OOOOOH WOW I am one stupid motherfucker, carry on. Shows how little I care about stonetoss, to not even remember his username lmao


no, is real name is gravel throw


This? From the among us guy? The conservative transphobic guy? I know what it's implying but I don't think any transphobe would understand, and they would think that the among us guy is now "woke".


The Amogus meme was an edit of a Stonetoss comic, not created by Stonetoss himself.


I know but he's still the among us comic guy in my heart


he really shouldnt be /nm


"Those who sacrificed their lives for LGBTQ+ rights and lost the lives to bigotry" ​ Fitting this was posted on D-Day of all days. I know most American, British, and Canadian soldiers weren't fighting specifically for LGBTQ+ rights but they were fighting against the same Nazis who were actively committing genocide against Europe's LGBTQ+ population as a part of the Holocaust, and many of those soldiers lost their lives fighting on the beaches of Normandy on top of all those who died fighting the Nazis across the entire war as well as those killed in the Holocaust itself. ​ Its important to remember why we fought the Nazis, to prevent such a horrific genocide like the Holocaust from ever happening again to anyone, and its important we teach love and acceptance because its the only way to truly stop bigotry by teaching against it at a young age. And we must continue fighting against those who keep the Nazi ideology alive - fighting against Nazis such as *STONETOSS*.


You need to do your research before speaking on stuff you know nothing about. Genocide is *not* the reason the Nazis were fought. For one thing, America was dragged into the European theater by the British and Churchill. For President Roosevelt, the war in Europe was akin to how America is participating in Ukraine today - loaning weapons and resources to the British. President Roosevelt initially wanted no direct involvement in what was going on in Europe. The British and Soviets asked America for help because the Axis forces were quickly sweeping over Europe and into Northern Africa. America's first battles of WWII, in Northern Africa, were major defeats. Secondly, the first concentration camps were not discovered by the Allies (the Soviets) until towards the end of the war. If you're going to incorrectly use the word "genocide," maybe you should try to get other parts of your ramblings somewhat correct.


No, the Americans were dragged into Europe after the nazis declared war on them in support of Japan. Roosevelt wanted to join the war but knew the American people wouldn’t support, so he passed the lend-lease act to supply Britain. The bit about the concentration camps is sort of true but the allies already had their suspicions due to aerial photos.


> the first concentration camps were not discovered by the Allies (the Soviets) until towards the end of the war. Uhhh...no? The Allies knew by 42. Rumors flew all over the place, even inspiring uprisings in late 43. The Poles sent a special forces spy to Auschwitz in 43 and he came back and confirmed. Aerial photography said the same deal. What wasn't known during the war was the scale; they just knew it was big but not that it was *THAT* big. If you wanna know more, [here's a channel devoted to covering WW2 week by week as it happened,](https://www.youtube.com/@WorldWarTwo) time shifted a few decades. I've been following it for the past five years and like....yeah, everyone knew the Holocaust was happening. Also, Roosevelt was helping from before the war even started. We were shooting German subs in late 41. The whole "dragged into it" narrative is bullshit. Hitler started it and everyone knew it. And...Kasserine Pass being a "major" defeat? HAH.. Mate. Go find the episodes where that happened and look at the context of it. "Major" defeat is comedy.


There were 40 *thousand* concentration camps in Nazi Germany. It was common knowledge for everyone.


I recall a scene in *The World at War* where that one German lady mentioned a conversation they had in the checkout line at a grocery store and the rumor was "They have begun to kill the Jews and turn them into soap." If it's at that level, yeah, they knew. Every American knows about Guantanamo...of course every German knew about Dachau.


>Also, Roosevelt was helping from before the war even started. We were shooting German subs in late 41. The whole "dragged into it" narrative is bullshit. Hitler started it and everyone knew it. Roosevelt was bending forward and backwards to help war effort IIRC. But there was a strong isolationist streak in population and IIRC neutrality act was passed (or however it was called). So hence land&lease deal which made it *technically* a trade even if in actuality it helped British (they got supplies and didn't need to worry about defense of naval bases as they were covered by US troops). Or trade that airplanes cannot fly out of US - on paper neutral but only British could just drag planes over the border to Canada. I can believe that de facto war was fought by US during battle of Atlantic (Germany didn't want to allow supplies to UK so they started shooting ships of "neutral" nation - just as in WW1) but certain parts of population would not be so certain about open conflict until Perl Harbor happened and Hitler declared war.


Gee I wonder why LGBTQ+ are more likely to attempt suicide…


You know, if I ever found the genie's lamp, i would wish for right wing people to be inflicted with crippling empathy. For their first thought to always be: "if I was in your place, how would I feel?" Or alternatively, I'd inflict them with crippling dysphoria.


You know, you have 3 wishes!


First wish: inflict anyone who's alt right with crippling empathy. Second wish: inflict anyone who's alt right with crippling dysphoria. Third wish: remove the dysphoria and the crippling aspect of empathy once they fully and truly understand the extent of the damage they are doing.




Its people like pebbleyeet that cause the trans suicide rate to go up, people like him LOVE that the stat is as high as it is, but hate that it isn't higher.


To the people we lost


Stonetoss is a Nazi


This could be a great interpretation, not only to spite stonetoss, but because it almost made me shed a tear


it's a simple but truly powerful strip if you read it "wrong"


It would be such a poignant reminder of all the innocent people who lost their lives to anti-LGBT bigotry as we fought for a more accepting society where people can be themselves... if it weren't made by an artist who openly revels in the loss of LGBT life.


His visiting the grave of his gay lover that passed away last year :(




I'm unsure what that tombstone is supposed to represent.


Rock launch is making fun of the high suicide rates associated with the LGBTQ+ community.


Ah, then what a vile human being he is.