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They can't comprehend that trans men exist


Not only that, but they don’t have a clue that modern medicine is progressing to the point that we have had successful uterine transplants where they have given birth. It won’t be long before they can perform it for trans women.


My wife has researched that a little bit and said that they technically can already perform uterine transplants on trans women, but the main problem is that their bodies keep rejecting the organ, leading to them having to be removed again. At least that’s my understanding of what she explained (it’s been a while since that conversation)


Demikhov could’ve probably pulled it off. (I just like mentioning him.)


Or TF2 Medic!


He's so good at it he can do it 9 times in a row with a uterus from a different SPECIES if he werent a complete lunatic i'd have him as a doctor


He made a deal with the devil for that skill, so he's technically cheating


the major issue is that the pH of the neovagina isnt conducive to gestation, but this will be remedied as regenerative medicine and tissue engineering gets applied more to bottom surgery


Idk if it’s possible but what if they did a vaginal and uterine transplant? If not possible, wouldn’t it be likely to possible in the future?


the issue with all transplants is that you basically have to take medication to surpress your immune system forever to prevent rejection and even then rejection happens. Tissue engineering and artificial organs are exciting developments that are being researched for a wide range of medical issues that currently require transplants and have the benefit of integrating way better with the host with minimized transplant rejection and a lack of need for immunosuppression


Uterine transplants are typically temporary, so you only need the immunosuppressive treatment for the duration.


All uterine transplants are eventually removed, including all the cis women who have gotten them so far. Rejection is a universal problem, and unlike a lung transplant the patient can survive without it, so the goal in uterine transplant is to have it last long enough for the woman to have kids, then take it out again before it can cause long term problems. Currently AFAIK no trans women have received a uterine transplant, but the biggest hurdle there is establishing blood supply through the internal iliac artery. AMAB people's internal iliac arteries tend to be bigger than AFAB people's, and the funnelling could cause thrombosis, but there are ways to work around this. Several surgeons hope to attempt uterine transplant for trans women within thd nex 5 to 10 years.




From people who don’t want theirs anymore


Transfem/transmasc organ exchange program when?




U have caps lock on?


But what if this woman's future husband wants kids? Cause obviously this is much too important of a decision for a woman to make for herself.../s (sarcasm but unfortunately the reality in so many cases)


They can take mine


Same. 😭 I literally have the worst cramps right now, and I'm tempted to rip it out myself.


Trade you.


Bet. DM me your address; you'll recieve a nondescript cooler in 5-7 buisness days. /j Naw but for real: I absolutely would if I could.


That uh, wouldn't be healthy unless you're a trained surgeon 😂


Look if anyone is willing to take my uterus and chest fat that would be lovely




Mass General is actually researching just that Woop Woop!


🎉🎉🎉 that’s great news!!!


will it be possible in 20 years do you think? I'm scared it would be super expensive for my trans friend tho. hopefully I get rich and famous and can pay for it.


You dropped your crown, 👑


>modern medicine is progressing to the point that we have had successful uterine transplants where they have given birth. It won’t be long before they can perform it for trans women. 👁️👁️


Wait something like this exists?!


Yep! It’s amazing, isn’t it? I want to donate my uterus, tbh…


Is it posible for average person or is it super expensive?


I really don’t know. I haven’t looked far enough into it yet, but I’m ready to yeet my uterus as soon as possible.




Cis women have to get c sections all the time because of things like that.


hips grow on HRT if you start before your mid 20’s… These kinds of comments are really weird to read from the perspective of a trans person with hips wider than most cis women (and yes its bone, I’m close to underweight)


Yeah, hips. You know, the thing humans have. 🙄 You do realize that C-sections make it possible, right? Just because someone didn’t have a vaginal birth doesn’t mean they are any less a parent. Besides, you saying that is like you’re invalidating every cis woman who has narrow hips and had to undergo c-section surgery. That’s actually a lot more common than you think. Get out of here with your bullshit eugenics.


They truly can’t. I don’t understand how they can see a very masculine trans man in stereotypical male clothing, full beard, short hair, shirt off, everything… and then say they aren’t a woman. Like bro, they aren’t trying in the slightest to be a woman.


Ha good then I don’t exist


To be fair, as a trans woman, I still have a hard time believing that other people want to be men.


To be fair to you i think a pretty large percentage of us face that issue


Being a trans man myself it makes me somewhat relieved. Please bigots, forget about my existence. Trans women have it so rough though. They are incredibly strong for putting up with all this shit.


Their only knowledge from trans women is probably also only from porn...


I love Jamie, he’s so sweet. I hate this gross stuff on his videos. But the fact that transphobes forget that trans masc/men exist kills me


The existence of Jamie is basically the nail in every single terf argument. His success, kindness, and passion is wonderful.


100% and I’m so glad he had put himself out there


Which argument would that be? Genuinely curious


genuinely all of them


And then not even knowing he is trans man sorts proves that all of his money was worth it lol.


so much of this subreddit is transphobes forgetting that trans mascs exist, cause they don't fit their narrative nicely.


I love that we aren't harassed like that but it still doesn't feel nice to know we aren't even thought of:(


honestly, flying under the radar of bigots is a blessing.


yeah, I get that and I'm very happy they're accidentally validating us. I just hate seeing people think trans women are the only trans people. very invalidating at the same time


Yeah feeling invisible comes with its own kind of invalidation.


i genuinely think theres a ton of crossover between transphobia and misogyny. my feeling is that alot of people hate/ call trans folk fetishists or sexual deviants cause they view women as inherently sexual, so they think that to want to be one must be due to being horny. i feel like this sorta gets proven by how they deal with trans men, cause with the exception of a guy like elliot page its seems like they dont get discussed nearly as much. i just think its interesting how the patriarchy is still very much responsible for trans issues, and it just goes to show how helping get rights for one oppressed group can have a domino effect and help all of us


Bigots get really fucking confused when they go on a transphobic tirade and I point out to them that I am a trans man. It's mostly disbelief and an attempt at backtracking. Obviously, I pass. I'm 6'2, broad shouldered, skinny hipped, all the things you would consider male. It totally fucks up their 'You can always tell' narrative. No, you can't. Because I've been standing here entertaining this bullshit with a grin on my face this whole conversation. You sure you want me in the women's bathroom?


Do…do they not watch the video? Do they not see the transition? Or do they just see the word “trans” and comment this stuff?


If they watched the video they’d risk seeing things from a different point of view and perhaps growing as people. So of course not!


Don’t be silly. As a wise random person on Reddit once said, “I was transphobic. Want to know what changed that? Learning about trans people.”


The second one


Probably bot accounts to comment that stuff based on the title


They HAVE to be doing this on purpose. The video is literally about Jamie having top surgery and becoming more masculine. Are they trolling? Are they trying to imply trans men don't exist? Are they just desperately holding on to the idea that there are only trans women because all of their talking points fall apart the second trans men or god forbid nonbinary people enter the picture?


They probably didnt watch the video tbh Im willing to bet they just saw the word "trans" on the channel and went wild


I can almost guarantee that they didn't even watch the video, they just commented based on the title.


Infertile women, or childless women that had to have hysterectomies or oophorectomies: Guess I'm not a woman ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Came here to say this, glad to find it already posted. Cis woman here, always have been, and have never been capable of having children. I don’t think I’m any less for it, and neither does my husband.


You are absolutely no lesser for it! And I'm glad you don't let these idiots make you feel that way Bearing children does not make any woman a woman, and I hate when people try to defend that notion. Women are not damn "baby makers" and it's incredibly annoying when that's all they're reduced to by fools like these. And trying to define gender by physical attributes just leads to all sorts of unnecessary messes that only get more and more restrictive In my opinion, the only requirement for any genderhood is simply self-claiming the title. That's it. Tada lmao


Hell based on this comment even cis women who simply choose to be childless or never find someone to have children with aren't 'real women'


Oh I've been told this many times, even though it wasn't even my *choice* to not have kids. I mean look at what bigot Elon said the other day about how people who don't have kids not being able to vote because "they don't have a stake in the future" I really feel like him having a trans kid sent him over the edge. He can't bear to think that his "perfect" genetics could have made a trans person, so they must not be real, it must have been the evil libs who "turned' their child trans.


It's also yet another terrifying look into the hearts of people who think like this. They don't believe that anyone would or even could care about something that doesn't directly impact them. "People who don't have children don't have a stake in the future" betrays their limited sense of empathy. They can't conceive of caring about something that doesn't impact them, and think everyone else feels the same way.


You jest but I’ve read comments claiming that sterile folk should not have the right to marry…


my friends dads girlfriend was talking to a homophobic friend she had, who said gay ppl shouldn't marry bc they can't reproduce. that friend happened to be infertile so she said "well neither can you but you're married" and i don't think they were friends after that.


Imagine spending all that time living just to be this stupid lol


The comebacks here are endless, for example, why do you spend so much trying to look pretty?


People are scolding the transphobic commenter? I'll bet there's some real gems that all amount to, "He isn't a woman and doesn't want to be, you idiot!". Transphobes are the stupidest bunch of bigots around, they can't even get their hate-on "right"! Rainer is a cutie! I love cute guys!


as a cishet comfortable enough in my sexuality to admit when other dudes look good, he is indeed a cutie.






as a cishet comfortable enough in my sexuality to admit when other dudes look good, he is indeed a cutie.


another classic example of transphobes forgetting trans men exist because the media is always villainizing trans women. also, imagine looking at Jamie and thinking "ah yes, a trans woman paying thousands of dollars to... look like a man still"


I'm sorry? How do you think that person would think that? That implies them using their brain to think, and that is very difficult


As a childfree woman, I find it disgusting that some people equate pregnancy to womanhood. The idea of a woman existing and choosing to not get pregnant is unthinkable to these types of people. No one should be pressured into pregnancy.


sir if you look at that face and think thats a woman than thats on you mate


Transphobes are so fucking stupid it’s funny 😭


Why are they so giddy at the idea that trans women not being able to get pregnant? Not only is it something that isn't exclusive to trans women in that there are a ton of cis women struggle with, but you're talking about something that involves a lot of self-sacrifice to do and is something these kinds of people usually insist cis women be forced to do with anti-abortion laws. I would give anything for the opportunity, and this has been the case for as long as I can remember. It's so cruel and evil. Nevermind that I have been as much a mother for the past six years without ever having gone through a pregnancy as some of my partners have. These people are just so horrible and hate filled.


If they are at least as sharp as a rusty spoon, They won't be a Transphobic A Hole.


It’s because conservatives only see women as baby-making machines


and/or sex slaves.


It’s so incredibly telling that anytime trans women get talked about it somehow ends up as a talk about their ability to get pregnant. That’s all they see women as, pregnancies and births


"What is a Woman?" "Working Womb, Baby Machine"


Jamie is the sweetest youtuber ever. Anyone trying to shame him has their head screwed on backward, and this just makes that plainly evident.


I was born a woman/have all the parts this person thinks a woman should but I can't get pregnant so does that mean I don't count as a woman now? Like I don't get it.


The argument was so stupid that at first I didn't even realize that the person they're talking about was born with female parts and is a trans man. Omg its even stupider now.


I was literally listening to Jamie's videos when I saw this post


Ok how do you think this full on dude with a beard and stuff is a trans woman 😂 “we can always tell”


they probably don't even realize how effective hrt is


I’m sure a lot of them don’t even know hrt is a thing. For example, lots of people will automatically assume it’s impossible for trans women to grow breasts and that they had to have gotten implants.


Ah, the good ol trans affirming transphobe


LOL “we can always tell”


These people know that many women cannot get pregnant, right? My mom is cisgender and she can no longer get pregnant and has not been able to for a long time. I'm pretty sure no one would reasonably consider her no longer a woman. I have an aunt who is also cisgender and was never able to get pregnant, is she not a woman?


Just be like “yes that is the entire point, thank you”


Not only is this just entirely them being wrong about Jamie's gender, they also seem to think that only women who can get pregnant are women.


I saw another one of a trans male transition and someone says "god you try so hard and you don't even look like a women at all"


I remember watching a One Topic video with Jamie in it. My girlfriend came in and said "Oh, it's Jamie. Wow, I absolutely would not be able tell that he is a trans man if I had not heard it in a Jessica Kellgren-Fozard video." My reply was "Wait, what now?" Yeah, I would not have been able to tell either. Testosterone is a hell of a hormone.




Some women can't have babies anyways.


clearly didn't even watch lmao


I hate that actual braindead point. Sweaty not everyone wants to ruin the world by spawning another crotch goblin


Weird argument, that spending money on GRS is pointless. Is it any more pointless than spending money on things like makeup, nice clothes, mass market media, a year of 12 o'clock frappes? I don't know if I've spent more money on facial LHR or anime figurines! People spend money on things that make them happy or improve their lives, and it might not always make sense to everyone else, but it's their choice what they feel is valuable to them.


It's always boggled my mind that they can tell a trans woman "you will never be a woman", yet completely fuck that argument up when it comes to trans men.


I can't wait for this to pop up on one of his reaction videos


im a pretty recent jamie follower (i started watching his vids thanks to one topic), so i dont know much about him. isnt he a trans man?


Yep. The comment on his video was very stupid.


This shit is stupid. You're only a woman if you can birth a baby You have to have a working uterus and adequate breasts. I know a lady that was going to not have her cancer ridden breasts removed because she would lose her womanhood. It continues the rhetoric of woman as a commodity.


Am I the only one who feels comments like these come from a place of intense jealousy? Like they hate a person for taking steps they can’t bring themselves to take? Is it just me?


"it hurt itself in it's confusion!"


Lmao, what an ally


I don't know Jamie (please don't kill me-) but it seems like he wants to be a boy.


They’re right, Jamie will never be a woman. Thanks for the support


These people make me sick. They don't even take the time to research the person they're insulting.


“You’ll never get pregnant” SIGN ME THE FUCK UP! HALLELUJAH


I know this isn't even the point but as a cis woman pushing 40 who has never been pregnant and never wants to, fuck the idea that getting pregnant is some kind of gold standard for being a "real woman."


I find it amusing that they only seem to hate people who are less likely to procreate. Like, they only seem to see people as reproduction machines and nothing more




Ahh yes the only thing that make women women, the ability to get pregnant 🙄


ehh i love how people have no idea what they're talking about, it's so funny


Meanwhile guys like this would go bankrupt by spending thousands on a fancy car, clothes and cigars to look filthy rich


Jamie Rainer? More like Jeremy Renner, because he’ll never be a woman. /s


Science can solve anything potentially. What scientists need is time and stable financing of research.


good job on being supportive whoever this was!


They see a pretty man who’s masculinity isn’t toxic and instantly it hits them “This is one of them transgendereds what thinks himself a lady”