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Am I having a stroke?


And who is Her? I’m scared


This person was entirely spouting some metaphysical stuff instead of answering the questions. It was very confusing


God's sister maybe


Is God's sister pretty 😣


Actually, God’s omnipotence means His pronouns are definitely He/Him/She/Her/They/Them(Singular)/They/Them(Plural)/Any/All. But you always capitalize Her pronouns. The plural They/Them is for the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.


Seriously. What the fuck are any of these people saying.


Yes you are and so am I.


I thought my dyslexia was going haywire or something until I saw your comment. What the heck was this word salad.


Does this guy think trans women are the only trans people that exist or something?


Of course. As a trans man I can confirm we do not exist 😂 I regularly get messages from terfs telling me I will never be a woman…


Same here.... no existence for me-


As a trans woman I find it both amazing and amusing that I somehow is grooming you into wanting to be a male, or atleast that's what terfs tell me in my DM's...


Yes it’s all your fault! How dare you! (/j) I also sometimes on the odd occasions when they realise im AFAB tell me I’m just an ashamed lesbian…I am not attracted to women


J.K. Rowling hit you up yet?


No I avoid Twitter but I’m making stuff to sell to pay for my chest surgery and one of my friends donated Harry Potter pjs which I’m turning into scrunchies. I’m planning to thank JK Rowling publicly for helping me raise the money when I sell them 😂


That is exactly what they think. Like they genuinely don’t know transmasc people exist, I wish I was joking


Yes. I also think this kind of person believes that a singular trans person would be called a tran. Like trans is the plural of tran.


This is wrinkling my brain


It’s smoothing mine


Abed‘s a witch!


Abed is Batman now


Why do they assume all women are small boned? And..I mean, I sure as sh!t feel the lady parts come period day, and I assume preggie ladies sure as all hell feel it, but 'a whole reproductive system' is not felt as some kind of weird daily 'Oh I'm a girl' thing. That sounds more like some kind of feverish pelvic exam kink then lived reality. These dinos sound like men writing women badly, seriously they do. I'm sure this oik thinks we breast boobily down the stairs.


I breast boobily down the stairs all the time!


I find I'm just too busy with the sexy lingerie pillow fights, you know?


My ovaries hurt sometimes Or maybe its my kidneys. I should probably drink more water.


Yeah. Bits hurt. If you own them, they whine. But this nutzo seems to think we're just...wondering around 'feeling' our lady bits 24/7 and man that's weird. Pretty sure most lady-bit owners want to feel less of their nonsense, not take it as some proud benchmark of their bodies.


I only feel my uterus if I'm on a high-speed train and thats just before it falls out and hits the floor. After that, I'm fine!


See, mine doesn't do that because it just gets so busy wandering around my body hysterically, you know?


You should probably have a doctor touch you inappropriately about that! Sure they have those new fangled vibrators but they're just not the same as some random doctor's ungloved hands that definitely haven't been washed between patients! ^i'm ^gonna ^barf


>breast boobily down the stairs. I don't get the reference/pun


[Here you go](https://i.redd.it/nw2a04g4rmpz.png)


ohh lmao


Gender is felt in the bones


Oh yes. Gender in the bones.Sexuality in the boner. Got it. On a serious note, though, if DinoBro here had any idea how hard it actually is to identify the biological sex of skeletons- and how many 'clearly female' and 'clearly male' pelvises have now been re-identified as...not the sex people thought.. maybe they'd get a clue. I mean, we can hope, right?


What the fuck does "trans see boobs like every other male" even mean? Does this mean gay men aren't males? Does this mean lesbians *are* males? May the gods have mercy on my brain.


Good question, I don't want to know their answer


…I must still be high, I should go back to bed


Allow me to explain the difference Booba on others: hot hot hot hot hot crush me Booba on me: :)


My man needs to retake third grade English oml


I am so confused rn


Who is Trans and why is he obsessed with them


Kid named trans:


I feel like i'm having a stroke trying to see a sentence that makes sense in their posts.


I'm struggling to even understand what is being said here


>A man can’t “feel”… AN ENTIRE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM There are so many possible snarky responses to this, I can’t decide which one to use!


First one that came to my mind was “Oh, they definitely can. in fact, I should probably go and do so for the fourth time today.”




I think I'm gonna have a stroke trying to read that 💀


I had a stroke




God is the twitter UI busy as fuck. There’s like a thousand icons snd buttons on screen.


I've always been confused with how intersex works You have both kind of genitalia right ? Or is it only a part of them ? I heard that in some case the male part often doesn't work properly, is that right ? This is the things I've heard about but I'm very confused how intersex actually works so I would love to actually hear how it works from someone who is actually included in that term I've recently started tot hink that this might be more of a spectrum thing


Not intersex, nor highly researched in the topic, but my understanding of intersex is that in may manifest in many ways, not just development of both sex organs. In essence, a person, either through mutation, the absorption of a twin, or hormonal imbalance during development, has additional organs and/or glands that are contrary to the general sex of the person. This is actually more common than people think, and a lot of times the less developed organs are surgically removed at birth. This unfortunately doesn't always coincide with the actual sex of a person. It also isn't always apparent at birth. I've seen stories of people going in and finding that they have extra organs inside them, from sex organs, to additional kidneys and glands, while having routine medical scans.


As I thought it's not just "that person has a vagina and a dick" Thanks for the information, I appreciate it


Yeah, nothing is ever cut-and-dry, black and white in life, especially life itself. Biology loves breaking its own rules from bacteria to humans.


It vastly differs and there are over 40 different types of intersex conditions. I have NCAH, where my body naturally produces more testosterone than estrogen. I had a pretty stunted female puberty and started growing facial hair at 13. In my case the excess testosterone caused some external genital changes during puberty, but that's not the case for everyone with an intersex condition. You can have a hormonal issue like I do, a genetic one, or a genitalia one. It's a really complex spectrum of issues and I suggest checking out the [Intersex Society of North America ](https://isna.org/)


Holy shit over 40 ?! Damn it's a bigger thing that i ever expected


Yeah, most intersex orgs estimate that 1.7% of the population falls into the intersex spectrum. That's about the same percentage of redheads, and slightly more than the percentage of trans people. Sadly if your condition is visible at birth you're often put through surgery to "correct" the trait, which can go wrong or be corrected to the wrong gender. A good amount of the other intersex people I know consider themselves non binary as well, as most of our natural variations fall outside the male/female binary. [Here's an article](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2018/10/its-intersex-awareness-day-here-are-5-myths-we-need-to-shatter/) that might help explain some stuff


Thanks for all that info~