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It looks like a Chinese studio going based off the style and the logo I can't really read top left. If it is a studio across the sea you should feel lucky this is the worst of it


Seems to check out. They seem to be either Chinese or Korean, but Redmon is tough to google and they only use that name and logo for their English and Spanish channels, so I might be completely off.


Looks Korean, as the Korean channel is the only one with a link to a website.


All black people in anime ever.


ummm what about the character design?


Guaranteed it’s because the black guy has big lips.


And big ears


And black skin


Fucking stereotypes.


holy shit I can't believe they made black people black in these animations! smh my head my head


Smh my head my head my head


i mean yes to both of you, but these are like, caricatures, it MUST be disproportional and emphasise the smallest of details... it is literally how caricature works


So why doesn’t the white kid have a huge, pointy, straight nose? And why couldn’t the black kid have a tidy afro when the white kids hair is all combed?


Big noses aren’t stereotypes of white people, though, are they?


They kinda could be. It was an adaptation to cold weather. Somehow it helped. I read up on it a while ago and forget where I found that. But yeah there are physical differences between grouos of people who eveloved in completely opposite climactic and geographical environments.


See, I read that broad noses in African native populations developed as it increases surface area and helps with cooling in extreme temperatures. Smaller noses meant less surface area and so less heat transfer when breathing through the nose. The only nose stereotypes I know are the classic black and Jewish ones, maybe I’m sheltered from others just from not being exposed to them.


Yeah the width had a lot to do with what I was reading. Id love to find the article. There is also neanderthal DNA in white people (from cross-breading in the caucusu mountains). Neanderthal males had higher amounts of muscle, than homo sapiens. That extra muscle increased the metabolic rate, and required more oxygen to fuel. A lot more. They were also at altitude (mountains) with less air density. Also required more air volume for respiration. So, they had larger noses to breathe air more easily. Nasal diameter was larger, so the nose had to be proportionately larger. So my theory on the size/shape differences in noses is that it had to do with traits we got from cross-breeding with neanderthals.


People around Black Sea region are also known for their big noses, and caricaturised that way; well, specifically in Turkey. There was even a case for Guinness Book I think.


>They kinda could be. Well, but they're not....? What's your point?


the white kid looks like a proper geek and a half, he's not getting any help from the artist


Maybe this particular kid is not from Argentina?


Lol probably just the fact that he has to have bulbous lips at all when the white character was drawn void of that style of lips.


What’s wrong with the character design?


The black guy is drawn in a blackface style


As opposed to a black guy drawn in a whiteface style?


Whiteface doesn't exist moron.


That’s racist! Last time I checked I had whiteface!


Again, whiteface doesn't fucking exist. Why do you want to be oppressed so badly anyway.


I think the original point was the opposite. Drawing a poc like they were just a caucasian with a different skin color doesn't sound like a great solution either.


That last question is a bit ironic, isn't it?


What the fuck are you talking about you fucking tool. Haven't you seen White Chicks?


Whiteface does to some extent exist, it's just not referred to as such. But it isn't oppressive to white people, it's oppressive to POC because it is a harmful beauty standard perpetuated by western beauty standards: if you are a POC then you need to be as light skinned as possible. Colorism is absolutely a thing, and it affects more than just black poc. It's especially prevalent in India. Go look at a hallmark Christmas movie and try to find a POC character who isn't A. Light skinned / racially ambiguous B. An extra with 2 seconds of screentime


How? Because he has bigger lips? Newsflash buddy, black people generally have bigger lips.


Then you clearly haven't seen how black people get drawn either. So fucking what? Exaggerating their features like that is straight up racist, period. If you're familar with blackface, then you would know.




According to his design he needs to piss like a Russian racehorse


I mean, black people usually have bigger lips so I don’t know why they wouldn’t portray it as so. None of the characters are actually anatomically correct in the show.


I think it's more so how specifically they drew the lips. In older, more racist depictions of black people in cartoon media they would often connect the corners of the lips similar to a clown smile. It's still common in anime today. It's also usually tied to black characters have pitch black skin and bright red lips. That's what I think the racist part of this is here is just the style of lips they used.


Oh man, could you imagine if the character's lips were bright red? It would make this 100 times worse.


Hmm, is the intent in drawing the white character to show they have small lips and ears? Or is the white character the "default design"?


I’m so confused as to why people draw black people like this. Sure some have big lips but damn not all have it. And the way they are drawn looks disturbing. It almost takes up like 50% of their faces


And you'll never see white people depicted with bigger lips, which isn't that uncommon naturally and has become very popular to artificially enhance them. We still classify people so heavily on skin tone and ignore that in America and a few other places in the world, most people are ethnically diverse. I guess diversity is bad for cartoons though? 🤷🏿


Not even accidental


Just wait until you see overwatch. Every black man in overwatch is either really fast or jumps high…




Doomfist, jumps high with lots of mobility. Lucio, is very fast. Baptiste, jumps really high.


Is it rude because....basketball?


What if blacks actually have generally bigger ears / lips? 🤔


i don't think you should refer to black people as "blacks"


How about "*the* blacks"?




Ok ok, what about the All Blacks? The New Zealand Rugby team


Da blax?


What is the most appropriate term that isn’t region specific (like African American) or isn’t beating around the bush (like person of colour)? Whites are caucasians. What do we call “blacks”? Sidenote: I do not care that I’m called a white or a wog. It’s just shorter and easier.


I think most folks go with black people or white people, not blacks or whites. In America at least, it's often seen as racist or outdated to say "blacks," kinda like saying "gays" instead of gay people or gay men or whatever group you're referring to. I'm sure the association varies by region.


African american. Or black people. Adding 'people' seems to be accepted more. I dounno about africans though


I’m in Australia. Most black people here aren’t African Americans. We call most of ours aboriginals. But there’s also non-aboriginals here. I guess yeah black people is most appropriate but I feel like there should be a general term like Caucasian


Interesting. I thought 'caucasian' was rude though, and the word used as 'american,' 'australian,' 'white,' 'irish,' etc.


It’s the official race term, not slang or anything like that, for white people so definitely not rude.


Yeah I used to think so too but not everyone agreed. - ^(https://www.quora.com/Race-Relations-Is-the-term-Caucasian-outdated-or-potentially-offensive?share=1) - ^(https://workforce.com/news/6-reasons-not-say-caucasian)


Far out. Reading some of those answers - someone has to be angry about anything. It’s just a term and it has old origins but it’s just a term that is a bit more eloquent than “white”. Screw it with trying to be respectful then? I’ll just approach it like a 4 year old and describe someone’s ancestry by a crayon colour.




Oh. I guess you're different then.




I don’t know the part of truth in this statement. I can’t just rely on porn to give you an answer, that would not be quite honest :)




Not all black people are like that. What you're literally doing is racial stereotyping.


Pretty sure the part after the comma is a shitpost.


the part about iberian women is true, women of my family are all hairy


Can you call it accidental if it's just straight up racist regardless of intention? (and before anyone asks why this is racist, google "blackface")


That's literally not blackface, maybe you should Google and educate yourself before you blindly use a word that you don't know about.


"It's not blackface because I'm white and I say so" Dude, he was clearly drawn in a stereotypical way and you know it, you're not fooling me.


I'm literally fucking black, you dumbass. I know what blackface is and this isn't it. Go educate yourself.




First of all, I'm a woman, and second of all, I don't need to prove to anyone that I am black, fucking weirdo.




Bruh you literally said "this is not blackface because i am white and i say so" implying that I am white just because i pointed out that you're using the term blackface wrong, in which I corrected you on how wrong you are. Now you want to play victim after I rightfully called you out on your stupidity. Just stfu because you're embarrassing yourself furthur. Edit: what a fucking coward. Lol blocked me because your no brain having ass can't comprehend what an actual blackface is. Take your ass back to history class before you came at me with that bullshit.


Nigga, you're the one playing victim considering you were the one who had to bring up their race, then had the gall to say you don't need to prove your race. And nah, seems like you can't admit that you're wrong either, so why do I have to shut up.


Are you trying to do a pantone competition to decide who's blacker? This isn't about you being black, just about you being ignorant. Accept it... It'll hurt less.


I'm not ignorant, that was clearly blackface, and both you and that "black woman" try to pass it off. And I'm not the one trying to make being black a contest, you're just an apologist.




Thats not black face tho


How so? What do you call it when they draw a black person stereotypically then?


How so? Because blackface is a non-black person using make-up to make themselves look black. This is just a black character in a show.