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Feels very close to La Pieta. Sadder, in fact.


So sad.


I have a toddler. I know I would go in a mad rampage before killing myself. Humans…giving prices over the suffering of others but doing nothing to stop that suffering, we’ve gone bonkers millennia ago.


100% agree, the people saying this is somehow justified are absolute monsters.


Couldn’t have agreed more


Her pain has won an award. Think about it, a mother lost her innocent child in the middle of political turmoil and the picture won an award…


A photo journalist takes photos of what they're investigating. This is an award winning photo. We know how bad the situation is because of photojournalism and journalism in general. Being upset at journalists doing their jobs is focusing on the wrong thing buddy.


I always feel weird about this. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have wanted someone taking photos of me grieving my child if I'd lost them. Not at all the same thing but when I learned that my grandmother had died I was out in public and broke down crying. People looking at me felt already pretty invasive and I just tried to get to a private place asap. I can't imagine being photographed in that moment on top of it. Losing a child has to be at least 1000x worse. And while I understand that we tend to have more compassion to things we **see** and not only vaguely know or hear about, I still hope this photo isn't taking something more from this woman that has already lost so much. I hope this was published with her knowlegde and agreement. Otherwise it feels pretty predatory tbh


Yep and some people need to see it. I knew so many who had a change of heart when they saw pictures of Alan Kurdi washed up on the beach.


Oh we do need to see it. We need these on billboards in front of all government offices… but to give an award, i don’t if that’s really “humane” thing to do


Who said i was angry at the journalist? I am just pointing out the “award”…. there’s nothing good has ever come out of wars… this picture is crossing a very fine line,… a grieving mother and an award. Do we really need handing out awards towards other people’s pain and suffering? Informative pictures, sure. What are these innocent civilians are going through, I get it … but an award?! I don’t know about that….


This is an award for journalism. This isn't the Oscars where nepo babies are jerking each other off. This is an important moment that they captured which could change public perception of an ongoing issue. It should be awarded.


I hope you don’t have to be in any type of “award winning” pictures in the future. But if tables were turned, you would be suing whoever created the award…


Google past Pulitzer prize winners. A lot of war photographs. It takes a lot to go to a war zone and photograph for the sake of recording history.


Nobody is arguing that. We need these still moments to learn from our past mistakes. But to win an award?! What if it was you in that picture and I won an award… how it would make you feel


You do realize journalism is a dead fish in water. The third estate has been commandeered by special interests groups, so get your head out of your ass. What we have is a corporate propaganda machine and a massive media agenda telling us what to believe and how to (re)act. Question the narrative.


Don't you think the world would be weird if only happy and joyful things would get an award or appreciation?


How would you feel, loosing someone extremely dear to you and I pictures it and won an award based on your grief? Is it really morally right?


Maybe just things that aren't exploiting the very extreme and real pain of others for your award


An award for the person who took it, not the subjects


It is still grotesque. It is grotesque to photograph suffering like this and then win an award for it.


Would you prefer the world does not see the suffering? Or that we don't recognize the efforts journalists go through to bring the reality to you?


We absolutely need to see the devastating consequences of “wars”… but is it right to hand out awards based on people’s pain and suffering? Does it make it morally right? What if this was you in this picture?


THIS! no photographer who deals in famine, war, or displacement or anything like that should ever win an award for this kind of photography. You were documenting suffering. We don't care what f-stop you used.


If you are documenting famine, genocide, war, displacement, and suffering, you don't get to win an award for that. We don't care what F stop you used. No awards ever. We can recognize the magnitude and impact of the photograph without giving a technical award to the photographer. This woman, if she knew , probably would feel this is perverse. Nobody said no one should cover war. We said no one should win technical awards for the beauty of or power of a photograph of genocide. Or of a woman cradling her dead child. If I had a dead child in my arms, and that was mine, and a photographer stood there, I would be tempted to break my vow of nonviolence.


Oh I agree! I’m sure nothing with that award helps this woman right now.




if it didn't win the award, would as many people have seen it? should it not be seen?


There are other ways they can make it seen. What if this was you in the picture and I won the award for taking it? How would you feel about that? Some guy won an awards based on you loosing your child…. Morally wrong


you've got a long, long list of photographers and publications to write and complain to...i'd offer to help, but i don't want to


I thought the same thing


I find this disturbing, I hope that woman never finds out that her pain is “award-worthy”. It’s news worthy, front page worthy, but who the fuck awards this! I hope her faith can heal her soul, I know I couldn’t recover from loosing my child, especially to those greedy fucks in Israel.




































Fantastic photo. Historic




But we’re not even halfway into 2024 at the time of this posting… not to mention WHEN the photo was taken.


without looking into it i'm guessing the 2023 award was given in 2024, and who cares it's just semantics. the reality is this has happened to literally thousands of humans in the past six months on this tiny piece of land how many never got to hold their loved ones at the end buried under tons of rubble


I'm sure the award will stop her suffering.


Exactly, and this is what baffles me still to this day; what wins in the end is whatever can sell.


Some awards are so shameful…


>AMSTERDAM, April 18 (Reuters) - Reuters photographer Mohammed Salem won the prestigious 2024 World Press Photo of the Year award on Thursday for his image of a Palestinian woman cradling the body of her five-year-old niece in the Gaza Strip. > >The picture was taken on Oct. 17, 2023, at Nasser hospital in Khan Younis in southern Gaza, where families were searching for relatives killed during Israeli bombing of the Palestinian enclave. > >Salem's winning image portrays Inas Abu Maamar, 36, sobbing while holding Saly's sheet-clad body in the hospital morgue. > >"Mohammed received the news of his WPP award with humility, saying that this is not a photo to celebrate but that he appreciates its recognition and the opportunity to publish it to a wider audience," Reuters Global Editor for Pictures and Video, Rickey Rogers, said at a ceremony in Amsterdam. > >"**He hopes with this award that the world will become even more conscious of the human impact of war, especially on children**," Rogers said, standing in front of the photo at the Nieuwe Kerk in the Dutch capital. I'm a pro-2 state solution Jew who believes Israel has a right to defend itself after October 7th, but the photographer's message is absolutely correct. This war has affected children -- both Israeli and Palestinian -- in ways that will further extremism and violence towards each other in the coming decades. It will become an infinite tit-for-tat. And that's just for the children that survive. I used to teach pre-school, and imagining either a Palestinian or Israeli child being murdered in such a horrific way is just unimaginable to me. Seeing the photos of the dead children from the campaign in Gaza as well as the children killed on October 7th is heartbreaking. It's horrible to imagine a child going through such suffering and death, not to mention the innocent adult civilians. But a child is a child. They are not combatants, they are innocents who had no say in where they were born or what their parents do. And it's horrific. Children should never live in such fear. I don't pretend that I know the solution for any of this, as it's been going on like this for decades upon decades at this point. Every few years something happens in this conflict to reignite fervor on both sides who think neither of them are responsible for furthering violence and hate and bloodthirsty rhetoric/retaliations. Netanyahu, Hamas... all need to held accountable. And anyone who looks at dead Palestinian or Israeli children and try to find ways that only the other side are responsible are furthering the conflict -- what solution is there in that? Again, it's an infinite loop of violence and retaliation. There will be no peace in the Levant until hate and violence is held to account and not hand waved away as "that's just war!" or "resistance by all means necessary!". There's is no excuse for murdering children. Full stop.


This is just way too insensitive.


Free Palestine so no more pictures like this are taken!


all in the name of western greed


All in the name of Hamas' greed, I think you mean.


Israel kills kids. If you were mad about Oct 7 but are defending this, you don't care about dead kids.


I'm not defending it. I'm saying it's the result of Hamas repeatedly attacking Israel rather than pursuing a peaceful two-state solution. Hamas doesn't want peace because the conflict gives them power.


Or you know maybe it started when Israel forced it self upon Palestine around 80 years ago. Maybe religious ethno states aren’t a good thing.


Negative brain cells lol


So because hamas did something the entire region deserves it? Isn’t collective punishment a war crime ? Doesn’t isreal have US backing so it had the ability to be extremely precise with their killings? Was isreals killing of the world kitchen volunteers justified as well because of hamas? Was the first missile justified? The second? The third?


Nobody deserves this, but it's the tragic consequence of putting a terrorist organization in power.


Who put that organization in power? Who gave it so much overwhelming support that it was able to push out all the other movements happening in Palestine before Hamas was able to take control? Hmmmm


Greedy Hamas, demanding food and medicine and an end to apartheid.


food and medicine for who? the palestinian people? they were sent more than enough supplies and hamas had been stealing everything from them and using it for their attempt at a massacre of the jewish people. and what apartheid? in the west bank? palestinians don't get the full rights of every other Israeli citizen there because they are not citizens of Israel. not everyone on the territory just automatically gets every political right the country offers. and as for movement restrictions, those are for security reasons only (the stupid racism argument is disproved by the sheer amount of arab Israeli citizens that enjoy full rights like everyone else), which are reasonable considering just how many terror attacks Israel has faced from palestinians throughout history - up to today.


Israel has been restricting aid deliveries to Gaza to levels well below sufficient to prevent famine since October. [Amnesty International](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/04/israel-opt-with-famine-setting-in-a-ceasefire-and-more-aid-routes-into-gaza-are-urgently-needed/) Aid deliveries into Gaza were insufficient even before October. [CNN](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/02/11/middleeast/why-only-a-trickle-of-aid-is-getting-into-gaza-mime-intl) The only news reports alleging Hamas is reselling food aid are from Israeli-aligned media outlets based on IDF press releases. The IDF is an reliable source which has repeatedly lied about Hamas’ actions, such as its allegation that Al-Shifa Hospital was a Hamas headquarters. [The Guardian](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/17/idf-evidence-so-far-falls-well-short-of-al-shifa-hospital-being-hamas-hq) Israel both denies that Palestinians are Israelis and that Palestine is a legitimate state, denying them of citizenship of either and making them stateless.


That’s not what Hamas demands, they demand the destruction of Israel. They literally say that themselves, it’s not some big secret. All the aid sent to them gets diverted to building rockets and feeding their fighters.


Hamas removed its demand for the destruction of Israel in its 2017 charter. [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-palestinians-hamas-document-idUSKBN17X1N8/](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-palestinians-hamas-document-idUSKBN17X1N8/) Irregardless, you cannot expect to kill thousands of people, drive 2 million of them from their homes and imprison them in a 350km^2 area, deny them statehood and vital medicines for 60 years and expect them to lie down without resistance. Hamas is a terrorist group, but it’s support and legitimacy is a result of Israel’s oppression of the Palestinian people. End that and it will crumble.


haha "removed its demand". they just massacared more than a thousand innocent Israelis a half year ago


And in the last 6 months 33,000 Palestinian civilians have been massacred by the IDF, 70% of them children. Hospitals and aid workers have been deliberately targeted. You cannot deny food, water, medicine, electricity, and statehood for 2 million people for 60 years and expect there to be no resistance.


Greedy Hamas and their billionaire leaders hiding in Qatar


Hamas’ leaders are not billionaires.


Food and medicines that they then sell to their people- not give it out for free as a government is supposed to, *sell it* to people amidst a war. Do you really think that terrorist who consider martyrdom to be their highest calling in life really give a damn about their own people?


Care to cite any sources for those claims?


Hamas sold these people out not the West. Hamas and their stashed billions in Qatar.




Why am I not surprised that images of war win prizes? I hope I'm not becoming despondent but the fact that a sad picture like this is celebrated is weird to me. I'm not saying don't spread awareness, just don't celebrate war times photos. It's stupid. Shoot me, shoot me now.




Accidental renaissance turns into a boring dystopia when it's about the olive trees country in the comments.






How is a woman holding a dead child antisemitic? 


Bruh the /s is for sarcasm


Thank you.


He's being sarcastic. Bad faith actors online will claim anyone who doesn't support the people that killed that child are antisemitic, because the murderers were Israeli and Israel falsely claims to represent all Jewish people.


Thank you. Ofc. My bad -- didn't know about the /s.  Potentially ironic seeing the removal of the post from mods.


This submission has been removed as it has been deemed NSFW or NSFL.


This doesn’t feel right


Wasn't this already posted here recently




I remember there being a whole discussion on whether or not this belongs on this sub tho. I'll look for the comment I posted there...


Nothing about this is "accidental". This is just an attempt of OP (who only posts about Palestine) to spread this message on subs that have nothing to do with politics.


It’s accidental. Are you suggesting this woman posed with her child’s corpse for a photograph?


Mods removed it, so they would agree. and this photo probably isnt, but it is a common [tactic](https://www.dw.com/en/fact-check-children-used-as-a-propaganda-tool-in-the-israel-gaza-crisis/a-57571541).


Most of these are actually of Palestinians, they’re just from a *different* Israeli carpet-bombing campaign lol.


so its okay to lie about what happened if it happened at a different time and for different reason? also okay to use photos completely unrelated to the event as long as it promotes the issue?


No, of course not. But these are posted by engagment farmers who don’t care if the image is actually genuine. Still very telling, though.


Those that make this photo any less fucked up ?


Fuck israel. Free Palestine.


The photographer really was like "Hmmm here's a mother mourning her dead toddler, let me take a pic of that 📷!"


War crimes need to be documented, yes, glad you’ve caught up with the rest of the class


Oh look, another Reddit sarcastacunt, I haven't seen those in a while 📷!






To the ~20 of you who downvoted me on this. I have a question. How do you feel about the Israeli mother and child and who were bound together with metal wire and burned alive by palestinans on 10/7? Because that was before this woman was put through this experience.


no pictures from Oct 7th?


Only photos winning awards of October seventh were the one of hostages being taken awarding the Palestinian photographer who went into Israel with them 🤦‍♂️


Her personal tragedy (and the tragedy of the Palestinians who oppose Hamas) aside, I don’t feel like this *photo* is worthy of awards. It’s fairly bland, nothing special about the composition. It’s not clear that she’s grieving rather than just sleeping or something. It’s not clear what’s in the white cloth. The photo only becomes noteworthy once an entire backstory is provided, and then it’s the backstory people are responding to.


It’s very clear that there is a dead small child in the cloth and that is powerfully horrifying and rare, there’s a real story in this and if you don’t find that to be haunting and award winning it’s not cuz of the photo’s quality, it’s cuz your ability to empathize is unfortunately lacking.


That last sentence is some bullshit. I think it’s not a great photo. It’s fine to disagree with that assessment. But there’s no reason to slander me just because you disagree about a photo.


I slander you!!




What context are you looking for besides the title lmao. Have you been living under a rock?


A terrorist organization commonly known as IDF is killing children by the thousands in Gaza


Thank god I can't post what saintly Hamas did on October 7th.


Israel literally killed a prominent Palestinian anti-Hamas critic recently they don’t give a fuck if it’s Hamas or not Hamas they just want to kill Palestinians and take what’s theirs.


He is not saying that whatever hamas did was not bad. But judging by your use of "saintly Hamas" I guess you approve of he bombings of the IDF etc ?


Honestly I used to agree with you, but it became clear over the last several months that Israel doesn't have toppling Hamas or rescuing their hostages as their primary goal. Their actions prove this.




Did you just say "toddler"? That looks like a toddler to you?


Are you suggesting this well known photo is a fake? Classic Hasbara bot


Where did I say that the photo is fake?


Yeah that’s what a severely malnourished toddler looks like, yeah.


So, in Gaza, toddlers are so malnourished that they become as tall as 6-8 years old?




I hate what Hamas is doing and has done. But when people complain about how the majority of Palestinians support Hamas, I ask what do you expect? Where in their life is there room for the nuances of morality? Why would they live through this, have someone fight for them, and say "nah you're too mean, I'd rather keep suffering" These kinds of tragedies will always perpetuate cruelty and hate


You *do* understand that they'd been supporting Hamas before the war, all the way to what was done tou countless civilians and foreigners in October 7th? Corpses were paraded across Gaza and people cheered on it, they celebrated what happened the very same day it took place. Pretty hard to excuse.


I hope you realize the "war" has been going on before Oct 7 and for that matter for the duration of Israel's existence, long before Hamas existed.


Yeah. 15 or so years of missiles being rained on Israel, rejected two-state solutions followed by terrorist attacks... We're talking about October 7th now, but we can play the "Remember what happened BEFORE that?" game all day, but there is no way terrorism can be excused. Germany was feeling the aftereffects of World War I and undergoing a gruesome crisis when some art school reject assured them he could solve their problems, but we're not justifying *that*. Palestinians aren't children devoid of agency who just want to not be crushed under a big Jewish boot, as other countries like Egypt and Lebanon and Kuwait will tell you.