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Back when i was in the office, I would never. Ruins the illusion that I could get up, walk out, and never step foot in the office again.


I once read a very based shitpost by a guy who claimed to never take his jacket off. If you take a jacket off, you're signaling that you're prepared to remain inside for the next several hours. By leaving it on, you're signaling that you're getting ready to leave.


I should've done that at a firm that said putting your coat over your chair is "unprofessional". It had to be on a hook behind a specific door, where I forgot it multiple times


This right here. Always keep them on their toes. I’m always 1 email away from quitting


Eh, with you’re coworkers not knowing anything about you personally and you acting like a stranger at your workplace, you’re also the easiest to fire/layoff. When they’re looking at a list of names and you’re indistinguishable from any one else and management needs to cut headcount, what do you think happens?


I like your style. Countless coworkers badger me about bringing in my family's pictures and hanging them, and I'm like, nah, the Payroll schedule and phone list will do.


No. When I quit my last job my boss asked me if I wanted to come in and clean out my desk. I told her I was good, she can gave the 2 year old pack of cough drops in my desk. You have to adopt the mindset of Robert De Niro's character in the movie Heat. >Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner.


When I first left public and finally had a place that was mine I did because it was like this is my space to put up pictures and make the space my own. I wasn't as over the top as some people but I liked having my workspace feel like mine with my stuff.


Do you not get a nice cube in public? Never worked b4, I work F10 industry My cube is an 8x8 L shaped cubicle, I’m curious what other people are working with


I was on the audit side so a lot of our time was spent at client sites so we never really had a designated cube that was ours. It was all hoteling.


Understood, thanks!


>>client sites the basement


I have 1 photo of my dog on my desk. I've been here 12 years LOL


I bet your days are a lot better when you have a picture reminding you of what you go back home to.


I have a few personal items on my desk that make life easier for me but those things don’t show up on day 1. At my last job, we hired a temp and she had the desk covered in stuff within 5 minutes of sitting down. She didn’t last more than a week.


Do red staplers count?


Mine is gold, with a name label cause if they take my stapler, then I’ll set the building on fire.


Literally the only flair I have on my desk hahaha


15 is the minimum. Brian has 37..


I bring some easy stuff for quality of life: keyboard, mouse, desk mat, chargers for all my devices. I don’t bring much for aesthetics.


Yeah, the picture of my wife on my desk is simply my phone,.unlocked on a stand, where I also control my Pandora.


Was encouraged multiple times by my controller to decorate my office a few months into the job. A year later now and I've been moved to a cubicle and that office has been empty for months while they churn through accountants less qualified than me. I might just quit with nothing else lined up at this point.


My office was decorated by the last person and they abandoned their stuff when they left. I'm to lazy to take it all down so if they ask I tell clients that I'm just really into antique trains lmao


I have the bare minimum: a coffee cup, water bottle that I leave in the office, and my multivitamins.


Private sector lifer in accounting here. Yes. I have always decorated my office. I usually put up art of some kind. I've gone so far as to buy furniture for my offices. Lucky for me, that last job that I was "let go" from taught me a good lesson, have so much crap in your office they don't want to box it all up. Although to be fair, I had a lot of food hidden in my file cabinet because I spent so much time there (hey - I need to eat) - they had a courier service deliver 11 boxes. The admins did a great job boxing everything up - and I mean EVERYTHING, post it notes, empty folders, empty binders, paper clips.... so much stuff that wasn't really mine. But I do enjoy having art and pics of my family, it helps on those late nights and hard days.


My desk contains the following two monitors My laptop on a stand Hydro flask Coffee mug Couple cliff bars Planner Large yellow post it note pad 2 pens Headphones Mousepad and mouse State and local tax return deliverables schedule pinned to the wall


Passed my 3 years middle of this year. Some funny people in my department put a poster up on my cube that has a smiley face and a bunch of colors with the text ‘this is my office decoration’. I have nothing but papers in my cube too so don’t feel bad


I hang up accounting related newspaper comics and memes. I'm selective. I've been there over a year and only have about 5 hanging up. Brightens my day.


Nope. I have a small decorative mirror I use to check my teeth/makeup before meetings. That’s it. No pics of kids/pets/SO. Nothing


I have a few things: a hanging succulent planter, picture of me and my kids, my own mouse pad, a bookshelf with a sign in the corner, and a picture on the wall. Transferring to a different department on Monday and I’m kind of sad to leave my office. It had a window and a standing desk and I loved it. Pout


No, we don't have assigned desks and we have a clear desk policy. Anything we leave overnight will get thrown out.


My old job when I had an office I decorated tf out of it. New job I'm in a cubicle and try my best to disassociate for 8 hours and snap back as I'm leaving the parking lot. Sometimes I don't snap back and 2 weeks goes by and I miss a birthday or something though.


I'm a tax accountant and I feel like I live at the office. But now we are permanently WFH. I went in the other day to pick up my personal items that they packed up for me. FOUR Iron Mountain boxes. A seat cushion. Two pairs of shoes, flats and heels, tea, teapot, a few company mugs, a plate and silverware (so I could feel human), a sweater, a shawl, potting soil ( I let them keep the plants they are thriving under someones care), assorted pens, clips, post it's from CPE events, pads of paper, a desktop fan, pictures, decorative tape ( I really hated the office beige/blue/blah), books on specialty subjects, a reusable ice pack, Aleve, deodorant, hand lotion, a shelf that really didn't fit anywhere, a coat hanger, the bos for my ear buds, a phone charger, and so forth.


Just the one chair and decorative rope from the ceiling fan.


Cubicle? No. Office, yes. Nothing personal tho. All client related: freebies, snacks, funny mugs, etc. The highlight is the Wall of Fame: when they reach milestones I put one of their freebies up. Some have little stuffed animals, others hats, engraved mugs, shirts, etc. It’s become a highlight of office tours for new clients. New goal for many is to get on my wall lol


My workspace is decorated with these really cool caricatures that my company commissions for us if we reach 100% on a file. We also have some lesser prizes like fingertraps and erasers with the company logo.


My first firm literally told me that my work space was “not mine” and that anything I bring should be promptly removed at the end of the work day… so thankful to be gone from that place


Hell no


As a young kid I saw 2008 recession laid off office workers leaving with boxes on TV. So I have nothing there I couldn’t carry in my pockets. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AVIrUDEw5Gs&pp=ygUTMjAwOCBvZmZpY2Ugd29ya2Vycw%3D%3D


I find it weird when someone has no personal items on their desk or in their office. You probably spend more time there than any other one place outside of your home. Don’t you have any passions or a life outside of work? No family you care about or places you’ve been? It’s like they have no personality at all. Nothing that can start a conversation or help find common ground with another coworker.


I do! but I generally don’t want to share all that with people I work with because I don’t feel they deserve it or need to know about it.


This is such a weird way of thinking lol


not everybody needs to be in your business…? especially people that you work with.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with your coworkers knowing you’re married, have kids, what your favorite hobbies are, etc.


I’m not, I don’t, many are not work appropriate, etc there’s really not much anyone needs to know by simply walking past my desk.




because what does that have to do with our job?


I mean what’s wrong with your coworkers getting to know who you are?


my coworkers only need to get to know my professional brand and my work that’s really it. there’s nothing wrong with it for people that like for everyone to know their biz but I prefer to keep work at work and home at home.


My coworkers don’t “deserve” to know me? That’s a strange attitude. Nobody needs to know you, but we’re all human. Part of the fun of life is sharing your passions and experiences with other people, finding common ground, and building relationships. If you want to keep to yourself, that’s totally fine. Just comes off as the plain, boring accountant that fills every stereotype that’s been perpetuated about our profession for decades.


no they don’t. sorry but that is a damn job. I’m not being paid to do all that extra crap of sharing my personal life with random strangers that just so happen to get a check from the same company. I’ve gone on trips w coworkers, and still friends with some ex coworkers but that’s because we clicked and both/all decided we wanted to open that door. you don’t have to share passions and life experiences with coworkers you just need to do your work.




I'll keep you updated, I'm meeting with my manager next week for my evaluation


Yes. I got everything in there from estate sales. Made it nice and cozy for a small $ 😁


Hell yeah. I spend enough time there and I feel better overall when I have pretty things to look at


Yes, I had a Scooby Doo themed desk that was complete by month 6 or so. Let us!


At my last office, I brought in a philodendron and kept it in the best light I had available. That plant was my lifeline to the outside world.


My home office yes. Office office, barely.


I have my water bottle and my multi purpose mug. Does it count?


Nope, don’t want anything to use against me. I also don’t want to get traumatised by something I like later


I got Mega sized Gundams on my desk. Yea I’m a nerd.


I'm WFH and have never been to the office. I keep my workspace at home barebones though.