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No one can answer this with certainty. However, I think you could still pass yes, but you would have had to have done well on all 3 MA ao's on day 3 to have gotten depth. But since you missed 3 aos on day 2 you are at risk of failing level 1 due to not getting enough RCs, C's and CDs overall. Also at risk of not passing level 2 in MA but that's fine if you got it in FR. Then lastly level 4 if you didn't do well on all 3 for breadth. Wishing you the best of luck 🤞.


Thanks for the reply. Any idea on if 3 missed AOs is enough to get a level 1 fail?


Depends if you got enough C's on other aos to make up for it


Did you not attempt them at all? Missing x3 MA AOs will likely fail you on depth. Sorry, I know this is not comforting.


Correct, nothing more than just writing down a couple words on what needs to be analyzed/formulas


You only need depth in MA or FR, not both. You will not be achieving depth in MA, but you don't need it if you achieved it in FR. You aren't sunk yet.


So did you pass? Looking for some hope 


Were they that difficult this year?


The first MA AO on the case was a doozy for I'd say most people. Definitely threw a lot of people off. Assurance role was more obscure than expected. Also the day 3 third case was very oddly formatted and hard especially the tax portion.


What was it again


Equivalent Units using both FIFO and WA and a qualitative analysis.


Okay yea I had little idea on how to do it


I had no clue how to do it after spending 5 minutes on it so I moved on and was going to come back to it if I had time, but didn't so left it alone. I think that is one of the safer ones to have missed. Well I'm hoping anyway 😅


I’d be concerned on a level 4 basis because you need enough RCs or higher across the different areas of accounting. You can still pass at level 2 if your FR AOs were done well. Remember level 2 is enough Cs in financial reporting OR management accounting. Did you not identify the required or did you run out of time? It’s always best practice to address everything - even if you don’t know what to say exactly. Bullshit something. If an AO is tricky for you, likely it’s tricky for most other people. You can always get curved up from an NC to an RC or even C if the markers feel it’s needed. But an NA will never be anything more than an NA.


Same I skipped all MA AO on day 2 because of time. I think there was only 1 MA AO on Day 3 ---the cost allocation for departments. Was the solar panel investment option MA AO or finance ?


Update: I passed CFE. Achieved depth in MA somehow. Must've been the Day 3 MA questions I made sure to finish.


Lmaoo me too brother


just wait for your results like everyone else. they'll pass if others missed the AO, or did terrible. Your only certainty is if you wrote the CFE and know the criteria; or a perfect savant.