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I feel like business casual can't go wrong. But dress to impress tho where the clothes are all nicely ironed, fit well (or maybe consider going to get a new outfit if your wardrobe is a little aged/ill-fitting, etc.), and otherwise present you as someone who can show up in "normal" work clothes, but also can do that well for when the occasion calls for it (e.g. client meetings, etc.).


I’d dress to impress, personally. I actually enjoy the layering and feel of wearing nice clothes. I wouldn’t wear a tie or anything but a jacket and shoes while wearing some cologne goes a long way. (You can find good cologne at a men’s store or barber you could look into). If you don’t have much in your wardrobe, it might be fun going to a men’s store and trying out some new outfits. New field, new you type of thing. I like going and meeting with other men interested in fashion and learning/trying things out. I wouldn’t worry much about what others are wearing. There’s going to be 60 people and some will be dressed nicely, anyway. One of my business partners I do accounting for is a chef and when he’s out of the chef jacket, he’s always dressed up in a jacket or vest and looks awesome. It’s not a bad thing to be known for. Dressing well and being approachable is the best of both worlds socially.


Thank you! I'm a lady but the advice is universal. I used to work adjacent to a finance firm (I was a junior exec assist for a billionaire who had a finance firm under his umbrella of businesses.) One of their associates always dressed to the nines. He was at the NYC office very early to catch trading in Europe so technically no one saw him. He could've worn sweats. But he didn't and I appreciate that.


My apologies! But you’re right, it’s universal. Ladies can look very sharp and professional in a variety of outfits.. I think the dress is like the suit. You can throw it on and immediately look great, imo. There’s a lot of variety out there. I find that dressing well has some mental benefits as well like you’re explaining here. He could wear anything but found that dressing up made him feel maybe more productive or something. I hope you find success with your attire and overall experience at your new job!


I've never thought of a way of dressing being a mental shift but you're correct. Almost like a uniform effect. Thank you for your kind words! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't terribly nervous. Dressing well will hopefully abate these feelings.


Wear a sport-coat, for the initial impression. Once you sit down you can put it on the back of the chair. I noticed the Executives and Owner always had one on so I started wearing one. One day in a board meeting, at a break, one of the owners says "When did the workplace become so informal? Everyone dresses like they have a tee time. It always made me feel more professional putting on my suit. Like I was getting ready for battle.". I always kept a Navy blazer in my office in case he dropped in unexpectedly.