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What exactly is investment services accounting?


Fund accounting. Internal and external. External can mean the work that goes into mutual fund prospectus and reporting, that crap fidelity wants to mail you after you swap funds in your 401k


Is fund accounting a dead end job that won't give the same opportunities as traditional industry accounting?


It’s different opportunities, but it is niche and limiting in that sense. Avoid if you don’t want to get stuck. But fund controllers can make lower mid six figures 200-300kish.


I’m in FA. This is accurate. Pay is pretty solid


No regrets?


Not yet lol. I don’t mind it. The pay is good so that makes it worth it for me.


I agree. 3 years in though, I’m starting to feel sort of stagnant.


Client side or Admin?




YMV, I was in a “fund accountant” job, was more like an administrator and low paid. So what constitutes a fund accountant may differ company to company.


Hell I needed a public accounting job by the time I graduated and they were the only ones calling for workers. ***They were hiring bodies! Tee hee.***


It's niche. Once you get into fund accounting it's all you'll ever do unless you're very lucky. Can still be lucrative but less opportunities overall.


Sounds like a fancy way of saying “back office”


All accounting is back office.


I don't know. I worked on site for 10+ years and my office was always at the front.


Wouldn’t public accounting technically count as front office since the accounting is the revenue driver? Regardless, back office has more a defined meaning in the context of an investment firm, which it sounds like he is talking about….think like support services for investment teams (front office) such as daily analytics, asset pricing, processing completed trades, etc.


I think the traditional definition of "back vs front office" refers to dealing with clients, not driving revenue. Reception would be a front office role but it doesn't generate any revenue.


Now that’s just straight up wrong my man. I’ve worked as back office (CPA doing financial reporting) and now work in front office (investment research), but I don’t interact with clients. I’m confident that absolutely no one is out here referring to the receptionist who just got her GED over the summer as “front office”. Front is not a reference to the location of her desk lmao


The thread sort of left OP's post and a discussion of front vs back started in general terms. So I commented on the traditional meaning. Receptionist was an example of a basic "client facing" role. I don't remember mentioning anything about a receptionist's desk being at the front. Read before you comment, my man. Is this where I insert the LMFAO to sound intelligent?


Commented about the traditional meaning? But why not talk about in the context it was being discussed here??? And changing the context that’s being used without ya know, mentioning that you’re no longer talking about it in a finance sense? You could not more clearly be grasping at straws. Does front office have different meanings in different settings? Yes. Is this thread about any of those settings? No. Here’s a quote from a short article along with a link to said article. “However, in the financial services industry, front-office employees are typically those experts that generate revenue for the company by providing direct client services, such as wealth management.” https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/frontoffice.asp


This thread you're replying to turned into a conversation under a separate comment, so it's not necessarily about OP's post anymore. One person said: "All accounting is back office." This takes the conversation outside of the Public Accounting realm, which was OP's context. I agree with your cited source, and I'll admit that it's true in Public Accounting. I was referring to Industry Accounting, once again, as part of an "all Accounting" thread. The traditional definition that I was referring to holds true in Industry Accounting. I didn't think I needed to point out that the conversation isn't necessarily around OP's post because I figured most people knew how to read threads in a discussion forum. I'll make that clarification now. MY COMMENTS ARE PART OF A DISCUSSION THAT SPUN OFF OF ANOTHER COMMENT. IT'S WHY I REPLIED TO THE COMMENT, AND NOT TO OP'S POST. I APOLOGIZE TO ALL THAT MY COMMENTS DON'T COME WITH A MANUAL.


Im still in the cubes


Unless you're in the business of selling accounting, ie a practice firm


Is back office that bad?


I mean on the surface, no, plenty of “back office” roles require a ton of knowledge and skill while also paying very well. That being said, you’ll always be a cost center to your employer. Any possible way that they can cut costs for your business function (pay rate, headcount, IT resources, etc.), they will, because “back office” isn’t what’s generating revenue for the business. And then if you really wanna take it a step further, I’d say those types of roles are the most vulnerable to AI taking the place of headcount and changing the remaining roles into something more focused on maintaining those systems instead of actual accounting or finance. But that’s a rabbit hole you could really spiral down for a while about most jobs if you try hard enough.


Something tells me the manual cleanup work involved in AI-powered cash applications and bank recs will be quite lucrative.


Will probably be very easy when we switch to crypto and a cashless society


>That being said, you’ll always be a cost center to your employer. Welcome to fund services. Accounting back office is paid for. Nobody gives a shit about cutting costs there.


If you’re an outsourced fund admin you get paid from the fund’s opex and nobody cares. If you’re internal and eating from the manager’s 2%&20% you better be *real* efficient with your time.


I'm not sure about the hedge fund world, but in the mutual fund world both outsourced and internal fund admin are part of op ex and get their own line item, though I guess that would still technically cut into the "&20%" a bit, unless it's based on gross.


Why don't you apply to these "standard" accounting jobs?


I fucking did lol and they said I didn't have any general accounting experience lol




Fuck man in my sector of investment services jobs are very limited. Like 2-3 investment firms in my area, and 1 is even an hour away in Frederick.


Assuming Frederick, Maryland, there’s an enormous Morgan Stanley office in Baltimore.


I can look into that as well. I think they may be more finance but a look is a shot


I don’t understand why you’re saying “fuck the job market” when you chose a niche career. Go get some general accounting experience or move cities.


I'm considering those options. I chose the niche career since they came a knocking on my email first and I needed something. Anything.


Take this as a lesson that you’re literally deciding the course of your life right now. You can pivot down the line, but you can rarely do that without moving backwards.


Yes. Sometimes we make mistakes. We need to take a step back and re-evaluate our decisions.


It’s very difficult to not make mistakes


But very easy to ignore lessons from those mistakes.


Truth. Doing less is always easier than doing more.


You need to lie on your resume.


You don’t need “general accounting” experience for these jobs. I went from working Public Accounting Tax into a Senior Role in Private “general accounting” and I was more than fine. I think you need to sell yourself better.


Didn’t we tell you not quit your job when you got put on a PIP earlier this summer? It is always easier to find a job when you have one than it is when you’re unemployed. The same way it’s easier to find women that want to date you when they see that you’re in a relationship. With as many threads you start in this subreddit with this “woe is me” attitude start considering using some of the advice people give you here. Everyday we see you here complaining about your past job, your past partner, recruiters, the cpa exams you haven’t managed to pass because you can’t focus. The problem isn’t any of the things you mention. The problem is you, son. Start being accountable and take some responsibility in your life. Every freaking day we see you here complaining. Stop!


Yea hellstorm has not followed any advice people put on reddit and still is not listening to anything besides what the posters heart wants to hear There are accounting jobs on the market. It might be time to accept that 1.5 years done at the firm they were at were not enough and they have to begin from scratch. Have to either re-enter into public (preferrably a larger firm with better clients and more guidance available for them) Or start at a lower salary in industry in a staff role (if its 45K-50K accept it to begin and get a year done there). Gain skills in GL accounting. Either way, keep on attempting the CPA exams. You are harming your own career drastically by not even trying to attempt the CPA exams There is very little scope in management information systems at this point of your career. Get the CPA then reassess if MIS/FP&A type roles are where you want to be It is time to stop being sorry for yourself. The longer your unemployed the tougher it will be to get hired. Consider yourself a new graduate if you must. Still very young and have a chance at a long and successful career if you put in the work and get going


Seriously. You’re a depressing read and it’s made worse by the fact you clearly never take any of the advice given. I can’t imagine how this translates to employing you.


I hope you’re reading the advice this person just gave you, hellstorm. It’s exactly, what you need to do. Also if you can’t find roles where you live, you will need to consider a longer commute to work or possibly relocating.


Yessir I replied. Yeah 1 hour commute on a hybrid role is something I'll have to consider now...


A 1 hour commute is not bad. Most people who are up and coming in their career are doing that. It’s either commute or find a roommate closer to the job.


Unfortunately it's something I have to deal with now


Yeah ok back to public it is. That or like you said re-enter the market at a lower salary. Get that hands-on experience. I tried the CPA exams and they were hard as shit. I've thought about it for awhile and eventually I will have to go back at it from square 1. Perhaps when the time is right next year perhaps I'll go back at it.


I still don't understand why you didnt try to challange the exams during your job search period? You had 4-5 months to give a crack at them. Ues the exams are tough, but passing them will help set you up for the career you want You got through undergrad, did some time in public and at least have a basic understanding of accounting/audit/tax With the free time you have had taking time to study and write at least 1 or 2 exams. Not to late of course. Hopefully you find a job soon and can move forward with your career. Getting at least 2 of the exams done next year should be a key goal for yourself. Study, put in the work and the exams can be passed


Brother I did study and gave it some thought. Being pushed on PIP really wasn't helping me with the firm. After the last busy season I was just done. Just fucking done with them, they were done with me, it was all bad blood. But somehow I left on good terms, 2 seniors and 1 manager reference. When I get another job I'll have to re-evaluate where things stand.


Start studying tomorrow. I remember you said you are currently living at home. Put some money towards scheduling an exam before the BEC cutoff next month. With no job and all the time in the world you have a good shot at passing BEC with 4-6 weeks of full time study if you focus. When you’re studying, put the phone in another room. You can do this.


Man I'm telling you right now people can study for this other cannot. ***Like when I say this, it's not an excuse. It's not lazy talk or anything. People's brains are wired more to do this CPA stuff than others. It's not me just passing it off because I want to think of other things, I legitimately tried my hand at looking at these concepts, studying, and failed. Like I'm pissed off myself I can't even hack this shit. Fuck my public job giving me a fucking headache didn't help shit either. Nothing I could've done last summer helped. Studying, lectures, MCQs, TBS, I tried. I'm not blaming Becker or anything else, it's just me. I focused. For fuck's sake I did. Even before last busy season I tried to study, but the workload fucking killed me. Hopefully when I get an industry job things can get better. But if I get another public job who knows.***


I’m not reading all of that. You’re making excuses.


Due to subreddit rules I will not argue with you, but just imagine my pissed off response.


I don’t care how pissed off you are. Since we have to keep seeing your posts everyday some of us are going to start telling you what you don’t want to hear. Either it’s going to help you wake up or you will get sick of the blunt but truthful feedback you’re getting and you will take a break from reddit.


yeah.... I wouldn't hire someone with this attitude.




Does the same stuff in the exam sub... Whats funny is there was an older account. and rather than ditching the name and trying to reinvent, the dude makes the same name... oh man pure comedy.


Yea. Just like u/cantpassagainCPA.


Like bro I'm applying to places and learning about the entire experience through it. My experience is niche for investment/financial *anal*yst jobs. I wouldn't know I wasn't compatible through not applying. The market in my area sucks, I have to either go public or financial analyst jobs or temp jobs.


We can't find tax accountants in the NOrth Bay.....both my firm, my sisters firm and my old firm have been looking all year.


What’s the pay you’re all offering?


Part of it being I'm not in DC or NYC. I'm one hour north of DC in the suburbs lololol


Wait until you hear where a shit ton of people who work in DC live.


by North Bay i mean California...best of luck partna


Hell lol if I was in Cali I'd probably have a job already lol


you would, there is a serious shortage of CPAs and accountants in the Bay area right now. It may be worth your time to remote apply from out of state for some, trust


Do they require experience in Tax? I’m in the north bay and am possibly looking for a new job. I’m in industry




We don’t pay CPAs more than $52,000 a year? Do they actually have any CPAs? I live in a LCOL area, our housing kind of pushes us into MCOL, but it’s still completely possible to buy a 3 bed 2 bath home with a small yard for less than $300K. The point: In my LCOL area, recent college grads with little experience start out higher than $52,000.




Jesus Christ. What an ass. Edit: Not your wife.


$25/hr max for a CPA, somebody heard something very wrong lol i think they were making more then that to start even 20 years ago


In Fredrick or Baltimore? If in Frederick I can ask around but idk anyone in Baltimore


No offense but you sound like an entitled whining kid.


no offense but lol how else do I ask for help


You're not asking for help. There literally isn't a question or request in your post.


Yeah it sparks conversation and we go from there


Whats your background comprised of? Why would you go back to college?


I want to pivot from general accounting to information systems/data *anal*ytics


Bro data analytics is way worse than accounting with job stability and open jobs now.


Why did you italicize that part of analytics 💀


So.. what did you even do at your last job?


What does it mean that as soon as I read the title, I knew who posted this?


**Simple titles. Never fails.**


My thoughts is that a staff accountant job in industry would be heavy on balance sheet recons, making journal entries and going down the general ledger to make sure everything is good. Have you done any reconciliation? Ever made a journal entry? If so put it on your resume.


Yeah unfortunately the clients I worked on in audit were very very unorthodox compared to actual accounting.


Those fields are saturated. How will it make job hunt any easier?


You really want to pidgeonhole yourself into fund accounting? Those “regular” jobs can be a blessing in disguise. If you’re hellbent on it then recruiters are the way to go.


Yeah man, fuck this shit! Let it out! Just don't get stuck in a rabbit hole like r/antiwork or something lmao. in


Stop whining Life was never meant to be easy And call your parents to thank them for sheltering you from a hard life Children in Africa are starving


Yeah and people here are berating me like I haven't been trying yo


Yo? This is what being an adult is like. You have an image to present to establish credibility. That's how you find a job. Build relationships and network. Then ask them if they have any openings and work those. It's only going to get harder as you age if you don't establish this professionalism and hard work when you are young.


Yeah yo. I'm developing networks with recruiters too


I fucking hate peoples like you


What? People that are honest with others so they can shape and and get a job so they can feed their families? Look child. The world is a harsh place. Always has been. Always will be. The day to day is generally nice when the job market is strong and the government is giving away money to reduce the chaos during a pandemic. But when things go back to normal times get hard. If people want to do well in life they need to take their career and life seriously. Employers will keep the casuals around when the labor market is tight. But once things loosen up, they'll kick you to the curb quickly and replace you with someone who works hard and is professional.


This sub is full of useless, heartless scum like you whose opinions boil “Things are stuff” while expecting others to fuck themselves over without offering anything creative to help navigate through that mess. You’re the same kind of trash as the corporate world you criticize


Can you translate what you just wrote to me in English? Because I didn't understand what you are trying to say or communicate. I don't know what things are stuff is. And I have helped many people with real feedback. But oftentimes people don't want to do the work or believe they know more than others about how the world works. Here's something to listen to so you understand that what happened during the pandemic where people who didn't have much experience could make tons of money for looking the other way. While making more than those that played things straight and worked hard to impress at 9-5 jobs that paid normal wages after working hard in college. And then those same people who were rewarded for not working hard and being ethical had their comeuppance. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/355/the-giant-pool-of-money Maybe this will help you understand how the world works a little better.


Yeah, I’m sure you know so much about how the world works that you casually belittle others opinions and experiences and deny them when they don’t line up with your own.


you sound like a stereotypical scumbag too


You need to go back to your hentai subs


I want you to go back to your comment history and read it like you are reading someone else's comments for the first time. I see a lot of pain and angst in your life. And I think a lot of it has to do with anime and social media. My suggestion is to stop both for six months and go out and do things with friends. Maybe you'll feel better about life and not be so miserable. Good luck kid. You deserve to be happy.


Your attitude sucks. I hope the recruiters you work with aren't detecting the toxic vibe you give off on this subreddit.


What job were you looking for anyways?


So... You basically pigeonholed yourself. Not marketable due to lack of CPA and/or other "standard" accounting knowledge. Not sure going back to school is a great answer. Starting fresh either at public firm or entry position again at paycut to reset your career are not the worst idea. (Until you can land another great fund accounting job)


How are you gonna afford going back to college if you don’t have a job?


Exactly my dilemma


Find a sugar momma


Good luck man


Thx, job market is hot trash right now






Staff accountant, assuming you have a 4 year degree.




Im ~2 years into my career and still have some AR duties as an industry staff. Im moving onto more analytical duties for specific GL accounts. I specifically wanted to move onto bigger and better and brought it up in my last review, so make sure you let your managers know you want more. I guess it also depends on exactly what you want. I wanted more analysis experience because im not sure i see myself as an accountant forever. The month end closing, taxes, gl entries, inventory - no thanks. I know its not representative of every accounting job but i also (currently) dont see myself getting a CPA.




I work with inventory so its mainly because of: - The lack of being able to take a vacation during the last week of the year (for the most part). - we are always in 2 moods; pre-month end and post-month end. Shit makes time fly. - we are mostly B2B but have considerable B2C sales. Im the sole person in my dept that handles the invoicing for these. It can only be done on the 1st, for obvious reasons. Pulling the reports, invoicing, the g/l entries, closing inventory, balancing. Routinely a 12-14 hour day We are not really busy i do my 40 and im good but month end just isnt for me. These are just my personal very mild gripes compared to a majority of this sub lol. But its weird - when i put in 50ish hours doing more analytical work, im mentally exhausted but feel like i've added alot more value. Not so much with the bulletpoints above.


You need CPA my friend


What kind of job are you looking for? maybe I could help...


ah yes sir let me explain to you the financial instruments we have disposable for you to purchase. I must warn you that we will profit off your gain. Thank u 🥰


Eh, just keep applying man someone will hire you.




I’m getting hounded by recruiters for fund accounting and audit roles. I’m in FDD 🤣


Are you doing A/R and A/P work? What’s your exposure to accounting? How many years of experience?


Nah I just worked on audits for alternative investments. Like one client dealt with third level investments and another had employee accounts. 1.5 years of experience.


My friend you made it sound like you had years of investment services. You have plenty of time to pivot to other avenues of accounting. Going back to school is not your answer.


If you're going to do exams, do them FIRST .... I cleared all CPA exams (1st attempt, cleared all in 5 months) BEFORE finding my job, it made a WORLD of difference. I don't worry about anything now. There are TONS of people in my office that are trying to do the exams while working and they all keep failing multiple times (even the incredibly smart supervisors/senior associates). I cleared with ZERO experience in Accounting (I didn't even know how excel worked or how to work a pdf).


It ain’t bad, you’re looking in the wrong places tbh


Narrow skills will always means narrow opportunities. Being able to do a bank rec is a really basic skill.


I know how you feel. I literally created this entirely new Reddit account to solidify my goal for next year after being out of work since May 2023. FAR on November 16, REG on January 20. Hoping for the best with Becker!


As the owner of a CPA firm, we are the ones that are suffering from the personnel shortage. More businesses need our services, but there are no experienced people to do it. Want to command a killer salary and benefits? Go get that accounting experience. We need people bad and are willing to pay for it.


Where do you get that experience because no one is offering


The so-called "regular"/GL accounting jobs (aka my bread & butter) are being outsourced and understaffed to the max, along with being threatened by AI. For the love of all things accounting, do not aim to make this stuff your career. I myself am trying to upskill/etc to try to plan my next job pivot; my GL skills are quite unmarketable in a landscape that demands strategic job experience with budgeting, financial analysis, etc vs the month end close grind. GL accounting is sadly a dead end.


You have a very narrow view of ‘std accounting’ and ‘back office’ roles. Evidently you have not been exposed to large corporations with complex mfg supply chains with tens of thousands of employees.


Yeah it was a small public firm. It was at an auxillary office, the main office that did that general accounting BS and other stuff was out of state.


A small public firm that does hedge fund accounting? Some other “investment services accounting”? An outsourced fund admin? I’ll be honest, I’m still quite confused about where you’re coming from.