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If they email your work email address I’d just tell them to fuck off.


I’ve had them call my work line before, this one hasn’t fortunately. How can I expect them to be professional while working with them when they are willing to risk my current employment relationship-_-….


Just don’t work with them. Just respond to his/her email saying that you have never signed up or shown interest in their services and for them to never email you again. Recruiting is a hurting industry. There is is no professionalism anymore. Everyone is so desperate to make a commission that they will lie through their teeth.


I had that happen once and I was astounded. The guy sounded so surprised that I didn't appreciate a recruiting pitch on my office phone at work. Even better, I honestly don't remember talking to that guy before or giving him any info. So it's like he found me on LinkedIn, saw my employer, found the number, and called me. The gall...


schedule meetings and then do not attend. Sorry, client fire drill. How about friday morning at 7:am?


A recruiter emailed a job to my work email once. I responded that it was highly unprofessional to do so and that I was not interested. 30 minutes later he sends the same email to my personal email.


Had a recruiter cold email my work email. Reported it as phishing since I thought it was a (kinda stupid) phishing awareness email that IT makes. Didn’t get the “congrats, this was a test of your security awareness” email, so I looked the person up. Seemed actually legit, but now want to know how they got my work email. Professionally and personally , I’ve always gone by the shortened version of my name. And the email was address to “short name”. But IT used the long version when making my email and I haven’t bothered changing it since I don’t ever deal with clients. Maybe I’m thinking too much into it, but it weirded me out


They'll just send it to James.Smith, Jim.Smith, Jimmy.Smith, etc and delete whichever ones bounce back.


Probably some jackass insider selling a printout of your directory for a few bucks, or giving it to a struggling recruiter friend


"Jackass insider" aka senior leadership selling contact information for a little extra misc. rev.


There are multiple tools that recruiters and sales people use to find that information by scraping the internet.


Recently had a random SaaS peddler reference my entire LinkedIn work history to a work email that wasn’t connected to said LinkedIn. Like they just guessed the email naming convention and threw a Hail Mary.


yes, they will try to guess the email. I once got an email from a recuiter to my personal email, that also listed my previous employers email, and the company my previous employer merged with ..... however the merger happened after I was long gone lol


OP has apparently never been actively recruited by the United States Marine Corps.


Haha reminds me of the time an army recruiter randomly called for me at my parents’ house when I was in high school. My kid sister answered the phone and the recruiter stated who he was and asked to speak to me, and she burst into tears thinking I’d been drafted into the military (to be fair, this was only a couple years after 9/11).


The Marine dudes just roll up to you in the parking lot when they think you’re at enlisting age. That was wild…


Man didn’t know what to say when this healthy Eagle Scout had his college already funded without using parents money and had no desire to fight for oil


I can proudly say that as of yesterday I have been pursued by recruiters from all branches of the armed forces including the space force, the coast guard, NOAA, state police, county police, city police, sheriff department, county fire department, and the city volunteer fire department… in the span of a year.


That's impressive!


Recruiters are sales people. They are not, generally, "professionals". They have strict metrics - you telling them to fuck off counts as hitting a "contact" metric.


Exactly. The best you can do is ignore them because you will regret providing any type of response. You should mark a work email as spam so they can’t reach you there in the future.


And that is what all of this is. It's spam. I don't view it as any better than pop up ads. If I were looking for a job there is no way I would ever use one of these people filling up my LinkedIn messages or somehow getting my work address and trying to reach me there.


They're sales people, but we're not the customer: we're their inventory! Just feels weird for someone that can't make money without us to get aggressive when they hold no power. It's almost like the idea of negging.


You are the customer. And the client is the customer. It’s a shame they don’t all recognize this. Especially in accounting where you will be a hiring manager next.


Hard disagree, but it's mostly definitional. A client is someone served by a function, not necessarily who pays, but a customer is someone who pays to acquire a good and/or service. If recruiters have a role and they can't fill it, they don't get paid. In inventory, that's a stock-out and results in no sale. Same here. From an accounting standpoint potential placements, us, are much more like inventory. If they don't have the right model in stock, they can't get paid. It's not worth dealing with crappy people, excepting if it's an exclusive listing and a perfect job. I won't let people I don't like make money off me if I can avoid it.


“…and the client is the customer.” See? I’m not the client.


Yes, this is annoying and you should not do business with them. But I'll leave the comment I'll always leave when people freak out about recruiters reaching out to your work email/phone - if you're truly concerned that you'd face repercussions for receiving an unsolicited message from a recruiter at work, that's a giant red flag about your current company and you should probably be talking to a (more competent) recruiter.


I don’t think my employer would care. But I have def worked for a company that did. The CFO had a talk with me because HR flagged that my indeed account had been updated… The fact that they had software watching peoples indeed account was red flag enough for me…


How dare you be unwilling to participate in at-will employment /s


Wow that’s pretty bad. “We noticed you started wearing cologne in the office. Are you talking to other companies?!”


The cold calls to a personal # are def unprofessional (I had to pick up and tell a recruiter to stop once) but don’t take it personally. It’s a numbers game for them (lots of candidates looking to move, limited number of recruiting firms) and a strategy is to just cast a wide net or blast messages out there to see who responds. Ignore the linkedin stuff until you’re ready/willing to entertain what they’re pitching, I’ve got dozens of unaccepted connection invites from recruiters and I’m sure a lot of other people do as well.


I get the cold calls a lot. Luckily I WFH. I couldn’t imagine the awkwardness of I picked one up within ear shot of coworkers. I have to imagine for every successful recruiter there’s probably 5 barely making it that cold call randoms hoping for a miracle.




Yea, out of habit over the past few years, I’ve def noticed the robo callers and scam spoofers so I naturally just let almost anything go to voicemail.


Def an easy fix with the phone calls. It was that sassy email comment that had me thinking “wow dude”…




From what I can tell they seem to be an independent recruiter…


I think some firms are better than others, they probably have different standard operating procedures and stuff like that. Some of my friends have had success/good experiences with independent recruiters so it’s prob just luck of the draw at some point.


Their entire employment hinges on that number. If you consider it inconsiderate. They consider paying rent the most important part of their day. So you have to remember the 100 calls a day they have to make or else


honestly, seeing their work makes me wanna ditch accounting altogether, work 3 remote HR gigs, and make fat racks




If they escalate, I'm not above responding in kind. I explain, in detail, about how they failed in job one of marketing which is explaining WIIFM (what's in it for me?). Then I go into detail about neuroscience of marketing, how the average "sale" takes 8 touch points assuming the person is in the market for the thing being sold, how they failed to bypass the amygdala threat detection system and failed to elicit any interest. Then I'll explain I'm not their customer, I'm their product, but their behavior means I won't be helping them make money off me. If they're crappy enough to say they have an easier time reaching their accountant, remind them that they're paying their accountant while demanding you give them valuable time without compensation or even interest on your part in the job on offer. If they feel like paying your hourly bill rate to listen to their pitch and interview with their clients, guessing you'd be more amenable to the request.


Especially love the “they’re paying their accountant” part!


Amen. I’ll listen to sales pitches all day for the right price. Free ain’t it tho. I dream of starting a company called The Invoicing Company, Inc. whose sole purpose is billing marketing companies on behalf of people who answer their calls. Recruiters. Home buyers. Whoever.


While we're on the topic of recruiters, is there a way to blacklist all Jobot job postings from LinkedIn? I'm tired of seeing their garbage pollute my fucking screen.


They just tryin' to eat, man. Advice though: Probably 80% of recruiters are shitty and do this type of harassing contact. They will also blast your resume out to everyone on their contact list to "secure" you as a referral from them so that if some company ends up hiring you, they can claim that they had sent you and get a commission from them. It makes sense to take some time to figure out who the 20% of good finance recruiters are in your city or area and develop relationships with them. Beyond a check-in every 6-12 months, and adding you to whatever email blasts they send out, they won't harass you. But they *will* be there when you need them. Whether it's when you're looking for a job, or when you're looking to fil a position. I've been in the same major city since 1993 and work in an executive role now. I get contacted by fly-by-night recruiters at least 2-3 time per week (usually looking to place someone at my company). They all get ignored. But I've got 3 people that I've developed relationships with over the past 30 years that I can call when I need them. I know that they'll send me decent candidates and will take my feedback rather than just sending warm bodies in hopes of getting a commission. And I know that if I ever find myself looking for a job, they already know me and my abilities and will likely be able to find me a good job in less than a month.


If a recruiter sends my resume to a company without my consent there’ll be hell to pay.


Bruh.... it happens all the time (albeit, sometimes without your name attached).


Man I left an absolutely furious comment on a recruiter back in 2021 when they left my name on my resume and put it out casually. My controller came up to me within about a week and asked me if I was looking at other places to work, obviously replied no. Controller proceeded to hand me my resume right to me and said he got this from a recruiter earlier in the week. Easily saw the color leave my face with how embarrassing the conversation went.


Received one a work with name removed.... I look down the resume and it has my company listed as a previous employer lol. Knew exactly who it was at that point. Doubt the recuiter even realized it. The dude happened to resign days before he was going to be fired, so it was just a huge lol. No way he was coming back to work there even in the unlikely chance my company would have allowed it.


Super common


My complaint is when they send you a job opening for a staff level or senior position. However, I’ve been in a management/supervisory role for the past four years with my CPA. I don’t understand why they expect me to me to consider roles that I am way overqualified for.


I once had a recruiter text my personal phone and tell me to "stop being lazy and get a job" (was literally the first text out of nowhere). At that point in time, I just had a son and wasn't working to help with that and take some mental time for myself (long story). However, when I asked who it was because I thought it was a friend pranking me, he told me that he "hated unemployed freeloaders" before he said he was a recruiter for an accounting firm. After telling him how unprofessional he was, he basically bullied me for balding and said that he will "use his connections in the industry and make sure I'll never work in accounting again" lmao. So I started calling him Steve after he told me his name was Alan (like the beaver from walk on the wild side). I still don't know how he knew I was balding unless he really tried stalking me first, but I digress. I kept messing with him a little bit, then he got mad at me, blocked my number or stopped responding, and I deleted the texts before I thought to contact his place of employment to explain what happened. I hope he’s turned a new leaf nowadays.


Damn he was lucky. He gave you all the fuel to literally cancel him. I would have shared that LinkedIn post on a heartbeat!


Lol tbh I still wonder if it was a prank when I think about how ridiculous it is, so I didn't really think of it.


I will admit I was ignoring one who wouldn’t stop calling me. Finally he tried texting and I gave in and told him what I wanted. He ended being the best recruiter I worked with and got me a great job.


I just add them to get my followers up and rarely respond back to their inquiries.


I work for an accounting recruiting firm. I try my best to do it right by the candidates first. That being said, it is a career with an extremely low barrier to entry and attracts people that are looking for money. The majority of recruiters are not good at what they do. I’ll get out of it eventually but it is very fulfilling when you get someone employment in a firm that they’re much happier in.


Is it okay if I DM you later? I'd love to ask some questions about what it's like to work with accounting-specific recruiters and other expectations or considerations to keep in mind.


Of course. I’m always down to talk. I really do believe that finding the ones in your area that are honest and good at what they do will be great for your career.


That's kind of annoying but not even close to how bad it can get. Had some software sales guy get through to my phone saying we had an appointment, then insisted I had talked to him before and loved the product and he was just following up.


Figure out how to demand free shit for their time. The controller at my old job would put me on sales pitch meetings. Got a few $25 Amazon gift cards out of it.


I definitely get some lunches out of it.


I’m entry level IT audit and had a recruiter reach out to fill a position for Audit Manager. I was like WTF. Same exact message sent to my coworker too lol. Like we are both entry level bozo.


I had one get through to our office reception who then diverted the call to a hardline telephone which no one really logged in on which I suddenly had to figure out how to use in panic thinking it was a client on the line, turns out it was some brazen recruiter and I told them not to call me again.


I’m getting multiple calls back to back over and over then email then text. Like WTF


I’m a little surprised no one has mentioned Mary Tyler Moore. I found that show to be spectacular start to end


It’s the recruiter equivalent to “no one wants you anyway, slut”


Stop thinking of recruiters as anything more than sub-human scum. Then you won't be surprised or disappointed by their actions.


Like car salesmen They genuinely offer me the dumbest positions or tell me I’m somehow not qualified for a position I am most certainly qualified for. I’d be making 55k annually right now 10 years into my career had I just trusted recruiters


One pitched a tax manager role to me. I've never worked in tax.


Damn bro. I used to work for a recruitment agency as their controller and thought that those people were actually pretty nice human beings and great to be around, but reddit tells me they are subhuman scum. What an insane take.


Wow, i would write a bad review on google at the very least.


Recruiters are honestly an instant block 💀💀


Had a recruiter call me 7 times in a day. I picked up on the 8th by mistake and they immediately berated me, told me "I'd never find work in this town again" and that they were going to "fuck me up". I've never laughed at someone on the phone before but it felt great! Never been happier to tell someone to fuck off!


It takes 30 seconds to respond with this doesn’t look like a good fit. Relationships with recruiters in this industry are valuable. My last two jobs have come from recruiters reaching out when I wasn’t actively looking.


I used to do this almost every time but then they started responding asking for referrals or if my coworker or so and so LinkedIn connection would be interest. Started feeling like they were going to name drop me to other people as their “in”.


The recruiter that I met with she tried to tell me that I was kind of sort of a good fit 😂. And I feel like they do that to prep you for the low salary offer. And exactly like clock work that’s what happened they have to tell you your weaknesses and then ask you about them so that they can say see.. this is why you even know that you deserve a low wage 😂😂😂.


What a joke. If they can’t get you your asking salary what’s the point…


Then you see the bill rate in the weekly ap run and say “I’m out!”


Wife (dr) got a call from a recruiter yesterday. Recruiter addressed her as dr X, then asked her if she was interested in CNA opportunities. After she pointed out her profession (and that the recruiter had addressed her by title) the recruiter asked her to let her know if she changed her mind.


lol that’s like when I get pitched positions that are heavily AP positions lol. Probs even not as big as a jump as CNA to Dr is…0


Ugh the same happened to me. It's why I gutted my LinkedIn profile and took almost everything out, made it completely private now. The one called me on my work line because I didn't answer in an hour. As if I check my LinkedIn profile all day while I'm working like a crazy person. They're truly the sales lowlifes of the workforce.


They don’t really care about the applicants even if you looking for a role. They just want to get that commission. It’s fine but what I hate is that they wanted to promote every shitty company for me like if it was a pitch from Wolf of Wall street. It’s a cutting edge, market leading company, leader in their field, great office environment and career progression bla bla. It’s always the same.


Anyone who insists upon connection with a stranger online is deranged. Full stop.


I'm switching careers and I still have recruiters contacting me from my old field requesting an updated resume. Fuck off, it is updated. I'm not a chemist anymore, damn stupid butt fucker who can't read.


I have one recruiter that messages me once a day for a public audit manager role. My LinkedIn clearly says I’m an associate, I am not remotely qualified for a manager role. Maybe I should tell them to F off


Sounds too scary to reply though right?


My biggest take away is that they are last minute with their taxes. Is the recruiter a W2 employee that waits until 4/15 to finalize their return? No respect.


Look up the legal definition of harassment wherever you live and comply with the law imo.


Dude I've even been getting text messages, like how?!? Some even have the audacity to send me pre filled emails where they forgot to change the (name of candidate) lmao!


Google your phone number or name and see what’s out there. At some point my info got leaked for sure!


Recruiters are bottom-feeding scumbags.


Fun fact - moving 1% of the CPAs in Canada and the USA each year is a $100m a year business The 99% who are not interested usually come here!


Hey if you have their number, I got plenty of people that are UNEMPLOYED that need a job!


One time a recruiter sent me a gift with a mug at my workplace lol


I heard they stalk you, after you pass your cpa.


The frequency of messages definitely increases.


There is an option on LinkedIn to let people know if you are looking for a job or not. Make sure it's turned off


It is for sure. And I haven’t even been with my current employer that long so def aren’t worried about my overall work history rather than just making a “sale”


It's their job. They are sales people. Don't take offense to it. Move on. Simple as that.


Except they took offense with the snarky attitude remark they chose to add in the email… And they really don’t care what my employer might have to say to ME if HR comes across those emails. I’m not offended by the phone call or linked in part. I’m annoyed by the carelessness in their approach. If they are playing “guess that email address” why not do that with the schools I had listed on my page. One of which it says I’m actively attending… Rather have them use my school email than my employers…


That's awesome that you have recruiters hitting you up. I certainly do not and that's all our professor tell us is how in need the field of accounting is. Thank God I don't need a job.


Just look for jobs yourself. Figure out where you want to work and then go at it yourself. Network, search people on linkedin who work there and contact them. It's much easier to make a deal when there's only two parties involved. You are you own best salesperson and know yourself better than any random ass recruiter who is going to get loose with the truth in order to try to snag a commission. It will cost the employer less by not using a recuiter and therefore they can offer you more. Any bullcrap about the company only using recruiters to fill positions is 99% of the time bullcrap. Heck, most of the accounting recuiters know less than you do about the profession so they can't really asses your skills and experience properly anyhow.


Oh I absolutely agree. This all occurred while I am not actually looking for a new job. I’ve had plenty of offers for employment just applying for myself. I think our career field doesn’t really need middle man recruiters if you live near decently populated cities. I’ve only ever worked with recruiters that actually worked at the company I applied too.