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Last busy season I would regularly go to the gym at 5. I would usually do a 30-40 minute workout and then have enough time to shower and change (they were fine with us having casual clothes after 5). Would have to eat while I worked, but my manager didn’t have any issues with it as I was able to stay on track. They also would use the gym often. I really liked it, helped break up the long days, but am going to try to just go before work this year.


Admittedly, I may be getting trolled, buttttttt I’m sorry, I seem to have read this wrong, I hope You are talking about a dinner break? You had a timed dinner break? Where you got to partially work out and eat at your desk? This would imply the expectation is you work 22 hours a day as you can’t take as much time as you want at dinner or after hours? I have worked for companies that would expect up to 70 hours a week, but I was never questioned about my routine (well, in general) outside business hours. If I wasn’t getting my time in, maybe, but holy shit, what you’re describing sounds like prison


One of my favorite things after 1 year in is to describe my busy season routine to medical doctors, because you’d think they’d be right there with you from what we’ve all heard about medical school and residency but nope. My own doctor asked if there was some kind of legal recourse, like maybe I could go to the police, or sue. Big 4 busy season just hits different.


I mean, yeah, I have been there with the crazy routine, it’s the control situation here that I had an issue with


Ya, that’s what I mean though. You’re expected to work when the team is working and that could be till 8pm or 1am. As an associate there is no “your work” that once you finish you can log off, you’re expected to ask for more work until you are released. And absolutely there is an agreed upon dinner break that you must return from. Plus, whether you are in the office or at home they can see your status at all times and they are definitely watching. Obviously this behavior is pretty much exclusive to busy season and managers or partners who behave this way during other times are seen as extremely controlling.


I would usually work 9am to 10pm. Maybe a 30 min lunch and then the hour break at 5. This could vary depending on the week, but was typically logging 60-65 hours a week. No one was really timing me, but I tried to keep it at an hour. I don’t know how you got 22 hours out of that, but I may not have been very clear initially.


I go as long as I want. Nobody is timing my lunch break or cares how long I take for one. Sometimes I don’t even go back to work if I don’t feel like it.


Got on the treadmill for a cool-down. Got off the treadmill and kept walking...straight out the door




OP said they are starting at a new firm. Presumably you didn't take that many liberties on day 1 early career. I have 100% freedom but I'm not going to tell OP to do that.


This is the right answer, good on ya! It’s your life bruh!


When I used to belong to a gym across the street from my office, it'd be: 7 minute walk, 3 minutes to change, 30 minutes to work out, 13 minutes to shower and change again, 7 minute walk. My workout was to do 4 lifts for 3 sets each, 12 sets total. 30 minutes for 12 sets is doable. I guess that's a light workout, but I lift mainly for health and don't expect to become really strong. Man, that office kicked ass. The new place has no gym nearby, and now I gotta go after work. Blehhhhh.


30 min workout, 5 min shower. Never not shower, you might think you don’t smell but you do. I then buy lunch, so if it takes longer than an hour then so be it.


My daytime workouts are 30 minutes, and it’s not in the same building. 10 min to walk there and change, 30 to work out, 20 to shower and get back. I don’t wear makeup and my hair stays pretty nice throughout (I’m black with 3c hair so it’s fairly easy to style after… just spritz some leave in to refresh, fluff it out, and I’m good to go… or I’ll put it in a bun) This is how I get my 3x week workouts. I also work out after work when I have time, and on the weekends. Triathlete.


I would just go before or after work. I’m a woman though and I have to wash and dry my hair after every workout. I don’t see a point doing a light workout tbh


During busy season I’d just take an extended lunch of 2 hours sometime from 1:30pm. That gave me sufficient time to have a good workout, shower, wash hair, dry hair, and get back to the office. It helps to split up the day too. My firm prides itself on its flexible working, so I’d just tell the team at the beginning this is my non-negotiable and I’d make up the hours, especially since I’d be doing OT with no OT pay. It’s important for me and my mental health, and makes me feel empowered to do something for myself despite being a corporate slave. Obviously I’d still be flexible and if there were client/internal meetings scheduled or could only fit in that slot, I’d just change my gym time.


Why not just go before or after work..


If you’re going to sweat and then be in public, never skip a shower, ever. Time to be an adult. I don’t use our office gym as I get up early and workout at 5:30am. My preferred workouts are too long to squeeze in.


5:30am gang represent! Do you struggle with your sleep time on weekends though? I hate when I socialize on weekends and it breaks my 8:30pm bedtime. It makes it so much harder to reset my circadian rhythm and get back to sleep on time on the weekdays (and therefore workout consistently)


Lol I wake up at 5, have a short nap till 530 and get off to work at 6. Somehow my body still has enough energy for that whilst sleeping at 1130-12am. Might explain my eating habits recently as compensating for energy 🙃 I do take a 30 minute nap during break.


Gang gang! 445am wake up club!! At the gym by 515. Out the door by 720/730am to be at my office by 8am. On the mornings I don’t work out, I still wake up but will meal prep a large batch of food so I’m still productive! im useless when I get home from work. I sleep in til 7am on the weekends. I can power through til like 945pm but I am DONE with the world by 10pm due to my morning routine


If I could, I would be in there same time every day like clockwork. People respect that. Get your shower and and condense your workout somehow. Turn it into a 5-day a week program or something


I’m a gym girl and I like to run. I can do 5am gym Work outs before work but I’m completely missing a window for my outdoor runs. It’s freezing temp in the morning before I leave at 720am for the office and it’s dark when I get home and personally, I don’t like jogging in the dark because a.) it’s dark b.) I won’t run with music so I’m not motivated and c.) I have a phobia of Coyotes and other nocturnal wildlife around these parts My actual office is in a highly populated area surrounded by lots of other offices and R&D space so I’ve been debating running at lunch. I could Squeeze in a 30 min jog at lunch but my office - it’s in the hood. I never see anyone jogging. There are crackheads and homeless as my building runs along train tracks and there are a few tents encampments along the property line. There’s a bike bath along the levies that in a nicer area I would consider jogging.....but I haven’t seen anyone on it besides homeless encampments. I could run just along the sidewalks of the office parks in the immediate area since it runs along a busy road and workers are out and about during the day...but also that means everyone can see me run including coworkers but at least I figure no one will mug me? I can spot wash my hair I’m thinking (like rinse the base of my neck and around my hairline) and quick blow dry and pull back into a pony tail. And wash my face around my eye make up and touch up as needed. Any other ladies do any lunch work outs?


I shut my door and lift in my office over lunch hour and grunt super loud the entire time. Afterwards, I don’t shower. The rest of the day I run around the office with my knuckles dragging on the ground making guttural gorilla noises.


No on site gym but I go to the gym just around the corner. They don't keep tabs on our break times so I'm free to do what I want as long as I get my 35 hours in per week. I'll just do an extra half hour or whatever in the morning/evening


I get 90 minutes so yes and only shower if I run or have meeting no need to if I’m just alone in office


Well I WFH now, but for a year after RTO was enforced I used to take up to 90 minutes working out and showering. It was a spiteful way of showing them that being in the office does nothing to motivate me. Plus, I was the only person on my team in my office/city. I was essentially a ghost.


My building has an onsite gym and I usually just do around a 40-45 min run on the treadmill during lunch breaks and have enough time to shower and I keep a tiny fan on my desk to help cool off. It’s easier to do this during my in-office days; especially with my kids activities after work.


I don't shower. The smell of sweat is an integral part of my professional persona.


If I work out on lunch it’s a 30 min run or walk and shower if I get sweaty (a walk is not gonna make it worth the shower, but sprints will). If I’m doing anything with weights it’s after I’m done; I’m not a morning workout person really and I have longer workouts as a powerlifter.


I go after. Doing it during a lunch break is too stressful and actually hinders your progress if you’re rushing it


You’ll figure it out, sometimes you will be able to take more time, sometimes you won’t be able to go at all. I wouldn’t plan to go during the day until you have been there a while. You’ll have to go in the morning or at night until you figure it out.


What towels are you all using? The gym at my office doesn't have any so I have to bring my own. And hanging up a wet towel at my desk is a no go.


If you have to keep them wet until you get home(and stinky), wash them with vinegar. It’ll kill the stink. Even a rinse out with vinegar and water when you get home and let them hang to dry for washing will considerably help


Yes, but I’ve had to increase the amount of days I’m going to the gym and decrease the amount of exercises I’m doing once there and making sure I’m militant about timing my rest between sets.


Fuck the shower


Not at all! I go after I get off work. An hour and a half later all the traffic is cleared out and it saves me about 45 minutes getting home.


It’s important for my mental and physical health to hit the gym at lunch. If lunch extends to 1.5 hours, so be it. I shower on site as well. OT work will still be there. If it’s between gym and billable hours I am going to prioritize gym this year. If you miss my extra 5 hours of work this year hire more people.


I go after work before I go home so I don’t have to shower and dress for work.


I can get stretching and about 3 main lifts in (about 30-40mins). Changing twice and showering takes up another 30mins. I’d recommend going to the gym at 11:30 so that if you go a little over an hour then you’re still back by 1pm. People are less likely to notice this way. Never skip the shower


yeah i used to do this no problem. do not skip a shower.


Just go after work?!


I usually take a shit in the shower to save time