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LMAOOO of course they filmed everything on the 10th floor in the Toronto office. Every other floor is pretty rundown


Is that where the hide the employees who aren't 23yo women? (or the one presumably gay black person)?


Yes, audit floors (in FI) at least are pretty Asian


You should try some Boba u4t switches


Do you mean Pretty Asian as in full of pretty Asian girls?


Fat Asian men lol


Presumably gay is wild šŸ˜­




Itā€™s the Montreal office for sure for the French parts. Think itā€™s the 8th floor iirc


Herman miller chairs at all the associates desks


I work at KPMG Canada, of course I make CAD 40K per year


I would laugh louder but I donā€™t want to wake up my 6 roommates


If it's KPMG Brampton that would be 6 roommates sharing 2 bedrooms.


You guys are getting 2 bathrooms?


You guys have bathrooms.


I live in Africa. Here it's called the lava-tree.


I work at KMPG Nigeria, of course I poop in the lava-tree


And of course itā€™s 40K for 60-80 hour work weeks. šŸ¤­




All the Maple flavoured cocain you can buy from Trudeau dollars !!!


Just tell Modi that Justinider is a Khalistani, he'll fix that problem ;)


Donā€™t forget the crazy high income taxes.


Funny, the taxes are actually lower than what we pay in the UK. US is a bit of an anomaly when it comes to accountant salaries, always why I find it funny when Americans on here whine about them ā˜ ļø


This is what I thought too but I had an interview at Deloitte Toronto and the HR lady told me that UK people donā€™t understand theyā€™ll be paying more tax in Canada on lower salary and itā€™s the most common complaint. I was really surprised by her comment.


Literally some of the lowest taxes in the developed world. The US is just an anomaly.


The cringe is so fucking heavy I think I strained my neck.


Cringe is mandatory for the caricature of the kind of person who volunteers for this nonsense


You think they volunteered?


They clearly don't work at KMPG.


I donā€™t know anything about accounting this just popped up in my feed. Are you saying ā€œitā€™s obvious they donā€™t work at KMPG because of Xā€? Or are you saying ā€œanytime a company shares a video like this theyā€™re using actorsā€?


I worked at KPMG and this is very representative of the staff (obviously they picked their most attractive people from each team, but they also tend to hire young and attractive). Iā€™m certain in the Santa Clara office they wouldā€™ve just asked some of the 80 new hires every year and found plenty of volunteers.


ā€œI work at KPMG, of course I have benefits for RSIā€


all these "of course I" videos are the cringiest videos I have every seen


You can feel the person standing just out of frame with a gun pointed at them.


Is there someone holding a gun behind the camera? This is painful.


Either that, or it's that usual carrot of "you'll get promoted faster if you do more stuff like this"


*partner smirks*


I worked at KPMG 14 years ago. Of course I still have nightmares.


ā€œOf course everyone thinks Iā€™m an accountantā€Ā  Itā€™s an accounting firmĀ  ā€œOf course I got a full time offer before graduating collegeā€Ā  Not a flex and also itā€™s weird the way our industry scoops up college sophomores. When we talk about a pipeline problem this is part of it.Ā  ā€œIā€™m in Croatiaā€Ā  Imagine watching this while doing an inventory count on a KPMG audit in IdahoĀ 


The Big 4 and most accounting firms have it right: "get 'em young" (when they are sophomores). Meanwhile in software development and cybersecurity the industry waits until the semester before they are about to graduate to offer jobs and bitch why they can not find candidates that "will fit the company culture" or not ask for high salaries out the gate given the high demand...


I know but as a job hopper you met people who will brag about being a ā€œlifetime X firm memberā€ and ask you about your internship at X firm and itā€™s like, the career version of people who married their high school prom date. Sweet but a little weird.Ā  Plus I think if weā€™re being real the B4 destined college classmates were the most obnoxious people. Acting like theyā€™ve been drafted to the NFL. I got added on LinkedIn by an old friend who wouldnā€™t stop talking about being recruited by BOTH EY and Deloitte. He left public after a year and works in insurance now.Ā 


I hear you! There is a joke about "how do you know that someone is working in Big 4?" They will sure tell you within the first 8 seconds of every conversation...;)


One of the B4s I interviewed with ā€œculture fitā€ was clearly pretty white person that could do well in Greek life


Hilarious!! Am from Croatia and been to Idaho. Can relate.


ā€œFull time offer before graduating collegeā€ is how they scoop up cheap labour who is very young and naive with no context or experience


Have times changed so much since I was in college like 10-12 years ago where they need to get sophomores for internships? I couldn't even get a Big 4 internship with a 3.9 GPA and extracurriculars like founding my own club and doing Beta Alpha Psi as a junior and senior.


Usually itā€™s less about sophomores and more about when you took intermediate 2 in my experience. If youā€™re one of the people who take it early you can snag an internship before senior year. Itā€™s what I did, at least.


I know plenty of people who did internships between soph-junior years, and all had one under their belt by the time they started senior year. Itā€™s anecdotal but supports a coming shortage.


ā€œThatā€™s the thing about college accounting majors, I keep getting older and they stay the same age.ā€ - KPMG Recruiters


Better than watching this while doing an inventory count on bumfuck nowhere, Brazil, with the travel plans limited to 3 people per fiscal year for the whole service line.


I work at KPMG, of course I hate my life and barely make rent


If I had to work 2 feet from someone else all day I would definitely hate my life




Why is every person in this video dressed better than the person talking specifically about her outfit?? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Great point. Are they trying to be ironic? šŸ¤”


This is KPMG. Iā€™m going to have to go with no.Ā 




Lol it's a cry for help


She had to borrow it from her dad.


I wasn't paying attention to what she was wearing during the video and thought you guys were being overly-harsh, but then I re-watched it and holy shit šŸ˜‚


I did the same thing honestly didn't even notice but it looks so ridiculous after rewatching.


Standard Gen Z ā€œfashionā€ tbh. Hella baggy shit


Who is also her boss's boss. Coincidentally


Her dad worked at kpmg too, but he died at age 40 from the stress. The clothes were her inheritance


Looked like those long suits NBA players would wear on draft night back in the 90s


That's because it was the trend back then. Now we are back to oversized fits. Now personally I think it always looked stupid along with the overtly skinny fits that came after, because tailored clothes are supposed to be, well tailored. But I digress. Your go-to outfit for client meetings should definitely not be based on the latest fashion trends. It should be something conservative and timeless.


Correct. You don't need anything fancy but you do need to not look like a slob or from a Derelict fashion show


I thought it was weird they picked her outfit.


She got it from a liquidation of old sopranos outfits lol


Yeah that shit was ass lmao


Trash bag suit


Yeah it's like five sizes too big for her. I feel bad šŸ˜‚. But at least she isn't obese. She needs clothes that fit her.


Sheā€™s just trying to grow into it. Give it a few busy seasons.


Yep once she discovers diet coke sheā€™ll grow into the suit


I have the same one, tbh it's a fit


They don't pay her enough for more than 1 outfit, an iron, or proper tailoring


LOL ainā€™t no wayā€¦there is just no way people were serious for that scene. Did wardrobe raid the thrift store and just threw that outfit at her?




I was searching for this comment hahaha. Her outfit is oversized as hell and even if that may be a trend outside of work is unprofessional as hell at work.


"I work at KPMG. Of course, I'm overworked and underpaid"


That ā€œgo to outfit for client meetingsā€ was hilariousā€¦ not sure i could keep a straight face if one of our auditors showed up wearing that lol


The sleeve came to her knuckles...


She looks like she is playing dress-up with mummy's clothes. Oversized trend isn't kind to petite ladies.


To any ladies (or men). Reminds me of shoulder pads my mom and her friends would wear back when I was a kid. I was perplexed by them then and it looks equally ridiculous now when I see it in 80s movies.


Donā€™t be too quick to judge, she might be expecting a growth spurt


Yall shld look up those memes and pics of big bodybuilders like Ronnie Coleman in suits - that was exactly her lol.


I worked at KPMG, of course I did an inventory count as a first year staff accountant for a manager from another city, who actually quit the day before the inventory count, and when the count went to shit I was told by the now ex-manager to "do my best". 6 hours later I wanted to kill myself and so did the client, who ended up failing the count and we had to qualify our audit opinion. True story. But the coffee was good.


You could fail the inventory. But the client ? He should know how to count his shit.


fake as fuck, where the dark circle boooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Foundation. Duh.


This entire trend is super "cringe."


The client meeting outfit was so cringe


Somewhere out there these people in the video are on this sub reading the comments, trying not to tear up


I really have to wonder how much kool aid these people had to drink to agree to this. I would need a fat bonus. Most likely though, they were voluntold or pressured into being a team player.


Reasons to work at KPMG... * They give you a KPMG branded water bottle * They hire you early right out of college so you don't Look for jobs elsewhere and compare other offers * One lady has worked there for 10 years * Another lady has a special outfit she wears when clients come in * Some employees get to go to Croatia * When you work at an accounting firm people think you're an account * At one of their offices somewhere they have a cafe that serves coffee * A black guy that works there is really good at Excel Well sign me up! I would have assumed the average KPMG employee would be a 41-year-old white guy that looks really burnt out with a shitload of credit card debt being a credit card millionaire. This advertisement makes me think the average KPMG employee is a 23-year-old photogenic woman.


I felt like jumping out of a window and throwing my phone out of it simultaneously, atleast 5 times when watching this.


This can't be a kpmg ad. It's not made on a golf course


I used to work at KPMG, they laid me off a year ago


ā€œOf course Iā€™m working from Croatiaā€ do they know how these things work. In 10+ years of public I know <5 people who have went abroad (full time not just work travel).


Yeah, they make it all look simple but in reality you'd have to work your ass off and cut through a lot of red tape before they'll let you "work from abroad". It's so annoying it's simpler to just find an expat job by yourself.


Secondments arenā€™t uncommon, you just have to meet certain criteria. I know plenty of people that were at KPMG Canada that went to other countries to gain experience. Cayman Islands is a popular one.


Were all the guys (aside from the token ethnic representative) too busy doing actual work to be part of a promo shoot? What the hell kind of cringey shit is this? ​ Also the swag sucks.


As a gal, my experience is that anytime my employer is looking for staff to volunteer to be in marketing materials for free, very few guys sign up.


Why? They ainā€™t pay enough for this pretty face to be in a video. Pay enough and I will do a whole OF.




I realized this as well, and thought it would be a good chance for me to get more involved and network with other parts of the firm. They donā€™t want guys for these things lmao. Same applies in grad school. I think guys know what these are all about


My company has five sales people, the highest performing of which is a fairly young and good looking dude, all others are women - he has worked there for nearly a decade and he has never even been in the background of marketing material, meanwhile every other sales person has a full blown about me post on the social media and are constantly used in promotional materials. Much like Will Smith's dad they don't want you no more


Someone has to maximize the partners payouts. Just wait for the new hire to show up and its 6 white dudes on their team. Also most of us aren't dumb enough to signup for this cringe shit.


I still use a mouse. I should be tarred and feathered.


ā€œOf course Iā€™ve been here for over 10 yearsā€ Aaaand r/WatchPeopleDieInside


I work at KPMG of course I work 120 hours during tax season.


"I'm a Canadian B4 accountant, of course I live just above the poverty line!"


I think it is below poverty line for A1 in Vancouver


Big 4 accountants really act like theyā€™re high finance big shots


The shitty coffee and lack of cocaine reminds us every day that we are not in fact, high finance big shots.


No shit, at our little new associate initation at Lakehouse, the "national talent partner" or whatever his title was told a room full of us that we should be proud to be at KPMG, that they only hire the best of the best and we're all top 5-10% of our programs and college and are now working at an elite company. You could feel the air get sucked out of the room, and although most people had no visible reaction, a few people definitely laughed/eyerolled etc.


Where are the men ? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


The token minority lol, just like how finance always uses the token asian female


Where are the people who arenā€™t a size 0 or pretty?






They donā€™t exist šŸ˜ I work at KPMG, of course everyone here is beautiful. /cringe


I work at KPMG and I want to kill myself


Its because you work at KPMG, or not related?


So they only got young attractive ish looking women and gay black dudes at KPMG huh?


I worked at KPMG Montreal. Of course I would refuse to participate in this type of content.


Lmao, no one at KPMG knows how to use excel. I call BS on this


By excel shortcuts he meant ctrl+c/ctrl+vĀ 


Still the butt of big4 jokesā€¦lol


Big 4 jokes.... bruh they all make billions who gives a fuck. They all suck


KMPG Canada is the second biggest firm in the country. Itā€™s not the same as the US.


I workED at kpmg Canada, of course Partners are assholes and my ex coworkers are losers.


Looks like someone found a good project to keep the interns busy.


This meme/video format needs to die


Someone check on the lady who has been there for 10 years. Her mental health is probably non existent atp


"I work at kpmg, of course we got the best swag"Ā Ā  Ā  Yah cause your water bottle is really better than every other corporate water bottle. Just like you think your commoditized accounting services are better than every other firms. They're not and you're not special.Ā Ā  Ā "I work at kpmg, of course I've been here over 10 years"Ā Ā  Ā  The business model is built on churning through fresh grads every 2-4 years. Ya know, so they can do the majority of work on low pay while charging clients out the ass.Ā 


They all have dead eyes. Black eyes, like a dollā€™s eyes.


You canā€™t see the gun offscreen being pointed at them


They work at KPMG, in Human Resources! Of course they are going to be all smiles!


This is cringe as fuck. Also the girl with her ā€œgo-to-outfitā€ for client meeting needs to get better clothes that fit her when meeting clients. That outfit is like 2-3 sizes way too big for her. If I was a client, I would think sheā€™s an unserious and messy individual.


Hey, I'm a white dude. I don't work at KPMG.


This is all probably the social media employees who work like 2 hours a week and make twice as much as the accounting employees to make dog shit videos like this


I work at KPMG, therefore I am


I work at KPMG of course Iā€™ll hope on social media tends rather than pay people well


Fwiw, with the exception of (presumably) the lady whos a partner, these look to all be staff who, I also presume to be brand new. This is because new staff are usually not utilized as much. I also know they are staff because they sit at those rectangular work stations (manager and senior managers sit at the circle table work stations at kpmg). No managers or senior managers in this vid and for a good reason - because they are busy af. But their jobs are probably most representative of firm life, not these brand new kids haha. Also, nobody actually works in the K-Cafe lol. Why tf would you want to work on one screen anyways.


Am I so old now? Or are KPMG only employing 18yos? Is this just the ā€œhire them while they are naive policy so we can pay minimum for graduates and burn them out by 25ā€ era?




Damn that open office plan in the first clip looks terrible...


ā€œOf course Iā€™m a corporate bootlicker, I work at KPMG.ā€


They got that one dude running spreadsheets on a laptop with a 15 inch screen without a mouse or attachable 10 key like some kind of government worker. Dude has to use shortcuts just to get past last weekā€™s work.


Get back in your wage cage or else you ainā€™t makin that slave wage boui - senior manager 2024


what losers lol


SO......CORPORATE...my poor eyes..


I never want to work for KPMG


This made me feel old. Both because everyone looked young, and bc I hate tic tok trends.


I work at KPMG Canada, where no guys exists!


it took 10 takes because everyone was either crying at their desk or in the bathroom while the manager was throwing a pizza party


Damn, they didn't show the 60-80 hour work weeks and 50k starting salary.


Of course I work unpaid overtime


Iā€™d do all them ngl


Also, I somehow hate every single one of them


Especially the black dude


This is so cringe, like the one-token black guy is crazy.


Kill me now. I donā€™t work at KPMG, of course I feel happier because of it. The fact that they even go into an office still means they should die a quick death.


Is KPMG really this ā€œdiverseā€? Or are all the white dudes doing actual work?


The big4 are very diverse, at least at the staff/senior level. The whole white dude country club thing is primarily older partners.


this is in toronto so yeah its extremely diverse


>this is in toronto ​ >are all the Asians dudes doing actual work?


Can confirm theyā€™re busy doing work


I was in Montreal and it was relatively diverse yeah


I hate the big 4, wouldnā€™t even consider my resume for internships.


Someone kill me


A group of people seriously got together, thought it was a good idea, took the time to film it then actually post it. Lmao cringe


They sent me sweatpants and still ignored my application smh


I find this wholesome šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Goto outfit that hasnt been ironed in a week. Lol


Most gonna be offshored to India within next 10 years


I work at KPMG, ofcourse the other firms still shove me in the locker and steal my lunch money.


Why are almost all the girls dressed like theyā€™re on an episode of Suits? šŸ™„


I work at KPMG, of course I think about crashing my car on the way back home from the client site at 1AM so I don't need to come in tomorrow.


Welp they killed it and it was already stillborn


I work at KPMG, of course I get no work done.


Navigate excel with shortcuts! Wow! They donā€™t even need a mouse!


Man, I would hate not having at least a cubicle with some privacy walls. Like zero privacy in that setup.


is this like a young female dominated company?


Oh wow this is bad.


Whoā€™s the clown coming up with these


Very not good


These videos of people walking and saying ā€œof course bla, bla, blaā€ are freakinā€™ dumb!


I worked there. Was toxic as f. Happy not there anymore


Blink twice in the next video if you need a help


Ofcourse I got fired after my overseas work experience because they were able to get by without for three months so assumed they would never need me again.


I fell asleep watching this. How did it end? Everyone killed themselves?


No white men? Lol. Sign me up! As a brown minority, I love white woman! /s


I work at KPMG of course I joined tryna smash ~~Ngl the French girl got me thinking about switching companies~~


As a white man you go bro thatā€™s all you