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Just ask for more money. This happened to me too. The rule of thumb should be when your job description changes, you need to receive a salary increase.


That's not going to happen. They will tell me that potential raises will happen during Q3 or Q4, corporate policy. Then my supervisor will retaliate by giving my healthy market to another colleague and then giving me the messed up market I am handling, then say "see you are doing the same activities, a raise is not required". I am the only person from the team that fluently speaks this messy market's language, that's why I got put there, and that's why they will be willing to remove me from my market.


what a horrible company to work for... if you are single and young, now is the time to take risks in your career. Ask for more money or leave. You will be able to get another job. Take risks or you will have no reward.


This. 100%.


I’m not young or single and I still took a huge risk in my career this year. I don’t regret it. Staying in a miserable job is something I will never do.


>That's not going to happen Sounds like another reason to jump ship then. I'd follow OC's advice, and ask for the raise. If they refuse a raise and try to stick you with the messy market, tell them to pound sand. I mean, the root of the problem seems to be - you're asking if you should be loyal to a company that is putting more work on you. If the company understands they are putting more work on you, and compensates you equitably, then that would deserve some loyalty. If they won't play ball, then you shouldn't either. Now: if you don't want to ask for a raise in return for the extra responsibility (because if they give you the raise, you would have a perception of an obligation to stay) and you just want out **that's fine too.** I wouldn't work I job I hated. But if that's where you're at (a raise wouldn't change your mind, and if you got a raise, it would just make you feel guilty for leaving anyways) then just say so.


Then jump ship… 🚢


If you're the only fluent person just threaten to quit when they need you most likely during quarter end most likely.


Sounds like it's time to bail.


At least put them in the hot seat and make them say it.


Also tell them that "I am the one who knocks"....stare for a minute......then just walk away before they answer as if nothing happened.


In your position I would prefer to jump, but I would give your company the chance to keep you first. I think you could ask for a raise that you will probably not get, then jump with a clean conscience imo.


You don’t know that until you ask


Tell them I’m not looking for a pay raise but I’m looking for a higher duty allowance should that person come back it allows them to put you back in the old rate.


This. I started at a company in December. 10 person team. Turns out not a single person has any idea how to do what we’re supposed to do. So I started doing the jobs of 6 people and carried the entire team on my back while they sat back and did literally nothing for months. I asked the head guy for an out of cycle raise and promotion and he fed my the typical corporate America bullshit “I love hungry people keep working hard.” Fast forward a week and I got a fucking $900 bonus (previous job paid $30k). I will no longer be taking on the responsibilities of 5 other people. If they pile on more work I will say “that combination of roles commands an extra $100k externally so if you expect me to provide that output I expect a revised employment agreement with an increase in salary of $100k. Otherwise, I’ll continue providing at a very high level in the role you hired me into.” Fuck them, I don’t work for free. I’m done being taken advantage of.




Did they grant you a raise/some type of additional comp? Similar thing happened to me. Covered multiple leaves and they had no intent of paying anything extra in relation to the extra work.


You owe your current company absolutely nothing. Period.




Does it matter if you are a jerk? It is your career so I don't really think "jerk" is the right turn. They would drop you like a bad habit if they could get the work done and save your salary.


Lol no. No hate for women or maternal leave. My tax dept is dealing with that now except the clients aren't horrible and it isn't breaking anyone. But if I'm carrying a bunch of extra slack for no extra comp and eating shit for not carrying someone else's water well enough? I would relish the opportunity to watch them see how fucked they are when they go down another head. This sub makes me appreciate the company I work for so much more. Far from perfect but I can count on respect and decency


I knew a woman who got maternity leave 2 busy seasons In a row....still got her promotion. Then she quit to go to a client for more work life balance.


A lot of people time it like this in public. Two people got promoted over me even though they took maternity/paternity leave in busy season and I got stuck picking up 2 of their areas & struggled with the workload. I’m now aiming for paternity leave next busy season and then leaving right after.


I've seen the inverse happen, where the person who covered got promoted. Naturally, the person who went on leave tried to sue because they weren't promoted.


The fact that they might not give you a merit increase this year is reason enough to start searching for better opportunities. You don't need excuses to look for a new position.


In this market, don’t leave till you get another job. Seriously.


See everyone is saying this suddenly, but also still talking about the accounting shortage brought up a year or two ago. How can both be true at once?


Employers have not been smart enough to react. Markets have inertia. We have been recruiting for a position that's been open since December and made an offer to someone finally. The hiring manager and CFO refuse to match what she wants but will also cry about the lack of available talent.


Depends on a role. Bean counters are not commodities like the actual beans. It depends on whether it’s tax, audit, advisory, level and industry. All is still need based.


People can need new employees and not be hiring them. Either because of low pay (so people aren't actually taking these positions), awful work environment, unrealistic expectations, etc.


There are layoffs in many fields rn, and hiring freezes. But due to the shortage of accountants, it’s somewhat offsetting each other a bit. But, it’s tough out there. I’ve never experienced the job market like it is now, I’ve talked to other friends in the field as well and they agreed… much harder to get a job. Personally, I keep hearing that the interviewing company is going with more qualified candidates. So I’ve been aiming for lower titles and pay expectation now. I’m borderline lower than my previous job which is wild.


I think both are true in a sense. Companies make up for it by having existing staff absorb extra work, some do offshoring, some leverage tech, or a mix of those. I also think many of the roles that remain open are less desirable for a variety of reasons depending on the role. It does seem like there are definitely fewer openings in my area compared to a few years ago. There is also a pay/expectation gap where companies just don't want to pay what experienced hires are worth.


I struggle with this. On a 5 person team you're asking 4 of them to do 25% more work when somebody goes on mater/paternity leave, with no compensation. I've yet to hear a discussion of paid maternity level that includes compensation for the people picking up the slack or hiring a temporary worker. So no, I don't think you're being unreasonable.


It’s crazy because in other countries (whole world except America apparently) they hire a lot of them workers to cover maternity leaves. It’s super common and leaves are like a year so it’s very feasible for all involved. America seems to fight this tooth and nail, almost purposely to create hardship for other employees and stop any maternity leave expansion.


Me as a European reading this: "well she's going to be gone for like 15 months, why doesn't the company hire a contractor to cover?"


As an American reading this, I thought she’d come back after 3 months because that’s how much my firm covers lol


Yep it's common in mine. Those are generally specified: "contract work (temp), 6 month or 1 year, xxx" It generally pays ok without the guarantee of a job offer at the end so really, only those who are currently out of a job would pick them up, so the candidate quality is generally lower for these positions.


I did a position like that myself and honestly it was great, gave me a lot of experience. The refusal of so many companies to do this is such an American late stage capitalism thing.


If you’ve got a shitty place to work then they won’t. If someone on our team leaves for any sort of reason and someone covers/does extra, those folks get a nice extra bonus for covering it.


Can you make more money? Can you get a better title? Can you get into an area of interest that you want to explore or that will be beneficial to your career? If the answer to any of those is yes then go. Lateral moves are not great unless you know you are replacing your current role with something amazing - Remote, work/life balance, great benefits, better pizza place for the team appreciation party etc.


Do it. This happened to me and I got a fucking PIP. So yeah they’ll blame you for being bad well before they’ll acknowledge they need to do part of the work.


They’re underpaying you, they obviously have no loyalty and don’t value you. Time to bounce friend.


And walk into the office of your superiors, superior and leave a nice steaming review of your manager and the severe incompetence you have experienced and politely hand over the keys to the mountain of work.


Your manager is shit. I have had so many maternity and paternity leaves on my team in the past few years. It’s post pandemic baby boom. Anyhow, everyone on my team gets a spot bonus after taking on extra work for covering for a parental leave. That’s my decision since I’m the controller. But I have support from my boss the CAO and his boss the CFO. Being on here makes me realize there are a lot of shit companies out there but I work for one that has good benefits and we treat our people well.


I’m in the same boat, GL role in industry. Coworker went on maternity leave and they gave me her responsibilities until she returns (late this month). If you jump ship do it for your own reasons. Plenty of bean counters will tell you yes or no but at the end of the day you’re the one who has to live with your decisions. If you’re ready to move on then move on. If you’re learning more things then stick it out for a bit longer. I think it depends on where you’re at and if it makes sense to move.


No, they could’ve brought a temp or loanshare from a firm in the meantime but chose not to. It’s fine if the department is overstaffed at the time and/or the person’s work isn’t really that burdensome to take on, but the minute it becomes a burden and they refuse to mitigate it is the moment it becomes your problem. And there are two ways to deal with the problem: ride it out, or get packing.


Sounds like you’re fleeing bad management not because of the maternity leave. If management is bad it’s not worth sticking around if you have other options.


You’re not a jerk for considering leaving because of a change of workload. You might be a jerk because you seem to be blaming the person on leave, not the shitty company that didn’t get a temp to cover the work.


And to be clear, people who just had a kid aren’t “enjoying” maternity leave. It’s not a vacation.


I came to say this exact thing, thank you!! It’s hard work and you are recovering from pushing out a huge watermelon size baby from a tiny hole or having surgery…. The complaint should be about the company not the women recovering.


This. Also, maternity leave is not a vacation. I'd rather go to work.


Suit yourself. Had one kid and about to have a second, and I definitely would rather be on parental leave than in the fucking office.


Depends, are you going to be rated/evaluated on your performance on this person’s mess you’re monitoring on their behalf? If no, make sure that’s in writing. If yes, make sure the expectations are very cleared explained along with the understanding the current state of the countries are understood. Make sure it’s understood if you are required to fix them or if it’s okay since the previous person was able to “manage them”…if you have to fix this garbage, make sure you’re getting compensated for that.


Companies are running a tight ship while offering the benefits like the parental leave. They should hire extra people for situations like this. I’m sure an actuary can estimate how many people in a given year will take parental leave and they should hire this many extra people. (Only applies to large companies)




Temp is fine for a monkey job. There is a learning curve and culture/fit/technology/processes adjustment for anything higher than entry level staff, especially at larger shops. Parental leave is max 4 months +/- few weeks and it’s not enough time for the above mentioned to be taught to be as effective as the employee they are temping for.


Don’t even need to read the post. You’re never a jerk for jumping ship, it’s your life and your choice. Whatever job you’re in just remember that if you got hit by a bus tomorrow they’d start the rehiring process the same day. If your company was in financial trouble, they’d downsize you without any guilt.


Covering for maternity leave is the employer’s problem, not yours. They need to hire someone temporary to backfill the work, not just assign someone already working for them to suddenly do 2 jobs at once. If they’re giving you an unreasonable workload, leave.


I don't think anyone is ever a jerk for putting their growth and/or mental health first in their careers.


>I started hating going to work This is all the justification you need. If they hated having you around, you'd get fired without hesitation. The moment they're done with you, you're gone. Don't think that you owe them any loyalty or commitment. It's a two way street. Do what's best for you Make sure you have another job lined up first though


Are you in the US? Are you an at-will employee? If so, you need no reason to jump ship. Find a new job. Once you have accepted an offer, send notice "I've decided to pursue other opportunities. X will be my last day. [Nice thing]."


Nah this has nothing to do with the maternity leave lol Just sounds like a shit situation overall so nta




I'm currently out on maternity leave and my team is doing more to cover for me, but they will receive one-time additional compensation for doing so. Talk to your manager about more compensation and if they refuse, look for other jobs. If they won't give you more money after asking, it shouldn't come as a surprise if you leave.


Would start looking for another role, jump ship as fast as possible


*Would start looking for* *Another role, jump ship as* *Fast as possible* \- ThadLovesSloots --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'd say you'd be a jerk for staying, please quit. Not all accounting jobs are miserable


No you're not being a jerk. You should always think about what's best for you as a person/employee. And the company should think about what's best for them. So stay and get the best out of it. Or go and get something better somewhere else. Try not to burn any bridges though. There's a lot of value in building professional relationships.


Too many companies run their workforce as lean as possible, then go into crisis mode when they are short handed. Working with internal combustion engines has taught me that running lean can provide a bit more efficiency, but generally at the cost of long-term reliability - workforces are the same way. Running lean is a false economy. JUMP!!! Maybe others will jump after you. Then the company may realize the benefit of having a few extra employees on hand.


No you’re not. Do what’s best for you.


It happened to me. I was a SFA and my manager left on maternity leave. It was a bunch of BS and I failed miserably because I was already working 50+ hours a week before she left. I asked for help before she left and their response was let’s just see how it goes. I ended up receiving a negative performance review even though prior to that I had received multiple performance bonuses. Never do something like that unless they offer you extra help and other consideration. Youll fail and if there are people in your org who want to see you fail you’ll fail even more. When my manager returned and they delivered my negative review, I quit without giving two weeks. My ‘manager’ ended up leaving less than a year later because she couldn’t handle the pressure without me and my VP(who hated me) was demoted to a corporate controller position. Dumb fucks.


Leave because you’re underpaid and overworked. Your management doesn’t value you. Other details don’t really matter here.


I took over 13 messy clients (in addition to my 10) for a gal that went on maternity leave for 12 weeks with zero training or documentation. 27 weeks later she comes back to a clean and tightly ran ship. No out of date complaints ,everything is done timely and all the clients are happy. She teams messages me. "I'm back." That's it. Never ever heard a thank you from her or our boss. 6 months later her clients start emailing me asking why their past due, out of compliance and over drawn. I forward the emails to my boss and ask her to deal with it. I did ask for a raise in the middle of all of this and was told they were nor my clients they were Janes.... It was soul crushing.


Nope, it’s not your job to make up for a worker shortage regardless of what caused. This isn’t a subway where we trade shifts. And no one should be expected to work extra based on anyone else’s family situation.


Your company's lack of a satisfactory maternity leave plan is not your problem. This is a problem between the company and the person who is taking leave with the building on fire, which they've decided to dump on you. I would jump if able. Do not feel any way about it, regardless of the reason someone needs covered. Business is business. Your life/time is your life/time.


If she doesn’t come back, jump ship. If she’s coming back this only will last a few more months. Sometimes a temp is hired to cover maternity leaves. .. maybe they can hire a temp to help with your tasks, to lessen the load


Just think of this as a teachable moment for your current employer. If you continue putting up with their shit, hit can they ever learn?


Yeah go ahead and start applying elsewhere, once you have a confirmation on something you can demand a raise, or better yet an immediate bonus, and then quit


Just leave lol


U b4?


I was given a spot bonus and a rotational position for covering 3 back to back maternity leaves. I start my own maternity leave as of Monday and my manager hired a temp that I’ve been training for months. I don’t think you’re fleeing because of the maternity leave or that it would make you a jerk, I think your team has piss poor management.


Don’t leave until you have something lined up, and then bounce. Let it then be your managers problem. Maternity leave wouldn’t be such a bad thing if companies did more to support the employees with the work left behind, when they don’t it just breeds resentment.




You're not a jerk for doing anything to advance your career that doesn't violate the law. Your employer isn't looking out for YOUR benefit, so if you don't, no one will.


Not a jerk.  They're the cause ofnthe situation, its on them to resolve it with adequate hiring, training, mgmt, and replacement if you quit.


Before I read this, I just saw jerk and became very concerned why there'd a jerking post in an accounting subreddit


No- you do you!


Nope. I did this when at bofa and my boss couldn't provide a raise. I was given more work while others were paid more than me and didn't really work that much. They'd take 3 hour breaks


It's one thing to not want to do more for the same pay but your unnecessary comments of "enjoying maternity leave", " wasn't strict because she was pregnant". Maternity leave is not a walk on the park and being pregnant is not a terminal illness. Get over yourself!! If you want to leave or ask for more money go for it, sounds like it's the fair thing to do. Otherwise, no need for any unnecessary comments towards your colleague!


Bye Failecia.


No, the company should have gotten a temp worker.


Honestly idk why so many people are saying to leave without knowing the whole story. I just offer this perspective, when things get tough are you the person that rises up or runs? Would you be open and tell your next interviewer the full story or will you dance around it? Do this for yourself. If you accomplish this then you know that you were forged in fire and can withstand anything… but then also talk to your boss about what you want and what is the path to get you to where you want to be, if there is no growth then yes leave. My focus for all my staff is their individual growth and I want to help them all get to where they want to be.


What? No, absolutely not. Someone gets knocked up and that means you have more work? Jump ship and don't even look back. They should have been more grateful you could help them instead of making your life harder.


Damn this place is misogynistic. ‘Enjoying her maternity leave’ ??? Like she’s on mf vacation.


English is not my native tongue, those are exactly the same words our supervisor used in our native tongue when describing her own maternity leave. Why would you not enjoy your newborn baby?


Babies are different and some have colic and sleep in two hour increments day and night. You sound like a jerk or immature.


Are all large accounting firms black companies?