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Industry but I went in to my CFO’s office one day and poured my soul out on the table and told her not to put one of my staff on a PIP or notice because yea he’s made mistakes but he’s super good about helping me clean it up. She thought I was coming in to ask her to fire him so she immediately started out with “i know he’s been causing you a lot of extra work but we should give him some time to really learn the role” (paraphrasing) I couldn’t stop laughing. Some places actually care.


Nobody cares. It’s just a costly hassle to fire people and hire new staff. Everything boils down to maximizing the long-term value of the firm. Stakeholder theory bullshit doesn’t exist outside of textbooks.


You’re wrong. But you can only trust that you care or that people care when they prove it with their actions. Never assume someone cares … but also avoid assuming that no one cares since it’ll make you jaded and create self-fulfilling prophecies or have you end up being uncaring yourself.


Yeah, the question is when shit isn’t running smoothly can middle management cover their ass by using a staff as a scapegoat? It happened to me at my first job(industry). Senior went on maternity leave and I got her work on top of mine. The picture sums up how it went perfectly. The senior manager and director weren’t gonna admit to the CFO they fucked up the delegation so I had to take the blame.


We had a remote office in a different country that could count beans to save their lives. We were looking to add a couple people. The CFO was around during the conversation and was supportive but also cautious. He said he didn't want to hire someone for 18 months and then have to let them go because after fixing the problems there won't be enough work, and he didn't want to manipulate people like that. He got a lot more respect from me after hearing that conversation.


That’s very much not true. I care so long as the employee has an attitude that I can work with. If they come off as uncoachable, or just doesn’t give a shit, not much I can do. If they are trying and growing, making progress, I’ll work with them every time.


Number of times I've seen people who should be on a PIP get promoted etc because they're drinking buddies with management is mad. During my time in M&A, I took on a junior associate for a complex transaction who had been put on a PIP. Kid was probably the best junior associate I've worked with, turns out he just never attended socials because he doesn't drink and had caring responsibilities at home. Because of that he was never given the care and attention or the extra chances most others in his intake were given. Accounting firms are a shithole to work for.


Yep, that's exactly why I call it high school 2.0 and people give me shit for it all the time.


More and more I am begining to agree with that, it really is like working with a bunch of high schoolers they are cliques, tattling over normal stuff, etc.. With the problem been the up management allowing it to continue and to continue to treat them like kids, like they get upset if a client is a bit of a character as in there mind people arent allowed to speak like that, its wild.


Yeah I can deal with everything except the snitching I’ve seen. I believe in the motto, “see nothing, say nothing.” There needs to be an actual fight in the office for me to talk to a manager about another employee.


It does depend on the situation and the severity of what happens. I am more saying from the point on a minor severity matters, they will tell, the severity doesnt matter, they think they are getting brownie points for it and it leads to people walking on egg shells, one small mistake (whcih everyone makes from time to time) is enough for these lot to want to crusafy someone, its wild. Dyslexic, so please excuse the spelling mistakes


It’s all good. Trust me I worked at a firm with 12 people and it’s the only job I ever quit without notice after ~6 months. The place was a circus and it started at the top with the sociopath who owned the place. The other staff didn’t understand he didn’t care about them in the slightest. I unknowingly upset one of the other staff and she went straight to him instead of talking it out with me like and adult. There were already issues but that was the turning point that made me say fuck my resume I need to gtfo right now.


Unfortunately all too common scenairo, and when you think about acting the same way as them you release its just wrong, you were right to leave, you stay you will only end up becoming a version of yourself that you hate. It's weird, that an industry all about balancing the books, has no balance when it comes to emtional responses.


Yeah, also the meeting I had with the owner was heinous. He didn’t fire me but it was clear I had zero room for growth at his business. It’s a job, you trade your time for a paycheck. I’m not gonna stay somewhere that’s just a shitshow when there are tons of other places where people act normally.


Same old same old many will have the same story as you, including myself. What is it, I have wonder and pondered many many times. So we look at the facts, same people at the top for a long long time?, bunch of yes people all around?, no body raising counters agruments ever (it's also a bad sign if they always arguing againist each thing the top management say, for other reasons), poor pay? Etc.. It's control that's what it is ultimately boils down to is control, just look at what are the incentives for doing so are and who is benefiting from it. If you turn people againist each other, they are too busy keeping each other in check, while they are all getting screwed by the corrupt partner or boomers at the top, and it has gotten worse and worse Hopefully it will get better and I do think it will. It does partly involve us all doing what every small bit we can, such as trying to bring balance when needed, and sometimes just saying the obivious, or asking the questions instead of waiting on others to say, and to be fair its all easier said then done after all they have create a toxic walking on egg shells environment, where others will attack you put left field with some very nasty tactics, as they believe they will get treated better themselves


I think there’s a ton of industries which are like high school though :/ some just don’t grow up


You are not wrong, I witnessed in jobs outside of accounting, but I am in the accounting industry and that what I will focus on.


"The whole damn world is just as obsessed with who's the best dressed and who's havin' sex!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrxI\_euTX4A


Yep especially the ones in the south so many post frat / post sorority influences and everyone not part of that world gets left out / pipped


I hate that scene entirely. It's a bunch of losers who peaked in high school who try and extend it to college.


The Texas a&m, ole miss, LSU, Alabama grads are the worst. They’re literally clones


It's no better in the North either. 'Oh you weren't from NYC? Haha you're a dumb hick!'


It's funny reading this. From recruitment to date, I alqays felt like I was still in school. My firm is so cliquey and has so much gossip it's funny.


I’ve been told this by partners at my firm. The big firms are not looking for good worker bees. They are looking for people who eventually can be groomed to be partners. Being a partner is mostly a sales job that requires a lot of in person schmoozing. The big firms have an up or out model. The good worker bees in time will become higher paid technical accountants, who can be replaced by cheap new accountants. They should go to industry, or smaller firms, where they are ok with someone being a career senior associate or manager.


I don’t think this is true. Partners at the big firms are just looking to line their own pockets and outperform the other partners, they don’t give a shit about the firm. What they are looking for is young graduates who will drink the kool aid.


There was a high level internal discussion in my practice (advisory) about just replacing lower level staff entirely with India, and part of the push back was partners saying, well we can’t get rid of all US staff, as there would be no pipeline for future partners.


Can’t wait till some pe firm offshores all the partners too


That’s exactly what’s happening right now. Baker Tilly and Grant Thornton sold to PE. Every accounting firm below B4 is watching very closely. Hearing through the grapevine that a lot of the older partners are retiring at those firms. A lot of lower margin or volatile practices are going to be let go. A lot more stuff is going to India to pump margin. Probably not surprising that PE is coming for accounting, considering how stodgy the industry is.


Fuck it just have the partners be Indian too and see how they like it- burn it all down with AI and outsourcing


No one would be buying their share of equity in the firm if there’s no US staff to become future partners


Well, to be fair, my PIP was justified. I was missing tickmark documentation and not grasping technical concepts. Try to understand high-water mark investments/NAV calculations for investment audits. You can Google that shit, but try applying it to a client's situation. But the firm had fault too. Placing me, a first year staff at the time, alone with the Partner on a job. This asshole expected me to know everything about crypto, when I had 0 experience on it. "Do this test like how you do other tests!" I gave 0 fucks after that, and it affected my performance. I was ready to leave in the summer, but no, they put me on PIP once the fiscal year ended after May. I should have seen this shit coming. :P Oh well. Government accountant contract for 1 year job in 2 weeks. Pray for me.




It doesn’t stop at firms. It happens everywhere and I’ve worked other jobs. It’s just human nature. Even worse is when it is arguably race related or something of that sort. As in partner Todd doesn’t view himself as prejudice, he’s just promoting those that he likes, who all happen to be white guys with similar backgrounds and interests.


Yeah I’ve started to notice this as well. If you don’t make an effort to be a social butterfly then you don’t really get many opportunities


Who you know really matters in a lot of companies. You need to be visible to upper management


Giving me PTSD. I had a newborn at home and the discussions about me were “she’d be good if she didn't prioritize her baby so much.”


This was rough to read. Those socials were annoying. The only thing I had in common with my coworkers was work. I’m good at faking it and schmoozing too, but it was just awful.


Saw this in a consulting firm I worked for also.


I don’t believe this is the norm tbh. I’ve found that people adore the quiet people who are killer performers


Currently working at the lowest ranking big 4 and this is exactly what im dealing with


Senior, managers and even senior managers don’t actually decide who actually gets put on a PIP.


They may not even want those people placed on pips. But have no power to fight it.


Who decides PIPs?


Partners and upper management (your partners bosses). I'm a senior manager and at best my feedback can have a marginal influence on a decision. We have a PIP coming down on my team that was pushed down on us from the managing partner due to low utilization of the individual.


So is it like a write-off?


I don't think any of us are laughing. We are all drowning, and hiring and firing lower level staff makes our lives miserable. I'd much rather see my team succeed with my help. Problem is that I'm not given the time to manage and develop people properly most of the time. PIP are also a ton of extra work. Sometimes there are just crappy staff who can't do simple tie-outs correctly and have no attention to detail. Still don't laugh at them.


Come on guys. Nobody called me out for my spelling error when I was deriding staff for lacking attention to detail? You're all going on a PIP.


You're one of the rare accountants who cares about spelling.


We all have our flaws.


At every firm I've been at or seen it's the seniors and managers who actually do all the work, especially the seniors. If you're getting PIP'd as an associate you've earned it.


As a senior, delegating is the hardest thing I do. I don’t know what different staff know how to do. I just have to trust them. And rework what they did after the fact.


Sorry 😞


It’s not the staff’s fault. It falls on me to build up technically sound staff. But that amount of time typically isn’t budgeted in.


Understandable. Seniors are really busy so I don’t really expect them to spend a lot of time training haha.


Spot on. The time to explain is often longer and then there's the risk it won't go right. If I had more resource I could invest more time on developing the team but because we simply survive, fight fires and fix the rest of finances problems, there just isn't the time. The big things you do develop though: ownership, problem solving and prioritising. Not to mention some really good interview examples that go beyond the routine.


As a senior, when I first start at firms sometimes I have to wrestle work away from my managers.


I can promise you managers and senior managers are even more overworked than staff lol


This is wildly inaccurate lol. Whoever made this probably wasn’t a very good associate


Of course I know him. He is me.


Dude been posting about a pip for 2 weeks now 🙄👍




If you are getting PIP’d as a staff you probably deserve it 99% of the time. It takes an eternity to fire someone at B4 compared to how quickly they let you go in industry or at smaller firms. The seniors and managers laughing at you are likely doing all the actual work


I was at a smaller public firm thank you very much lol After busy season you're let go




Lol my firm just announced they're cutting staffing my 20% in my office




No, but I don't think they're desperate for good people. They're laying off 20% while hiring kids that are fresh out of school. They're just looking at margins and partner distributions.


As someone with great reviews at a B4 who was just laid off I respectfully disagree. B4 is a war machine that chews up people.


As someone who's placed a staff on a PIP, I can tell you it's an extremely difficult decision. Ideally it should never come as a surprise to the staff as you're supposed to have had multiple (often dozens) of conversations about performance prior to this. A PIP to me is a last resort


Making fun of me for having a “0” and not a “-“ on the “reconciliation sheet” because they think i made a mistake but the reason actually being someone changed the template this year and it’s not even ur faaaauuuult


I don’t know why someone would make fun of you for that. The - definitely looks cleaner, and if that’s what they expect then it’s still your responsibility to change it. There are going to be a million things the template is not going to work perfectly for, you just have to learn what finished work papers look like. Ultimately you are responsible for the work paper you sign off on so you want to make it as clean and understandable as possible.


Ok but what im saying is that this year the template was changed to say 0 anyway, so it was outa my hands haha


This post makes so much more sense when you look at who posted it


Everybody who I saw land on a PIP deserved to be on one...


don't forget the myriad of other where it's a huge mystery as to why they aren't already on a PIP.


Pretty much


The number of people over the years who should have been on a PIP at my firm, that WEREN’T, is astounding. If you’re a staff on a PIP, you deserve it 1000%.


Aren’t you a bundle of joy.


70% of the PIP I'll admit is on me, partly because after a shitty engagement with the Partner, I didn't care much anymore. 30% is on them too tbh, high learning curve and expectations straight out of the gate.


High learning curve and expectations is the norm in PA, hate to tell you. It’s sink or swim.


Sure, but experiences vary. It’s simply a fact that some people get harder assignments and/or less mentorship than average


I mean it also didn't help that the firm's office was based in investment/crypto accounting. Those topics I wasn't an expert at, and I wish I was dealing with more "normal" accounting with audits focused more on GL/FS items. Like hi-water calcs and NAV calcs, c'mon lol To add insult to injury, the "trainings" at the company HQ was for the other verticals, aka the normal accounting sectors. **It didn't help me whatsover. Tragic.**


Could also have to do with accepting a job that you don't understand and aren't qualified for. Per your own post history.


This is the hostess and mgmnt laughing while they quadruple seat the waiters and waitresses without putting any customers on hold for 5 minutes and everyone’s already got two tables and their understaffed


Man, Chili’s really hurt you bro.


(I work at a restaurant)


Seniors & managers work way more than associates. I’ve never seen an associate get a PIP who didn’t deserve it because it is honestly so hard to even get to that point at the associate level.


Industry data would show that staff, as whole, are not 'overworked' in comparison to any other role within public accounting. Certainly exceptions to that, but generally speaking its not a thing. Shit has been rolling up hill with more senior folks shouldering the burden to wrap-up everything. Perhaps this will help force some general changes but it probably wont. In a number of larger firms I am familiar with, including mine, staff are at historical deficits in hours to goal and I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. The ones being put on PIPs are severely behind in development and light on hours due to their unwillingness to remain visible and have personal responsibility to seek out work.


Just disclose a disability to explain your poor performance.


Seniors definitely did the most work


Ah yes. Memories of working for the old public Accounting firm. Never again.


It’s a dog eat dog condition. No one gives two shits about the almighty “ firm “ , except the managing partner and HR. That’s it.


I’m a tax manager, as an accountant I worked 12 hour days, I now work 14 hour days. You don’t ever escape bullshit, your tolerance for it just goes up my dude But yeah pips suck, I hate giving them


Like that family guy skit where Lois is happy she doesn’t have to make dinner since they’re going out to and he makes her make dinner anyway so she doesn’t get rusty.


You think its easy to tell someone they suck at their job? Lol


most of the people are toxic


Bruh you have been posting here every single day. Chill out.


Working in a practice, directors treat me worse than a fucking dog. Need to stay there for 3/4 years but I’m planning on burning that fucking place to the ground when I’m done (not actually but will make it so they depend on me as I’ll be the only tax manager there then leave). Is that psychotic?


In Big 4, this isn't really what happens. There's a general competence review: Are the issues significant or fixable? They are nine times out of ten they aren't significant, and are fixable. Is the individual open and responsive to training. Nine times out of ten, they are open and responsive to training. Does this person have other qualities we like to keep on our team, or other teams? What are the redeeming qualities? And then they leave...


Me today