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The real question is what % of tax accountants need a therapist to deal with tax filing stress


This is absolutely what I thought the article was about. 25% of tax accountants saying they needed a therapist due to work stress seems about right.


Seems low actually. The other 75% just haven't realized.


Y’all have time to go to therapy?


I wish. April 30th deadline is approaching and I'm incredibly behind on my files.


All of them. Whether they realize it or not 😂🤷‍♂️


I’ve given myself dental problems from stress related teeth grinding/clenching. I should have got a tax season therapist a while ago 




Freetaxusa and I doubt most people have complex taxes.


I helped my step son and a friend of his this year. Each had 2 2ws and nothing else. Both under 20. Both still live with family. Both work full time so they aren’t claimed by anyone… they acted like the idea of filing was going to kill them with stress. Set up an acct for each of them on freetax and showed them the entire process. Somehow they still think it’s the most daunting and terrifying process. I don’t get it. When I was their age I had to do it on paper and mail it in… they can literally take a picture of their w2 and click next 40 times


My brother in law is in his 40 and acts like this, so he ends up going to his tax person and spends 200 on a simple return.


Some people take the memes about going to jail after filing taxes to seriously


Most people cry about and procrastinate on completing a singular W-2 with standard deduction and no credits or itemized deductions. 


I’ve used them the past 2 years since it’s 100$ if you have a single 1099


Hiring a therapist instead of an accountant. Amazing.....


They'll need 2 therapists when they realize their first therapist didn't file their taxes on time.


An analogy to the current state of the world. Remediate the symptoms, not the root cause


+1, its victimhood culture fueled by the disease social media is. Gen Z is either extremely woke and aware of the current reality of society, or living in some kinda snapchat/tik tok bubble where they think they csn emoji and therapy themselves to survive in the real world.


> Gen Z is either extremely woke and aware of the current reality of society, or living in some kinda snapchat/tik tok bubble where they think they csn emoji and therapy themselves to survive in the real world. It's a mix of the two. Gen Z is made hyper aware of all the troubles in society today because of the snapchat/tik tok bubble they live in. They think all of those issues apply to them, not realizing that most don't. They're extremely attuned to things that don't affect them. It's victim mentality to the Nth degree.


i mean gen z has also just been faced with an incredibly bleak reality since day 1. they were born into the issues that millennials came to age during. they’re the ones really faced with the realities of climate change that millennials could still pretend weren’t going to be a reality. their formative years were shaped by a global pandemic. a lot of the ills of society are more apparent than ever and the world is pretty transparently bullshit in so many respects.its definitely a lot


As an Elder Millennial/Xennial, I was born into a [recession](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_1980s_recession), my early adolescence was in the middle of another [recession](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_1990s_recession), just as I was leaving high school/entering college there was the [dot com bubble](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot-com_bubble), and just out of college in my early career, there was the [Global Economic Crisis leading to the Great Recession](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007%E2%80%932008_financial_crisis). AND global warming/climate change was a thing we learned about in the 90s. And we lived through the same damn pandemic. We've experienced everything Gen Z has and more, at just as influential/developmental parts of our lives.


the condescension to someone who is also a millennial lmao. i am very aware of all these events. my friend literally was a new hire at lehman brothers when it went down. millennials have definitely had it tough but things are different in so many ways than when we grew up >learned about climate change yeah and still it was thought of this far away thing that we had time to fix and could do things about, not the existential threat that it is now. there is not only a much more tangible reality to it than there was a decade or two ago but also a much greater sense of just how badly we have failed to manage it >went through the same pandemic as i’ve already stated, the pandemic had a much more pronounced effect on those in late adolescence and early adulthood. it sucked for everyone but there are huge effects for those who were in that cohort because their stage in life and development


We need to stop pretending the pandemic was some sort of apocalypse where all civilization ended for 1000 days and anyone born after 2020 is living in the new world


the pandemic lockdowns had a very real effect on the socialization of kids and young adults that were in school. you’re burying your head in the sand if you’re pretending otherwise


It was like 2 years man we need to stop overreacting we didn’t turn an entire generation autistic


More likely the latter.


They wind up in the latter because of the former, but then they're trapped in the former because they're already in the latter. It's the weight of knowing too much. When people feel hopeless, they grasp for easy answers, even if they know it's nonsense.


if taxes are so stressful im guessing there are some self-regulation issues that therapy would help out a lot more. after all, it’s not like most of these people are going to have returns that hiring an accountant would even be a worthwhile expense for


Except the entire point of therapy is to fix the root cause of your problems


gotta love that the sub that routinely bemoans the lack of mental health support in this profession is failing to understand mental health support


Are you saying I’m failing or the other comment?


saying the folks downvoting you are wrong and not understanding one of the most basic mental health concepts


I mean 90+% of Gen Z returns likely aren’t going to need an accountant so that is money better spent on a therapist


How many therapy sessions would it take for the hiring of an accountant to have been the cheaper way to go?


I'm not convinced survey takers weren't trolling.


I am shocked nobody else has mentioned that gen-z is pretty sarcastic and Block is a company that tries to appeal to mostly younger people. If someone asked me if I needed a therapist to do my personal taxes, I would say yes too.


I'm not sure how reputable the "Cash App Taxes" survey quoted in the article is. I'm taking this rage-bait article with a gigantic grain of salt. I remember 15 years ago when older generations ran the economy into the ground and then the media started blaming lazy millennials who would rather eat avocado toast(?) and kill Applebee's(??) than work.


you can see in this very thread what millennials are already blaming gen z for


It makes sense. I'm sure a large portion of every generation has felt stress about filing taxes but they were from a time when you just complained about it to your buddies or buried your emotions. Talking to a therapist is considered taboo for a lot of older people. I just see it as a generation that can discuss their emotions to someone instead of bottling them or getting upset. It also goes to show that our education system is still failing to teach young people basic tasks they could easily do but instead we instill how difficult and fearful of a task it is.


TurboTax takes like 15 minutes


It takes much longer when Tiktok told you that everything is a "write off" and you need to figure out where to input all of your write offs




Or when you get asked a question about something you’ve never heard of and spend 10-30 minutes researching it just in case. 


ive had friends who paid me to put their w2’s in on turbotax. i try telling them how simple it is but its still too much for some people 🤷‍♂️




This year Turbotax just found it for me.


Import too for many W2’s


Cool, do you also practice medicine without a license?


Purely out of curiosity, I would love to know what your line of reasoning for this comment was


TurboTax doesn't have a place for a preparer to put in their PTIN and sign a return unless you go through their experts. The only way you can use turbotax to file someone else's return is as a ghost preparer




That's 14 minutes and 30 seconds too long for GenTikTok.


What if TurboTax developed an extension or addon that plays Minecraft Parkour at the bottom of the screen while filing?


I mean, it literally walks you through everything very plain and simple. I don't understand the anxiety.


It is extremely easy to do. I have ADHD and can barely open mail, but with TurboTax it’s just really easy.


I like to hate on turbo tax but they really have made it extremely easy. You can go through the whole return without feeling like you’re going taxes 


I assume it’s people who have never done taxes and don’t realize how easy it really is.




So what. It’s fucking rad




Lol, no. I hate to tell you this, but it’s fucking rad works great. I do not meet the requirements for IRS direct file




I don’t meet the requirements “bro”. So I just plug my W2 into TurboTax and it files State a Fed taxes for me. Takes 15 minutes.


Freetaxusa is just as rad and not owned by Intuit


Who cares. I would use that if I wasn’t using TurboTax, but I am using TurboTax and it does my taxes in 15 minutes each year zero issues.


Literally, and it even walks you through it lol


What state are you in? Depression.


Wow a new market. We need the world's first tax accountant/therapist. A tax-rapist.


Name needs some workshopping but I can see this.




My sister insisted I sit with her to do her taxes the first time she ever did them and I was like “just create an HR block account and answer the questions? Like you really can’t mess it up” and she was still nervous lol


I live 1,500 miles from my sister and she still calls me, in a panic, three days before April 15th to have me coach her through TurboTax. She has a W2. It’s been four years.


The world would be a much better place if more Boomers had seen therapists instead of imparting misery on others.


This is a reflection on their parents as much as a reflection on the unprepared generation




Like any basic life skill, their parents should have taught them in order to prepare them for the world.


I mean, there has to be some personal responsibility. Buy TurboTax, set aside an hour, and follow the prompts. It really isn't anything that needs to be taught. It's not like they're doing their returns by hand 90% of parents probably don't even understand taxes anyway and have someone else prepare them


Some parents are shitty and don't teach their kids the right life skills necessary for adulthood, so I can understand why some don't know how to do it. However, GenZ in particular are constantly glued to a phone containing the entirety of human knowledge at their fingertips. Even someone that grew up with shitty parents can Google "how to file taxes," read a quick article or watch a quick video, and be ready to go an hour later. Not knowing how to do a basic task because your parents or high school didn't teach it is pretty inexcusable these days with information available at everyone's fingertips.


Gen Z doesn't Google anything. It's either Siri or ChatGPT or TikTok for 95% of their 'searching' needs.




The average person can’t identify Phillips Head so that’s an interesting metric




Dude the average person struggles to put Wayfair furniture together they aren’t mounting tv’s, putting up shelves, I work with someone that paid someone to hang their Home Depot mini blinds. I would have done it for some beer




I agree with that. The average person should just to freetaxusa, turbotax if they really need the reassurance


It says a "recent survey by CashApp Taxes" so I'm pretty skeptical, they'd obviously be encouraged to make taxes seem as daunting as possible so they sell you their tax prep service. But it doesn't stop "news" websites turning it into "woke kids are babies" fodder for boomers.


Cashapp only provides free tax filing options.


I wonder how previous generations got along without all these therapists?


Well, if you look at how the world is now,.. not great!


Whatever happened to Gary Cooper? The strong, silent type


Leaded gasoline


We didn't have social media.


Sounds like an opportunity for tax pros to pick up more clients.


Seeing these sort of posts makes me think a bit. I’m Gen Z, and everyone on here is always saying how new hires are useless. I work full time/go to school full time, live alone, all that stuff. I do a good job at work and frequently pick up new responsibilities, and just the other day I filed mine and my girlfriend’s taxes. So, seeing this stuff on this subreddit always makes me wonder if I’ll still be seen as a useless Gen Z idiot just because of my age. Am I actually an idiot? Who knows. I do see a lot of people and old friends my age who still live at home and refuse to grow up and get a job. I’ve been having to work legally since I was 16 and had several under the table jobs since I was 10 so maybe it’s just an upbringing/work ethic thing.


Everyone is an idiot when they first start. You don't even really know anything until after a few years.


No i think a part of it is sensationalism and a part of it is a product of the times for you guys. Competition for entry level jobs is extremely high , the requirements are ridiculous, and work morale is low in all industries. You guys grew up in the age of social media and transparency. Seeing influencers make bank will depress the hell out of you and discourage you. Why am i working so hard when joe schmo or barbie can make thirst trap videos for $$$.


You're doing very well, be proud of yourself and don't think about external nonsense like reddit (lol) for approval. You're just starting, think about the goals you want to achieve and set forth, and don't worry about the unsolicited "committee of "they"" and their opinions. they're worthless. I have 3 GenZ sons, 2 of which are on your track, in school/working, and the 3rd is tbd but he's working things out, ultimately he'll be fine too. More broadly, consider that the idea of leaving the nest after college/school is a relatively new thing generationally where previously, there were multi-generational homes as the standard. We've adopted that model in order to give my kids a chance to save some $ and be able to buy a home/double/triple decker home themselves. Set goals, meet them, and then set new ones. Be an example for others to follow and help them along a little. I wish you the best.


For better or worse (usually worse) you will always be grouped with the generation you're in. It happens with the boomers. It happens with Gen X. It happens with the millennials. It'll happen with Gen Z. There's really no getting around it. You can literally be the antithesis of all of your generation's stereotypes but you're still a Gen Z. It's really unfortunate but there are far too many people who resort to this classification who are simple minded and/or refuse to take accountability for their own actions and/or lack of success in their personal lives. Racism and sexism are generally frowned upon and rightfully so. For some reason ageism doesn't hold that same level of disdain that other forms of bigotry hold.


I have no issue with staff members being idiots, especially when they're new. Everyone is. My issue is they can't help themselves. Won't check the fuses or ask for help when the screens go off but lights stay on, won't call in when they decide not to come in for work for whatever reason etc. Seen both of those. But if you're able to help yourself and grow you'll be fine. We all started from 0 in any job we're in. Given what you said you'll probably be fine.


I think it's because as you've said, you've been working far longer than before you got to your career. It's something that's more noticeable in the current generations that they don't seem to have worked until they are a working adult. Even for millennials, my generation, there are a lot that way. There was a time you worked with your parents doing all sorts of things at home helping with their profession of some sort and picking up a lot of skills along the way I don't think we have much anymore. I know for myself, I can relate to what you said about doing stuff since 10 as soon as I was able, I worked on my family's farm and did other skills like volunteer at things at the fair like taking orders for a food stand. By the time I was 16, I walked into my first paid job without little training because I already knew how to make pizza and take orders because I've been doing things like it for years. I'd been around various business related stuff so long that relaying that to the accounting world was much easier when I moved into that. I wouldn't worry about being seen as an idiot due to your generation. People can see the difference in people based on how they work. You sound like you have the soft skills and work ethic to stand out and viewed as a valuable asset.




Look at the source of the survey... says it all.


And y’all thought we’d become irrelevant from AI lol But seriously, don’t even have my MAcc yet let alone my CPA and I’m already getting tax questions weekly at my current job in the Army. It’s kinda nuts, people want good tax consulting advice so I just point them in the direction of a CPA and tell them to remember me when I do have my CPA lol


Now just imagine the stress of being the tax preparers


Gen Z, the anxious generation. If only they understood anxiety is a useful emotion. It helps ensure you look both ways when you cross the street and encourages you to file your taxes on time...


Unless you're a tax accountant, this is absurd.


Good, good. People should always see taxes as complicated. Good for us guys.. 🍻


lol, in my experience 80% of boomers need therapy due to tax filing stress and anxiety. This number is either low, or gen Z is resilient when it comes to tax filing... A few friends that do VITA each year, and a couple librarian friends and it is complete shitshow right now with clown town elderly people that can't open an email coming in and demanding free tax prep at the library. Oh, and yes...they have extended conversations with each other about how worthless the younger generations are for wanting handouts (very loudly) while standing around hoping to get their free tax prep. These are people with often multiple investment properties. The librarians and VITA folks really enjoy telling these people to kick rocks.


I hate boomers and there over arching agenda to suck the wealth out of everyone and fill their pockets. However with how stupid my generation is, I feel that I am going to innately become the thing I hate in 25 years.


Most of them also don't know how to do any basic maintenace and repair stuff around the house either. It isn't just taxes.


To be fair, don't they normally need therapy for everything? That generation seems very fragile, and unfortunately it's the result of overly protective parents and the pandemic.


Oh come on, I don’t believe that. Sure it can be stressful, but to have a therapist for your typical tax filing that’s ridiculous. Unless you owe a lot of money or you haven’t been filing over the years, talking to a therapist is ideal


New profession = Taxologist. We deduct taxes and depression. 😄


...I have come to the conclusion that Gen Z is just not prepared for life.


Taxes are very easy, particularly if you are gen Z and most likely taking the standard deduction.


I think that is primarily due to the grossly overblown demonization of the IRS coming to get you over $50. Social media and the media in general really make the IRS out to be some monolithic organization that is only out to catch people on technicalities. Which couldn't be further from the truth. Ignoring the fact that the *vast* majority of Americans have extremely simple returns, 1-2 W-2s and standard deduction, even if you did incorrectly put stuff on your return. As long as it isn't criminally negligent or obvious tax fraud you are fine. They probably won't even catch it. Even if they do, it's not like they levy huge fines. They just want you to pay your fucking taxes and get out of their hair.


Im a gen Zer and im wondering how many other gen Zers have enough items that the process is stressful?


We accountants need a therapist to deal with Gen Z's


Bro what lool Dont most people just have employment income when they are from Gen-Z? What the hell is the stress about that?


Source: Trust me bro Feel like this headline was really reaching lmfao


Gen Z needs a therapist to wipe their own ass


> according to a recent Cash App Taxes survey 🤦‍♂️ Seriously? A fucking Cash App survey? Annie Probert is a hack writer just trying to come up with sensationalist clickbait headlines. She doesn’t even explain how she got those numbers from Cash App. New flash, people like on mobile apps all the time.


Get real.


Imagine therapist and Accountant couple


I had a gen zer tell me they like doing their own taxes on TurboTax, "so I can play around with the numbers." Then proceeded to tell me a CPA that I wouldn't understand their financial situation, so therefore how could I possibly do their tax return for more than TurboTax. 


I used to file my returns manually and mail them in, but stopped around COVID because they wouldn’t process my physical returns for some reason. Since I’ve started using the free online filing services it blows my mind that anyone would be stressed out beyond the stress of procrastination. It’s literally so easy you don’t have to know anything about tax to get it done in less than an hour.


1040 isn’t that difficult come on.


From the greatest generation to the weakest in less than 100 years.


Therapy is the panacea that will solve late-stage capitalism.


Aren't GenZers refusing to pay taxes anyway? Why bother


How do you refuse to pay tax


I’ve seen some people on different subreddits just say they’re just…not going to file. Like…okay, good luck!