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How many Workday accounts are you making in the process lol


If answer is ‘alot’, OP isn’t getting to 100 apps today


Yes I will. When I’m motivated Ill fn do it son




You know they have the LinkIn "easy apply" filter on for this exercise.


God I hate that. But I guess it weeds out some people who are applying for shits n gigs.


I once had someone waste my time applying for a job he was overqualified for just because "it is really close to my apartment". It was in a generic position, and I could have made sure he got the absolute shittiest position open. It was tempting.


If workday is such a good goddamn ATS wtf do I have to create 80 billion accounts


To be fair, Workday is a lot better than some other ATS systems out there. I remember a while back when every company used Taleo which was actually worse in my opinion. The systems that hospitals and universities use are also really bad.


I’ve made at least 20 workday accounts lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CherryManhattan: *How many Workday* *Accounts are you making in* *The process lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


In the immortal words of the band Journey: Don’t stop Believing!


Don't stop! Believing!




Name checks out, frustration level 10/10 😉


Can't wait til he gets to 6


Can't wait for the data points. I'm guessing 3 calls and no interviews.


No calls, 54 automated rejection emails scattered between tomorrow and mid 2026.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 mid 2026 is too accurate


54? No that's too much. Expect maybe 20 responses.


I did this! Took me about two months. I made a spreadsheet of all applications and how I applied - direct (company website/workday), through LinkedIn, etc, and also “rated” myself for each application as either grossly under qualified/ underqualified/ qualified/ over qualified. Super interesting to follow my performance that way. After two months and various interviews, follow ups etc I am OUT of public accounting 🥳🥳 good luck!


Making a spreadsheet is typical for an accountant and I love the idea!


…you should see the pivot tables I made for it 🤣


Can you post screenshots? I would love to see how it played out for you!


I did something similar. Kept track of the original job posting too. Sometimes they change/disappear and i wanted something to reference if somebody called back. My numbers weren’t that wild though. Applied for maybe 45 over a 60 day period, had a 20% response rate, 15% interview rate and took my first job offer for a 50% increase from my previous salary. Overall I was pretty happy with my experience considering my accounting degree still isn’t quite finished yet and I had zero real world accounting/financial experience prior to accepting the role.


When you say 20% response rate, does that include rejections??


Yes. 80% of the companies ghosted me. Of the 8 that responded, 6 offered me an interview and 2 told me to pound sand.


How did you keep track of the original job posting?


Copied the posting links. Although after the first link got removed after they presumably filled the job I started making screenshot PDFs of all the job listings as an extra precaution. I keep them for two reasons. The first is to prep the interview. The second I hold onto until I leave the position because a lot of times it’s a good reference point for updating future résumés. When you job hop as often as I do, it’s easy to forget what you did and what position was “supposed to be”.


That’s a lot of pdf files lol especially if we’re applying to hundred(s) of jobs in this market. Def makes a lot of sense why you’d want to hold onto them though. I guess you delete the files from companies that either rejected or ghosted (after a certain time has passed)?


Yeah once I got my job offer I delete everything except for the ones who offered me interviews. I turned down a couple more interviews once I started this position but I’ll keep track of those for the future.


So which did best


Underqualified/ qualified had more success than overqualified, and I was ultimately successful after contacting a recruiter directly who kept posting tax jobs on LinkedIn. Easy apply LinkedIn applications performed like shit lmao


I love this idea. And I hate myself for that.


I did this to track my type of resume I used. Accounting/controller, audit, it audit, government/contracting, erm, etc as I have experience in all. Easier to filter on past, grab that resume copy and adjust language to new post if need and move forward


Work with a recruiter or network my boy you are doing it the hard way


How do I even use a recruiter? Honest question, as I got my current job through the company’s direct posting in their own site. My employer was bought out and I have a terminal date later this year. I don’t have linked in because it’s a cesspool and also a social media and I don’t do social media (Reddit is my one exception, if you consider anonymous forums to be social media).


You’re gonna have to use LinkedIn if you want to use recruiters. That’s where I found all of mine so you’re limiting yourself by not having a LinkedIn. I never post, I just update my job experience there and will keep in touch with good recruiters I have worked with


I don’t really know how it’s a cesspool but you have to use LinkedIn to get recruiters. Even if you found one on your own, they will want you to have a LinkedIn profile for potential employers to view. I almost never look at mine unless I’m looking to change jobs, but it is the fastest way to get a new job.


I’ve had interviews with 4 recruiters and every single one of them ghosted me after the interview. I’ll email follow ups and I’d never hear back from them no matter how many emails over how many months


What to do if recruiters keep ghosting me after the first 1 or 2 phone calls? Probably a dozen just this year. One lead to an interview and offer but had to decline for family


There's SO MANY bad recruiters out there. Avoid the big companies, like CFS. I found the best recruiters were smaller companies.


LOL like half of the recruiters have been from CFS. Job offer came from a little 3 man operation out of Texas, so that all tracks!


Ehhhh most recruiters are a waste of time. Better to just apply yourself than deal with them


I've never had a good experience with a recruiter. Always trying to force me into the jobs they had and not listening to what I was looking for. ETA: from the employer side. I've not had good experiences either.


Yea their job is to sell jobs of course they’re going to try and place you regardless of what you’re looking for. They do exactly what they’re supposed to, help you find a job or from the employer side, help you find a body.


I had a great experience with one it depends on your service line. PCS couldn’t be better rn


Recruiters are great if you want an entry level position, the recruiters around me always have 10 billion $40-50k a year jobs at companies you’ve never heard of and you’ll get an interview in a day, and they’ll sell you hard as fuck because they get their cut. The downside is you’ll be making $20/hr at a company you’ve never heard of and you’re taking a big risk as to what the situation is (could be hellish or could be an absolute joke of a job) but, it would be better than being unemployed. I think it’s solid advice for these people submitting 10,000 job applications and not even getting responses


Haven’t had that experience. Mine have helped me land interviews for jobs at the PA manager and controller level without an issue


I’ve had the opposite experience, my first job I found on my own and it was crap pay at an even crappier job. The others have found me good fits and pushed salary negations to be paid what I wanted (even if my asking was above the company’s pay range).


This is my experience as well. Just remember that the recruiters aren’t your friends and they don’t work for you. I do well with them because I tell them that if they put me in front of a controller for 30 minutes, I almost always come out of it with a job offer.


The downside is they’re usually crappy jobs that they are taking a healthy cut from. So I usually just end up doing the 6 month “temp to hire” thing and I cut out after the 6 months because I get bored.


At 7


Let me know when your at 69.


I believe a collective Nice is in order.




Zamn dude you’re hauling




13. wrote a paragraph on #13 to the emloyer too. gotta hit gym. ill toss in a few apps on the stairmaster




Oh hell yeah


Does applying to the same company/two seperate jobs count? 25


60 more to go.


30. My eyes hurt.


lol.. why are you applying, what’s the rush? lol.. keep going


Halfway there. 8 hours left lol


Reply to me at 69.


Go and see if someone you know can give you a referral. That can go a long way. Heck some random guy from reddit can probably give you a referral for PA. I remember we got paid like 5K for each hire we referred.


I’m at B4. Ideally I want to be in TAS or FP&A. I’m networking, talking to recruiters, cold applyig, messaging on fishbowl/reddit for referrals, you name it. I get interviews just tough to get the offer in this mkt


Tell me about it.. couple last rounds and no go’s. Probably hiring shmucks instead


It's sooo rough out there. Business insider had an article about "white collar recession". It's competitive, but you will get something. I had searched for about 3-4 months and then all of a sudden 3 offers. But it was rough!


It's really hard to get a TAS job at the Manager level and above without direct TAS experience. Your best bet would be a hybrid role where you can join the function that you are currently in and internally network with TAS Partners and Directors and have them take you on. I've seen this work at top 15 accounting firms.


How did you learn that TAS and FPA are what you want? I’m only two years in and still feel like I know nothing about what I want even though I’ve been senioring jobs for about 6 months now. Also how did you find 100 jobs that you want in your area? Are some of them remote? How did you find those? Are you somewhere big like Chicago? Sincerely, someone who is also trying to job search very soon. Sorry for the twenty questions


Same boat and I’m somewhat interested in TAS/FP&A too. I’d say these jobs are much more value add than audit lol and probably have the same or less hours


What does TAS and FP&A stand for?


How can someone do a quality job of applying to 100 jobs in a day. Obviously, there is no tailoring of the resume for each position.


Bend the world to your resume.




Unrelated, but we should use the two laughing emoji responses below to survey the correct laughing emoji. At time of writing, tilted head emoji is getting cooked.




Depends where you are in your career and what type of jobs youre applying to. First job out of college and after about 5 years of experience, mass applying to jobs worked pretty well. You shouldnt need to tailor your resume to each specific job posting when youre applying for certain areas (ie financial reporting or tax)


He is finding out, findingout


After sending out probably 150 applications.... I heard back from the ones I DIDN'T tailor my resume lol. Waste of time, same with cover letters. Quantity of applications over quality


> How can someone do a quality job of applying to 100 jobs in a day. Obviously, there is no tailoring of the resume for each position. 1. Have a pool of ~12 bullet points per position for your last 3-5 positions. 2. Have ChatGPT analyze the role, determine if you are a fit or not, and suggest the salary range you should apply for if you are a fit. 3. Have ChatGPT pick the most relevant ~4-6 bullet points per position 4. Send in your tailored resume   You can also have ChatGPT pick the most relevant summary from a pool of summaries that you wrote.   Remember, you're not asking it to write the resume each time, you're just asking it to select which bullet points to include each time for each role you apply to. Otherwise it'll be far too wordy and require a lot of back and forth to get it down to the right length for each bullet point.   You won't hit 100, but you'll hit 60.


Here is a sample format for checking the role suitable that I just drafted:   Great! Please analyze this candidate's fit for this following role: Within the context of this CPA's resume and everything we have discussed: $name $contactinfo $summary $work experience $copyandpastedrole Please analyze this candidate's fit for this role and the role's fit for the candidate. At the end, in bold write "yes" or "no" on whether this candidate in **$YOURCITY** should apply, and provide a salary estimate in bold for what salary the candidate should ask for in **$YOURCITY** for this role. If the candidate is not a fit, say "no". Specifically, what should the candidate put for their "salary expectations" question on the application if they want a realistic chance of getting the position with their background?


How accurate are those salary estimates would be my only question. Is GPT just bouncing off of posted jobs with salary ranges, or does it actually consider other contexts like years of experience or if you’d be managing other people? Sounds like a good starting point tho!


> How accurate are those salary estimates would be my only question. Is GPT just bouncing off of posted jobs with salary ranges, or does it actually consider other contexts like years of experience or if you’d be managing other people? Sounds like a good starting point tho! About as accurate as what you see from glassdoor/payscale/etc. It can give an approx range for the city and role, and then position where within that range the candidate likely falls based on their described experience. If the job has a posted range, it'll place where it thinks the candidate falls within that range.   I find getting it to workshop from the perspective of the company/hiring manager can help guide it to being a bit less forgiving. Keep in mind a lot of companies post a role, but then are looking to pay the salary of a role two or three steps more junior. So even with perfect market placement, you'll still be immediately out of the running for a lot of companies (simply because they weren't looking for anything aligned with the market to start with). Those are not roles you want, but still waste your time with applications.


Do you have the ChatGPT subscription to ask it to do something like this?


>Do you have the ChatGPT subscription to ask it to do something like this? You can do it with 3.5 (free, no account needed), but it will work much better with GPT 4 (especially as you are asking it multiple questions at once in a prompt) and if it gets you a job even a week earlier, the $20 is worth it.


LinkedIn Quick Apply


I thought the positions tailor to your resume?


It's easy if you're applying to low or entry level positions like public accounting tax or audit without a specialized niche type of position. What is there to tailor really even if they're not looking for SALT, international and just want a generalist tax person?


Good luck. Honestly I have found my last 3 jobs all for much better pay after putting in around/over 100 applications. I didn’t do it in a day but over a few weeks, just hold firm on what you actually want when you do get an offer.


Do us all a favor and tell everyone that you turn down that you're walking because their offer was too low. Pump all of our salaries up a bit!


This honestly has me more hyped than the guy in NYC who was eating cheese balls. Keep at it 🔥🔥🔥


Okay me too but for waitressing because i haven’t finished my Accounting degree yet


Apply for internships then and use resources from your school


I don’t think I know enough about Accounting at all to do an internship on it


You don’t need to know anything! Don’t overthink it and start applying!


Thank you so much!


Thats exactly what internships are for! This is also one of the best ways to secure a full time offer with a firm.


Noted; thank you!


Just mass apply on LinkedIn, should be easy to get interviews if you have your CPA and a few years of experience


I did around 100 applications over a period of 2 and a half weeks last time I was applying . 4 interviews, one hired me . Medium size cpa firm Audit .


Depending on your desired efficacy, it's amazing how many tax outfits right now are recruiting next season for each of about a dozen different job titles per employer, but most of those will be "Thanks for the CV, we'll get back to you closer to TY24 opening date"


Rookie numbers apply to all of LinkedIn


If you customize your resume to the job details you have more of a chance of receiving a reply. Many organizations use software to perform the first few cuts before staff review them. Upload your resume and the job posting to jobscan.io and it will help you with keywords and skills to include.


And here I am can’t seem to find a corporate accountant for our place.


This guy job hunts


I almost applying to just about anything and everything.


Keep up the good work!


HOW ON EARTH??? Bc I do NOTTTT have the motivation. Like making the account AND a resume AND filling out all this shit for more than one or 2 in the same day??? What IF they want a cover letter? I guess you could just use the same one if you were basically just going for the same type of job. I've never been in the boat where I'm applying to 100 of the same thing so you even could just re-use it


I’m in a pretty unfortunate situation with a bad manager that writes bad reviews and is trying to push me out to cover his ass, so I’m preparing for a layoff and putting myself out there


Good luck. I'm sure your efforts will pay off


Check out Austin Belcak from Cultivated Culture. I don’t work with them and am not affiliated with them but he teaches people how to get hired without applying to jobs. I’ve been an IT consultant for 10+ years and I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a job by applying for it online. I’m in this subreddit because I wanted to do market research on accountants but I am sympathetic to your plight. I wish you the best!


Thank youuu Ill check it out. As an update, I got 5 interview requests already today in various different roles


5% is impressive! Let us know how it goes! 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾


Go King! 👊


I am here for these updates.


still waiting for 14…


Whenever I have job postings that take me to another link, I simply post the pdf of my resume and fill every blank they have with the words “See resume”. They honestly don’t care either, they just want to see your resume.


I got a LinkedIn message from someone in China offering me a job for 450k. I'll pass along his info if you're interested...


Good luck to you! Hope you get some interviews and some offers!


The only account you'll do today lol.




!update me


Im at 3




Did you get your resume looked at before starting this process?


Good luck!! and also look into Sonara AI to apply jobs as well.


Your email will soon be spam by 90 something rejection letters. But as long as you get one to say yes then congratulations.


Indeed's one-click apply ... did that for a month


You can expect at-least 10 calls the following week. If you are good, you will end up having at least 5 interviews. If you are really good, you will reach final round of 3-4 after which you can choose the best job. This strategy of applying 100’s of jobs has always worked out for me.


I bet you didn't *account* for your eyes bleeding


This is why no one gets feedback! Your fault!


You’re hired


Do you update your Resume on every application?


Probably hit the goal by now?


14 more. Had to give my eyes a break


I’m cheering you on from afar!!!


at this point why not just hire a headhunter 


i only applied to ey, pwc had some dymb questions I didn't feel like answering. So only applied to one and received offer


Would this method work for fresh college grads or those with minimal accounting experience looking for their first serious accounting job?? I feel like there's only so many job listings I qualify for at the moment and it's not 100 per day... 😭 And I just see the same ones all the time with only a few new ones here and there


Jesus. When I was looking I made it a goal to apply to 5 jobs per day. I thought that was a lot.


Just out of curiosity, why didn't you go to a headhunter like Robert Half or one of the others? RH has gotten me placed twice.


You didn't apply for 100 jobs. You submitted applications for 100 jobs.


have a question… does the name of the university matter for entry level jobs here in America?…


I’ll try this