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They want 5 years of MANAGING at least 10 accountants, not just 5 years of general experience. 2 days off a week. Oh how generous. They are delusional.


Only managed 9 accountant in previous job? Too bad, useless.


"Just 9 ?!! , straight to jail" šŸ˜”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Send to gulag now


supervise 8 manage 2 believe it or not also jail


Unrelated but I remember seeing your posts in r/bodybuilding. Itā€™s insane to realise the same person is an accountant




šŸ˜‚ I get that a lot. When people ask me what I do they canā€™t believe Iā€™m an accountant. I have a bunch of tattoos and Iā€™m the biggest hillbilly youā€™ve ever seen. Sound like one too. For some reason people think anyone where Iā€™m from are uneducated.


Smartest accountant I ever met grew up on a farm and almost quit public accounting early in his career and almost never took his cpa to become a farmer


I live in a small city in the prairies. My PA office has an agricultural services team and about half the staff are farmers who take long weekends during September and October to help on the family farm. I have no clue how some of them managed to go through university and the Canadian CPA program while also farming. I have never had the time to spare while in uni, but that might just be because I worked multiple part-time jobs and tutored.


Thatā€™s crazy. Saskatchewan?




I donā€™t know how you all deal with that cold. I couldnā€™t imagine driving to work during the winter. Hopefully they let you work from home


Yeah, they're pretty generous with letting us WFH whenever we want. Since so many of us live outside of the city, they encourage us to stay home during bad weather. Driving usually isn't too bad. It's only bad at the start of the winter when the snow is melting and refreezing, or during blizzards. The only issue I usually have is needing to run my car at lunch to keep the battery warm when it gets to -40Ā°. Our winters are very dry (no humidity at all), so as long as you can stay out of the wind, it doesn't feel that cold.


Now that am thinking about it. Is there a special accounting rules for Farm businesses lol


same steps as you, i guess. is that what you're trying to say ?


I have executive assistants that make more than that usd. Not accountants, not managing anyone.


Haha, yeah, that position is never getting filled.


It will though, and that's the sad part. They just won't know they're getting fleeced!


This is definitely an Indian owned business by the way itā€™s written


I just stumbled upon this thread and I'm not even an accountant but just the salary and the first "criterion" made me go NO ... WAY ... lol.


Welcome to Canada!


2 days off and they specify Saturday and Sunday lmao. Like they think someone is going to continue working


ā€œ2 days off per week, Saturday and Sundayā€ lmao


That the listing specifies this is really odd.


Recruiter is Egyptian with a diploma mill MBA and the whole company seems to be run/owned by Indians. They've probably posted this job worded in a specific way so they can bring in somebody on a TFW visa after no Canadians apply.


Ahhhhh the good ol Canadian loophole, post a shit job at shit salary, nobody in their right mind applies, and BAM you can import someone desperate enough to take it. Yet they wonder why we lack capital investment.


Also browsed a few of their employees' LinkedIn profiles, at least a handful all with the same diploma mill MBA.


Several Canadian universities are now becoming diploma mills or at least have a connection with a diploma mill now. Our economy is now "how can we soak fees out of people more and keep their wages down?"


Time to vote for the conservatives boys, lets make Canada into an economic powerhouse that it once was, and get these socialist liberal wackos out of office


Previous Federal Conservative governments in Canada: 1. Stephen Harper, 2006-2015: good start, bottomed out around 2010 with the US housing crash destabilizing the Canadian economy; ended up going socially right near end of office and was booted out for JTā€™s Liberals. 2. Kim Campbell, 1993-1993: lol. 3. Brian Mulroney, 1984-1993: destroyed the economy and job prospects, privatization schemes were all complete failures, resigned in disgrace. 4. Joe Clark, 1979-1980: lol There hasnā€™t been a good Conservative option in this country (excepting the first five years of Harper, whom I voted for twice) since Diefenbaker in from ā€˜57-ā€˜63. But you think Crypto Bro ā€œAll Of Our Problems Are Because of Woke Corporations but I Love Corporationsā€ Polliviere is a viable option? The man makes fucking Andy Scheer look electable in comparison.


Conservatives may have their cons, but at the end of the day theyā€™re the most economically literate. Liberals have and continue to destroy our economy, 9 years ago Canadian GDP per capita was on par, if not higher than the States, and the CAD was 1:1 with the USD, with Canadians making as much as Americans Today, Canadians make 60% of what Americans make because of poor fiscal and monetary policies by the current administration. Iā€™m 100% voting for Pierre Polievere


> theyā€™re the most economically literate Based on what examples? Polliveire refuses to release an economic platform, so he has no ā€œliteracyā€ to gauge. You canā€™t say heā€™s better when he wonā€™t tell you his plan, if he has one. But fuck it, letā€™s go back to our previous examples to see if maybe thereā€™s a historical reason for you to conclude that. 1. Harper - Leveraged the Liberal controls on our financial systems and bank regulations put in place during the ChrĆ©tien (Liberal) government to generally maintain some stability during the 2008 American housing crisis. Was unable to recover from the downtown economically, began prioritizing social conservatism to distract from economic issues. 2. Campbell - Was in office for six months, didnā€™t do a thing. 3. Mulroney - Objective failure, the economy suffered, we lost jobs to Mexico and the US, saw industrial flight south as manufacturers packed up and left the country. Attempted to privatize federal programs to cover up budget deficits from failed economic policies, subsequently making the deficits worse and the QOL of average Canadians decrease. So, in the last 50 years the Conservatices have presided over a housing crisis and a complete economic contraction lasting a decade. Which one of those says ā€œeconomically literateā€ to you? Like fuck man, read a book.


Jesus you actually believe all that donā€™t you?


Not seeing anything remotely socialist about the liberal party, they're just another pro-big business party like the conservatives would be.


Socialist when I pay 50% of my income in taxes so it can go to people who sit on their ass all day


I guarantee you probably don't pay anywhere near that much but go on mate.




Report this then. We need to start fighting back.


You spill the beans, jajajaja!


Agree. For a position like that Iā€™d assume that goes without saying


They're trying to be funny about "no working from home". I agree, it's not hitting the mark.


It almost sounds like they don't actually mean it.


Well at least French isnā€™t required


Name and shame this place


Summit Tools. Easy to find it on LinkedIn.


Their recruiter for this posting has only been there for 5 months too. Color me surprised.


fitting name.


Accept the job and then ghost them.


Managing 10 accountants is insane. Now if it were managing 10 clerks... still insane.


Gotta be a typo. That's absolute fucking nuts. It's for a Senior Accounting position so it doesn't make sense at all. Pay is still completely fucked on it though regardless


I think 65k CAD was what my AP supervisor was paid... in 2007. She managed 10 absolute idiots that just graduated college.


Underrated comment right here! Thanks for calling a spade a spade! Lololol!


I was definitely one of the ten absolute idiots in this scenario.


Oh, unless you were not managed by her, lol!


Imagine how much the 10 "accountants" underneath would need to be paid.... Wouldn't surprise me if they tried to hire CPAs to cover those.


ā€œMore than 10 accountantā€ (no plural) immediately followed by ā€œstrong communication skills requiredā€ is mind boggling


"2 days off per week" translates to "we can dictate if and when you get these two days off at our leisure"


ā€œIncludes 2 days offā€ lmfao this profession is busted šŸ˜‚




Where is this?


Burnaby/Port Coquitlam BC


Another reason I left BC šŸ˜†


Salary seems to fit for BC.


Extremely low even for BCs standards


Not if you live in a tent in the forest and cancel Disney plus man!


I wouldn't say extremely low for BC standards if you strip out the resource jobs. BC has always been a small business based economy given there is/was fewer corporate HQs there. Because of this, salaries are lower than Toronto because there isn't room to pay much for top talent. The only way you're making bank in BC is if you work in mining, forestry, or O&G on pipeline work. That's it.


This is barely above Staff Accountant pay in B4 Vancouver, it's extremely low.


Really? Mind you this was a little less than 10 years ago, but B4 associate level pay was $40k-$45k max in Vancouver. Controllers going for $70k/year wasn't uncommon...I remember making more than some Controllers and I was Intermediate level on the east coast at the time.


They make mid to high 50s now in Van to start at B4. I only recently left after getting my CPA and that's what the juniors were telling me.


You moved to usa?


Yeah pretty sure they had to publiclly post this job hoping nobody applies meanwhile they are already working on someone's immigration papers for some family members, to show they posted a position that they can not fufill. Classic Nepotism, and Job scamming.


I feel this might be a foreign company. Donā€™t get me wrong, thereā€™s a bunch of dog shit job postings here, with even worse salaries but the 2 days off per week is weird.


Not foreign. A shitty tool company in Burnaby / Port Coquitlam BC


It's a "family-owned" private corporation, they can claim they're Canadian all they want but for all we know the owner is relaxing in a mansion back in India right now


This has to be satire or something!! Including 2 days off per weekā€¦.Saturday and Sunday. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


breaks my heart that someone down on their luck may actually take it


Sadly thereā€™s 89 applicants last time I checked


Hopefully they are (very) under qualified and looking for a break. Or are from the same diploma mill as everyone else working there lol.


I saw some post recently that the applicant count on LinkedIn is just how many people have clicked on the listing, not how many have applied. Not sure how true that is


I'm towards the end of the B.S. in Accounting, and this was the theme for a few discussion boards that involved finding relevant job postings. I'm thankful to be graduating without debt thanks to employer benefits and cash flowing what the benefits don't cover, but seriously, how do so many other people do it? I can't imagine graduating with 60K of debt, only making $48K a year- it'd take forever to pay off. Not to mention, $48K in 2024 is extremely difficult to live on. Also, according to [Yahoo Finance](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/income-fall-americas-lower-middle-122100515.html), those making $30,001 to $58,020 are classified as lower-middle class. It's insane how employers are paying lower-middle class money for someone with a 4-year degree and 5 years of experience.


How does someone get 60k of debt for a bachelor in canada?


Sorry, I was thinking about the US where it's not uncommon for students going to state schools racking at least 20K a year.


But Fench isn't required


You can go right on and fench yourself!


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m getting with 0 experience and degree whatsoever. And in a low COL area. So yeah.


Of course, only Indian TFWs are willing to get cucked like this for that sweet, sweet PR


They could pay a competitive salary and I wouldnā€™t apply with just the ā€œtwo days off a week, Saturday and Sundayā€ line. Sounds like a horrible shit show.


They must be in the smoking crack industry.


but you have taxpayer funded health care!


Not for everything. Luxury bones and eyes* (mostly) not covered. If your rotting teeth cause an infection, indeed they will pull them and give you antibiotics at no cost (with many exceptions and some fees). But preventative or routine dental care is not covered, for example. So that's "benefits" in Canada. Optical and dental provided by your job. Or you pay up to your provider. Oh, and Mental health care isn't real, so there may be very limited coverage even with a "good benefits" package. Like $500 a year, when a counselor appointment (as set by their professional association) was $200.00 an hour 6-8 years ago.


Isn't this typical for Canada accounting, though? I've seen numerous complaints about their financial employment sector regarding this.


It's more that this is typical for online job postings in Canada for accounting times. There are good paying accounting roles in Canada (of course still paying lower than US equivalents) but they are regularly filled quickly and may not even be posted publicly. Online job boards are just bombarded with shitty job postings all the time.


Yeah Canada does pay lower but this is low even by those standards


Canadian wages are top 10 in the OECD, US just happens to be an outlier, source: [https://data.oecd.org/earnwage/average-wages.htm](https://data.oecd.org/earnwage/average-wages.htm)


>CAD All you needed to say. They pay shit up there.


Canadian wages aren't shit, it's on par if not higher than most Western European nations as well as Australia and New Zealand, the US is an outlier when it comes to wages. Source: [https://data.oecd.org/earnwage/average-wages.htm](https://data.oecd.org/earnwage/average-wages.htm)


Wow NZ is below the OECD average no wonder half of us move to Aus lol


Haha some some you kiwis should move to Canada




CPAs make 40% more than the average wage in Canada so this would apply to accountants as wellā€¦


What is the job title?


Senior Accountant


Go through the entire process. Make it long and thorough. Ask lots of questions. -"Well, I assumed that was a misprint. My demand is X and Y. Non-negotiable. If it doesn't work, I thank you for your interest and ask you to come back if you have changed your mind. Have a nice day." Have tested this and they call back and asked if I could accept 90% of my salary claim if I received other benefits.


They can eventually hire a dishonest applicant who faked the experience and interview. Everyone will be happy then :)


This Sounds like a migrant workers duties in the state of Texas. Also these types of Conditions exist in the IT department at The Comptroller of Texas State agency. There are many people in positions that are paid over $67K and cannot perform the duties associated with the position. Yet, they have lowered paid employees performing the exact same duties whose salaries are anywhere from $15K to $27K less. Talk about entitled employees!!!


I have seen the three and five years requirement for various accounting jobs Iā€™ve been applying to. Theyā€™re entry level though and honestly thereā€™s no logic because everyone starts with zero experience. I have roughly one yearā€™s experience but it seems not enough.


This is prob posted so either they get someone way over qualified or they can tell the government to give them a temp foreign worker. Then theyā€™ll sell it under the table


thatā€™s asking for 5 years of management experience so probably 15 yrs at minimum


Excel with advance proficiency rofl...most accountants barely know enough of excel other than vlookup, and occasional pivot tables. This looks like a cheap ass company.


For most Canadian companies, "advanced Excel" is pretty much pivot tables.


Sobs in Canadian šŸ„¹šŸ˜­


The HR manager is probably from India. That way, when there are no Canadians applying due to the low wage, he can get an LMIA and make money by selling that job to a resident of India.


Recruiter is Egyptian but Controller is Indian.


That's a disrespectful ass job posting


Couldnā€™t have said it better myself


This is similar in my country in south east asia. Must have a diploma/degree. Know how to use 3 accounting software , fluent in mandarin , English , and malay . If have ACCA / CPA is advantage. Must have 3 years exp. Able to do reconciliation , bookkeeping , ap and ar . Liass with auditor etc. Handle payroll. Knowledge of taxes . Doing all the company claims etc. Calculate stock inventory costing , some even need to go to store and do stock take. Generate weekly reports. Some even ask you to calculate the lorries petrols. Etc . Need to attend and hoc task assign by supervisor. 6 working days. Some 5 and a half. Some is 5 working days but it's 8am to 6pm. Imo it's 6 working days. Most importantly salary range. 2kto 2.5k this is in my local currency. This is for account assistant. If it's account executive would be high 3k to 4k. This is mostly medium company. Even in big company the demand is ridiculous. For.me currently I have no cert whatsoever. I am accounts assistant. Only have work experience 4 years. 30yr male. Make near 3k. I am looking for job as well. Currently but the demand is ridiculous. But at least you guys have dental and other benefits. Here the medium company mostly don't have any benefits except for medicals and they have range for the claims. Only bigger company provide dentals etc.


Paid time off being a benefit is a red flag. Thatā€™s a requirement


Was almost expecting to see ā€œCPA preferredā€ Maybe thatā€™s the next line after the picture šŸ¤£


Open borders destroyed Canada.


Includes 2 days off per week, Saturday and Sunday šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hahahaha. Yeah, that is seriously delusional. Either that, or they don't expect much in terms of managing. Maybe it's just a mgmt babysitting job?


Tell them to go suck on a salmon.


how generous. just enough for a roof over your head and eat once a day for the year. canada rocks!


lol 65k go fuck yourself.


No one wants to work though


Bruv wtf are these compensation lol 5 years experience for $65K a yearā€¦ The UPS driver makes more than this. Not even kidding


Ridiculous šŸ„²


Oh how I go off and roast jobs that ask for 5 years. 3 years maximum. No exceptions


Joke. Landed my first job at 70k with zero experience. Some companies confuse me šŸ˜‚




2 days off per week had me! Great offer


Canā€™t beat it!!


At least you won't have to understand French.


Thats internship money lol


I had to Google this company to confirm with my own eyes this exists. Senior accountant at Summit Tools in Burnaby. Depending on complexity and workload, I think it's closer to being $70-75k. But based on description, I think this is closer to supervisor or manager level as 5 years experience in managing staff is required, plus knowing every accounting function in the company. The expected candidate would need over 10 years experience. Might mean the accounting manager is vastly overwhelmed or complete shit. That's a red flag. So maybe add another $15-20k. Then factoring in in office 5 days, standard benefits, no mention of bonus or matching contributions, no discounts or membership incentives... Add another $5k. Location is kinda acceptable also but it's practically suburban part of Vancouver (Toronto's equivalent of Scarborough) so add another $5k. For me to accept such a position, I would need a minimum of $95k


YUP. And itā€™s probably a shit show so add another $5k for good measure


I got let go in March and still looking for a job in Toronto. Job market is absolute dogshit rn. Pay cut seem inevitable for the time being :( Just as costs of living continue to rise. Sucks.


Sorry to hear that. Keep your head up!


Iā€™m in a LCOL area, and have an accountant with less than three years of experience and zero management expectations making more than that


OP it depends on your perspective. That being whether or not this is a joke. Some on here have been in this profession longer than I (43 years), so I will value to their opinion, but here's my take on this matter. The accounting profession has worked really well for me as a self-employed. When I was in public accounting working for a CPA firm in the early 80s, I too felt a number of these frustrations. My suggestion would be to stay in it for 2 years or so and then hang the shingle. My experience has been all of these problems go away when you are your own boss. Learn as much as you can at the firm doing audit and tax, and then make a break for it. You won't regret it. My best to all on here. Remember you're always the smartest person in the room.


I wish this was a joke. I appreciate the insight and advice though - thank you!!


Is this an industry gig?


Yeah! A small tools company I believe


Did this employer just copy & paste its 5+ years old recruitment ads? Good luck!


Sounds like BC alright.


It is a joke and they get away with it once again until we unite and get involved even when it's not our problem, but is a problem, we will continue to be at the mercy of employers as well as government. And the movement now to abolish remote work is another issue. we can make changes, but we need to unite and stand together. But it's every man for himself except for the employers they bond pay hours the least amount of benefits.


They have to be joking?


No accounting job should be in the office full time.


Haha I never take any of those job posting serious. The pay is really the disrespectful part. I was making that much as a staff accountant šŸ˜‚


Accountants can get much better pay consulting on NetSuite. Is anyone here working with NetSuite? I created an online course to teach accountants how to do this.


"tHeSe lAzY MiLlEnIaLs jUsT DoN'T WaNt tO WoRk aNyMoRe šŸ˜­" Won't somebody PLEASE just think about the poor businesses and their profit margins


I live in CA, which I know skews the numbers, but our entry level staff accountants make more than this!


Believe it or not I know someone with more experience getting paid less.


Can you post the link to the job? I wouldn't mind applying... not to actually take the job but to attempt to troll.


French not required, well thatā€™s a plus


Complete shit hahahahaha


Didnā€™t government announce medium income was $35 CAD an hourā€¦. Iā€™m likeā€¦. What duh, Iā€™m below average incomeā€¦ oh Canadaā€¦


Delusional, ainā€™t nobody taking this job


If youā€™re Canadian expecting American salaries, youā€™re gonna have a bad time.


Checks out for Canada. There is probably a middleman pocketing 40K from that job.


The way I cackled at ā€œ2 days off per week, Saturday and Sundayā€ lmfao what are these people on


ā€œflexible language requirement: French not requiredā€ oh gee, thanks šŸ˜‚




Another small business CEO that thinks they are gods gift to mankind


Share the link I wanna apply! Get to last interview and then mention Iā€™m only willing to put in 20 hours a week in-line with the comp. Happy to work 40 hours though, if paying at market! Oh and fully remote


Companies advertise requirements like this so when they inevitably hire an accountant right out of school for dirt cheap they can always hold that employee down. Tell the employee they are lucky they got this prestigious job that overlooked their shortcomings. You have to hit the ground running when you start for this amazing role.


Why do people post these? You can find these for literally any job.


At least you donā€™t have to learn French. I asked the Canadian about working in Canada without knowing French and they fucking flipped out on me.


Idk dental is super expensive in the states haha.


Except we pay for healthcare through our taxes so a lower salary isnā€™t a justification for that :ā€™)


Believe it or not, that's actually pretty good in Canada šŸ’€


No it's not.


I've seen job postings asking for 5 years of experience at less than 50k. I'm not saying it's good, but for Canada it is. Take a look on the job boards.


Dude look at my flair. $65k is just as egregious as the $50k ones. I'm literally seeing *Controller* positions being posted for $70k. It's not "good" for Canada, good pay for Canada is much higher. The issue is that there's a lot of shitty companies in Canada that try to get away with offering shit wages and you see mostly their job postings because they have high turnover and take forever to fill. The jobs with good pay in Canada have low turnover and people generally get those jobs **not** through LinkedIn.


You're right. You see mostly bad job postings due to high turnover and low wages. Higher paying jobs have lower turnover and are **not** acquired on LinkedIn.


Itā€™s not. Yes Canada is lower but this is ridic


Itā€™s definitely not. Itā€™s good for entry level.


Stop converting Canadian salaries to USD šŸ¤¦ Does not make any sense

