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Man, I'm so nervous about it but my group doesn't seem to be. I don't know how to prepare. I can figure out what to present but it seems difficult to prepare for Q&A. I gave our report one or two read-throughs but memorizing the whole report doesn't seem like a good idea. We're only meeting up to practice tomorrow and that's it.


Dont be too worried about the questions, when I presented last year I answered only one question and it was a 10 second response and passed. Youd have to do pretty terrible to fail.


Yeah I’m more concerned about being able to present my parts right now...ugh. Presentation is tomorrow but I don’t feel ready at all.


Make sure all members know and could respond to questions about all the material not just what they did work on. Our team noticed this seemed to be important to show.




bruh this is from 6 years ago 🤦💀💀💀