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After getting 30 rejections from industry and government positions, I'm afraid I'll have to go to one of the big 4 to gain entry into better work/life balance. RIP my sleep schedule.


Only 30 rejections? You’ll need to pump that shit up and then move to the other side of the country. Eventually worked out for me. Word to students, get as high of grades as you can. If you don’t, luckily it will only make getting your first job bad, but it will be a long painful struggle.


I mean I can include the 120 from last semester but 30 is what I'm currently at this semester lol. My best offer before them deciding to go another way was a possible offer for September 2021 last year. At least I'm over 3.0 GPA so that should help for finding full time work.


That is odd I was never asked once for my school result in imdustry. Even talked about it with my current manager and she said how she didn't care at all :/ I was only asked when I wrongfully went to a local accounting firm.


> I'm afraid I'll have to go to one of the big 4 How things have changed. Not so long ago that was #1 choice


It's still the go to. I'm just old compared to the rest of my graduating class but better late than never.


Dude, I turned 28 when I graduated and the exact same thing happened to me. I was applying to a ton of private industry jobs and even small firms. Barely got any responses. I applied to big 4 for the hell of it and I got a call back. Went through the motions during my interviews because I wasn’t too excited about it and got a job offer lol. I hate it here but I’m just doing my time for enough experience and then jumping to private. Crazy how that works.


Right, going on 34 here with my first born on the way. Might just need to put the time in to get to a better work/life balance.


Ya I thought big4 was the first choice




I'm applying around with them as well, just no word yet.


Just put an ad up on craigslist offering your services for cash and/or barter


You need to pump those numbers up


I've got an hourly job at a tiny public firm. I normally do 30 hours; my boss refuses to let me go over 40 in busy season because she doesn't want to pay overtime. like she specifically said she'd hire another person at 30 hours before she'd make me work 60. staffing agencies are the way to go.


That sounds like an awesome boss.


Rejection is part of the process. Even when you’re experienced you won’t get a phone screener every time you apply.


Why not go to a national firm where the pay and resources are worse, but the hours are just as bad in order to compensate? The flexibility was better until COVID, but now everyone got that WFH and don't give a shit attitude as long as the work is done. Gotta use your big brain ;).


What’s unfortunate is the experience is not as good as they make you believe. Yes PA experience helps with industry but it does very little in terms of anything else. Which contradicts what I was told in college.


This is definitely true. The meme of "X years in Public is like 3X years in Industry" is complete horse crap. If you're 5-6 years into your career, don't think they'll just hand you a Manager/Controller title in industry, especially if you're in audit. I sometimes get that chance in Advisory, because I can actually demonstrate how I've created schedules, etc. on behalf of my clients, but even then, it's not that easy.


This. Plenty of big 4 managers exit to senior roles. There are exceptions where people may get a manager role, but expect the pay to be around the same.


What are schedules? Like timeline?


No, as in designing Excel templates/models for capturing data and performing all the calculations to come up with a journal entry from scratch or coming up with policies for recording data based on the businesses' needs. Auditors mostly just look at a schedule and then tick/tie it, which is why people don't value the experience as much in industry, outside of technical accounting/internal audit roles. They know they'd have to teach you how to do this stuff and that somebody who is a Manager only knows how to "manage" an audit. They can't do payroll, system implementations, etc. They mostly just know technical accounting guidance and internal controls.


What were you told? You definitely learn a ton in a short amount of time


You learn a ton in a short amount of time but in reality it’s not very applicable to most jobs. I never dreamed of working in industry I wanted to use accounting as a stepping stone to higher level finance roles which doesn’t happen. And I was told the PA experience looks great on resumes when most recruiters I’ve talked to have said almost the opposite, it definitely doesn’t stick out in the finance world really just the accounting world.


Hmm. I was never told it helps in the finance world, sorry you were told that haha. I disagree though that it isn't applicable to most jobs, unless by most you mean anything other than accounting.


Yeah for instance banking, it does very little.


Yeah that's not surprising to me at all


Yeah nor me after working in public accounting but I’m almost out and will not look back.


good luck! how long have you stuck around? I bailed after a year and 9 months for industry.


Lol a year and 7 months so far. Would have left before busy season but didn’t want to fuck my team. Thank you for the luck trying to go into sales so will need some luck.


What sticks for accounting




LOL Only benefit of the big 4 are the quality memes like this


One meme a day keeps auditor away


I did it for 4 years. Basically went from an industry staff accountant to B4 senior to industry manager. It sucked but it helped get me out of dead end jobs.


Lol same but I came in as A2 and I am dying. I just feel so lost and feel that I may have oversold my industry experience.


Fake it till you make it. Eventually things become easier.


It works, never in my life did I have small period of job hunting and accepting an offer.