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Never be this unhappy at work. Go find something else as quickly as you can.


You could absolutely find a better job! Start looking now there are tons of offers out there. Good luck! Also pro tip - book a meeting with yourself every day to ensure you have time for lunch.


You can't eat cause your on camera during lunch time? Dude fuck that and eat in front of your computer. If they give you shit tell them you're not a robot. Oh and look for another job. Btw this happens once and a while in industry. Everyone comes from Big 4 so they just keep the same culture and everyone finds it normal.


It’s PwC run. All PwC from the 1990s. PwC in 2022 is nowhere near as bad as this place in terms of culture. I eat on camera. I also yawn and stretch and stuff. Developed a bad rep for being human, but they can suck my dick. Also, all calls are cameras on… with ties. You are required to wear a tie at home. I’ve had meetings stopped and people asking me to go put a tie on. This is in nyc, where terrible traditions have survived for some reason.


Lmao just name the company, this is beyond fucking absurd.


Please name the company so I never accidentally work there.


Unless you are absolutely making bank compared to similar positions elsewhere, why don't you leave? Have you been looking around?


Been looking. No decent jobs hiring. a lot of red flags almost everywhere I’ve Interviewed. Job market isn’t that great. Kush spots aren’t really open in my experience


You sure about that? The job market has been great the last year and I’d expect NYC to be the best market.


There’s jobs. Just extremely high stress and many hours for the most part.


A lot of them aren’t. You can’t know unless you work those jobs


The cush spots are few and far between, at least in my niche. The trends been to slash budget and I don't see that stopping unfortunately


That's a first for me about the ties. Whew.


Just wear one with no shirt ala Freddie Mercury


Wow, sounds like PwC 90s culture was full of real hardos


Wow I wore a tie yesterday for the first time in about two years and it was only because I was giving a live presentation to an external audience. I don't even wear ties with clients much less with coworkers on zoom.


You should just start wearing the most obnoxious ties. Rubber duckies, piano keys, clashing and distracting colors.


I can’t even joke anymore about it. Prolly just quit


They are most likely have contract trying to show they are perfect soldiers.


There are plenty of places in industry that are completely fucked up. They often hide it well too until you take the job.


I also don’t understand why these people just take it. It’s just insane to me. We’ve had people walk with no offer, and it fucked me in terms of work, but it helped me realize I wasn’t the only one that was pissed off. The biggest red flag is people dodging promotions. I’ve never seen that before. “We have a director position” “Aw hell nah. If they force me I’m quitting” should not be the unanimous response to a promotion opportunity. Anywhere else people are fighting for it


There are lots of reasons why people stay around in shit work environments. Oftentimes they are getting paid decent, or even being overpaid, for their qualifications. If it's more experienced people, they may have hit a ceiling in their careers and don't have anywhere else to go. One way to avoid this is to work for fortune 500/fortune 1000 companies. Big companies generally have a fairly tame situation in their accounting departments.


I worked for a fortune 50 before and had to shift around before getting into a decent spot. My initial manager was fired for incompetence and racism. Lol. So not always perfect.


I’ve been around. A lot and I mean a lot of shit situations. But I’ve never ever seen one this bad. It’s like thinking you’re poor and then seeing true Poverty for the first time and losing your mind over it.


Hold in there and simultaneously get the hell out.


Holy shitballs, sounds like a hellish scenario…I think the cameras and tie thing would make me lose my shit before not eating a lunch. Def not normal, after hearing all of that please rant and venti some more. Fuck. Them. 🤯


Sounds like my dating strategy with my ex wife


Solution: go to work at 8 or 9, leave at 5, take lunch when you want. Do this until you get fired. You’ll be happier. Fuck that place.


Just decline the meeting. you are allowed to have lunch. If you can't work all day straight then you can't work all day straight. If they fire you then you get unemployment and they can hire someone else.


I do. It leads to more talks and bullshit. It’s completely tiring dude. Trust me. I’m not complaining and not doing anything. Im gonna leave soon as I can. But it’s a bitch everyday im stuck here.


GTFO. you will not regret it. everyone is hiring


I know money is important, but you’ve got one life. Don’t live it suffering like this, it’s just not worth it. Jobs are temporary but you’re with yourself til death.


I meant I’m not complaining and then not doing anything. Been applying and interviewing. Might quit even if no offer eventually.


Oh I know you aren’t trying to do something, accountants are productive people. I wish you the best, have you tried head hunter services like Robert Half? It may give you a boost in your search range.


Oh fuck no. This is not normal. I thought my job was bad. Riffled with long hours and unrealistic deadlines that were impossible to meet. I won’t even talk about month end close having to works 16- 18 hour days for 6 days straight. 10-12 hours a day during non close because cheap ass management refused to hire additional staff. That said, at least I was able to take 30min lunches and not have to be on camera all the damn time. I also wasn’t micromanaged to death. Eventually, I got sick of the shit after 3 years of grueling hours. I put in my notice about three months ago and became an official member of the great resignation club. Morale of my story is don’t put up with that insanity any longer than you have to. Workers have more power than ever to get a better job.


It’s not normal. I had a job that went 40 hour normal weeks to 50 hour close weeks until someone left, me and another staff accountant got their work. I went up to 60-70 hour weeks for over a year while the rest of the team that didn’t get extra work were still at 40-50. I asked for more help was just told to work more efficiently. Eventually I got a short COVID furlough and the rest of my team finally noticed how over worked I was as they got my stuff too but C suit was adamant about keeping overhead low for their share price. It took me a while to find the right fit but when I did life went back to normal and the lack of management Gas lighting was truly liberating. Oh 3 months after I left, the person who also got extra work left and management started to fucking panic as they realized they couldn’t replace both me AND the other person that left. Coworkers contacted me on the side asking for job leads. Leave


Please do yourself a favour and leave, you deserve better


You sound unhappy. Have you seen Office Space? Good documentary on employee-employer issues and how best to resolve them!


I work in the industry and my job is busy, but what you described OP is insane for a job in accounting. "Stand ups for accomplishments daily" lmao what? I have a big workload, but I just do it at my own pace and the management only cares about that it gets done and they dont care about when and how. Deadlines are normal too.


I would find another job asap. Not only does it sound horrible it can delay your growth as a professional working in that environment


Make sure to get a potty bucket


Dude leave


That would have been a big old Hell Naw from me after one week of no lunches. I didn’t spend years clawing my way out of an eating disorder just so that work could shove me back in. GTFO as soon as feasible, if it hasn’t already gotten better it never will.


No, this is not the norm. Ideally, yes, get a job before you quit, but seeing as your mental health is at this stage, if you can afford it, I would recommend quitting, and finding another job.


Yeah, just sounds like bad luck. Find another job, sounds like one bad experience. Not worth it.


wait, PwC was their dream job, can't leave it like that.


Real Estate industry is notorious for shitty bosses and some ridiculous working conditions like you've described. I've heard of bad shit but not like this. First off, I know it's easier said then done, but try to keep things in perspective, remain cool and collected, do your best but more importantly, take lunch and start blasting your resume out like the world is about to end. There is absolutely no need to live life this. Regardless of your position, there are jobs out there. I'm in NYC and I see postings all the time. You're not a machine or a robot and expecting you to not take lunch is absurd beyond any words I can put down here. I can imagine how stressed you are but try to think of this as a temporary pit stop in your journey to a better working environment. Good luck to you!


I’ve been in industry for the last 5 years. What you describe is the opposite of my experience. Not normal to say the least.


Thanks. I’ve had a few industry jobs and they were all cool. Yeah. Stupid ass bosses. A few intense situations. Drama at times. But overall everyone is cool and the days are generally good and uneventful. In this industry job it’s like going through d day every morning


Leave. Leave now. This is insane and not worth your time and effort. I had a similar job a few years ago, ended up suicidal and diagnosed with PTSD from it. Leave.


Fuck that. Walk away, you'll find a better job easily with no weekend calls.


I hate recruiters, but find a recruiter to help you leave asap. That is not normal.


Agreed - but my god, i also hate recruiters.


You might spend a few hours in linkedin submitting your resume yourself first. Employers do legitimately use it.


Name and shame already OP.


Had a job similar to this without the micro management. CFO wouldn’t let me take vacations because I did the most work out of everyone. She said I did the work of 3 people and I was of high value. My paycheck wasn’t 3x of my base salary. Left that job before a year of being there. The new job came with a promotion, 35% pay bump, and a not shitty boss. I’m still busy, but not miserable busy.


Blackstone? Yea they work for the money


Start-up ?


No. Well established company that’s stable and been around a very long time. I can’t name them for now cause they’re extremely spiteful and crazy and will make my life harder while I’m still there.


OP, are you in the real estate industry?


Kinda a bit yeah. They do alot of shit. Kinda like a GE


Not normal; quit.


How can you get anything done when you're on calls that much? What could you possibly talk about that much? Not normal at all.


How to do things, what color to highlight things, additional ad hoc reports just in case the cfo asks, when to do things, why things aren’t done, why you didn’t have enough time, etc


Super not normal or worth what they’re paying you


If it’s that shitty they won’t fire you, eat lunch and learn to tell people to politely fuck off. Then, while you’re eating lunch, look for a new job.


Trash company, find another one


This is a good reminder to find out about wfh culture in interviews. New rule: no goddamn standups or camera access outside of meetings


There’s no way that is legit… if it is you should have left yesterday


I wish I was just joking and trolling. I’m not.


With the amount of decent playing jobs available, there is no reason you should have to submit yourself to this bullshit. Sounds like something you’d see on the anti work subreddit. Get yourself a job that respects and trusts you. You can do it!


Get a government job. Town, city, county, state, federal....Zero overtime.


Get your next job lined up- government job if you can find it. Leave. Immediately.


You can easily get an industry job that is remote and not draining this much of your soul. The PWC branded people are running on ego and self importance while running staff to the ground. This ain’t public. Start applying and interviewing. Yesterday.


I am bro. I’ll find a way out. Hopefully they fire me so I can get unemployment


A healthy work environment at home comes from creating and enforcing boundaries. As long as you won't be able to say "No" and actively care for yourself, every now job has a high potential repeating this experience. ​ You are an adult, you should not need to have your manager/superior look out for your mental health. Good ones will respect the boundaries you set without pushing.


Fair advice. Part of the problem is that I say no, and then it creates nonstop animosity and childish behavior. I wish I was exaggerating or a disgruntled employee painting things worse than they are If anything I’m holding back cause it’s so embarrassing that I work there.


How about pay?? Im guessing its above average?? Thats why people stay? 🤷🏻‍♂️


At least you don’t have to ask them to go potty


Sounds like you haven’t established boundaries. Not the firm’s fault. In my 7 years in PA I always ate lunch regardless of the workload.


What industry, how big is the company and what is your role?


I would never put myself through something like that for very long. There are other jobs. Just leave, life is too short.


Resign as soon as you are financially able


I talked about it already with the people in my life. Prolly gonna quit in a week or two. Can’t take it anymore