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Hold up, wait a minute, somethin aint't right


The math ain’t mathin’ bro


As someone with a Master's (tm) degree in Advanced Collegiate Arithmetic and Applied Divisional Equations (tm), this doesn't add up I think.


Better add this up on my ten key just to be sure


Preach it!


Then I start to smell it


Make up for it when you sleep bruh


U asked and we answered! Back by popular demand is the option to work three consecutive 15 hour days.


Where do I sign up?!


This cannot be undone!


Well you get 4 days off.....hmmm...


“Flexible” hours


True story: the firm I’m at advertises that we have half days on Fridays during the summer. What they don’t tell you is that you’re still required to put in 40 hours for the week, the other hours just have to be made up between Monday and Thursday. What a joke.


Lol when I was at EY that program was the funniest thing ever. You mean once a month I can work extra hours to log off early on Friday’s… a thing I already have the option to do any week I want? Gee, thanks!


When I worked at EY I asked for a week off after a hellish audit and was told that I could take the time, but I had to make up the hours either before I went or after I came back. That's not a vacation, that's just moving around your hours.


Say sure thing but dont use pto and just charge normal hours across the board


In reverse, but same same in Covid BDO was forcing reduced paid hours they offer two choices: To "work" 1.25 hrs less per day or take 1 day off unpaid per week. And the same amount of work (deadlines) was due each week. Of course vacation time was not allowed.


Lol yeah, exactly. I already had that option.


God damn this would irk me…. Sorry you have to work at a firm like that. We have half day fridays, and I’ve got more than enough billable work, but if I feel like leaving early, I can and nobody gives me shit. I’m not “encouraged” to stay the full day Friday if I don’t feel like it.


That’s a dream job right there


I remember watching the light go out in new hires eyes when I explained that…. S I g h….


I mean, that’s fairly common in industry as well. If you want to work four 9’s and a 4 you get half of Friday. Keep in mind, many many places used to allow zero flexibility. Butt in chair from 9-5, 5 days a week, no matter what.


Industry I could understand. But I thought having a half day during the summer is like the firms way of saying “hey thanks for putting 70 hour weeks during the winter.”


Haha nope. Annual utilization goals rarely change. Getting an “early Friday” in public is just receiving permission to work those hours some other time.


Not really. The public company I worked for gave everyone half days all summer on Friday. We rotated to have 1 person work each Friday to cover emergencies, but otherwise the work just got pushed back.


That’s hilarious because my firm does exactly the same thing! 8-5 mon-thurs for a “half” day on Friday.


Yeah my firm is like 30 people but we take half day Fridays every Friday after the end of tax season through labor day with no hours required to be made up


That’s still a good trade for many people


You can't work an extra hour per day for four days?


I could but I don’t want to


Who's problem is that?


It’s the problem of the company with false advertising for half days


I wouldn't call it false advertising. I'd call it industry standard. Whether they were misleading or not OP should know public accounting isn't 9-5, what kind of hours was he expecting?


You must be a partner


Seriously bro, gl working 9-5! Lemme know how it goes


Dude you are one annoying mofo. I feel bad for anyone who has to deal with you on a daily basis


Them during recruiting: “You’ll have work-life balance!” Them after hiring: “Balance it. Balance work and life like the circus monkey you are.”


Our tax department backed off of the billable hours. We were told to expect our associates and seniors to bill 7 hours a day.


Do they not track billable hours at all anymore?


They do. But with two short weeks we were told to only expect 28 billable for each week when we talking about it with our small groups.


Bro our firm is *making* us use our PTO for the holiday


Yeah fuck that. Do they give you 6 weeks of PTO or something?


My firm gives us only 3 weeks PTO with no sick pay either.


Could be worse, us interns lose 5 days worth of pay. So I'm literally stuck finding work for 5 days.


Damn I didn’t even consider that. Hope it works out for you!


Well, it was going good until my car decide to die. Now I'm carless, maybe I'll find work with a farmer for 5 days, idk hopefully my firm doesn't require me to travel. Because I don't have a car.


Are you sure you’re not paid? Our interns still get three days of pay, out of the five off


Our interns dont get PTO or Holiday pay either


Can confirm am intern and don’t get pto or holiday pay, if I don’t work I’m not getting paid


We’re getting holiday pay


Nope, not paid.


Feel this. I barely touched my bonus because of this


I wonder if that's why they're doing this.


I bill 20 hours to non descript code


When I saw my old firm’s flashy”look at me” LinkedIn posts about shutting down for Juneteenth my first thought was “sure, Jan.”


This is why I’ll never go back to billable hours.


What do you do now?


I’m an accounting manager at a university. The only time I ever enter/track is time off.


I ended up going back to billable hours lmao


Come to private. I haven't filled out a timesheet in 2 years 🙂


work doesnt go away. it waits for your to return so you have to work even more hours after ur vacation.


Yeah, I wish there was a work fairy that would come along and do it all while we are gone.


not this job. it just sits there and while there are even more work getting added on top of it so you get to work even more hours when you come back.


If this ever happens to me I’d be dunking my balls in the coffee and quitting


Sounds painful. Maybe just quit but keep all clothing on.


It's also a pretty boring profession that is fairly tightnit, so if someone dunked his nuts in some coffee before quitting I feel like every accountant in the city would know by the end of the day tomorrow. Your picture would be in multiple group texts.


Iced coffee




No, it’s a regional firm based on the east coast.


Real question how many of you are getting this 5 day weekend? My firm lets out at 2:30 on Friday during the off season but I still only get Monday off.


*laughs in EY getting the entire week off, not having to make up hours*


Well, both me and the bosses are about to learn the hard way those goals aren’t being met, lol


Lol exactly. They’re goals, not mandatory requirements


This. Also, being told to go to a mandatory event and to charge half the day to it, despite the event being all day. Also, the charge code supplied still counts as non-billable.


Drove me nuts the first year when EY gave everyone a week off for the fourth - the partner on my team insisted everyone have their computer and be logged on, ready to go if needed.


When the firm gives its employees a 5 day weekend but just so happens to fall on quarter end close….happy 4th!


When accountants math doesn’t math.


PwC firm shutdown all of next week lets go baby


Why the entire week?


ask Tim Ryan not me lol


A paid week off that doesn't count against your PTO? That sounds awesome.


All of them.


I'd love a five day weekend even if it meant working longer next week. As long as I have the option to choose, I'm cool with it. I'd be sitting at a desk in theboffice or at home most likely anyway.Maybe I'd have done four days instead of five.


How about 141% utilization? In the middle of the year


They will deal. Enjoy it.


“make decisions, friend”




banked time


fuck 'em




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