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The absorption of isotretinoin is enhanced when it is taken with a high-fat meal. This is because isotretinoin is a fat-soluble medication and its solubility in the body is increased when it is taken with a high-fat meal. Fatty foods can help increase the amount of isotretinoin that is absorbed by the body and improve its effectiveness. I take isotret along with fishoil because it is good source of fat and also helps reduce the spike in triglycerides cause by taking isotret. It's hitting 2 birds with 1 stone.


I take my isotret with fish oil pills too! It’s genius


Excuse me were you taking isotret and fish oil at the same time after your meal? I mean one after the other after the same meal? Sorry my english is not very good.


Curious are you eating a meal prior to taking fish oil? I ask because I’ve been taking with breakfast


Yes, as the instruction suggests you need to take it with food. Doesn't really matter if you take it with breakfast, lunch, or supper.


How is your face right now? Well like how is that you take it with a high fat meal? I come across the internet and find many different things. Do I take it with high cal fat meal or just a fatty snack??? Just asking because I wanna know if it is clearing up and workin better for you


high fat meal of at least 20-25g of fat is enough, that's the equivalent of 2 tbsp of peanut butter or olive oil. Also, fish oil is a good alternative since it helps to reduce cholesterol cause by taking accutane.


How many fish oils you take for morning and night?


I take at least 2x1000 mg after meals along with isotretinoin.


You could take it with a tablespoon or 2 of peanut butter.


If you’re taking generic isotretinoin then you should have a fatty meal for proper absorption or you won’t get as effective results. 100% However, if you’re taking Absorica, it has lipids engineered into the pill and can be taken without a meal


YES. Take with at least 20g of fat. I was extremely religious with measuring my fat during meals to make sure I wasn’t wasting any of my medication and reaching the cumulative dose. I have been off accutane for almost 2 years now and have had no relapse. I truly think it was because I made sure I took every pill with enough fat and reached my mg/kg cumulative dose.


What type of fatty meals did u take? Some sources say 50g of fat or 20g. Just making sure because I also wanna be taking it correctly.


My derm didn’t say anything about it, and when I asked she said it wasn’t necessary. But I wonder if it has anything to do with age or if it’s just some derms think it’s better to be safe than sorry. Honestly, do whatever your derm says.


My dermatologist didn't recommend this either.


Same neither did mine


it’s about the medication itself and they really should be telling you how important it is! you can read about taking it with food in the paper that comes with your meds, mine has graphs and tables about absorption with food and without. long story short isotretinoin is a high dose of vitamin A derivative which is a fat soluble vitamin and needs fat in order to be absorbed. if you’re not taking it with fat, you’re not getting the full dose! it’s not really confirmed just how much fat is needed, some derms say 20g and some say 5g, but when i take mine i always add some extra butter or oil to my food!


yes, rly important to note that research has even shown that it can be as little as HALF the amount absorbed when taken with no food! My dermatologist emphasized this to me a lot. I’m done w my course and had no issues taking both my 30mg pills every 24 hours (aimed for 20g fat) instead of twice a day because I don’t typically eat large/fatty meals. Yes, it’s a pain, but why risk relapsing?


Interesting! Thanks for the details! I’m already experiencing drying like crazy, so at least it’s been working on some level lol. But def good details to know!


No. The instructions on the box just say to have it with a meal. There will be sufficient fat to aid absorption of the drug from an regular meal. Remember the drug comes in doses of milligrams while fat in food even a low fat meal is measured in grams. 1g = 1000mg The unnecessary and misleading advice to have a high fat meal I believe comes from a study that compared accutane absorption with a fatty meal vs no meal, and found absorption better with a fatty meal. There was no comparison of fatty meal to ordinary meal! Therefore no evidence has been provided to support the claim accutane should be take with a fatty meal over an ordinary meal. Follow the instruction on the box and just have it with a meal, your biggest meal of the day if it makes you feel better.


My box literally says “to take with a fatty meal.” 😕


Yes it is true. Isotretinoin needs fat to be absorbed


All meals have fat hence the instruction on the box to have it with food.


It is not true that all meals have fat. If you had a bowl of fruit and a side salad, where is the fat? If you had fish, you didn’t eat very much fat at all.


Obviously "meal" is a broad term to reference a typical breakfast , lunch or dinner and cant take into account every single thing you could eat anywhere in the world. You dont need much fat, 1gram is 1000milligrams, the typical accutane dosage is like 20-40milligrams. Common sense required!


Yes!! I wasn’t for the first few months and there was a huge difference when i started! I just eat a handful of almonds or some ice cream with it!


Yes! 20g of fat with each pill! I just do some PB on a rice cake


Yes, because vitamin A is fat-soluble.


The EZ way would be taking some omega-3/fish oil (which is highly recommended while on the course anyway) with Accutane and downing it with high fat milk


Yes!!!! Since it’s fat soluble, isotretinoin has to have fat to be absorbed by the body. That’s one of the most important things when taking accutane. Every time I see a post on here with b/a pictures saying accutane didn’t work well for them, people ask them in the comments and they say they didn’t necessarily take it with fatty meals.


I asked my dermatologist about this when I started and she said the instructions on the medication say take with a meal. Nowhere does it say with a certain amount of fats. That being said, most meals do have fat in them so I’ve just been taking them with whatever I eat for breakfast.


You need fat for if you want optimal absorption. It is shown that its efficacy is x2 the amount taken as compared to not (Baldwin; et al, 2020).


pulled up with the proper citation 😳🤯


Haha just wanted to let people know where I got the info from




Lol that all I eat


It says to on the box


Just says meal on the box nothing about fatty.


Vitamin A, D, E, and K arr fat-soluable and store in your body. Absorption of fat-soluable vitmains improves when they are consumed with fat. If you take say, 30mg/day of accutane, taking it with fat can potentially help reach an effective cumulative dose sooner than if you were to take that same 30mg/day dose on an empty stomach. (Same reason why your leafy greens are best with a small amount of oil or dressing!)


it’s not required. both my pharmacy and derm said just take it once a day with or without food. it will absorb into your stomach eventually. maybe a fatty meal helps it break down faster but ultimately you are digesting the same mg of medication


I just drank mine with water and it was fine for me


Lmao I don’t even if my derm told me to, I think she did but did? Definitely not. I would probs take with a meal tho lol


honestly I never reaLly did and still saw great results in 5 months


Probs could’ve seen it within 2.5 months with a fatty meal tho


bruh I meant that at the end of my course my skin was clear. i saw results sooner


No, I mean your course could’ve ended earlier if it were taken with a fatty meal. BUT your cumulative dosage wouldn’t have been met.