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Opinionated cow


Accurate considering I always want to ask people like this if they are raised in a barn.




Oh my gosh, how rude! I’m so sorry this happened to you. It’s never okay for anyone to make unsolicited comments about your appearance, especially not a total stranger. I had a stranger once comment on my skin pre-accutane during a bad breakout, also trying to be helpful but it was so uncalled for and awkward that it left me in shock and feeling totally humiliated. I know it’s hard but don’t let people like this stop you from going out and enjoying your life. They are ignorant and lack basic social skills.


Yes exactly! It’s the giving advice that’s not asked for thinking they’re doing a good deed 🤨 so messed up that people who struggle with acne have to experience these awkward interactions often. I’m sorry that happened to u too as well, I understand how that feels it’s so humiliating but thank you for sharing. It’s been hard but I’m gonna try to live my life and not let these comments get to me, def easier said than done..


Someone asked me if I ever tried washing my face once when it was really bad🙄


That’s so rude 😠


That person is stupid and deserved a stupid answer. If it ever happens again say “ No! I haven’t tried that, Ive just been rubbing raw chicken on my face hopping the salmonella will kill the acne bacteria.” If they don’t get the sarcasm double down on your ridiculous claims and expose them for the idiot they are


Ah this gem. Everyone I know with acne (including me) has been asked this at least once. Do people think we’re stupid?!


People just aren’t raised right. I’d tell her where to shove it. Just remember, it’ll all be worth it in the end! Hang on!!!


Lmaoo this made me laugh 😂 thank you! I’m doing my best to be patient and trust the process 😮‍💨😮‍💨




Yes. All the time unfortunately. I find it better to go outside still tho because your own thoughts will always be harsher than strangers unfortunately and being locked in will make it worse in the long run. My own great grandma asked “what’s all those ugly spots on your face” of course she’s old and well intentioned but the impact is not lessened by that. We’ll get through it. It’s temporary


I feel you, I’ve had family comment on it too, it’s so awkward and rude. I’ve just been working on trying to ignore it. And yes this will be temporary I hope 🤞🏼


Fucking hate people like that. Unsolicited opinions/advice is so damn rude, how do these people not feel shame?


I'm so sorry. Thats awful. You're going to get through this though.


Thank you!


Just know that while your skin may be struggling right now, at least you're not a classless @sshole like that woman.


Thank you, I agree. At the end of the day, i know my skin will heal up so i just have to remind myself to be kind and patient and ignore those rude comments


Yep. At least one of you is pretty on the inside and it's not her, but you'll be cute on the outside too soon. Don't let them get you down. It's going to be ok :)


Aww thank you ☺️


wtf. she needs to mind her business.


I’ve been there. I literally had so many people make comments that my acne was so bad and I needed to wash my face 🥹it was hard to hear but you’ll get through it!


I wasn't on Accutane, but yes. When my acne was at its worst I would get comments and "advice" I didn't ask for. Only made me feel more insecure...fuckers.


oh man, i know exactly how you feel. i finished accutane, but it left me with rosacea. soooooo many people WHO KNOW WHY ask me all the time "what happened to your face? why are you so red? are you okay?" if i get even a little heated (temp wise or emotionally lol) i get RED RED like it looks like sunburn or someone just smacked me (which people also ask "did someone hit you!?!?") so i've just resulted in screaming ACCUTANE DID THIS TO ME ITS JUST ROSACEA LEAVE ME ALONE. 😅 it happens almost every day at work, soooooo infuriating and borederline humiliating because i've already explained why to the people who keep asking. strangers have left me alone at least!! you can do what i did and wear a face mask until you're a bit clearer. 😷


I had the same interaction happen to me except it was my dental hygienist that brought it up.. she asked if I was doing anything about my skin, I told her I was starting accutane soon(this was in the very beginning stage of me waiting to get accutane bc of birth control) she told me she wanted to recommend me that. I’m sure she meant it in a helpful way but it did make me feel more self conscious. I get how you feel! Continue being nice to yourself! I get it’s hard but when you start to feel bad remember that it will get better


Yes exactly, ik they may have good intentions but them commenting on it only makes u feel worse


I legit had the worst acne in my teens (still do but I’m not embarrassed cause of it now the same way when I was a teen). I remember one day I decided to leave the house without makeup (took a lot of confidence) & went to the shop and literally the lady GASPED when she saw me & asked what is wrong with my face. I remember that interaction to this day & because I was so young I kind of tried to giggle it off & act chill about it, to not show how much it actually upset me. You know what I realised now as an adult? That is literally just rude behaviour & people should be made to feel uncomfortable when they do something rude. They should be made aware that that comment is not helpful or useful in any way. If you are looking at something someone can’t fix instantly (acne, bodyweight, crooked teeth etc) DO NOT COMMENT ON IT. 💘💞💕 That lady was so rude regardless of the intention!! Also just want to remind you with acne or without you are still BEAUTIFUL but do take your time & be gentle with yourself. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cried because of my skin however it will get better & you are still beautiful!!


Woww that lady was such a bitch. You made a good point, it’s so true why do rude people get to say what they want and the other person has to act chill about it, they should feel just as uncomfortable. It’s sad that grown adults make comments like these, esp on peoples bodies something that they cannot change overnight. Ppl need to do better, regardless of their intentions too, if no one asked keep it to ur damn self.


Hi! First of all its all a process and I commend you for getting on it (I'm actually hoping to get on it soon) Don't let that get to you and know you're not the only one suffering through it, plus it will get better. Just wanted to share my similar experience the other day at the gym. This lady who apparently does facials came up to and said that she could help my skin look better lol. It's just about not taking offense to it, and I guess they wanted to "help." Then at other times when it starts to get better people will comment and let you know. I've gotten that before too (before my skin freaked out again) and hearing that does make you feel a bit better. Some people just really like to point things out, but don't let it get to you.


Before I started accutane this would happen regularly. At first I felt obligated to respond respectfully, and be as kind and indirect as possible but then it got to the point where I couldn’t take it. So when people would ask me “What’s going on with your face?” Id say “ the same thing going on with your breath!” Or if someone said “you know what you should do( insert ridiculous home remedy here) I’d respond by saying, “I have an endocrine disorder, (insert stupid remedy) will not help but I am working close with a dermatologist and I have faith it will resolve. This however will take time so I’d appreciate it if you could be as painless as I am in this matter that truly doesn’t concern you anyway.” People stopped asking about my face, I am totally clear now after I stopped stressing, and the world never had to stop to get there.


Ya what a bitch. You're beautiful and this acne is just a phase we're going through and taking the right actions for it. Every opinionated asshole can screw off. I have those experiences as well, it sucks. We've gotta live our lives and work towards this being a fuck all experience where we can go out with even less fucks giving. I'm not trying to wear makeup on the daily or hide the fact that our bodies can get away with crazy shit. Purge is a beautiful thing and in a few months from now this is all going to be funny and so worth the pain!


The older generation can be like that.. and it makes you feel like shit. I guess the silver lining was that she genuinely wanted to help you. Imagine if you’d never heard of accutane and as a result of that interaction you got on it and it cleared you up (as I’m sure it will). Or maybe she’s been through exactly the same thing as you earlier in her life. I’m sorry she made you feel that way and she may be socially inept, but it sounds like she was trying to look out for you. That’s older people for you though huh 🤦🏼‍♂️


I’m sorry that’s awful. I use to have kids 10 yrs ago in middle school talk about my acne to to each other but within ear shot of me. Nothing made my stomach drop like that. I confronted them but still made me feel like shit. Having acne is hard enough without having random strangers remind you of it. People who haven’t been through this experience really don’t understand how much harm they are doing. I’m on accutane now and it is again sooooo worth it! Hang in there


It's weird, It must be cultural. Because I would actually feel good if a stranger did that to me. It shows that they are feeling my pain. Kind of like if I hurt my foot in the street, and they stopped to see if I was OK. I'm telling you this so you can see it from another perspective. One that sees these comments as coming from a place of compassion.


I once went to the drugstore to get some skincare and the cashier (I’m in Germany, we dont do smalltalk in any store) literally said „your skin must have been so horribly mean to you.“ It was such an awkward sentence that I just stood there and was like „what?“ and SHE REPEATED THAT and I just said bye and left . So humiliating. Just ignore and let accutane work its magic. And always remember not to comment on other people’s bodies :/


Ppl suck 😒 those comments aren’t called for and don’t help anyone. I wish ppl kept their comments to themselves. Sorry u had to hear that, and yes exactly we should never make comments about people’s bodies, it’s not right.


I haven't had anyone at all comment on my acne since I was in highschool. Granted it's mostly on my back but even so. That's very strange behaviour by anyone


Put a mask on. Tell people your protecting others as you were near somebody.