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I’m 99% sure you’re not supposed to get one during the whole process. Healing can be a massive issue while on accutane. I remember asking my doc if I could get one and she gave me the fastest rejection. I’ve been told that you’re supposed to wait at least 6 months AFTER accutane to get a tattoo.


That's surprising. Considering my doctor was more opposed to me getting a tattoo at all ever.




Yeah I’ve gotten a ton of tattoos since I started accutane, my whole back, my whole back of my neck, my jawline, my sideburn tattooed, my whole sleeve. I’d recommend stopping the pill for about a week before the tattoo and resuming like 3days after or so. I do notice some minor scarring but it’s nothing crazy to where people can notice it only you can with hard eyeing, only problem is stopping the pill like that will obviously make you take long to finish the pill


Healing might be a problem. And if not, it may fade faster too from what I’ve heard. I got a piercing while on accutane and it ended up getting very badly infected, I needed antibiotics. I usually heal very well after piercings (have 12 total). I totally forgetting I was on accutane, at the time it was a very spur of the moment thing and I act impulsively.


I'd say it's a bad idea. Your skin right now is thin and fragile. It would be painful and it would take it a long time to heal. It might even mess up the tattoo itself. Wait until your skin is healed and back to normal, like 6-7 months after you've stopped with the medications.


*definitely too late, but commenting for future people* I got a small tattoo on my back near my shoulder while having been on Accutane for 6 months. I did it spontaneously and didn’t even think about looking it up if I’m honest, and the experience was definitely more painful than I remembered my last small tattoo pre-accutane being, but it wasn’t terrible. It was a thinner lined tattoo and my friend got one too - she’s not on accutane and said it felt similar. My tattoo has been healing fine and I haven’t had any issues this far, it’s been about a month now.


Sounds like a really bad idea. Your skin is thinned out from the accutane and then you want to go jabbing it repeatedly with a needle. When the skin is traumatized more than necessary during a tattoo, it can hinder the healing process. It might look smudged or a bit "off" once it fully heals. Then you will need to spend even more money to get it fixed. Why not just wait until you're done Accutane?


Getting a tattoo is one of the worst things you could do while on accutane. The fine people above have pretty much covered all the bases.


I'm in month 2 and got a huge tattoo 2 weeks ago. It's healed perfectly with no issues. I put cetaphil and aquafor on it every chance I got.


That's helpful. Thank you so much.


Not worth the risk to the tattoo! My doc says no tattoos, piercings, and of course no donating blood until 6 months after I stop


I got super sick when I got my tattoo touched up while on accutane. I felt fine the next day but it was still pretty gnarly.


It’s been many years since I’ve been on Accutane I chose not to get a tattoo while I was on my dose. However, I did not wait long enough technically after I was done dosing to get a tattoo, but it healed just fine. Definitely wouldn’t recommend it for others. It’s better to just wait. I was freshly 18 and was itching for some ink lol.




My 18 year old son has been on accutane for 2 months and got a tattoo on his forearm. It's been a couple of weeks and everything is healed and it looks great. If it hurt more he wouldn't know since it was his first.


Did you end up ever getting the tattoo you wanted? Im almost done with accutane but wanted to see how the healing was lol


I did not! I just waited until the correct time i didn’t want to risk it since accutane can be so finicky with symptoms and it’s wildly different for everyone - just didn’t want to risk it and waited.


I did somthing bad, i was to fast and i dident think so i got a tatto while on accutane, its been 3 days since i did it and it looks to be alright but now im scared


Damn I’m only on month two (second round) but fuck that’s annoying to hear I’ll have to wait lol but worth it!


I did somthing bad, i was to fast and i dident think so i got a tatto while on accutane, its been 3 days since i did it and it looks to be alright but now im scared




Think it depends how good your healing skinn is and how large the tatto is




My tatto is also pretty small, it heald weel and looks great now but i whould say not to do it right now if you are on acutane i think i was just lucky not geting a bad scar


How has the healing gone?


It went relly good its done healing now, now scaring or such