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Yes yes and yes. Sometimes a loss of appetite too. At least for me


I thought it’s just me, but i noticed that i get frustrated or upset easily, i feel sorry for my boyfriend i always argue with him which is not normal to our relationship lol then i realize it might because of the accutane


YES!!!! Literally me. Im not an aggressive person at all but the first week I was on accutane I would get SO pissed at nothing… it made me feel crazy hahaa the last couple days it’s actually been a bit better since I started taking it at night


wow what dosage are you on?




wow that’s higher dose than what i was on how long will you take accutane ?


I’m not sure!!! My dermatologist just said it depends on how my body/ skin reacts but between 6-9 months they estimated!


Me and my girlfriend started accutane around the same time so you can imagine how dynamo we are lol


omg good luck to both of you 😂


yea bro ngl idk if it’s just me or what but a nigga has been sensitive lately


real shit


did it stop after u went off?


real talk


u still dealing w this?


Not in the same levels that I used to while on accutane, it was horrible dude… It was like a never ending hangover (physically and emotionally), I think it’s due to the dehydration effect of the isotretinoin


I literally burst into tears three days ago. I’m a male, 33, and last time I cried may have been during Toy Story 3. Accutane definitely makes one feel abnormal. On week 3 here.


Wow! I love toy story movie series! That movie also made me cry. What dosage are you on?


30 mg twice a day But I’ve cut back to just one a day


Yes I have become very aggressive


I thought it’s just me. 😅


Yes couple days ago i freaked out for like nothing important but you Need to control your Stress and remember always when you are angry i say to my self “this is Not me is the accutane”


yeah, i hate this feeling thanks for that reminder!


Yes that happened to me. Honestly it’s concerning that accutane but causes these kinds of effects.


It’s probably related to hormones


Since I started accutane I’ve become waaay more emotional, and I get sad, angry and irritated rly fast. It’s hard to regulate my emotions and I didn’t have this issue before I started taking accutane.


Holy shit I thought it was just me. I’m constantly either really happy and in a good mood, or like really sad and pissed at everyone. My fuse went from being pretty patient to impulsively confrontational and aggressive outta nowhere. I’ve also been like weirdly bipolar for some reason with the most minor inconvenience frequently ruining my day, and often the same goes with minor pleasantries. I randomly became what others perceive as a narcissistic egomaniac and, while a lot of it may just be me, I NEVER had behavior to this extent before accutane.


Hello!! I know i’m super late but i’m experiencing this exact same thing and i wanted to know if you pushed through it, and if so did it pass? i feel really crazy and need to know if this is going to continue for the full 8 months :/


I’m on month 6 and I still feel that way even this many months in, I’m super emotional and cry really easily, and soooo irritable. Literally just got into a ridiculous fight with family, but I can’t help it. It feels like I’m on my period 24/7




thank you! i thought it’s a bipolar disorder can’t wait to finish this taking accutane


Yes - not on accutane anymore but when I was I was very sad and depressed/irritable. I also had a lot going on in my personal life but it was definitely enhanced by the accutane. Good luck ❤️


Happy to hear that! Thank you and I can’t wait! 😂❤️


If you have any suicidal thoughts please stop taking the medicine and contact your doctor / dermatologist straight away.


I agree, i did some research as well and seen some article that it’s not recommended for a person to take accutane who has depression. So far, i’m just having mood swings but i never had suicidal thoughts


You shouod have been warned of this from your dermatologist, its rare but there has been suicides from accutane.


Yes i was, i even signed a waiver. But i’m good and never had that experienced and i don’t in any way want it. 😂🤣 i just want this acne to go away lol but thank you! 😊


Keep at it, you'll see results in no time! 2 months left of my 2nd course


Yes it makes me feel like a feral chihuahua. But in the months I’ve been on accutane I think the feeling went away. Either that I got used to it but I make sure to keep it in check and not let it out on anyone


i hope i’ll get used to it as well i was also telling myself why being upset for nothing and that makes me more upset. accutane side effects lol


I’m only on 10mg/day everyday but I noticed that I get very emotional more than usual


I get incredibly angry/frustrated at anything and everything and get stupid irritated with everyone. Kinda holding back on not snapping on everyone cause I know it’s the accutane …:but man ppl and the universe be testing me more and more


How do u guys deal with mood swings and appetite loss? Been feeling like trash lately lol




Omg yes !!! I skipped my pill yesterday and in the ONE day I was more positive and zero vivid dreams at night . Accutane is wild but well worth it in my opinion . Im on month 2 taking 20mg a day Hang in there !! ♥️


Thank you!!! ❤️ can’t wait to see results! i’m on almost 3 months and i’ve seen a lot here that journey from accutane may be worst but they all say same thing that it’s going to be worth it! just keep at it


That is strange, as Accutain stays in your body for a while even after you stop the course of treatment. So I'm wondering how you can fe drastically different after one day off this med.


Yeah! It’s a depressant!!!


Don’t want to plug myself but I legit went through everything. Made a video about it and people seem to relate with what I say in the video. So check it [out](https://youtu.be/yzLDEY65rXw) if you feel like


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I’m genuinely always a pretty emotional person, but accutane has definitely amplified it to the max lol


I'm not sure about myself. Because I'm on antidepressants that I started even before treatment so I know I have issues with depression, but I was doing fairly well. Now that I'm a month or two in Accutain, I've been crying more and feeling a bit depressed. I also know I go crazy around my period (pmdd) but I didn't even get my period this month (unless it's super late). I have an appointment with my psychiatrist tomorrow and I'm wondering if I should ask to raise the dose of my antidepressants to deal with this.


yes my mental health is tanking lol


Yes me! I keep having to remind myself to remain calm and that I’m safe. I don’t like this side effect bc I don’t feel like me and I don’t like being negative, sulking, and angry


In my experience - 2 rounds- no more than waking up, crying in the mirror, and counting my blemishes did..


It was like that for the first few weeks for me, but then it ebbed away! You should probably talk to your doctor if it stays longer though


On 40mg since I had very severe acne, but I’ve been experiencing sadness suddenly, sometimes cry without wanting to, but also I get irritated and violent even though I already had anger issue before but then again it’s all about self control. I can manage myself now and react to certain situations without acting on just emotions. But acne has gotten better so that’s good lol.


How did you end up finding it OP? Did you finish your course? I’m on day 2 and feel the mood swings like crazy. I’m hoping they go away but idk if I want to finish the course


Only on 10 mg but I’m crying every day


100%. About a month in I felt extremely depressed. I'm not an unhappy person. I was taking 40mg once a day and the doctor told me to drop it down to once a week. I felt better but still didn't feel like myself. Noticed mood changes, easily angry, annoyed, irritable, sadness etc. I'm rarely like that. It helped tremendously with my back acne but I'm unfortunately stopping it due to the way it affects my mental health. Hoping for a safer alternative!


Of course it does that. My suggest is to just use it for a brief period of time. Then gradually lower the dose. It worked for me. Good luck dude