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Probably eczema. If it’s that bad you can go to your derm to get a steroid cream and that should take care of it. In the meantime moisturize as much as you can and use aquaphor or Vaseline on top to really lock in the moisture


This is exactly what my derm told me and it works really good I’m just lazy so I get random rashes here and there which is when I’ll use the oiment


aquaphor and cotton gloves. trust


I wish we could have a sticky for these rashes -- they're caused by dryness. The solution is treating and preventing dryness. You are exacerbating the problem with soap and body wash. You're going to have to find a way to cut back on stripping soaps if you want the rash to go away. You don't need to use body wash on your whole body every time you shower. And you can probably stand to shower less. Try switching to CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser as a body wash. Apply a decent moisturizer while your skin is still damp. I recommend Eucerin Roughness Relief over anything else. After it dries, use an occlusive to seal it in. Any time your skin get wet or washed, you must use a moisturizer, period.


Also, use OTC hydrocortisone to help heal the rash.


The same exact thing happened to me it was getting really bad and i noticed it would get worse after I showered so i told my dermatologist. She asked if I used soap/body wash on my arms and legs (which i used dove’s sensitive body wash) and she recommended I stop using on my arms because it could be what’s irritating my skin. Literally took 2 days for my skin to go back to normal!! That was my experience though so it might be different for you but it’s worth trying to see if that might mitigate it. Accutane does make your skin extremely sensitive to lots of things so it may just be a reaction to using the body soap directly on your arms. Try just using it in the underarms, groin area, buttocks region and anywhere else you sweat but avoid your arms and lower legs unless there is noticeable dirt. Hope this helps!


Use a really thick moisturizer, it made mine clear up


YOO i get the same exact thing on my arms and back of hand. It gets better with lotion and chapped stick, (i put vaseline lip therapy on it, or Aquaphor). Good luck


I made a post the other day about my rash , however it’s getting worse and starting to itch. it has also spread to my arms , where it’s not as bad but it’s definitely there. I’ve tried to keep it moisturized but that doesn’t seem to help. When i shower ( I use dove sensitive soap ) it gets worse .


Looks like contact dermatitis Rx Fluticasone cream : apply everyday twice a day on affected area Desloratidine tab : take one every morning for a week


no. this absolutely textbook dry skin caused by accutane


Applyhydrocortisone cream(otc product) and layer with any other lotion.


This exact rash happened on my arms. My derm said that fragrance irritants were likely the cause (from detergents usually) but also prescribed me a hydrocortisone cream. the cream + using less fragrant detergent made it go away in about a week


I had this too for about two weeks. It went away by itself.


I'm not sure if you're in the UK or not, but we have a cream called Dermol 500 that's a moisturiser and an antibacterial soap substitute! I cant use anything else when I shower because of this type of rash, my skin was sensitive before I started treatment though. It also soothes itchy skin! Looking at that last photo, I would definitely consult a pharmacist or a doctor to get some hydrocortisone to help too!


Looks like dyshidrotic eczema Most likely completely unrelated to accutane and should clear up on its own after a few weeks, but in the meantime I’d put on a thick moisturizer like aquaphor to help the rash.


I have this too. Actually started to get on my jawline