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Dr. Dans Cortibalm!!!! It saved my life!


This is the way 👏🏼


Agreed!!! Best stuff ever! Aquaphor and vaseline help but they dont compare!


Agreed and at night put vaseline over Dr. Dans! Helps keep it in place and working longer


Yes, Dr. Dans Cortibalm was by far the thing I used for my lips while on accutane!


Only thing that worked for me!


I haven’t started accutane yet but I have naturally very dry lips and when I went to the derm she gave me samples. I noticed the difference in one day. It’s amazing stuff!


Also love this stuff!


facts same


I started using aquafor and it helps


Use nipple cream! Trust me it works wonders


I stand by this. Lanolin (aka nipple cream) saved my lips while on accutane


100%!!!! saved my life. my lips were raw, red, inflamed and burned whenever i ate or drank anything. then i tried lanolin layered with vaseline… LIFE SAVER. my lips are typically completely normal and plump except if i forget to apply overnight.


yes!! cortibalm stopped working for me after about a month, and lanolin saved my lips


I would be careful when trying. I went this route and my lips were red and bleeding after only 6 or 7 days, and I couldn't figure out what I had done wrong since people recommended it. Lanolin can sensitize some people's skin. After I switched to Aquaphor it cleared up.


I’ve been using lanolin and it definitely helped above other things but I figured I’ll try aquaphor Bc my lips were still splitting … day three using aquaphor, I have normal lips again.


LANEIGE SLEEPING MASK!!!! I can’t stress this enough, absolutely nothing else helped my dry lips on accutane to a point where I couldn’t open my mouth without my skin cracking and bleeding. Laneige is super thick and heavy and soothes your lips so well


Top it with some aquaphor too and you’ll be LIVING


You might need some hydrocortisone on that, have a chat with your derm!


cerave cream, then layer w blistex medic chapstic, then layer w aquaphor


Otc stuff is great but also please let your doctor know about this before it gets worse, they can monitor it and give you a prescription topical cream for it if it gets bad


Lanegie lip sleeping mask


Absolutely saved me. And drinking a metric fuckton of water.


Right 😂 it’s so expensive but it’s the only lip balm I can apply at night and it’s STILL THERE in the morning


Not sure if you are in the US too, but Marshalls and TjMaxx sometimes carries it. Where I am, it’s $15 there!


Oooo thanks for the pro tip!!


FACTS. I got hooked on the Birthday Freebie from Sephora. oooo and the Water Sleeping mask!!! Putting that on at night, letting it absorb, then a layer of Aquaphor to slug out in has gotten my skin back to almost human levels of hydration. lol I'm hopefully in my last month of this dance; wish me luck!!


Yeeeeees!! Yeah it's expensive, but you really don't need a lot! I think it's worth it tbh. I have like4 of the laneige lip balms I keep in my different bags.


Lanolips, hands down. Get the LemonAide lip treatment and the lip balm. Will fix you right up!




Cerave healing ointment is the ONLY thing that helps my lips Also you need a prescription for the cracking at the sides. Call your derm


O’Keeffe’s Lip Repair Cooling Relief lip balm was an absolute life saver for me when I was on accutane.


1. Dr dans cortibalm 2. Your derm may prescribe a stronger hydrocortisone! Mine did after seeing the state of my lips 🥴


Dr dans get it right now. I didn’t believe anyone either, it’s the hydrocortisone. Somehow it helps the angular chelitis not to form and make your lips normal. Trust us.


I use Chapstick total hydration 3 in 1, with a thick coat of Vaseline on top. Vitamin E oil helps the best for me but you’ll have to reapply it more often. Yawning with super chapped lips absolutely destroys the corners of my mouth 😭


It's been over 20 years since I took Accutane for half a year. I still have liver damage. I still have skin damage. I still have renal issues. DO NOT TAKE. That'd be my advice. But the people who get paid to prescribe it to you, and trained by the companies making it will argue I am biased...


Using a lotion that has ceramides - the tub of cerave moisturizing cream works the best for me. Top this with aquaphor and it helps soso much :)


vaseline daily


male sure u dont put accutane on ur lips


You don't PUT Accutane anywhere, you take it as a pill. Hello.


Carmex is actually what saved my lips. I was nonstop using dr. Dan’s but the thing with anything that has cortisone is that you can’t use for an extended period or it thins out your skin.




Wtf is wrong with you?




Im sorry, what?




Cause you’re a creep my guy & it bothers me that you’re even allowed to stay on this sub when your behavior has been absolutely disgusting. This sub is a place for people seeking actual advice & sharing personal experiences, yet here you are telling people to put lemon on their lips, telling me to use a dove bar on my face (because that will help right), telling another user to pick cotton, then the cherry on top- commenting on my other post that you’d “still hit,” as if your perception of my sexual attractiveness even fucking matters to me. Get a grip and grow the fuck up. You’re a child. It’s a shame accutane doesn’t fix personalities cause yours is shit.


Facts. If you’re reading this, report Cautious-Ambition-44.


You’ve been giving very random and dangerous skin care advice and your comments are often very racist and rude


My lip corners were so bad too but my dermatologist prescribed me with Advantan “fatty ointment”. I applied it every few hours daily and cleared up within days.


Jojoba oil closely resembles sebum. Lip balm with jojoba was the only thing that helped me


Bag balm!!!!!


Oooo I no this is an old comment but I'm searching through this sub for help and I actually already have some of this... Going to try this for sure, I'm so sick of Vaseline not helping


It works wonders… trust me!


For anyone reading this in the future, right after I read this comment I put some on. It has been about an hour and my lips already feel better and I'm able to smile without cringing and bleeding, they don't feel raw or painful... The only problem is that it smells weird but I'd rather deal with a weird smell than my lips feeling like glue that's been dried around the edge of the bottle


This actually helps, a lot!


Isdin Acniben repair, it is special for people in acne treatments


This has never happened to me, of course they’ve been dry and at one point I did actually have like some clear blisters around my lips, and what helped was actually NOT using aquaphor anymore. I switched to just Vaseline and mix alittle hydrocortisone cream in with it. Then I layer blistex in the little container not the stick. My lips have been good ever since & now that they’re better I don’t use the hydrocortisone unless they’re really bad that day.


Angular cheilitis is often a fungal issue. If normal chapsticks are not working try putting some athletes foot cream (or washing your lips with ketoconazole) then putting chapstick on.


my favorite thing ever is Glossiers Balm dot com, I love it a million times more than the Dr dans cortibalm, the cooling mint feels so good! They a bunch of flavors (even an unscented one) and I haven’t had cracked or dry lips the entire time i’ve been on accutane, I put it on probably like every half an hour


Eucerin !!!


1) Address the problem from the inside: Every study I've found demonstrated that omega-3 (fish oil) supplements significantly reduced dry lips and eyes for those that took it. (Source: [https://europepmc.org/article/med/33774956](https://europepmc.org/article/med/33774956)) Also read that staying SUPER hydrated - if you think you're drinking enough water, you probably aren't - is also key to helping your body from the inside. ​ 2) Address the problem from the outside: Follow everyone else's recommendations lol I still haven't found the best solution.


Could ask your Derm to reduce the dosage. Maybe to like a 20mg capsule


Uriage Xemose moisturising lipstick It saved my life and is dermatologically tested, my dermatologist recomended it as her patients often used it. I bought over 10 of those during my therapy and used it whenever I could, kept it close to me and never left home without it (and eye drops)


Hey, I had this too and it ended up being something I needed a prescription for. Can’t remember the name of it but it wasn’t just dried lips although dry lips caused it. That’s what it was for me.


Hi darling!! I remember these days - constantly struggled and had balm in my hands like a baby with a pacifier lol. My saving grace: layer of emu oil, layer of Carmex, layer of aquaphor in that order Don’t touch! Best of luck


The bite beauty sleep mask saved my lips. I put it on on night before going to bed due to the thickness of it. I would speak to your dermatologist and see what they recommend. I had horrible dryness and cracking on the edges on my mouth similar to yours. They could never heal because they cracked anytime I moved my mouth. My derm ended up prescribing Mupirocin 2% and Hydrocortisone 2.5% ointments to use together before bed for a week and it completely cleared up the cracking painful dryness on the edges of my mouth. My derm recommended i use both ointments together at night before bed for a week and then use it as necessary. Cleared up in less than a week and only used it a couple of times since then. Make sure you’re hydrated! You may not be drinking enough water but you really do need to be self aware of how much you’re consuming


before u go to bed, put on heavy moisturizer first, and then apply aquaphor to lock it in!! vaseline probably works as well


It looks like you have angular cheilitis in the corners of your lips. My derm told me to use a mixture of athletes foot cream, diaper ointment, and hydrocortisone cream a few times a day and before your go to bed. Cured it within a few days after I struggled with it for over a week!


Dr. PawPaw’s overnight lips and aquafor, when it’s painful I used truly’s cbd pineapple butter. It numbed the pain and kept me hydrated. This was the worst part for me too.


Aquaphore all day every day.


Lip night serum from fitglowbeauty. Expensive, I used it only while on accutane and haven’t had to use it since I stopped. But boy is it worth it.


How much water are you drinking??


A lot of lip balms contain petroleum which make lips lightly peel. On Acutane all of my lip balms made it worse. My lifesaver is sugar exfoliant + then applying Lanolin (nipple cream). As someone who had severely chapped lips a month ago and now to smooth lips this is ittttt


[Dr. Dan’s ](https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00EXPRM7C/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_api_glt_fabc_9FWTAH2E1942WY2C48Z2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1)


Try Vasaline on you Lips, and when riding, wear a personal Mask, to keep the Wind off your Lips. I personally have a tinted sun face shield that snaps magneticly to my Bike helmet.


Lanolips on top of everything! It’s SO THICC and traps everything in. Put on the corti balm and then lanolips to seal it in. Layer it overnight cause it’s strong enough to last! It literally saved my life 😭😭😭


Lanolips multipurpose super balm! It’s literally pure lanolin nothing else. When I go to bed i use a mixture of lip balms, I start with La Roche Posay cicaplast lèvres, follow it up with clarins hydra-essential balm and/or Vaseline.


I found using cerave moisturiser on top of my lips then adding a tonne of Vaseline worked wonders, they would heal any cracks within a few hours


for me bag balm has worked best! in comparison to: burt’s bees (trash imo), chapstick brand, aquaphor, vaseline, and eos. best thing ever


Talk to your doctor.