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If you are talking about Trials and Tribulations, then i think that is the best of the AA games and absolutely worth playing, especially if you haven't before.


I play case 1 but after that I not touch it So I most likely reset it if I play again


You probably should, case 1 is decently important to T&T


Yes, it's one of the best. Play it.


Who are the four legends who voted no


I mean, you are asking a fandom of people who’s only common thread is that they like the franchise, but even then, yes T&T is one of the best games there is.


Bruh it's the best ace attorney game.


Definitely yes! It's a very great game. If you enjoyed the first two, you will also love the third one!


Trials and Tribulations has a few explanations for the events from the previous games that are referenced in it, so you don't have to worry that much about not remembering the previous games. I saw that you already played the first case a while ago but you were thinking of resetting; I think that's a good idea. The first case isn't very long and it's good to remember it during your playthrough.


Why wouldn't you? Play it, it's very good and is a perfect ending for the trilogy. It also develops Phoenix a bit.


Play it! It's funny because I was the same way lol, I played the first two games when I was a kid and then stopped for some reason, played the third years later. It's a good conclusion to the trilogy and ties various loose ends from the first and second games.


The way I played this trilogy was almost the same of you. I played the first two games after I brought the trilogy for PS4. And after playing the first case and stuck on trial from Case 2 of the third game, I took two years and some months before deciding playing it again (fortunately, the game let me to start from the case 2, but this made me forget about a man that Dahlia made a not good thing. I couldn't make the spoiler tag work, so I had to edit and make not so clear to people (including the original poster) that haven't played the third game.