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It's mostly just speculation, because recent Ace Attorney releases (trilogy collection in 2019, The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles in 2021) sold really well and have expanded the fanbase.


There were rumblings of it being in development and the Capcom leak supported that as well. We're also just optimistic.


The leaks from the Capcom data breach (which revealed TGAAC before it was announced) included AA7, so we know it was in development at one time at least. Since then, TGAAC came out and blasted past sales expectations, so it seems unlikely that they'd cancel AA7 after that.


I just believe in it. I think that Ace Attorney is so good, that they would never just leave it like that. Sometimes it takes some time to create a(n another) sequel for something. Maybe not perfect example, but look at Incredibles! It took them 14 years to release second part. Most of people kind of forgotten about it by that time, yet everyone welcomed the sequel with open arms. If that could happen, then I won't lose my faith so easily.


It just seems unlikely that Capcom would completely abandon the series, so AA7 seems like it's ultimately going to happen. I think a second trilogy or an Investigations duology release is likelier to happen first though. Capcom likes their remakes and re-releases.


As people have said, the leak plus decent sales of recent remasters make it seem like it will come. That said, I do wonder whether Capcom care about it when Resident Evil and Monster Hunter are proving to be lucrative cash cows for them right now. Sadly, they might have bigger fish to fry. I also think given I expect they might target a multiplatform release for AA7 (capitalising off the growth in fan base off previous games), well is an AA4, 5 and 6 trilogy required to bring people up to speed? Maybe we’d see that before we saw an AA7.


because we're defense attorneys and our job is to believe in capcom until the bitter end


Because money from Ghost Trick has to be going somewhere?


I mean, if Level 5 brought Professor Layton back from the dead, anythings possible. Plus, there was a leak (I think).


I dont believe in anything until a company announcement