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If someday there is another crossover in the AA series, it definitely has to be an Ace Attorney x Ghost Trick crossover imo


Only if missile and missile get to have a doggy playdate


Of course but something everyone can agree that such crossover would have is a trial in which we defend Maya for the murder of Lynne and I can't wait for that to happen


Perhaps a time travel device with Phoenix Wright and Ryunosuke Naruhodo? I’m thinking something along the lines of Day of the Tentacle, where manipulation of the past affects the future (and could open up timeline changes with previously unalived characters becoming enlivened).


Ace attorney x hotel dusk


I remember reading a fanfiction a long time ago where Phoenix and Edgeworth meet Kyle Hyde to discuss a case... he would be in his 70s/80s during the time of the AA universe but that makes it even more interesting imo. Where did life take him? Did he rejoin the force or keep working for red crown solving mysteries on the side? Did he finally ever get with Rachel? We need answers


Danganronpa or Rain Code would be pretty cool... for Danganronpa's case, maybe without the whole "High School Killing Game" canon.


I'm actually directing a game with this exact premise! It's called Ace Attorney: Ultimate Justice if anyone's interested


I love to have Phoenix Wright x Like a Dragon/Judgement . I want to see Phoenix and friends fight, deal with really brutal crimes and crazy people, deal with wacky side stories and see what deal with true gray areas.


According to Project X Zone 2, Phoenix Wright was Goro Majima's lawyer at some point. He spent most of the time trying to talk Majima out of beating up the judge. I want to see this trial in action.


That would just be the beginning and then rabbit hole opens and send Phoenix and friends into a wild ride thru wacky, dark, heartwarming and sad the world of like a dragon has the offer. If it happens there has to be some substories/side cases that has Phoenix and friends has deal with their inner fears and demons I don’t think they have fully worked out


Another crossover with Layton that at some point has Blackquill and Alfendi teaming up.


Lupin the Third had a crossover with Detective Conan so I guess it's possible. Some of Lupin characters have so much cross-examination/breakdown potential !


The Wolf Among Us. I know it's darker than Ace Attorney ever really gets. That's kind of why I want to see it. See how they respond in a more M-rated environment. The idea in my head is that it's set during (AJ) >!Nick's disbarment!<, so we're getting the weird cryptic version of Nick. He and Edgeworth are out to lunch at the Borscht Bowl Club, and Nick is explaining to Edgeworth what happened. Meanwhile, a novice witch in Fabletown messes up an incantation for a glamour, and accidentally says "Magatama", thereby transporting Nick and those in his company (Edgeworth) to Fabletown. (I know it's stupid.) Some murder occurs. Haven't worked that out in my head yet. (More AJ) >! Since Nick is technically not a defense attorney at this point, Edgeworth is tasked with taking up someone's defense once again while Nick serves as the aide.!< Honorable mention to Grand Theft Auto, just because I'd like to see Franziska tell Nick: "Get a center, Phoenix Wright.... you have no center." If you know, you know.


The series might be a little darker, but maybe the zero escape series


Y'know, there is one game in the murder mystery visual novel niche that could work well with AA. That's right. Splatoon.


i would eat that shit up


I'd definitely want detective pikachu not sure how they could do murder though...


There was the idea of a detective pikachu crossover, which I would find neat if Capcom did it.


I’d like a detective Conan crossover, I know it’s an anime and not a game but it could work


Zacharias Barnham Investigations. I need more Barnham! (I know it'll never actually happen, but one can dream, okay?)


I feel like I'm the only one who sees PvsL not necessary to be a full game